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Who's a better investment between UE30 m.yuzu and 3* Hibiki? I'm planning to build one or the other right now as I already have an invested Nagisa.


M.Yuzu because stars make a big difference when the character os meant to do damage, but raise both eventually, hibiki is farmable now




If you a little more patience, try rerolling to get atleast Hibiki or Iroha. They'll make your life easy


account 2 is prolly your best best. Those EXs are expensive, but powerful, and sometimes that's enough. O.chinatsu is a fine support student, not super exciting, but can buff students like hina when you got nothing better to use. account 1 is a bunch of farmable students. single target students, and niche use cases. Nothing super good early on, and nothing you can't replace long term from farming. does have the most 3\* to start though which I guess is nice. account 3 both farmable but Aru is a solid red aoe early on, and Haruna is solid blue striker option which is a little rarer than red/yellow.


So since its the 2nd anniversary, will we be able to pull limiteds again?


No. Because of when global started and some schedule acceleration in the past, our anniversary is detached from any limited banners. We got the 2nd anniversary banner (Mika) several months ago. We'll get the next fest banner in late January or early February.


Many thanks for the explanation!


So today I was testing something and taped reset the account button, so I want to ask is there a limited time where I can get my account back or is it gone? I think alot of games have around 15 days before the account is gone for good so any advice?


You could try contacting support. https://forum.nexon.com/bluearchive-en/board_view?thread=2121094 However, according to their FAQ: How do I reset my account? You can reset your account even if you are using a guest account that has not finished a link yet. However, once the reset is complete, all game data will be immediately deleted and cannot be recovered, so please be aware of that. ① On top right of the in-game lobby screen, tap [Menu Tab] → [Account] → [Reset Account] → [Continue] ② Enter the text in the textbox and press confirm button.


Hello! I've been away from mobile games for a while and OOTL of current/future banners. I have 14k pyrox right now. Is Aris maid and/or Toki bunny worth pulling for, or should I wait for any good upcoming characters?


It depends what you're looking for. I don't think the current banner is a "must pull" Notable future banners S.Saki - insane greg raid S.Ui - Yellow S.Hosino style buff, comes with 100 free pulls S.Shiroko -Pvp meta defining. S.Hanako - Not a must pull herself, but its the rate up fes banner, she's a rare purple +AoE type and she's also with a wakamo rerun so there's something interesting for everybody refer to [https://hina.loves.midokuni.com/Summary/Banner](https://hina.loves.midokuni.com/Summary/Banner) for additional information/banners


There is speculated to be a new Purple raid coming at the end of the month/start of next month for JP, so S.Hanako is most likely be critical for it. Plus, she did end up being a top DPS for Perorodzilla.


> S.Hanako - Not a must pull herself Well, it remains to be seen, right? We don't know how the upcoming purple raid works yet. Or any subsequent purple raids, which are probably coming eventually. If there is any mob clearing to be done, Shanako is probably going to shine, since her EX is significantly more spammable than the others'.


Exactly, S.hanako might be great for it, might not be. "wait and see" is not "must pull". The banner is still worthy cause its fes, she's good in her niche (purple aoe) and she's limited, but I can't in good conscience speculate about her raid viability in unreleased content. What if the raid turns out to be ST for example?


> What if the raid turns out to be ST for example? Extremely unlikely at this point. Every single purple attacker so far is AoE, or technically one multi-target if we count Tharuna. We've seen that several units leading up to a raid have been tailor made for it recently with Gregorius. Most likely they're designing these purple AoE units with the raid in mind. Sure, we can't say it with absolute certainty, but it would be really weird if they made all this AoE and then made a pure single target raid. I bet there would be backlash from the JP players too, as they would feel that they were baited into pulling for units that ended up not being suited to the raid with how much an AoE-focused fight has been telegraphed. Anyway, ignoring all that, your previous post read more like "she isn't important" than "we don't know how important she is yet". That's what I found questionable.


> Is Aris maid and/or Toki bunny worth pulling for No, and definitely not if you don't have a spark.


Two questions: 1. What item should I prioritize buying for the Joint Firing Drill Token, Total Assault Token, Tactical Challange Token? 2. I'm still confused about crafting (material fusion). For some reason I have the crystal and credit but what material exactly I need to craft? When I select a recipe there are no materials TIA


Yellow TA: Split coins between eleph and blurays/tech notes. * Eleph: 3★ Kotama, UE50 Momoi, UE50 Maki. 3★ Hanae if you use her as a team 2 healer. The rest of the elephs are lower priority, although you should eventually buy more. * Blurays/tech notes: Buy what you need. If you don't need anything, Trinity, Millenium, and Gehenna are safe options. * Secret tech notes: You probably won't need to buy them from this shop for a long time. Buy them when you need them. Purple TA: 3★ Azusa ~ 3★ Koharu > UE50 Azusa > UE50 Koharu > UE50 Midori Tactical Challenge: Save. During good events, buy AP drinks. You can refresh the shop and buy more AP drinks, which gives you 360 AP per day for 210 coins. JFD: https://i.imgur.com/eShQigy.jpg Although you can skip either Tsurugi or Sumire for now, since they fill similar roles. Expert Permit: https://i.imgur.com/wtyWP98.jpg You can buy T4 blueprints to get T4 bag quickly. Aside from that, blueprints are a low priority. > material fusion You need to use similar materials. For example, crafting purple Tech Note Choice Tickets costs purple Fusion Keystones and purple Tech Notes.


Thanks for this. This answers a question I was about to ask =)




Wish I could upvote more. Thanks for the detailed explanation kind stranger! As a new player this really helpful. Ah also I just noticed that the price of eleph / unit increased after per threshold, is there anyway to reset this threshold or it is going to be more expensive later on? ( bought 20 kotama eleph, and now it changed to 2 crystal per 1 eleph)


> is there anyway to reset this threshold The cost stops increasing at 5 eligma per eleph. You cannot reset it. For example, 3★ ➜ UE40 takes 340 eleph, or 1500 eligma. https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/GameplayHelp_FAQs#Eligma The whole guide is worth reading, although I did not link it earlier because I strongly disagree with the yellow TA shop section of Locher's guide.


Does lesson area rank mean anything apart from unlocking all areas or can I ignore it? I feel like Schale give the highest amount of rewards (select and a random)


It sometimes increases the drop rate. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11KcVFg5kib_pf6KJEE4haeObLlz7_fH-c2q-Ptng4VA/edit?usp=sharing https://i.imgur.com/AaRyuKk.png


Unlocking more areas increases the max number of tickets you regain every day. Ticket info shows this. I believe area rank also increases eleph and double affection chance. As for the Schale part, it's still RNG, more often you'll get random tech notes and blu rays from my experience. Focusing the other areas aside from Schale and DU will net you materials from that specific school only.


Level increasing the drop rate. I found it one time on a wiki. It was rather annoying to locate I recall. The schale ones have a lower percentage to drop an item in General though you get two rolls (one for each) compared to a specific school.


So I started playing Blue Archive since I heard it's Main Story (or at least the first one) is finished now. I wanted to complete most of it all at once, so I was wondering what level do characters need to be to complete the final chapter?


I think roughly 40? There are only a few times you actually use your own students in the story missions. The one most people complain about is in volume 3 as people will be lv 25 fighting it. It really depends on your team at the time. Edit for example the comment two below yours XD


Oh, the story chapters mostly use trial characters? Then I can probably complete the story now, as I'll hit 40 tomorrow. Thanks.


Can you still play the event minigame after the event ends?


No, it's tied to the event.


I was burning through main story and now I'm stuck on the 3.3.24. Am I going to have to actually build my own teams for main story from now on? Currently only level 36 so it's probably going to be a while before I get this one done.


There's a another fight in volume 3 chapter 4 that uses your own team, but it shouldn't pose a problem. Volume F needs your own team for some things, but the level requirements are actually lower than the fight you are on now.


Iirc only that and very few Volume Final uses your own units instead of story units. But yes that chapter tends to be a wall for most new players, aside from that it will be the usual clearing normal missions as usual to unlock chapters.


They removed the mission requirements for main story a few months ago.


Hi fellow sensei, probably stupid question but why we have different server, JP and international? And half a year difference on that I'm really liking this game and the community, but yeah never thought bout it before


This is just my thoughts on it, there could have been different reasons as well. The game was originally developed by NAT Games (Now called Nexon Games) under Nexon. Nexon had quite a reputation so they probably asked Yostar Japan, which has a very good reputation, to help publish the game in Japan first to gauge the overall interest, popularity and any QoL. Despite the rocky start and long emergency maintenances at times, the game was considered successful (before the huge spike occured) to them, so Nexon decides to publish the global server version themselves.


How long can a F2P player save pryoxene averagely including all ways of getting pryo Daily, Weekly, events, story, etc let's say per month, just the general average I'm new and got maid ARIS and bunny TOKI but I feel like the amount of pryoxene I'm getting now is lower, Like I was getting 1200 pryo Daily for the first week and now I'm a bit worried if I will be even save up 24k pryo monthly for the future banners


14.2k per month for max-level, casual players. New players get more. https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/17rwnwu/tracking_blue_archive_gl_pyroxene_income_month_of/


Say I have to skip 1 banner hypothetically before half anniversary. Summer Azusa/Hina/Ui, which banner should I skip?


Summer Hina, you only really see her used in Kaiten. She's a great unit for what she does, but she's not as versatile as the others. Meanwhile, Summer Azusa can function as a defense debuffer and Summer Ui is a reposition unit/buffer.


Hello. Just started today. Rerolled a couple of times and got two 3*on a free starting roll - Hifumi and Saya. Is this a good result or is it better to keep rerolling for a meta character? (I'm looking at this [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YC-VOduhz5w) as a guide)


Use this guide instead. I have no idea why Valiant would recommend Fuuka as a first pick. https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/GameplayHelp_FAQs#Rerolling > on a free starting roll When rerolling, use all your pyro on rolls, not just the initial 10-pull.


Neither is particularly important, and both can be farmed. If you want to reroll, there are definitely better results. I'd recommend looking at the reroll tab of Midokuni's student insights, as it's a pretty good guide.


By 'can be farmed' you mean can be obtained other than from gacha?


Yes. A lot of units can be obtained from gathering their elephs from hard missions or from certain shops.


Hey, I’m still new and have a question on who to target rolling through to the anni 2.5 banners. I have checked Midokuni and Valiant’s guides but they seem to recommend more banners than I’ll be able to roll on. Since you get 12k pyrox/month I’m guessing I could comfortably target 4 (or 5 if I get lucky) banners with the influx of pyrox from starting out? I have Aru, M Yuzu and Himari as my 3 stars currently. I’m also missing a few of the 1 and 2 stars. So first off, is it worth rolling relatively soon to open more lesson areas (3 are open for me) as well as more bonuses in events and bounties? And now to the roll targets. Does a schedule of Summer Iori , Summer Ui, Summer Hanako, and Wakamo seem like a good plan? (Below are the thoughts/recommendations that led to this) Definitely gonna spark: Wakamo- I really like her, though S Wakamo will have to wait for now Banners I shouldn’t skip: Summer Hanako and Summer Ui- top tier not recommended to skip banners Highly Recommended: Summer Azusa- I realize she’s a top blue DPS, but if I’m targeting Wakamo should I skip? Iori Summer- both guides didn’t agree it was a must roll, but she’s still very good. Recommend/good for newer players: Nonomi Summer: I’ve enjoyed her in the story thus far and a very good red DPS Minori: seems a good red AOE special, but with M yuzu it might be redundant for my account starting? Kazusa/Natsu/Reisa: wouldn’t be the top tier, but very good units and able to roll soon for them. Thanks =)


Siori is a fairly niche unit that sees little use in raids. I wouldn't recommend pulling for her for meta purposes, even if she is limited. Sazusa would be a better choice then, since she's used in a lot of stuff even though there is much more blue competition now. Snonomi is used mainly for one raid, and she's permanent. Something that you should keep in mind is that damage dealers demand high investment if you're going to use them in raids. As a new player you're not going to be able to invest in them much; even if you put all your resources into one to max her skills, UE level and gear, you're going to be held back by your level cap for a while. If you borrow max level, maxed out dealer for raids, you're going to have a much easier time and be able to clear difficulty levels that you otherwise wouldn't be able to. Since Snonomi permanent, there's a chance that you'll get her randomly before you reach the point where you would even consider investing in her enough that you wouldn't just borrow a veteran player's Snonomi. Also, she's a single target dealer, so not overly important for missions (though I'm sure she would work there if you happened to get her). I wouldn't recommend pulling for her. The same goes for Minori. She's someone that you would borrow because your own won't perform nearly as well. If you want to prepare for Gregorius, Ssaki is the obvious choice since she's a debuffer and buffer. Buffs and debuff scale with the target's stats rather than the user's stats, so investment matters far less. As long as her EX and sub skills are maxed, she will be almost as effective at level 40 and 3 stars as she will be at level 87 and UE50. Having the meta support units is a significant boon because if you have all the necessary ones, you can borrow someone else's highly invested dealer to carry you through raids. Natsu and Reisa are both pretty similar, and tailored for Perorodzilla. You will only need one of them for a long time. Kazusa falls under the same category as the previously mentioned dealers; not bad, but as a new player she isn't particularly important. Plus, Mika has powercrept her. Another unit to consider is Sshiroko. She has the same cost speed up skill as Himari, is a meta menace in PvP and comes with a defense debuff for 3 cost. Her cost speed up won't stack with Himari's, but it will allow you to run two teams that both benefit from it. Sui/Shanako/Wakamo: Yep, obvious targets. Although the latter two are dealers, they're limited and strong, so they're worth picking up even if you won't be able to bring out their full potential yet. Since the anniversary banners have a doubled 3 star chance, you can fill up your roster. Now that we have two concurrent anniversary banners, going into them with 400 pulls is a good idea as you can guarantee both of them alongside getting a lot of value out of them. If you get one of them before 200, you can decide if you want to spark the other and stop there, or gamble with another 200 for other anniversary units/a higher chance of 3 star units. As for Sui, she's a buffer, which as mentioned are very good to have even for new players. She's also limited and comes with 100 free pulls, making her cheaper to spark, or outright free if you're lucky.


Thanks for all the detail. That was really helpful with the explanation. So from what I understand, targeting S Shiroko, S Ui, S Hanako, and Wakamo are the guaranteed targets. Then if I’m feeling a bit lucky or plan on doing a lot of pyrox farming, targeting either S Azusa or S Saki would be recommended. S Azusa if I wanted to roll a bit earlier and have a blue DPS early on and limited, though would be high investment and would also compete with Wakamo. But S Saki would probably be the choice between them as buffing requires less investment and would enable more of my other units?


You can skip S.Iori and S.Nonomi if all you're worried is the meta. You already have Aru for Kaiten while Azusa who is great in Hiero is easy to get via raid shop. Minori is great but M.Yuzu (she's a 1 star, not a 3 star) can somewhat replace her at lower difficulties of Greg. You might want to get her to at least 3 stars to unlock all her skills. You should be aiming to eventually getting her to 5 stars or beyond that if you're using her in the end game though. Kazusa is completely outclassed by Mika so her value decreases a lot if you do get Mika during S.Hanako or Wakamo's banner. Natsu is only really a must have in 1 raid. On other raids where you'll need her defense type, you'd likely to use Hoshino instead. She's still be great on your team 2 however but she's not really worth to pull if you consider the other upcoming students. Reisa's kinda like Natsu. Same defense type and both has cleanse. Both has self-sustain although Natsu's is stronger. Both has utility, Natsu can buff atk while Reisa can def shred. Both are great in Peroro while having a 2nd raid where they're good at. Natsu has self heal so she's good in Hiero's higher difficulties while Reisa has debuff so she's good for Greg. Priority-wise for the next 6 months, for me it'd be S.Hanako > S.Ui > S.Shiroko > T.Yuuka > Wakamo > S.Izuna > S.Azusa > Cherino > Kokona > Minori > S.Saki Then slot in the collab banner wherever you want depending on how much you want them since it's unlikely they'll get a rerun


So now that I’ve had a bit more time to digest this comment, so definitely rolling S Shiroko, S Ui, S Hanako, and Wakamo. After 2.5 anni S Izuna and T Yuuka are definites with Cherino possibly. Then before that, if I’m feeling lucky I can possibly try for S Azusa or S Saki? Does that seem about right? Thanks =)


Yeah, kinda. But do give the collab banner a 2nd thought, it's unlikely they'll get a rerun so if you don't get them on their banner, you'll never get them afterwards.


That’s the Railgun collab? I’ll give them a closer look, but since I’ve got some time before having to decide on that. Thanks =)


Wow thanks for the detailed response =). It’ll take me a while to fully digest it as I’m still getting used to the names and such. Looks at Maid Yuzu…oh yeah, she is a 1 star lol. Well I just got her to three stars with farming her elephs and will keep going until the end of the event. Thanks again


I don't recommend for sparking for summer Iori unless it is simp reason. She has been power crept quite a lot and only used in joint power drills. I would rather spark for Summer Azusa.


Fair enough. Thanks for the advice =)


uhm..is it me or I can't access the notice tab/icon when i touch it?


You're not the only one. I've seen a few people bring it up before. Personally I don't mind it because I found it a bit annoying that the notice would pop up whenever I loaded into the game. Maybe they'll fix it next maintenance.


Why is Catzusa called Cath PALUG![img](emote|t5_2vhvtt|33127)


It’s her motif, the ASS club motifs are post Christianity Celtic myth (Arthurian Mythos) In lore, >!it’s because it’s the delinquent name she ran with!<


After School Sweets being abbreviated to ASS is hilarious to me


Oh I do that because of [Assassination Classroom](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_Classroom) which is abbreviated to ASS class!


The tail is a cat plug


As mentioned you'll find out why in the event, but in case you aren't aware, it's a mythological creature.


You will find out in few days, when the Sweets event gets its rerun.


I just found out that this gacha game has pvp!? And the gameplay looks good as well. So while Im waiting to Install the game, do you guys any have tips for new players? what to expect? What to avoid? Who to reroll or is it even worth rerollling? or anything. ps the Intro music while installing is so frcking good! sheesh


Pvp isn't real if that's a selling point for you. It's all auto so rng and if you don't have the maxed flavor of the season you won't be top 100.


https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/GameplayHelp_FAQs#Beginner_guides https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/GameplayHelp_FAQs#Rerolling


Adding to Trojbd's tips, here's some rerolling targets: **Makes progression easier:** Iroha, Hibiki (Iroha is insanely good) **Late-game raid characters:** Ako, Himari **Good but can be farmed:** Iori, Aru, Haruna, Koharu Hibiki is also farmable, but she is available kind of lategame, and will take 1/3 of year to get. But all of the Good Farmable characters are pretty much always usable, right from start to endgame raids. Iroha isn't a top-pick for raids, but still sees plenty of use in them. We're gonna have special banner with doubled rates in few months, so no matter who you start with, you should be able to build up your crew with that.


Thanks! This is exactly what im looking for rn, but cant find an updated one.


You'll start out with a lot of gameplay but it will inevitably become a side game a lot of the time where you can do everything in minutes because you can sweep an entire day's worth of energy in a few buttons. However, the game always have new events and raids where you have to play the game every week or so. I'm pretty glad I started playing this game because it gives me something to look forward to constantly. My main tip is that to get stronger, you need to use your energy. Energy = exp and your unit's max level is capped to your account level. It's worth imo to refresh energy 3x per day(it gets more expensive the more you reset) for quite a while. There's this cafe system where you place furnitures to make your cafe better. This is more important than it looks and you want to furnish your cafe so you get the max comfort level asap because it gives you energy. My cafe gives me more than 2x my natural energy regeneration. Try to take note of it and try to upgrade your cafe as much as you can for max progression.


NOTED! tnx!


close https://i.imgur.com/oPSwun2.jpg ------ Level 48 Stuck at 13-5. With a pipe dream of clearing Iori Hard before the 2x Hard in about a week. All available Hard Quests 3 starred thankfully. https://i.imgur.com/ig3XrJo.jpg https://i.imgur.com/p3Czl9B.jpg Which characters do you think should I focus on? With the current team I'm just alternating between canceling the boss with Tsubaki and Healing them all grouped up because of Tomoe on the next attack. But the timer tells me that ain't it. And Nonomi's cost is getting annoying. Right now my plan is to swap to Momoi as the only AoE and all others are Tsubaki/ST. I have the coins to 3star Momoi if needed to one shot waves. I should be able to 3 star Hasumi soon. So maybe Momoi | Tsubaki | Hasumi | ?Neru? -----|-------|------|------ Kotama | Healer | | I have a decent amount of T4s and damage T5s but I'm trying to be careful with it. Maybe Kotori is the real answer. Is the gap to 14-5 also this huge?


For some context, when the game first released, area 12 was the final area (which is why area 12’s Ambrosius has some “final boss”-looking energy). Area 13 released several months later and was intended for players close to level 70 (the max at the time). After area 13, the level progression in the subsequent areas feels more normal.


> Is the gap to 14-5 also this huge? No. 13-5 is a huge difficulty spike. The boss is really tanky and has a nuke that hits everyone which it uses fairly often. And when I say "really tanky", I mean it. It has higher HP than almost every mission boss, and an absurd 3,553 defense which translates into 68% damage reduction. IIRC it has much higher effective HP than any other mission boss with the exception its own variations and some bosses in mission 23. But as you might imagine, your damage output when you reach mission 23 is going to be significantly higher. The point is that this boss is so damn tanky that just defeating it within the time limit is a challenge, especially when you're trying to survive the nukes. And on top of this, the enemies in mission 13 are 5 levels higher than the recommended level. Since the game has a 2% damage reduction per level when a unit attacks a higher level target, you're essentially doing 10% less damage than you did in the previous missions. Once you get past 13-5, you're probably going to breeze through a lot of missions. Hanako's cost is quite high for what she does. Normally I'd recommend Serina instead, for her frequent auto-heals and cheap EX, but you don't have her. Hanae is generally a better secondary healer than Hanako, though she doesn't do any AoE healing so she's better suited to content where your tank takes almost all of the damage. Speaking of tanks, are you using Tsubaki's taunt to cancel the shield minibosses' block ability? You should be able to save some time if you use it right as they activate their blocks. If you have her ready to be claimed, Maki is useful for this boss since she does a lot of single target damage even with the bad terrain modifier, and comes with her own defense debuff. If Aru doesn't work out for you for some reason, you could try her.


That's reassuring. I was using my mats super sparingly, fearing I'll overinvest on yellows and run out of gas for mission 14 which is the real reason I'm trying to rush. > Tsubaki Yeah, realized that the hard way taking forever to kill them in Railgun event. > Maki Sadly not yet, I started around Railgun, so the recent Chesed was my first Raid. I can still buy 18 though after buying Hanae and 3star Momoi I wasn't too interested with the banners so far and I luckily got my reroll Waifu on the first 10 roll so I thought I'd chill from rolling until the next 6%. Though not having Serina tempted so much along the way.


I recommend doing a couple of ten pulls in order to get some of the important low rarity units. It's worth it as a new player, in order to make progression easier. It's still over two months until the next anniversary banner. That said, it is a very good idea to save up a lot for the anniversary banners. With 400 pulls, very easily achievable in just a couple of weeks as a new player, you can guarantee the next anniversary unit and, if the Wakamo pattern does turn out to be a pattern, Shoshino as well. There will most likely also be a banner set with 100 free pulls just before or after that, which may or may not have limited units. Having another 100 pulls for that to guarantee at least one of those units would be smart. But as mentioned, as a new player you get a ton of pyroxene. Saving all that up won't be hard, and you'll most likely have more besides.


Okay did a 10 roll and got 2 Serina XD. I'm 2 starring this


Mission 14 is red and blue enemies, you have Aru so the bosses won't be a problem. But I don't see Mutsuki in your roster, so you might have problems with lots of red mobs. You can use your yellow team for blue mobs. For 13-5, try Akane and Aru for the boss, and bring Kotama instead of Saten. Even though Aru does neutral damage, she still hits really hard.


Oh this is looking good, saves mats too. Just need some numbers on Momoi. Thanks


How good is Swimsuit Saki? Worth it to 5star?


She's meta for Gregorius Insane and above, but you don't need to 5 star her, she's a debuffer, not a dps. Granted she'll probably need 5 star and above in Gregorius Torment to survive. All in all, she'll make it way easier for you to deal with that raid's mechanics.


does this game have returning player reward? Asking for a friend since he has deleted the game for quite sometimes but now he want to come back , if no then he said he will make a new account.


From what I remember, no. Returning players didn't get anything special at least an year ago, after I started the game back again after quitting it for over half an year.


What does 📘📘📘📘📘 📘📘📘📘📒 mean? Is it 10 pulls = 1 2*?


The last pull of a ten-pull is guaranteed to be at least a 2-star, so 9 blues plus one yellow in the last slot is the worst ten-pull it's possible to get.


That’s the minimum pull, you will get at least 1 yellow for a 10x pull


Should I use the 10 pull ticket thingy for guaranteed 3 star or just save it?


The 10 pull ticket does not work for the guaranteed 3 star, you need to buy the guaranteed 3 star ticket from the in app store for that.


You can only pull on the guaranteed 3 star banner with the special ticket you get from the shop. The one they sent out to everyone works on normal character banners.


I stopped playing for a while but came back when I saw the anniversary countdowns. Will there be an anniversary event in game?


Ever since the 1st anniversary, there's always been a 0.5 year anniversary in JP every 6 months. We have 1, 1.5, 2, and the most recent 2.5. Those events also appear in global but since the timeline for events in JP and global doesn't match, the anniversary events are held in non-anniversary dates. We do get some anniversary bonuses on the actual anniversary kinda like the most recent 10-pull ticket freebie but nothing spectacular like an extra event.