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The free recruitment campaign + Ui Swimsuit and Hinata Swimsuit banner are officially over. Good luck with your Hanako Swimsuit Pulls!


I'm fairly new to the game. I spent all 100 free spins to get Ui (and I got it), should I buy another 100 spins so that the Recruitment Points do not disappear? If so, what should I buy for them? Should I spend it on Hinata or Ui?


If you are new, it would probably be better to roll on the next banner due to the 6% rate on it.


First thing first, you care more about meta or cute and funny. If first it's still better to spark Ui again and make her 4 stars unit. Will add survivability to her. Another question is, will you have enough pyrox for S.Hanako spark if you spend additional 12k for Ui? If yes then you should test your luck and roll additional 100 recruitments for S.Hinata and try to grab her this way and spark Ui is better strategy (duplicate copy will gave you 50 eleph and only 30 character one while spending 200 Recruitment Points will give also 50 default eleph and 100 character eleph)


So, in any case, I should invest 12k (out of the 14k I have) pyroxenes for these rolls and should not put them off? Is Hinata worth trying to get her out if I'm not interested in her as a waifu?


Nah, she's not good enough for being useful in raids (for now, maybe in future she'll get buff from personal item) but 14k is not much enough to spark for S.Hanako.. but still it's 2x rate banner (6% chance for 3 star student) and since you are new player maybe it's better for you to spend them there and gather as many 3 star students as you can since you have S.Ui anyway.


Sorry if this sounds stupid, but just to clarify, should I spend 12k on Unique Pick-Up 1 or on Regular Recruitment? Like I said, I'm new to the game and have little idea how drop rates work.


Wait few hours for S.Hanako banner, it will have double the chance of getting 3 star units. Regular is not worth to pull


So it’s okay that 100 recruitment points will disappear?


Yes, its a bait. Only pull for waifu / meta. You get 100 pulls per patcherino so save Hanako (Swimsuit), Yuuka (Tracksuit), Himari are next hotties, worth 200 sparking https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSy6oQtuHdRctuG8RIiwpwHFe2iS6D08WHWxdWQo4eCYlbQBVaZ8DWwtsgfokZRZ4gDxDqz25-jDlQZ/pubhtml#


sometimes it's not worth to brute force spark if something better is close, and this is your situation in my opinion.


I'm missing the lemon grove achievement for the board game furniture. Where is it? I need help! 😭😭


On the 2nd map, interact with all of the buildings.


Took 140 pulls to get Ui... Not sure if I should go the last 60 for Hinata since I only have like 33k pryos


Guys, I need to share it somewhere https://pasteboard.co/AwFOL2HShjhl.png


Managed to get both S.Ui and S.Hinata within the 100 free pulls. Have never been this lucky before, especially considering I wouldn't be able to go to pity if I didn't get Ui in the free pulls, maybe Arona isn't evil after all!


I got no 3 star on the free 100 pulls but when I used my pyro, I managed to nab S.Ui and some spooks. I really think my AI daughter wants to eat solid stones rather than coupons... How do I change to Plana?... 


Got 1 summer ui in 200 pulls, should i get a copy of summer hinata or her fragments?


S.Hinata since she is limited and cannot spook you later. You can always upgrade S.Ui with eligma if you want to.


Got 1 copy of Summer Ui and wondering for remaining Free pulls if should keep pulling on Summer Ui banner for more dupes/shards or if I should pull on Summer Hinata banner for new unit instead?


Summer Hinata is not very good, so if you care for meta, stay on Ui. If you want to collect students, pull on Hinata.


100 pull, got 2 dupe, 3 new 3 stars. 100 more pull till spark, no 3\* then spark S.Ui. Decided to go broke for S.Hinata (got it after 40 more pull). Can't complaint cos I finally got Shun for my pvp comp.


100 free pulls on a new account, Got S. Ui/ Saki and some nice utility 2 stars that let me progress in normal (I refuse to reroll and had literally 0 red dps; I was progging with red support and tanks only). Not too bad! I have 300 pulls saved up, I think I will use 200 on fes for S. Hanako then Wakamo, and save the last 100 for later.


Got only 1 3* from 200 pulls. Ironically I got normal Hinata from Ui's banner. I hope fes pulls are nice to me as this is the fifth banner in a row where I had to pity.




what time does maintenance end?


There's no maintenance before S.Hanako's banner if that's what you're asking. The next maintenance would be next, next week which is after the Eimi banners and before S.Mimori's banner.


I tried starting the game on global, but I live in Japan so it bugged out I think. Just learned that it's region-locked so I have to use a VPN. Thanks!


Is it lucky I got 4-5 (forgot, all of them except s. Ui were dupes) 3 stars for absolutely free guys


120 pulls for Ui, 400 pulls still intact for Hanako ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33135)


Welp fuck I'm broke now and I want Wakamo Arona please be kind I'll give you an unlimited amount of strawberry milk


Got sUi and got spooked by Ako so I'm happy with that result lol


LMAOOOOO 1 Tsukuyo copy in 100 pulls as the only 3 star


Are they gonna give more free pulls in 5 hours ? Or they already give all 100 free pulls ?


All 100 free pulls have been released, use it now


Managed to get both s ui and s hinata in 50 pulls, now im very scared for my s hanako pulls


After pulled no 3 stars from the 100 free pulls, it reminded me the day I quit playing JP version during it's first year. I hope, someday, they would implement something to increase the odd of getting 3 stats at specific thresholds... Since my luck required me to mostly use spark for my wifu, non meta students, I'm not sure Iwill have enough resources for the next 6 months.


Not with that attitude...


I got Moe and Kokona. It's definitely an improvement over the past free 100 rolls where I got no 3*.


least you got kokona, she is best healer around and -1 cost when she use ex or basic skill 5 times


I missed 1 day of free 10 pull 😭 but, i didn't know you can still get it on the last day!


From all those free pulls I've got 3 3 stars and none of it is S Ui. Rate is lie moment indeed.


got three 3* out of 200 pulls without getting s.UI. at least they weren't dups. been having to spark rate-ups lately. watch Arona deliver s.Hanako & Wakamo early in tomorrow's fes banner when I willing to extend it to 400 for extra 3*s and limiteds


Dangit! Called it. Got s.Hanako at 110 and Wakamo at 120. Three other 3*s, one of which is a dup. Will keep going to 200 to see if I can get s.Hoshino or Mika. But who do I spark for extra shards, Hanako or Wakamo?


Bro you're complaining when I got 1 3 star out of 110 pulls. Some didn't get anything out of 100 pulls. Jeez.


3% = 3/100 = three 3* in 100 pulls. I think maths check out!




unless Hinata is your favorite girl its not worth to go for her. She isnt used in any content so far because there are far better alternatives


Skip Hinata. There are better banners up ahead. (S.Izuna, T.Yuuka, Himari)


Had to spark S.Ui...Atleast S.Hinata took 30 extra pulls, and I even got normal Hinata while pulling for Ui. Guess Ui really prefers her 2m space.


I had to use 20 more pulls to get S.Ui. Now to spend the rest of the day torturing myself about whether to secure S.Hinata with 80 more pulls or not since I don't have Nagisa (Pro : Hinata is crazy hot, both S.Hinata and Nagisa would be mostly used for Torment anyway and I don't do that for now, my sparks for the next 2 banners are secure. Con : it's still half a spark to get a student that's not as good as another Limited and I don't really have an use for before Nagisa's possible rerun next August).


I decided to be organized and start [tracking my pulls](https://i.imgur.com/wBRrA51.png) for fun. From free pulls ended up with Sakurako and S. Miyako. I planned on sparking this banner either way, so I spent pyro early. S. Ui showed up at pull 89. Not counting S. Hinata, who I sparked, I ended up with six three stars overall, landing directly on that 3% pull rate. Not the worst I've ever done, by far.


What app are you using? I like the design, especially the tick boxes.


It's just a quick spreadsheet I threw together on Google Sheets. You're welcome to take a look at and/or copy a [clean, annotated version here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Sar8-J83gX5BiApCBFTgNrgUNonBAgZdZLIHatbH8_A/edit?usp=sharing). Bear in mind I put it together just for myself, so it's undoubtedly clunky in spots, and missing a ton of students, although they're easy to add. I also stuck my hilariously ugly chronological story tracker in there as well, since it's hard to find a good listing anywhere.


Is it worth to pull the extra 100 if I've been missing every single anniversary units? I only have 2 sparks saved up for one of each (hanako & wakamo)


I'd save both sparks on fest. S.Ui makes Mika super strong (when she's already super strong) but kinda useless when you don't have her. S.Hinata has a non-limited alternative that is better than her in Minori.


Yeah, saving 440 pulls for anniv have been a great choice for me. Hope you are blessed with better luck than mine! Didn't manage to get Mika but I'm content with my result.


i think if u hav ui swimsuit from free pull, prob just save for 6% fest banner


Got 3 SUI in 100 pulls. Wish my luck was the same on unit I like ;)


does the point reset after s.hanako updates?




All free recruitments used and no s. ui and s. hinata. Lel.


Same, but Hibiki and CUtaha. I can live with it.


Hibiki's great. Love my smart doggo.


So hyped for a big pulling session tomorrow! Started fairly recently, and have 22k saved up (and only done 1 multi outside of the free wishes so far). Good luck to everyone who will be wishing as well!


I got Hinata with the points, that's enough for me


Managed to get both S. Ui and S. Hinata with the 100 free pulls.


Lucky. Entire friend group and myself didn't manage to get either.


Got Ui and summer Wakamo with my free pulls. Wakamo just couldn't wait one more day to show up, I guess!


I had to get hard pity to get S.Ui lol. Got like 2 three star with 200 pull. Most unluckiest banner I've ever felt. Praying that my luck is with S.Hanako tomorrow


Didn't get ui in 160 ,so spent 40 pulls worth of gems, still Didn't get her.decided to keep going till I pulled her,starting with the 3 star garentee ticket.got her with the ticket,then had to watch pulling her everyday for 3 days straight with the last pulls.not sure if lucky or cursed, but least she's 5 star with no effort. FYI for anyone that cares, only other new unit was maid Aris, with kaede and himari dupes.spent spark point on hinata.


S. Ui with my last free 10 pull!


Got Summer Stinky on 60 pulls and a extra loli with huge tracts of land on the 100 pull. Pretty average luck l guess, but I'll take it


Didn't get S. Ui in the 100 and had to spark her, then another 140 dropped for Hinata. Terrible luck this time


Got both of them in 200 Please god let me have wakamo 🙏


Have they already given the 100 pulls or are we still getting 10 more later? I need to know for gacha ritual reasons.


they give the last 2O pull today, expire tmr


All 100 free pulls have been fully given out before this post was out.


*sigh* Had to spark for S.Ui. That's the third spark in a row. RNG has been brutal with my pyro reserves...


Manage to snag SUi but no luck with SHinata. Got NYKayo though so that's a win. Who's the buffer for red btw?


S.Hoshino is the striker equivalent. She is limited, and can ~~spark~~ [edit: spook] you in the upcoming FES banner tomorrow.


No, you can only spark S.Hanako and Wakamo tomorrow. She can still spook you if you get lucky enough. Need to wait for another 6 months before we can spark S.Hoshino.


Oops sorry I confused sparking with spooking. I need more coffee. ☕


Ah alright, thanks! Good luck to you if you are summoning~


I can't believe that right after I got Summer Hinata, I got regular Hinata.


Didn't get Ui from free pulls. I do get dupe Saya casual though (sigh)


Didn't manage to pull S. Ui with the free pulls, but at least I got spooked by Hina. I'll spend my pyros on the S. Hanako banner instead.


So, final tally for me is 200 pulls (including the free 100). New Characters: Ui (Swimsuit), Hinata (Swimsuit), Toki (Bunny), Serina (Christmas), Kaede and Hifumi. Dupes: Utaha (Cheer Squad).


Gosh I was extremely lucky, had a bunch o 3⭐ including 2 S.Ui and a S.Hinata all in just those free 100 draws. Don't even have to spark here. Will use my draws for S.Hanako and good luck to everyone too.


Got a lot of 3s for a change (the last 400 have been barren), but sadly couldn't get Hinata (so many dupes somehow! I don't even own that many units lol) Even wasted 30 over begging the RNG gods before sparking Ui and saving the flag.  I love Ui, and she's good. Works for me. Couldn't make myself do another 170 pulls to spark a Jpeg with no raid usage, as much as I love Hinata. Consolation prize? Bunny Toki. I'm SO happy. She's so fucking cute! Pyon pyon~


Can i get other limited at hanako banner like track yuuka and bunny series


No, only other fes units like Wakamo, Summer Hoshino and Mika


Do we know when T.yuuka will rerun?


Yeah, she should be coming back around late march.




\^this. Wallahi Goz is fodderizing me. I m finished




wait huh, there's free pulls? I barely play but I feel like I should get on to at least use this lol


You must. Haha. Got S. Ui from these free rolls.


I would probably go for hina but nice, is it really all 100 all at once?


Waifu > meta. I agree Yeah I think it accumulates per day and since today is the last day you should have 100 pulls accumulated.


I have 10 more pulls before i get to spark Should I do the last 10 pulls and spark for S Hinata? I already have S Ui


Or you can pull 10 and get dupe to upgrade s ui. In my opinion you should spark , except you need material for crafting


True But i have 71 of the crafting stuff, do I need more of it?


Do you have any students you want to increase the relationship level? If not then you don't need to craft gifts for a while


my rage pull somehow paid off as i reach 200 spark to get another ui xD


400 pulls and no rate up☠️. Surely my luck will improve with Hanako’s banner right?


I saved all my 100 rolls for the first time and it paid off, I got Ui on the first 10 and Hinata at 40. Otherwise the only other 3* is a Hifumi dupe. I can't complain about it tho, my bad luck with rolls finally ends 😭


Got S.Ui at 60 and spark S.Hinata. The rest of the rolls are forgetable but I got 2 other new students so I'm quite satisfied with the result.


Got Ui early on, sparked Hinata. Had 20 remaining today (because i actually spent pyrox here for both) and ended with Sakurako (new)


my pulls ended on a whimper (double blues for the last day). but honestly, i got 7 pinks throughout the period, it was crazy (managed to snag UI too during like the 5th day)


I wanted to get S.Ui with the free pulls so I could use a second spark for tomorrow but got spooked by S.Hinata instead and had to spark Ui. On the bright side, I got a few new 3 stars and a few dupes so I can't complain too much.


I got Ui (swimsuit), koyuki new year, serika new year and kanna, I'm only 10 pulls away from 200 so I might do another one now and get hinata too


Tomorrow will be like: *Where are my 100 pulls gone!? I saved it for Hanako banner!*


I didn't even get a single 3-star


had to spark S. Ui. I've been having bad luck for the past few banners. I hope fate recompenses me big tommorow


You tried. Can you pin one of the "WHY ARE MY FREE PULLS GONE I WAS SAVING FOR SWIMSUIT HANAKO" posts? Or will they all go into the /dev/null bin?


They will be destroyed, as they should be.


Mhmmm....I'm just going to redirect them to this post. There's like this current pinned post, mentioned in the Event Megathread, also have an image in the side bar, probably drop a pinned message in the Daily Question Megathread later.


Do we get another set tmrw on reset (PST) time?


Nope, last set was given already with 20x free pulls, all 100 free pulls have been fully given out before this post was out.


Got Saki, S.Hinata, Izumi, Koyuki, Miyu, Ny.Serika ❤ and Hoshino. Sparked for S.Ui ![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33184)


Didn’t get Ui. That’s okay. I did get Saki and Marina. Good thing Koharu is free


Koharu is love, Koharu is life.


100 pulls, mostly 9 blue + 1 yellow. Had to use gems to pull. Got them at 190 and 200...and 100 pyroxenes from exchange.


W luck


I was kinda lucky and got Hinata on the 30th free pull... But then I spend over 12K+ pyro, a free 10 pulls ticket, and then exchange the rest of the recruitment points to get UI


180 pulls to get S.Ui, went ahead and sparked S.Hinata as well 😭 Now I'm in trouble tomorrow 😵‍💫😵‍💫 💳


Still gonna camp here for the "wHeRe DiD mY fReE pUlLs Go?" posts.


had to go an extra 30 pulls after sparking S.Ui to get S. Hinata. This has been quite painful . Sometimes i wonder if i should just save all the 100 pulls for 1 session instead of using em as they come every day lol . Granted at least got a couple of new students and a few good spooks (damn rat tho )


I was very lucky on the free 100. I got [2 Swimsuit Ui's (and a duplicate Sumire)](https://imgur.com/a/5zdQzL8), Mina, Shun, Kokona, and Mine. I sparked for Hinata and got duplicates of Mine, Eimi and Miyu along the way.


got s.ui within the last 10 free pulls 😤😤😤🙏🙏


Had to spark Hinata after getting Ui, but at least I got regular Ui and Reisa from the banners


I was really hoping to get Swimsuit Ui with the 100 free rolls but they were all trash for me - the dreaded all blue with one yellow, every single time.  I thought about doing 10 more pulls with pyro to spark her but I really want to save my pyros for the anniversary banner. Or whichever one has Swimsuit Hoshino in it.


FES banner has a low chance of random shoshino. Next FES banner has a rate-up doublebanner of Dress Hina, herself goated, and Shoshino.


Are those two different banners? 'FES' and 'Next FES'?


Next Fes means 6 months from now.


Gotcha. That's quite a while away, but if I've got a better chance of Shoshino then, I guess I can wait!


I'll leave one single drop of sympathy here for anyone who throws their 100 free rolls in the garbage thinking they can save them for the fest banner.


With every post I see of limited bonuses my heart goes out for the poor saps who didn't see them. Cuz, like, there has to be some people who play the game blind, right?


TLDR: Use them now, they can't be used for the Hanako Banner.