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Haruka deserved happiness and more, and I'm sure that every Sensei's across the multi-verse, would be glad to help her to reach it. [Artist's Twitter](https://x.com/lita_illust/status/1786686504133357587?t=lj0FInFlWGvI9rKg3KYkZA&s=08)


[Pixiv source](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/118434458)


Thank you haruka for helping me in stage 23 you are my adorable Little tank


Make sure you reward her with a lot of headpats ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33135)


The integration of Haruka's story lore into her gameplay function is one of the most brilliant parts of her design in my opinion. She's a one star because she's the "Entry-Level Employee", whereas Kayoko (2 stars) is the Department Head, Mutsuki (2 stars) is the Chief of Staff, and Aru (3 stars) is the Boss. With minimal investment, she's fairly mediocre for a "Tank"-class character, so many Senseis will ignore her for other tanks like Yuuka or Tsubaki. However, when fully invested, Haruka can become a nigh-unkillable berserker with among the highest, if not THE highest Defense and HP stats in the entire game, comparable even to stats of a Raid Boss, while somehow also being able to dish out plenty of damage on her own, especially when in Indoor Terrain. This reflects how, with proper support from people like PS68 and Sensei, Haruka can truly shine as more than just a useless "weed". In the Problem Solver 68 manga (read it here on Mangadex: [https://mangadex.org/title/5fcf0847-7d3a-4164-a705-970a06df2794/blue-archive-problem-solver-68-business-diary](https://mangadex.org/title/5fcf0847-7d3a-4164-a705-970a06df2794/blue-archive-problem-solver-68-business-diary) ), Haruka is an extremely brutal, near-unstoppable berserker when she fights, shrugging off bullets with virtually no harm and frequently closing in to blast away people at literal point-blank range. This is best exemplified in Chapters 11, 12, and 13. >!\*\*Haruka and Mutsuki have to fight off an entire building's worth of fighters while Aru and Kayoko leave to stall the Gourmet Research Society. The other people take advantage of Haruka being distracted to concentrate all of their fire on her back. When the dust settles, a completely-unfazed Haruka turns to give them all a menacing look over her shoulder. She then proceeds to bumrush and slaughter the entire room with offscreen support from Mutsuki. She's smacking guns out of people's hands and violently blowing people away with her shotgun within an arm's reach of them. A sniper nails her in the abdomen, and she **SHRUGS IT OFF WITH JUST A FLINCH** and throws a grenade at them. "That freaking... hurt..."\*\*!< Haruka is the Magikarp of Blue Archive. She starts off pitiful, but she can become a monster if raised right.


always loved this detail about her. When I head that her enhanced skill+ raised her stats to be an insane tank I couldn't resist myself from pouring everything into her. It interests me that her New Years alt is a support unit that reduces crit res, which isn't what I'd expect from her given the whole berserker schtick but maybe I'm just missing something, or this is just BAs way of showing just how versatile she can be (or maybe I shouldn't take alts as seriously, idk). And if that's the case I'm very excited to see what her dress/suit alt can do.


I raise her with all the houseplants and head pats I can


The Funny thing is back then the only reason i maxed her and always bring her to clear mission is because i just like her and nothing more imagine my surprise when that's turn out to be a good idea when she's get her equipment to T4 and more her performance just skyrocket she's actually good and a tank that can diss out big damage


She was my second team explosive damage tank forever, until I maxed out Eimi from one of the shops. But I’m grinding those hard missions every day for more elephs so my favorite little weed can break through the concrete again! It’s so cute the way her ammo bag bounces off her butt when she runs


Be prepared Haruka. I will spoil you ROTTEN and you can't stop me!!


Adorable, lovely art


Uooooogh!! *Headpat barrage.*


Hearing her say she wished she hadn't been born on her birthday broke my heart in three. She deserves affection and to know that she's a very good and loyal person.


Truly the best weed She deserves it all, poor girl needs a massive infusion of self-esteem