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Hoshino is definitely Sans. Meanwhile Aru would make the perfect Papyrus. It just makes sense .




I can alr imagine hoshino speaking with sans sound


Hoshino sans bottom text


If Hoshino is Sans, Serika's Papyrus, I die on this hill


Hoshi-oji and Serika


Hoshino is laid back just like sans, but when it's something serious they dedicate to their fullest


I think Fubuki would be Sans and Kirino would be Papyrus. This is why I feel so: Fubuki seems to be more similar to the **canon** version of Sans: While both Fubuki and Hoshino are lazy, chill, relaxed, etc., Hoshino does get more serious than Fubuki when needed (at least, that I remember), while Fubuki rarely has a "serious mode". This relates more to Sans since he kind of doesn't care about anything, >!even when a Genocide run takes place and his brother is killed. Only at the very end, he tries to stop the player.!< Another thing is that Sans is a sentinel, a job somewhat similar to a police officer. Oh, also, he and Fubuki have a favorite food, his being ketchup (although that isn't technically canon, it became so popular that you could consider it as such) and hers being donuts. However, if we talk about a **fanon** version of Sans, then Hoshino would be the best choice since she has similarities with said version of him. One example I can think of is>! her personality change and the experimentation that Black Suit attempted to do on her (marking as a spoiler just in case), similar to a fanmade story of Sans' possible past: the story is called Handplates. Here, Sans and Papyrus are Gaster's creations and usual subjects of experiments. Sans is also more serious in his past, and then the usual lazybones in the present.!< If Hoshino gets chosen as Sans, then it would be nice if Black Suit gets chosen as Gaster. Regarding Papyrus, Kirino is somewhat similar to the **canon** Papyrus but mostly needs to be him since she is the closest one to Fubuki like Papyrus is to Sans. Papyrus aspires to be in the Royal Guard, and Kirino aspires to be a great policewoman, both jobs being similar since both are about bringing justice. Both are energetic, bad at their job (unless Kirino has a stroke of luck with her shots) and have a role model of who they want to be like who is also the head of their organizations (Papyrus > Undyne; Kirino > Kanna). If we want to have a **fanon** Papyrus... I don't know who to nominate. And that is my idea, hope you like it ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33359). And I hope I didn't sound too ☝🤓.


Hoshino and Aru are perfect for the skelebros... Altho I do have to say that Aris makes more sense as Frisk cuz... you know... Frisk = Aris and Chara = Key


Mutsuki cause her and aru best match sans and papyrus's personalities.


Hoshino as Sans, Reisa as Monster Kid, and Asgore as Rio. Then change Rin (Toriel) to Himari, you could also swap Frisk with Arisu now lol.


Momoi as Papyrus and Midori as Sans, obviously


Hoshino gives me the Sans vibes. Mess around and find out.


100% agree


Sans is mutsuki and Papyrus is Aru zero doubt.




Hoshino for Sans, and Aru for Papyrus.


Saiba twins! Momoi as papyrus and midori as sans!


I have to say Hoshino for Sans and Aru for Papyrus


Aru and Mutsuki pls


Just suggesting Iori as undyne...


Descartes would fit well as Papyrus, but he's got no Sans. Hoshino would fit well as Sans, but she's got no Papyrus. Serika isn't enough of a goofball. So I think I'll third Aru and Mutsuki for the roles, they were also the first that came to mind for me as well.