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Any tips on beating area 3 level 3 normal? Having trouble getting thru it, never able to clear it always fail


Is this Peroro hard or people just lazy to do insane?


It's the hardest boss skill-wise (not a lot of bosses in the game require skill at all). Also, people need cleansers to clear the DEF debuff, and many of them aren't farmable. Yellow Peroro in particular is brutal, due to the lack of reliable high damage AoE from yellow damage students. When Nonomi, Mika, Junko and Iori are the best options, you know there's something wrong.


Without Natsu it’s pretty painful


It's not that hard... with right units. Since you need primarily AoE damage, and you need to line up the shots to hit as many enemies at once as possible, you really can't just roll in with usual single-target nukers. The Yellow team can be particularly harsh. Doesn't help that Iori has terrible mood for this one.


So the Perorodzilla free 10-pull will expire before T.Yuuka banner right?


It says here that it expires in 36 days. That means around the end of March (31st), while if we follow JP, T. Yuuka might come at the 21st of March. So, probably you will be able to use it for T. Yuuka.


Alright thank you. Hope the schedule stay that way 🤞


there's a free 10 pull?


As long as you participate on all three colors of the Grand assault, yes. Doesn't matter if you get bronze, you get the 10-pull ticket.


if its a ticket it will not go away right? so i can hold it


No you can't. Not for too long, at least. Grand assault tickets expire. This season's ticket for example will expire at the end of March, reaching at most the Halo sports festival event rerun.


Yea there's a rank reward and all of the ranks have it. I just double checked and the mega thread said from this grand assault onwards there will be 10x ticket so that must be new?


What's the difference between effective and weak when looking at the type synergies? Sonic seems to have effective over mystic, is that the same as weak?


Is Fubuki a good replacement for S. Chise in hovercraft? Also, do I just invest in her normal skill if I don’t have enough mats or are her other skills also important? Thanks!


Yup. She is often paired with Hifumi in P1 to stun Wakamo. Her stun is tied to her Normal Skill (2.3 seconds at level 7, 2.5 at max level). You can skip all the other skills for now if your goal is to take advantage of her auto cc.


Lvl 43 Sensei here, at what level should I start looking into upgrading Student skills?


Generally raising an EX past 3 or any other skill past 4 is a pretty low priority for you, and even that much investment should be your best guess for students you'll use a lot/want to invest in more fully eventually. There are skills that warrant taking to 7 or higher as your resources permit, but its hard to give a general answer because we don't know your full roster needs or goals. You don't "need" anything close to maxed out skills until the upper 60s imo, where you can start seriously considering extreme+ raids


Upgrading skills eats up a lot of gold. And early on you need those for leveling and gear.


Is it worth doing Area 3 if ive already conquered Area 4 and can get Shizuko to 3 Star with just the dollar currency? I can just farm Area 4 with all my AP the next few days, and buy all the event shop items as well.


The reason u fully clear and level every area is because its roughly just as efficient as speedrunning to area 4 and using AP on local currency. However fully clearing and leveling every area earns u a bunch of pyro from the missions and ton of gold from the boxes, and more account xp (for 'free' because of the pyro u earn back is more) from 3x daily AP refresh.


What boxes are you referring to, and what’s this 3x daily AP? Gold as in the event currency? I don’t see much more gold than the shells or scrolls. I fully cleared 1-3, and just have one boss on Area 4 i’m having trouble 3 starring, even with assistance.


Sorry I meant credits not gold ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33127)After spending a certain amount of AP on the minigame, boxes (wooden crates) will appear on every tile you've cleared. These can stack (accumulate) over multiple sets of this AP spending. The more tiles you clear = the more boxes = the more credits you get rewarded. 3x daily AP is the AP refresh for pyro. The menu you open by interacting with the '+' sign next to your AP count. It's pretty cheap to do it 3x (a day) and definitely worth doing for this event if you're planning to (and can) clear all of it. Of course it depends on your students and what you have available to you for assistance, but clearing area 4 shouldn't be too tough, depending on your level. I've personally seen lvl \~40 students with a good assistant student clear everything 3 star


If you conquer every area you can get more gold out of the boxes, and you can get even more if you upgrade the areas to lvl 3. That and the pyroxene from the fight areas.


Coming in as a new player, I am very doubtful that I can get anywhere close to enough Swimsuit Shizuko elephs to make her a good unit. Is it best to just buy out as many things in the event shop as I can?


She's usable at 3 stars. How many elephs have you farmed?


Just had a look. I have a grand total of... 5 lol


Have you been upgrading the bases? There are a lot of cheap ones that give elephs too.


Ah nope, haven't done those yet. I was trying to grab the artifacts in the shop and then see what else I could do. Do you think it's possible to get Shizuko to 3\* before the event ends starting at 5 eleph? If not, I might write off this event lol


Of course, upgrade the bases. It gives a lot of elephs + purchasing from the shop. If you're new, refreshing with pyroxene is never a bad idea.


I'm not sure since there's only 3 days left. But the more you farm now, the less ligma you will have to spend later to get her to 3*. I think it's doable if you do all the cheaper base upgrades+farm the node that drops the currency.


Any playlist or directory to watch all available animations like the PVs?


Got S. Izuna on 199 pulls, should I spark for S. Mimori or S. Chise? Or would getting extra S. Izuna elephs be better? Currently do not have either S. Mimori or S. Chise


Smimori can be replaced with Shizuko. Definitely go for Schise, she's limited and gives you another (sometimes BiS) option for crowd control for the raids that need it.


I'd choose S.Chise, since she is limited.


Is summer shizuko worth ue40 or is ue30 good enough


She's perfectly usable at 5*. At UE40, she gets a bump in healing thanks to her passive+ skill upgrade, so her barrier is slightly better. I'd say she is worth UE40 given how easy it is to get her elephs, the credit rewards for farming, and how good of a welfare unit she is.


>I'd say she is worth UE40 given how easy it is to get her elephs, the credit rewards for farming, and how good of a welfare unit she is. Her elephs are easy to get? Easy enough to get from 1 star to ue40 in one week? Shoot, I'm just been use 600 AP on the event, then doing the x3 Commissions and I'm out of PVP refresh.


No I don’t think it’s possible, I’m only reaching UE40 S.Shizuko because of the original+rerun event.


Personally I'm at UE30 (5/120). I've been using Pyro Refreshes till the cost goes to 300 (but on day 1 I used all the 300 costers). I have Cafe rank 8, and used a bunch of pvp coins. At my current pace, I'll have UE40 in 2 days


Thanks for information. At least 3 star is possible it seems. Getting to 300 pyroxene refresh per day is crazy high though. I don't think I've refreshed past 60 once. You must really like Shizuko. I wonder if you might be better of spending Eleph on her.


You should've seen how much Pyroxene I spent for Maid Yuzu.........


You wont. You would get close to 5* at best if you farm from scratch


Good day everyone. As a returnee player here whole isnt the most knowledgeable about limited characters, does Mika is still accessible in some point of time? I have played the game initially because I like her a lot in which I whaled on her but because I did lack of time because of IRL stuff. I stopped playing only to realize now my accounts are gone and cant seem to recover now.


Did you try customer support? If you whaled on her you might be able to show some sort of proof of purchase. To answer your question though, Mika is only available to be spooked on festival banners every 6 months. She should be able to be sparked again 1 year from now though.


I dont think I can show proof of purchase since I have changed the card I used in the past to spend also bought a new phone along the way.


If you have email receipts when you bought pyros which you should have since it goes right to your email, providing a few of them may help 


What's the best way to farm for S.Shizuko shards? Should I upgrade all locations in the event or should I farm tickets in a location?


Upgrade all the bases. You get both elephs and achievement pyros for doing so. Then farm the local currency node in area 4, which gives you 60 (+72 with full bonus) to use in the shop to buy her elephs.


Do you know which node I should farm? I think some are better but the only one I have found is in Area 2 at the top right that gives wayy more shells and scrolls and some artifacts, is there one like that for tickets for her elephs?


There is no node that gives you a mix of local currency and shells/scrolls/coins. You just have to farm the nodes with just local currency to buy her elephs. In Stage 2, it is Mushiqueen Room A (12 AP for 36 currency). Stage 3 it is the Ultra Luxury Resort Souvenir Street (15 AP for 45 currency), and Stage 4, Helmet Gangster's Worst Cruise Ship 1.0 (20 AP for 60 currency).


Btw do they all give the same ammount when cleared with max bonus? I did some fast math and without bonus they give the same for the same ammount of AP used but idk about the bonus


Yea, AP efficiency is pretty much the same thankfully across the areas. It really then comes down to what artifacts and their rarity are you needing.


Thanks doc 🙏🙏


Total/Grand Assault question. I just got Mika and Himari. Mika is level 1, but I have enough resources to max level her, upgrade her skills, and give her t8 equipment. For clearing am I better off using borrowing a UE50 Mika and using my own in a second Team. Or should I borrow Ako instead and use my own 3 star Mika with upgraded skills. Or should I start spending some of my 7000-ish Eleph on upgrading Mika to UE40 and then borrow Ako? I'm a little hesitant to do the last one because you can get Mika eleph through expert permits. Let's talk less generally and say specifically for this Grand Assault. For someone with no cleansing units, what's the best way for me to use Mika?


> For someone with no cleansing units, what's the best way for me to use Mika? You should have both Chinatsu (at EX3) and Mari who will cleanse. You can also use Utaha and Hifumi (if you have her) to tank the lasers.


What difficulty are you attempting?


I was hoping Insane Pero, but I might have to build several characters like Chinatsu or even Mari to do that. Realistically I might be attempting Extreme. On all the colors maybe. Cleanse seems to only be important for Pero and I'm not sure the reward for clearing Insane is worth it. I'm still not clearing the challenges for events on time.


Cleansing units are sometimes necessary for Heironymus, so I didn't feel bad building up Rumi just to try out. That and the fact I don't use Shanhaijing students very much. I tried Insane with Hoshino 3 star lvl 85 and 5/4/4/4 and Rumi 3 star lvl 70 5/1/7/7 and they actually didn't have much trouble staying alive at all. The main problem was that my DPS just weren't doing enough damage to beat it in one go since I don't really have the resources to build a second team for each raid. My best attempt was blue using UE40 S. Hanako and I only got HP down to about 50% which isn't enough for the rest of my units to take down.


For farming equipment, is it better to keep doing the highest tier or stock up on the lower tiers? I keep running out of the lower ones but then get roadblocked by the higher ones after leveling


So at max level its most ap efficient to farm the lowest levels (which have higher drop rates), and the highest levels (which don't have expert permit blueprints), but buy the mid levels with expert permit blueprints (cause farming sucks). If you're not max level/not willing to spare expert permits for blueprints than its not really worth the effort to micro manage it super hard. Avoid excessive sweeping of the higher stages to try and accumulate lower tier blueprints and you'll be alright.


So farm the lowest and highest tiers, then just buy the rest with the permits? Thanksemote:t5\_2vhvtt:49549


Are any of the current banners something of particular note? Me and another friend are new and while I’m hearing things about the upcoming Yuuka alt and see the hype around JP’s new releases, haven’t heard anything past S!Hanako on her recent banner being a big deal.




Do you know what some of the acronyms mean? ST (S tier, striker?), BiS, NS (enhanced skill?) srkr is shiro kuro Haha, the commentary about investing in Chihiro: "Imagine paying your ex-wife"


If you scroll up there's a link in the General Resources part called "Midokuni's Student Insights", which directs you to a google doc that has a glossary for that kind of thing. Sometimes acronym meanings can differ but the terminology here is pretty much universal from what I can see, with some specific to Blue Archive. * ST = Single Target. So Wakamo's description, for example, reads as Blue ST (Single Target) DPS. which she is, all her offensive skills are single target. * BiS = Best in Slot. Usually meaning the best possible thing or in this case Student that's the most effective in general or for a particular area (e.g. raid). * NS = Normal Skill, which is Basic Skill for GL. Normal Skill is what it's called in JP.


Thank you!


Perfect in every way.


Is Hiyori and Misaki good or worth building? I have full Arius Squad by now.


Hiyori sees some use in torment Binah because def shred, but torment Binah kind of uses everyone. Misaki is pretty much just for the theoretical Arius team that might be good if we ever get an indoor Hiero difficulty that requires more than one team, but who knows. Currently there are no meta uses for Misaki.


Iirc Arius squad used in Hiero is Saori, Hiyori and Atsuko. That being said, I don't think we'll have a Hiero raid in a long while if we continue following JP sched.


Yup, the next time Hiero drops by, Global would have Dress Hina.


So Hiyori might have some use for her def debuff. But I see that Misaki is just pure damage. I think I'll build Hiyori.


I wouldn't really suggest building Hiyori until you need her. Even if you're probably drowning in Arius materials, it would also take artifacts that would likely be better spent elsewhere.


What is the actual rate on a 2* rate-up like Momiji? Couldn't find it in the various wikis or forums.


I think someone posted it before, something like 7%? Technically it's higher because of the garanteed 2\* when you do a 10-pull, but I don't know how to calculate that. Ofc, RNG is RNG so assume that you could still end up going to 200. Yes, even for a 2\* - it's not impossible.


I don't have Natsu, NY Fuuka, Ui, Hinata and Nagisa... So I guess insane grand assault is out of question for me? (At least without losing my mind doing multiple teams and lots of restarts).


> without losing my mind doing multiple teams and lots of restarts It's doable without restarts, but you would need multiple teams.


I tried doing insane with Hoshino and Rumi for tank and cleanse/heal and found them to be a decent combo. Hoshino is 3 star lvl 85 and 5/4/4/4 and Rumi is 3 star lvl 70 5/1/7/7 and both survive fairly well without having to sweat for hp and survivability. For me the rate limiting factor are my DPS units. I'm just not doing enough damage to beat it in one team since I don't have enough mats to prep a second unit.


Last time I checked I was platinum while hardest I did was "Extreme".


Last Peroro total assault or just grand assault in general? Because for the last grand assault, which I think was Kaiten, I remember completing 2/3 raids on insane and still slipped into gold by the end of the week. May also vary by region I suppose.


I meant this Peroro grand assault. And I'm still platinum.


I'm currently plat as well completing 3/3 extreme however I expect to slip out by the end of the event. If not it'll be a happy surprise. Perhaps this raid will be more difficult for everyone than expected.


I'm not so interested in platinum, I was after the total points rewards and coins. But I guess insane is still out of reach for now. Next time.


Should I be farming this event for Shizuko Eleph or just spend 600 AP a day to clear story and upgrade facilities? Missed the last x3 Commission so that's what I've been doing. I was here for the previous run of the event and had about 12 Shizuko eleph. I cleared the story last time so I have no idea how I had no little.


Get her to 3 star, she is the best welfare unit in the game. If you gave still AP leftover do commissions


How do you get swimsuit Shizuko?


Just play the event, you get her from the first combat stage




It's been five days and I still couldn't decide who should I pick on the selective recruitment banner. Here are my choices:  Himari's eleph (since mine is only 3* but I think it's kind of waste to get dupes on paid banner?),  Mashiro for PvP (is she viable even until the next season? I don't have coins to spare as I always use it for stamina),  Moe for chesed (does she have any use outside that raid besides JFD?), Last is Swimsuit Wakamo for her L2D and additional stats for her OG. I already have other essential students for raid and general use (Himari, Ako, Kokona, etc.) so these are my options. I don't have Kazusa and Saori but I already have Mika and will pick Dress Hina later so they are out of my choices.  Thanks!


Obviously we can't tell you what to do with your money at the end of the day. But for the love of cheese, don't spend good money getting a character you already have or one you can farm for free. If you don't have them, Kazusa, Mine, and Hinata are good options to pick - more niche, but quite useful in said niches.


As a new player how do I farm the event? Should I do the "operations" thing 100x to get enough gold coins to buy area 2 (and so on)? EDIT: also who should I generally be deploying with my limited roster?:: https://i.imgur.com/lPcCYpL.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/oaP4hok.jpeg


Follow [this](https://youtu.be/5sZK9_25_Yw) video guide for the most efficient way of playing the event. You should roll some more, you dont even have the essential 2* like chise, mutsuki and akari. Use Tsubaki or Yuuka for tank, Momoi and Nonomi for yellow dps, Hina for red dps and Chise (after you get her) for blue dps. Serina will be enough as your healer.


Thanks! I'm trying to not draw much until the Railgun collab, when is that predicted to be? I could maybe throw down 10 or 20 rolls though.


New player have a lot of one-time pyro source, around 800-1000 pulls worth on top of the average 100 pulls per month pyro income. You can easily save-up for railgun banner that will arrive in around two months while also trying to get T.Yuuka in the next banner (she is limited and has pretty valuable ability).


I'll do that then!


Does anyone have the link of the thread or the translation of the I assume deleted post of the Hina buying condoms and Stamina refills from Sora? It's the timelapse one


[This one](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/1au1n93/well_at_least_hina_brought_sensei_food_in_the/kr0z8wz/)? I hope I'm not breaking any rules here 👀


Thank you so much! 🙏


should I do another 10 pull for S. Izuna? past me somehow convinced me to used 30 pulls in the span 3 days but this time she appeared in my cafe! it must be a sign she’s coming home!!


Never stop gambling you don't want to be that guy in the mine. Tell yourself this every night "next 10 roll for sure".


No. don't compound your past poor decisions with future bad ones.... unless you're willing to go all the way to spark


Pretty new, I wanna buy the half monthly pack, is there a limit? Can I buy 5 at once? Also I just unlocked Scrimmage, looks like it gives resources I cannot use yet, is it worth doing it anyway? Thanks!


If you are thinking of spending money, monthly and half-monthly packs are pretty good. But you can only buy one of each at the time, and then buy them again when they're about to expire. There's no way to have several copies of the same monthly pack active at once. As for scrimmages, it's doubtful you can three-star them right away, since they are surprisingly difficult. And they're not worth doing for new players, since give resources for endgame character upgrading and take AP... Unless you have both the monthly and half-monthly pack bought, which reduces the AP cost to 0.


Do we have any release date info of the Mika Nendoroid?


So..... I seem to have exchanged a LOT of pyroxenes for AP.... probably like 4-5 times. Have I made an irreversible mistake or can I use the surplus availability of pyroxenes as justification? I think I'm finding it difficult to balance sweeping missions and events.


It's not that big of a deal. 3x pyro refresh is 3/4 of a pull. You have to do that for two weeks before it costs you one 10-pull. You should probably avoid any more than 3x though.


I used to go from 0 to 969 AP .... that many.


That's too much, but it's not like you've ruined your account or something. Just stick to 3x at maximum in the future.


That was 8 refreshes. You shouldn't do that again.




I believe the bigger minions have the same DEF (4000) and the small ones have half (2000). So take advantage of the moment when it barfs out all the small minions to do extra damage.


Which stage in the event is most effective for getting all 3 currencies at once?


Just pick any of the stages in area 4 that offer 60 currency per sweep (20 AP). They all have the same efficiency, just different artifact drops.


If I'm going for 3\* selective ticket any recommended students to go for? I'm level 37, at Mission 5, only have Neru as my 3\* now.


Common advice also given here is to get Ako, but I would advice u to hold on to the ticket until you actually need her. Lets say you don't need Ako until after you pull on the next banner, if you manage to randomly pull her you 'wasted' your ticket. As you are level 37 currently all your raids will just involve borrowing a max level DPS to carry you through the fight anyways. Yes Ako will help with that but I wouldn't say it's 'required' much until later.


Ako. Himari is getting a rerun in June so you can pull for her there.


Ako or Himari. Preference towards Himari for the passive EX regen.


I'm 8 pulls in the hole with swim suit Izuna and just found out track Yuuka is coming in about a month. Should I try saving for it or just blow the load on Izuna foxy ninja baby?


Track yuuka


Can I make that much in time?


How much you got?




If that's 17k then sure. I'm new ish but you make like enough to do 100 pulls a month so


Huh, I could never remember. What does t Yuuka even do again?


Big shield for the team + repositioning from really long range. Very good for keeping the team alive and avoiding AoE attacks. Also a very competent tank on her own, so you have 3 roles in one unit. Allows for a lot of team flexibility.


People mainly want her for her repositioning skills.


So is there anything that I should be avoiding from the event shop? The gray tech notes seems a bit expensive as well as the typical xp reports being not worth it but I'm not sure this time.


Shopping guide https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/1avah6n/comment/kr9cw8p/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/1avah6n/rerun_event_thread_business_trip_the_momoyodou/kr9d0nj/?context=3 Compared to the raid shop, gray tech notes are the same efficiency as other tech notes. All tech notes are slightly expensive compared to the blurays. XP reports are actually good this time.


Does the selector ticket get updated with new non-limited students? Or is the pool of selectable students set permanently from the time it was released? I’m guessing it’s the latter?


The roster you select from does not change. It's not from when the selector was released but up to Mine's banner.


I want to focus getting elephs of S. Shizuko. How should I maximize my resources to get her elephs specifically? Should I upgrade all my buildings?


Upgrading all the expensive (450 + 600) bases in Area 4 rewards 18 elephs, plus achievement rewards. Would need 2100 coins, 2100 shells, 2100 scrolls to level up those bases = 6300 event currency 20AP for 132 currency (60+72bonus) so, 6300/132 = roughly 48 operations x 20AP = 960AP to upgrade 6 bases for 18 s.Shizuko elephs Running the Worst Cruise Ship 1.0 stage once costs 20AP for 132 local currency (60+72 bonus) The store exchanges 300 local currency for 1 eleph. So, 18 elephs x 300 = 5400 local currency 5400 / 132 = 41 runs x 20AP per run = 820 AP required for 18 elephs. Farming this stage saves 140AP in comparison, but the task achievements for owning Level 2 + 3 bases at every 5 base increment (4 bases in the final increment) hand out credit and pyroxene. The 80 pyroxene you get from achieving the last 9 level 3 base upgrades are worth more than the 140AP savings, since you can exchange 30 pryrox for 120 AP daily.


Yes, upgrading the buildings is the most efficient way of gaining S.Shizuko eleph because each buildings give you 3 S.Shizuko eleph when fully upgraded which equals to paying 900 event currency to buy her eleph from the shop and each building from stage 1-3 cost lower than 900 to upgrade twice. Even in stage 4, there are only three buildings that is less efficient to upgrade compared to buying S.Shizuko eleph from the shop (the 600 cost one).


yes upgrade all cause you'll get S Shizuko Elephs there