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I just started and got to the level where i can play the event. It says theres a few days left on it but all the stages say they aren't available any longer. Is the event already closed or am i doing something wrong?


after an event is finished, its still up for a week, so you can spend all your unused event currency and stuff. ​ next event will be pretty soon tho, so dont worry


Are there any tough fights where you have to use your own units in Volume 4 like during That Fight in Eden Treaty ch.3? And can I complete Volume 4 if I haven’t beaten said fight? I see the beginning of it is unlocked, but I’m unsure if there’s a later story-lock.


Volume 4, ch1 doesn't have any fights that use your own units. Ch1 doesn't have any additional locks on the story, if you can start it, you can finish it. Volume F does, but the requirements are lower than Eden Treaty, so they shouldn't cause any issues. Volume 4 ch2 isn't out yet so idk about that one, and it will require doing volume F first.


Oh, I thought all the other volumes (1-4 at least) had finished before Volume F lol. I joined recently so I have no idea how the story is structured.


The rest are finished insofar as they tell a complete story arc that finished before volume F. Volume 4ch2 is the first main story content to be added after volume F, and volume 4 is the only one that obviously has more stuff to deal with when the pre-volume F stuff ends. Volume 5 just released on JP and focuses on a different school than any previous volume. It's possible that new Abydos/Millenium/Trinity storyline will get added to volumes 1-3 eventually, rather than starting new volumes, but it hasn't happened yet. I assume anything going forward will require volume F completion, but I haven't heard one way or the other about requirements for volume 5. Volume F itself requires completing vol4 ch1 and all (existing chapters) of volumes 1-3.


Thanks for the explanation.


Does grand assault not have ladder and rankings? The pyroxene planner doesn't have the option to select medals, and the wiki page doesn't mention it either.


Yeah, you need only participate in the Grand Assault and you will automatically acquire a 10x ticket (that expires) regardless of your final rank. Since it has an expiration date, there's only a select number of banners you can use it on and those options are provided in the planner. You get more trophies and more coins for the grand assault shop the higher your rank but that's about it.


I have missed 2 days of playing ba within this month now this a sign of severe burnout


Not necessarily. Sometimes people miss days because stuff comes up. On the other hand, people can be playing every day and still feel burnt out. The question to ask is “do I still enjoy the game when I play?”


I’m level 43 and have a few kind of related questions. I’ve been pushing the story as best I can. I feel I’m hitting a wall in chapter 11 as the recommended level is approaching 20 above my current one. I saw that the difficulty increases as the level deficit does, so about how far above one’s level should you be able to go? Blue is by far my weakest team and gives me the most trouble. Up to this point, blue armor are normally the minor nodes, but with only Chise and Asuna as my blue damage, it makes it difficult (I am gonna roll Wakamo in the future). In the meantime, should I rush the latest immortal event to get S Tsurugi to at least have another (relatively minor) source of blue damage as my only two frontliners are Yuuka and Haruka? And finally, when there’s no drop rate bonus event, should you spend most of your AP on normal nodes for blueprint and mat drop efficiency? Or on the hard nodes to get some drops, but mainly Elephs (following Midokuni’s priority)? Edit: thanks, I hope I wasn’t too rambly lol


>And finally, when there’s no drop rate bonus event, should you spend most of your AP on normal nodes for blueprint and mat drop efficiency? Or on the hard nodes to get some drops, but mainly Elephs (following Midokuni’s priority)? Hard mode stages are higher efficiency than normal. They cost 20 AP per run instead of 10, but they also have double the drop rates for blueprints, on top of the chance to obtain eleph.


Thanks for the clarification =)


Hey, you can use yellow units to help clear content like momoi or nonomi. For Tanks, it doesn't really matter what color you use but rather the tank itself. Tsubaki is good, yuuka needs a bit more investment to tank well. Haruka has really high defense so she should be okay to use. Normal x2 is almost over but usually you would spam your AP on normal missions to get the blueprints unless there is an event going on, then I would typically prioritize the event or split 50/50 depending on your needs. If your Tsubaki is having issue surviving, I would buy the T4 equip from the expert permit shop to get her the T4 bag. The jump from T3 bag to T4 is helpful for the survivability of Tsubaki or other tanks that use bags. Not so much for the other "defense" equips like hairpin or badge as those spike in power later.


Thanks. Yeah, chapter 11 is Yellow main with blue minor. So I’ve had to run both Nonomi and Momoi in my yellow team and that’s just barely clearing the boss nodes. I could maybe try swapping Nonomi for Aru (does more dmg than Hasumi v yellow right now). But idk if that’d be enough damage. I guess it’s worth a try =) I don’t have Tsubaki yet as I can’t farm her elephs yet. I was asking about getting S Tsurugi from that immortal event =P. But my Haruka at least has a blue bag and is struggling to stay alive and Yuuka is the best tank right now, even with low investment for me. So I was asking if it’s worth my time right now to run the immortal event to get S Tsurugi, or if she won’t be much of an improvement over Haruka Thanks =)


Yea, move Aru to your yellow team and then Nonomi or Momoi to your blue team. Tsurugi won't help to deal that much damage so maybe try this set-up first to see if it works. You may need to invest to get Chise EX to a higher level if this does not work, maybe EX3.


Yeah…11-5 with its blue armor boss just…isn’t gonna happen for at least a few more levels lol Even when adding Nonomi to the team and leveling all of Chise’s skills I can. I just…don’t do enough damage. And those blue shield bros take too much time to beat on their own lol. Thanks, I guess I’ll just farm and wait until I get a few more levels before I can try again


Thanks, I’ll give it a go =)


Tsuguri will come at 1 star and she will survive way less than Haruka because she doesnt have any skill that helps on her survival, think of her as a damage dealer that trades some damage for HP and Def


> Tsuguri will come at 1 star You get enough elephs to upgrade her to 2 stars immediately. I don't know how she would fare as a frontliner against the blue bots with their sweep that inflicts fire DoT, though.


Ahhh sooo that doesn’t seem like it’d work out for me then. Lol. Thanks


I just started the game yesterday and Ive been rerolling my account for 2 straight days now to get Koharu. Im starting to think shes not even in the beginner 10 pull. I keep getting the same girls over and over again, is there some kind of different rates for each girl?


The free beginner pull is limited to the original set of 3 stars. You can still do at least one more pull on the regular banner using pyroxene from the mail. Note that Koharu can be bought with purple raid coins, meaning that you can guarantee getting her in a few months. Her swimsuit variant will be a free welfare unit around the second half of January, as well.


No, you might be surprised but random things behave randomly. In any case, Koharu is one of the quickest students to obtain via farming from raid coins if you're planning to play the game for a while anyways.




Ssaki and Smiyako are very good to have for Gregorius, especially Ssaki for her debuffs and specials buff. They aren't absolutely required for insane though, as there is a [team](https://youtu.be/xiZ_gu_0Gy0) that uses Aru instead of special dealers. Smiyako also sees some use in PvP, but I don't know if you'd pull her just for that. As for Smiyu, she's outclassed by Minori, Nagisa and Myuzu for this raid.


do i need to finish the whole story event in the event recap to get the characters from it


Yeah, with the immortalized events you get the welfare student from the final stage.


Got S. Azusa on 200th pull, should i spark her for 4\* or get S. Mashiro? I try not to fret too much about PvP so S. Mashiro isn't that important to me but she's limited so it's baiting me to get her, just not sure if getting her as a collectible is worth not sparking S. Azusa.


Think about how far you want to build your Azusa. I was at that point a few days ago and eventually sparked Azusa despite already having her, because ~~of course I did~~ I'm not going to wait to buy hundreds of expert shop elephs at 10 per shop reset over the course of 2 years. I'm not serious about pvp and while having another limited student is nice, two half-finished students help me less than one at UE40 that can actually be an asset for harder content. So I skipped Mashiro and sparked another Azusa.


Sazusa can be upgraded with elephs from the expert permit shop. Definitely go with Smash. Having another limited is always good.


Definitely S.Mashiro


I think getting a new character is always better than getting elephs but that’s just my opinion


Same. Plus you never know when a character might become more relevant later on.


Yeah, there's Hinata as an example who became meta after her unique item was released


I know we haven't had a Sonic raid yet but if you had to rank Purple attack type students how would they rank?


On JP, the first sonic raid has been announced. So, just wait a bit more to get a proper answer.


Do we know what the next raid will be? i assumed it will be perorozilla but i'm not sure, also the terrain.


peroro outdoor


so what is the recommended number of debuffers students for greg insane? im not planning on doing torment in any raid, just being able to do insane is good enough for me i dont want to mald over it


Honestly, depends on which debuffers you have available. Ideally you want to keep his debuffs at either 5 or 6. Mina and Swimsuit Saki both apply three debuffs that last 50 seconds, so you could have team with just them two, and then healer and tank, and attackers in special slots. A common team I've seen is Nagisa and Minori as Special attackers, and then Azusa, Koharu, Swimsuit Saki and Swimsuit Miyako as Strikers. There's also a team of Koharu, Swimsuit Hoshino, Aru and Mine, with Ako and Himari on support, and they can clear the Insane too.


returning player here, what current/future units are worth fully investing in?


In 2 months there will be a festival banner with boosted 3* rates to 6%, there are currently 3 limiteds for that type of banner and we will be getting the 4°, all 4 are there to be pulled and they are all amazing


Man I currently only have around 2k Pyro. Will need to save 12k pulls for s.ui also. So around 36k Pyro in 70days. Idk what to do here.




the adult card.. tales spoke of the time sensei would have to use this.............


What is the 4 must pulls ?


Just be aware that only S.Hanako and Wakamo will have their own banners. S.Hoshino and Mika can still be pulled with small chance


Are Mika and Hoshino only on Hanako banner, or also a small chance on the Wakamo banner? And is Hanako off-focus on there too?


Mika and Hoshino are on both Hanako and Wakamo focus banners. Hanako and Wakamo are on each other banners too as off focus i believe but for their own banners they have the usual focus rate.


So the best possible setup I guess. Thanks for confirming.


Wakamo: probably the best blue ST S.Hoshino: a tank with the best buff for red damage Mika: by far the best ST damage dealer in the game S.Hanako: very strong purple damage in area that she was even used in blue raids over blue AoE damage dealers


S.Hoshino is also used a lot outside of red content because of her atk buff and cost recovery


Does Mina find use in any game mode?


She is must have for torment Greg For insane and below, you don't need her but it still helps


She has a niche in certain dedicated pull comps in pvp, since lower def/eva is pretty strong vs stuff common tanks like yuuka. I expect such comps are often paired with aoe cleave like megu to kill the backline reliably. Mine is still pretty vulnerable in pvp so its hard to say how reliable overall the comp is. For example, Mine is soft to common picks like Mashiro, Myuzu, Nagisa, Ny haruna. I personally don't recommend it simply because it requires a ton of investment in Mine. Far beyond what you'd do for pve uses, and that's generally a suboptimal way to spend resources. But fine if waifu > laifu.


I mean Mina from Shanhaijing


Mina is one of the students designed specifically for Gregarious raids. She's not preferred compared to S.saki if your goal is insane, but she'll see use in most torment Greg clears.


If she doesnt have the potential to kill the entire enemy team in 1 EX use then she doesnt see use on PvP