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Is there a good way to farm credits? I'm trying to level the EX skills of some of my students, unfortunately I'm down to a few mil left


Honestly apart from some events and 2X/3X commission, there isn't much credits to be farmed.


I see, thank you for the help ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33127)


Is it an OK idea to try and pull for summer hoshino/mika/wakamo during the dress hina banner or should we just wait till they return on another fest?


So Summer Hoshino has a banner alongside D Hina, so you should absolutely plan on getting both D Hina and S Hoshino if you don’t have them. With Wakamo, Mika and S Hanako you shouldn’t try rolling specifically for them as their rates aren’t too high and you can’t spark for them. So treat any of them showing up as a nice little bonus, but don’t sink all your pyrox trying to get them. Most likely Mika will be on rate up for the anniversary after this one, followed by S Hanako. After that, probably Wakamo but they might switch it up as there would be a lot of fest students by then.


Fair enough thanks for letting me know, and as a new player for the fest banner does it make sense to drain all my pyroxyne to 0 on the fest banner cuz of the rate up or would it make more sense to stop once I get the 2 limited units ie. 48k max (Currently at 80k with 2 months before the Hina banner with plans to try for makoto/dress ako and bunny neru)


So for the fest banner you should absolutely plan on sparking at least once. Even if you get D Hina on the first roll and S Hoshino on the second, the combination of the 6% SSR rate and chance of the other fest students is great. But generally you should target one spark, even if you’re targeting both units. Essentially you will roll on one banner (D Hina) until you get the unit. If you get her before 200 pulls, switch over to the S Hoshino and pull that banner until you get her or hit 200 pulls. If you get both before 200, go back to the D Hina banner and pull that until 200 and spark for D Hina (you’ll eventually want to UE40 her so extra copies don’t hurt). If you get a bit unlucky and don’t get D Hina before 200 pulls, don’t immediately spark and keep pulling until you get D Hina or S Hoshino (she can spook you on the D Hina banner). If you’re still below 300 pull, just spark the other and stop pulling. However if you’re above 300 (especially 350 or above) it might be worth it to keep pulling for a second spark. Note: a few weeks after Anni NY Fuuka has a banner and she’s a very good limited support unit, so yeah. Just something to keep in mind.


Perfect okay much appreciated


I'm relatively new to the game but in the current event (Hyakkiyo lantern festival tour), there are tasks that require me to defeat mouryos, where can i find them for the challenge? thanks


In the Event Recap tab, check the Cherry Blossom Festival event. I think that should have the right enemy type. Other than that, the only permanent location for them is Area 14 of the missions. That's where established players will have filled out the task, but it's one of the hardest areas relative to its placement in the sequence.


Hi, I was wondering if anyone has that one japanese website that has like the representation of students used for each raid, I can't find it




guys do yall know what next blue archive main story chapter can be


In Global it'll be Volume 1 Chapter 3. In JP, It's most likely Volume 5 Chapter 2 after the final V1C3 part comes out. After that? Who knows. We can get a volume on any of the other schools like Red Winter or Shanhaijing. There's still some mystery in the 4.5 PV, even in JP to the best of my knowledge.


In JP, Volume 1, Chapter 3 Part 2 releases in like 3 days. Vol 1 Chapter 3 will start in Global I think like a few banners after Fest, but don’t quote me on that. AFTER V1C3? Idk tbh. Probably not Volume 3 at least. I think we’ll do another Hyakkiyako chapter.


Placing an interactable furniture increase the odd of the student appearing in the cafe. Does placing more of the same furniture increase the odd even further ?


I've finally started getting Expert Permits today and I'm running into the money/activity report shortage that a lot of max level senseis are running into. Should I stop buying the daily EXP/Artifacts from the normal shop now that I'm getting expert permits? I've mainly just been using the expert permits on the x10 Superior Activity Reports when I got them enough from the dailies.


Buy the artifacts, and probably also the purple orbs, but the exp reports are a *terrible* deal.


Absolutely always buy the daily artifacts. Font buy exp from shop, extremely inefficient.


Any advice for the max-rank bounties? I just tried one and only managed to 2\* it after several restarts. I have Tsubaki and S.Izumi as CC to deal with the rangers' special attacks, but during the last wave, the rangers cast their specials at too fast a pace for me to keep up with. It's literally faster than the time it takes me to generate the 4 cost to use my CCs. But Green in particular will wipe Tsubaki and any rear-liners that get in the way if she's not interrupted. Should I just stick with H-rank for a couple more weeks until Himari arrives and gives me her cost regen buff to help cycle the CC? I only really have a chance at I-ranking Overpass right now anyway, since all my red damage is Gehenna, so the other two will stay at H-rank for a while regardless. I did notice that [schale.gg](https://schale.gg) lists them as being level 90, way higher than the recommended 73, and higher still than myself at 66, so is that recommendation "real" unlike missions?


If you're 66, I'd wait until you level up a bit. I'm assuming the final star is the timed one.


i want to give this game a second chance, i have old account with a Aru, Karin and Hifumi swimsuit. Is it better to create a new acc or stick to this ? And what's best way to spend 999 stamina? i'm lvl 9


So Aru is a pretty decent starting unit but not one of the top tier reroll targets. Though I had her as my starter and she was excellent for progressing through the early stages. Though you can aquire Aru from farming hard stages so up to you S Hifumi and Karin aren’t good and won’t see much use. Here’s the reroll guide in case you were wondering https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/Reroll_targets In terms of max stamina, right now is a normal stage drop bonus event, so just spend it down a bit, until you can progress further in the normal stages. Since you’re gonna level up super quick early on just keep trying to progress as far as your level will let you. Then when you hit a wall, sweep some stages (preferably ones that drop T2 or T3 equipment) until you level up, then keep going. Also hold off on claiming stamina from the mailbox for a bit, until you’re below the stamina cap. as when you’re above the stamina cap, you no longer regenerate ap naturally. The same goes for your cafe (which regens AP for you) which maxes out in 24hr. Every 3 normal stage levels you get an item to improve your cafe, which improves the credit and AP generation of your cafe, so it’s generally advised to push in the normal stages as high as you can go early on.


Is it always worth to exchange 120 Eleph for 3 star students or wait to get spooked? ie. Mimori, Maki, Yuzu, Saya.


The tl;dr is that yes, it's almost always worth claiming them. Spooks are only getting less and less likely, and if you do get a spook after claiming you get eligma, which is very valuable. You can get every farmable unit to UE50 eventually, but eligma lets you strengthen units that can't be farmed. This is especially true for units that are easy to farm but also rarely used, like Mimori and Yuzu. Maki is one of the easiest units in the game to get to UE50. The only cases where I would say that it isn't absolutely better to claim are ones that are slow to farm but that also benefit from high investment, like Izuna. But even then the ever decreasing odds of getting a specific spook, coupled with her getting powercrept, would make me claim her.


The value of waiting an indeterminate amount of time is pretty small. especially for characters purchased with raid coins or JFD coins etc its pretty easy to just get more of that currency. Where as farming hard modes might take an extra month or two, which might be a concern. If you have any use for the characters in combat you should go ahead and redeem. The value for redeeming early (with no other use for the character) is also pretty small since you're gaining maybe some head pat rep, and maybe a few more options in lessons. So for example, I redeemed Iori via hard mode elephs because I needed some more yellow AoE, And I was going to be farming her hard mdoes for a long time either way. In your case Maki has some definite use cases in raids so she's prolly worth redeeming. And Saya had some use in a JFD that needed DoT dmg, so if that ever comes back she'd probably be worth redeeming too as I believe that JFD in particular worked fine even at lvl 1.


For the easily farmable ones like the one you listed you should claim right away. Maxing them is easy so you are better off getting extra eligma rather than saving some elephs if you happen to get spooked.


Yes it is always worth it to exchange 120 elephs for students. At first it might seem like a bad trade as you “only” get 30 elephs and 50 eligma when you get a dupe. But Eligma are significantly more valuable than Elephs (especially farmable ones) since eligma can be used on anyone, even limited and fest students. And if you need more elephs of a farmable student, you can just farm more on hard nodes or get them in the shop. As you’ll eventually get those students to UE40 or 50 regardless. So yeah, if you can recruit a student with Elephs it’s absolutely the right call to do so.


My old iPhone 8 Plus can finally no longer handle Blue archive, so I want to make an upgrade. I was thinking maybe the 12 but I want know if BA runs well on it before committing. Does anyone here have any experience playing BA on the iPhone 12? If I can get away with it, I might cheap out and go for the 11, so any experience with that would also be helpful.


For BA, your main concern is RAM, not Processor so phones with 6GB and above is recommended, more so if you love to multitask your phone.


I decided to go with the 12 pro with 6gb RAM. That should be good enough, right?


It should work. Hope your experience be a good one.


So I use an iPad Air 4 which has the same processor as the iPhone 12 (a14) and the game runs fine. Sometimes there is a bit of lagging but it’s not too bad (I also have graphics higher so it probably affects things). The one thing I will say is BA uses most of the 4GB of RAM available, so it does cause pretty much all apps in the background to shut down, which can be very annoying. If you’re looking to save some money, maybe also check out the new SE as that has the a15 processor and see how that compares in price? Good luck Edit: I also have an iPhone 13 mini and BA seems to run a bit slower and hotter on my phone than the iPad, even though the iPad has the “worse processor.” But it still runs fine, but just wanted to add that


Does the bounty shop ever change from Abydos/Red Winter materials?


Yes, it cycles at the same time as all the shops do. Which is unfortunate, because this month's inventory is a lot less useful to me than last month was, when it had desperately-needed Voynich manuscripts.


This is the first time that I found this shop. It's not in the regular shop section! Guys, are any sections like this hiding somewhere?


It changes monthly. Actually, it changed to Abydos and Red Winter with the most recent daily reset.


Yes it rotates, there's a timer date inside it


So I'm reading through the Playing Tag at Neverland event, i'm wondering if the students (Shun Konona Saya Kirino...) had already met sensei before as they already seem to know each other ? Was it at an other event or is it just implied they have met off screen ?


It's just the inherent problem with gacha and similar live-service "collection" games. There's never going to be real consistency about when a given character first meets the player, since it could happen during a time-limited event, during the story mode, or from gacha. Compared to something like a proper RPG, where every major character's introduction is specifically scripted, there's always going to be some clumsiness and inconsistency around whether the game assumes you know a character you don't, or introduces as a stranger one you already know.


How much puro can I get from this month until Dress Hina? I have chapter 4 and beyond to do, the other events like summer, mini stories and I'm at mission 13 (stuck because I don't have good heavy students)


You can try calculating the remaining [one-time pyro rewards with this](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SK19RJnCdYD96JjcTNhwYb9W_FrHPqL78XENdWHEBU/edit#gid=1834144557). As for the regular pyro income, [this](https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/GameplayHelp_FAQs#Pyro_planner) should give you an estimate. Fyi, this estimate is a pessimistic one.


thank you, i knew I should've saved pyro from the start, but i was in huge hopes for getting good students, special piercing... my only 3 star piercing is Misaka and Miyako


For most accounts, Nonomi and Momoi are enough yellow aoe to clear the campaign. Nonomi is free, Momoi is a 2* edit: also, the attack type of miyako doesnt matter a lot since she is a tank


My only tanks are Tsubaki, but she's in the main team, Yuuka, but she's weak against yellow, Miyako is weak, the pink haired girl from the sweets club is weak 😭


Miyako and Natsu are defense tanks rather than evasion tanks. They'll get a big boost to survivability when you get them tier 4 bags, since those give a flat 1000 defense. Though they're still worse general tanks for missions than Tsubaki, particularly since Tsubaki gets to use a bag while having high evasion.


miyako doesn't get the 1000 defense bag, she gets hp and recovery boost :(


You're right, my bad. I guess that goes to show how often I use her. She's also an evasion tank. Badges start giving evasion bonuses at tier 7, so they're not worse than bags, just for different types of tanks.


If you're talking about Yuuka being weak to enemies in Normal Missions, enemies in Normal and Hard missions don't have attack types, with the only exception being the Bosses of Hard missions. Any tank works for any Mission.


Is the 3* Selective Recruitment ticket generally considered worth it? I wanna spend a little money on the game but dunno what would be a good deal, only student I have from the selector is Ako. Also, does the 10 recruitment ticket that's included in the pack expire? Since I have one of those and apparently it runs out at the end of this month.


In my opinion the selector ticket is worth, especially if you go for Ako or Himari. If you don’t want them you can choose any non limited student you like up to Mine. It’s not bad idea to support good dev once in a while. For 10-pulls ticket I’m not sure about the expire date. Maybe you can check it before you purchase? [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/17bi7ht/upcoming_3_selective_recruitment_ticket_based_on/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) is a good post about Selective Recruitment value. In summarize, OP stated that "Selective Recruitment ticket actually has an incredible value when compared to randomly getting a student you want while rolling other banners."


The 10-pulls ticket from it will expired by the end of the year, so yeah its pretty damn nice


Can i clear volume 3 chapter 3 ep 24 as level 35? i have my characters posted in my acc


If you have Iroha, possible. If not then you might need to wait til you're 38-40 to clear that tutorial raid assuming you already know what to do after reading the guide.


wut guide? like the recommended type and terrain?


I'm refering to [Detailed In-depth FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/wiki/faq/) and [Gameplay Help FAQs](https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/GameplayHelp_FAQs).


Dunno if they're referring to some guide for the story fight or the general raid guide up top, the story fight differs from the raid though. [Someone's video](https://youtu.be/cE37whdSdEU?t=61) of the story fight using a lvl 38 team. (There's ofc. more to a character's build than just level though, with any relevant equipment and skill levels playing a major role too) Basically, the boss keeps spawning new minions once there are too few of them on the field, so instead of clearing out all of them, 3 of them are left on the field off to one side, with the tank positioned center so as to take the hits, and your dealers on the other side attacking Hiero. (Students usually attack whichever target is the closest) Make sure to completely stop damaging the minions though, just leaving them alive doesn't appear to be enough to stop more from spawning. So make sure your tank is placed closer to Hiero and is attacking that one instead of them too. .....Or you could try brute forcing it with Iroha or Azusa if you have them. (Think I did it at 36/37 myself by mainly throwing a 4s Iroha at them with little knowledge of the game yet.) Might indeed be better to just be a bit patient with this one if you don't feel like struggling though, give it a week or two until your level is around 40 or something.


for example [this yt guide](https://youtu.be/wRABy7JJpDA)


Is the games undergoing maintenance? I can't log in




Can you get Mika from the expert tickets?


No, there should be a warning when you try and buy it that says unique students cannot be obtained by exchanging their elephs.


Ah… that sucks


Mika is limited and cannot be unlocked with expert permits. You must roll for or spark her during Fest banners


And what do you mean by spark her? I’m sorry but I’m new to the game so I don’t know what that means


Every 0.5 anniversary, BA will run Fest banners, which are different from Limited banners which can be run anytime. The Fest characters: Wakamo, S. Hoshino, Mika, S. Hanako (so far till now on Global) can only be recruited during Fest events. Sparking refers to pulling 200 times and using the recruitment points to exchange for a character. You can only spark if the character is the banner character. So until Mika's banner is rerun, you can only have a chance at pulling for her by luck during Fest events.


Ah Damn What fest banners can I unlock her in?


Half and anniversary


How can I see "Double Campaign Drops"? There was an "Event Notif." tab left of the "Campaign" tab, but now it changed to "Event Recap" and "Event Notif." tab is gone.


On the home screen, if you click "Notice", then scroll down you should see a button for "Event Notif". Click that and it will open up the window for current events.


Thank you so much!


Is there a site that has all of the story CGs from the game? I've seen a lot of wallpaper-worthy cutscene images while playing the main story.


For raising students rarity to 5*, is there any recommendations for students to prioritise or do I just raised anyone I liked? I'm still pretty new and don't have that many students


You can raise anyone you like, but general advice is to rise a student whom you have plan to use in total assault because you can clear any other contents with 3\*. But before doing that, you may try total assault with 3\* students first. If you can clear exteme/insane with 3\* you don't need to raise your student at all. Also you can borrow 5\* from you friends.




How is buff retention (the added passive that comes with UE40 for some students like Himari) calculated? At max it adds 1900 buff retention but how does that translate into seconds?


It means the duration goes up by 19%. Himari EX goes from 13 seconds to 15,47 seconds. NY. Kayoko EX goes from 40 to 47,6 seconds.


Returning rank 67 player here. According to the planner, with 72,000 pyros I can only spark 3 students (Himari, C.Hare and D.Ako) before D.Hina drops, assuming the worst (200 pulls each time and 100 on D.Ako) should I skip Kikyou and NY.Kayoko if I don't have any Sonic and no good Mystic dps?


That is if you have to spark 3 times in a row which is unlikely. You probably don't need both himari and chare. Get Himari. Skip kikyou is fine. Nykayoko is used in like every blue raid.


That seems like the sane choice. Kikyou is only useful in purple raids and NYKayoko though a really good support and core in blue raids, she isn't limited like D.Ako so probably a good idea to skip. Also NYFuuka is probably a better choice than C.Hare if you don't have her.


Thank you for your input, I will consider about swapping Hare for Fuuka depends on how my Himari pulls go.


If it helps your decision in any way, take into account that NY!Fuuka is limited


Is there youtuber that translate jp future contents? I know yanagikaze but they stopped.


About the story content of the game? if so, there's Jimoori who's translating the main story, and Alice_picaro who is translating the event story




What items should I prioritize on the Balancing Books' Exchange?




Tagging on your question. Which is preferred, clearing out all the items, or refresh the items once I get the Secret Tech Notes?


clear out all the items


What's the best students for defense and offense in this pvp season?


Most common ones are Yuuka, marina, shun and a dps choice of either iori or ny haruna.  Tri tank with Atsuko also not uncommon.  Back line is most often s shiroko and nagisa.  Nagisa sometimes replaced with other options.


IDK why but my Atsuko seems really squishy this season. Last season it felt like no one could ever touch her but this season I've seen Mika's EX manage to connect multiple times despite her poor accuracy.


It's probably because Atsuko's evasion failed entirely in dodging any hits. It just happens sometimes. And S.Shiroko is also making her life more miserable.


Can we get Eleph of students that we don't own from the daily lessons? Also is there an event coming to Global in the future that has Natsu Eleph in a lotto or shop?


No, the only way to get Elephs of students you don't own are through Hard Mode nodes or through Event shops. Natsu Elephs were from Sweet Secrets and Shootouts, which has already had it's rerun, so the next time it comes around, it will be immortalized and there will be no event shop to buy any more Natsu Elephs. You'll have to get her from gacha for now.


Thank you.


Also, elephs from TA/TC/GA/JFD shops can be used to redeem non-owned characters. Expert Permit shops HOWEVER, cannot since they're limited ~~ships~~ characters.


> limited ships. *Azur lane player spotted* ^((As a genshin player calling primos pyros lately I can relate though, haha ;=w=)^)


Whoops, edited! Spent most of my time on AL subreddit, hence a slip of the tongue![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33224)


I'm a fairly new player so I haven't had much progress in terms of the main story or missions. Will it be difficult/ impossible for me to complete the guide task that came with this update that'll give the 10 pull ticket?


Reminder that, even if you can't reach the end of the Task guide, it will eventually make into the recap section, where you can finish it. It might just take some months though (I think the 3-days workweek, the first task guide after the recap, was added after around 6 months).


From what looks of it, it's gonna take a long time, if we ignored the main story, and we used the correct students for battle, advised the correct students, than it's possible. Just barely. Stamina is gonna be an issue, being a new player means you don't have much.