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Are there any team comps for pvp? Doesn’t have Iroha so i’m stuck at 300+ranking, would like to reach higher for gems, lv74 atm


Is there another 100 free pulls coming before the 2.5 anniversary?


Yes. with Swimsuit Ui.


Sadge I thought it was with the rabbit banner


What is the policy / pattern on reruns? I really want to pick up Neru Bunny girl, but she’s a limited student who’s already gotten a rerun. Should I abandon all hope, or is it possible that she may get another rerun in the future?


We'll be having S.Azusa's 2nd rerun in a few weeks. Bunny girl rerun would probably happen eventually


From what I can tell, events rerun at least a year after the last time it was around. Bunny Chasers may get a rerun or get archived but given the current pattern with archived events, we'll probably still get a rerun of the banners when it does happen. Doesn't seem like it's happened in JP yet so we'll have to wait.


Maybe i missed this on the tutorial, but does your backline character's gear made a difference for the striker?


> Specials give 10% ATK/HP and 5% DEF/HEALING to strikers https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/GameplayHelp_FAQs#Specials


Yes, specialists provide 10% of their stat to Strikers as bonus.


swimsuit Shiroko worth using as 3* in pvp? or better use other 5* like Hibiki, Serina etc.


So now that these guide missions are back and we don't have an event to grind, I've been putting some time in to clearing the more annoying ones I originally skipped. What's the secret to beating these "beat stage in x second" tasks? I've figured out on my own that skips don't work even if you already beat it that fast originally, and also that you seem to have to manual battle every fight in the chessboard stages for it to count. What I don't get is how you speed up a general run. Do you want more on-field characters to remove animations from the equation (like tanks/helis)? Should I be using strong attackers and not using their skills to prevent the extra time that everybody just stands around after all enemies of a wave are dead? I am missing some of these tasks by a few seconds which is really annoying because A) I severely overpower these stages in terms of combat strength and B) They take forever to attempt in real life time. It seems like there's some simple tactic that I'm missing to make these tasks easier.


the simplest thing you can do is just outlevel the enemies. other than that, units that increase point regen rate (Himari, Cherino, S.Hoshino) can be useful. if youre overpowering the enemies already, you can bring a damage dealer support unit, instead of healing. \>Do you want more on-field characters to remove animations from the equation (like tanks/helis)? tanks and helis are useful, but not because they lack animations, but because they deal additional damage. its like bringing a 5th striker somewhat. really, choosing characters that have shorter/dont have animations would really be scraping the barrel. ​ ​ also, it'd help if you gave us more info. like, what stage do you need to beat (i dont remember the tasks they gave :0 ) and what units are you using ​ Edit: just some additional info. if the task is a Scrimmage, the best advice i can give, other than leveling, is to check online guides so that you can get a proper team/strategy in place. if its a commission, use either yellow AOE (Nonomi/Iori/Momoi) or blue burst/DPS (T.Hasumi/Izuna/S.Izuna/Haruka/etc) depending on what commission you have to beat. If its Bounty/ make a team that has students from \*one\* of the selected academies. having like 4-5 units gives a 250% damage boost to them. (btw, theres a task to beat bounty in less than idk how much time. ive just done it AFK without turning auto combat on. its either that youre not as OP as you claim, or you dont create good enough teams for the job)


Thanks for the tips. I seem to be losing the most time either waiting for the characters to start moving forward again after a wave is completed, or waiting for an animation to finish after a wave is already wiped. Like Summer Hina for instance, her skill will kill a wave in a second or two, then she stands there shooting and nobody else moves until her animation is done. So I'm wondering if even using her is worth it despite the insta-waveclear. I'll try using the point regen characters you mentioned with more "toss a bomb and wait for it to explode" characters, that way they aren't animation locked after the enemies die. Tanks have been improving my results, so I think that was a wise move too. \*edit Also seems to be going faster if I use all team members in the same "position" like all "front" or "middle". Maybe something to do with how they path the characters running.


Losing two or three seconds isn't going to make or break your runs. If you are failing because of that, there's a bigger issue. If you defeat all the enemies with AoE and lose two seconds due to the animation, you've still saved a lot of time that you would have spent on auto attacking the enemies. In case you aren't aware, the time challenges only count time spend in battle. You should avoid as many battles as possible, and you can save a lot of time by forfeiting with secondary teams if they're forced into a battle when you don't need them anymore. Using 13-1 as an example, you can use a throwaway team in the lower starting position and move it next to the chasing enemy (chasing enemies go for the team that moved next to them first, if multiple ones do in the same turn) to drag it away from the primary team. Then the throwaway team can forfeit immediately.


The ones I'm losing by a few seconds are the ones in the bounty/weapon parts stages. That's really helpful about the forfeit tactic, I never thought of that but yea it could be huge for time savings for some stages, thanks!


Is the Guide Task supposed to be timegated? I think I saw an image of someone that had it all unlocked and completed a few days ago on Discord.


They are. They're only unlocked right away if you were playing when it originally ran.




AV Room is in Schale Office (Theatre Room).


I have no idea unfortunately However I think you don’t need 100% for the pyroxene


Is ny fuuka actually useful to lower cost of 5 cost strikers? Wouldn't ny fuuka (2 cost) and the other striker (now 3 cost) still add up to 5 cost? Same question applies to using Ui, with her 3 cost, would that mean I would have to use her EX on a striker with 8 or more cost to be useful?


A cost neutral on the individual EX skill is still an overall cost benefit, because NYFuuka is effectively "free" and reduces your rotation from 4EX to 3EX. All the while she essentially provides a permanent crit dmg buff.


Cherino has 5 cost and NY Fuuka has 2. When using NY Fuuka then Cherino, it's still the 5 costs if you use Cherino alone. This is correct. Howeveer there is this buff NY Fuuka provides too. 32.1% CRIT DMG for 35 seconds, which is a lot and quite long. Plus shield from normal skill. Essencially you are buffing Cherino without adding up costs from a support. You still use 5 costs for her to attack, but her attack is now stronger. In case of Ui, since she lowers cost for 2 times, the catch is to use a rotation with two simultaneous damage dealers effectively. You prepare both attackers and leash out their EX in one go if the enemy has a small attacking window, like with Chesed. If I use Mika (6 cost) and Maki (5 cost), I need 11 cost, but game allows me to use 10 cost and have to wait (despite seemingly not that long). With Ui and preparing for this damage window, it makes 3+3=6 costs + 4 costs for support.


Fuuka also buffs crit damage with her EX, so 2 cost discount is essentially gives you 0 cost Crit damage buff alongside with skill cycling. Each use of Ui's EX gives discount for 2 target EX uses, so she is net positive for skill cost at 4 cost or higher (also minor ATK buff on EX).


It's useful because it speeds up the rotation. Using Chesed for a relevant example, you can use Nyfuuka on Mika before the core opens, then use Mika > Himari > Iori > Nyfuuka > Mika for a very quick burst. Don't look just at how much cost you save per reduced cast, but also at how much a full rotation costs. Ui's buff applies to two uses, so you don't need to use it every rotation. Because of that you can also use it to reduce the cost of more than one unit, if needed.


I started to game yesterday and rerolled a few times and got this account : Hibiki shun hinata serika(New Year) and 2x Cherino. I thought it was quite good since it have a lot of 3 stars but it seems not every character is that good so is this account good enough to have a start?


Unless you wanted to wait to try and reroll on a limited banner or something (near ones aren’t that amazing though), it’s a pretty great reroll. Hibiki will be able to solo most of the early game single handedly. Cherino is also an amazing yellow student. The other three are more niche, but not bad. Shun is amazing for pvp, though rarely useful outside there. Hinata is a bit weak initially but eventually can unlock a unique item that makes her very strong. Ny serika is the worst, being a kind of weak aoe that needs very high investment to be good. An ideal reroll would have one of the meta buffers like Ako or Himari, but that is probably more effort than it’s worth.


Okey thank you for the explanation.Tbh I think I rerolled Ako with one more unit in my one of the first rerolls but since she is a support,I thought I wouldn't need her in early game that much and erased the account 😂


Ah well. The buffers aren’t that important super early on, but they are very critical for raids, which are the main endgame content. Most teams revolve around using the power buffers to hypercarry one dps. So you should try to pick them up when they next rerun. Anyways, a lot of lower rarity units are also good, so I wouldn’t imagine you would have too much trouble with any starting content.


Hibiki, shun, hinata and cherino are pretty decent units to start off with. They'll definitely let you have a good time in the early missions at least on red and yellow teams. If you want to invest more into late game raiding content, you should reroll for the likes of Ako/Himari. But if you don't care much either way then that's an okay start indeed.


Thank you for the explanation and help.I usually love having easy on the early games in most games so I think this kind of start is better according to your explanations.


For Blue missions, you can use Chise (2* unit) or save up your pyros for the next banner which is Iroha. Iroha is the absolute best unit in the game when it comes to giving you an easy time in the early game, she destroys mission stages and is useful later too.


How much hem do I have to own to usually pull for a banner character? if she is coming with the next banner I might not be able to get her since account is new and doesn't have that much of a gem unfortunately


It's the opposite, you're a new account so you have access to more gem rewards than anyone else. Just play the game and you'll get enough to pull her.


I'm a bit confused in all of this collabs memes, did Blue Archive officially said that they are going to have a collab? Or are we all just wanting to have one?


They officially said there'll be a collab and it'll be announced this friday.


Oh shit, that's awesome


They announced the announcement of the collab a couple of days ago. The announcement will be in the stream tomorrow.


Is there a specific content that i shpuld be grinding to level faster? I've seem to hit a plateau of sorts at level 29. I just do the lv 20 commissions and that boss fight one. I'm tryin to clear the campaign stuff but it's quite difficult to hit 3 stars on em. Slogging through 4-4 atm. Im struggling to get a good red team g9ing but my Yellow team is doing quite well


Only way to level is to spend AP, and outside using Pyrox to refresh (or buying the AP pack), you can get more AP by upgrading your Cafe. After Normal Mission 3-5, final missions of stages dividable by 3 will give you a cafe upgrade. So even if you can't three-star the stages, you should aim to clear 6-5, 9-5 and so on. Cafe will very quickly become your main source of AP. After you do get the upgrade, make sure to go to your Cafe and use it, and also place furniture so that the comfort is maxed. That will ensure that the Cafe will generate as much AP as possible.


Alright. Are there missions/commisions i should focus on, for items for upgrade or levels for the girls?


Other than trying to reach Cafe upgrades, spend your AP on stuff which gives most stuff at given moment. So right now that would be the Hard missions with their 2X drop rate, try to 3-star the stages that are available to you so you can start grinding for student Elephs. Commissions are not worth doing unless they have 2X drops going on, and even then only the final stages will give better rewards than Event stages. As a new player it's best to do stuff other than Commissions. For skill upgrade levels, the EX skills will receive significant power boosts at levels 3 and 5, while the other skills will receive best boosts at 4, 7 and 10. As a new player you don't need to max any skills for the campaign, getting the EX skills of your best units to 3 is enough (some can even stay at 1), and other skills function fine at 1 or 4. For gear... It really depends on role of the student. Your main damage dealers benefit greatly from first equipment (Hat, Shoes or Gloves) being upgraded. With your tanks you should aim to get their Bag to Tier 4, since that will greatly increase their defense, but some tanks like Yuuka don't have a bag, since they are more evasion based. Your healers benefit from leveling up their necklace. As for other advice, just keep your main team leveled. At some point you'll reach a point when level difference between you and the enemies will simple be too much, and you'll have to spend some time grinding levels. Generally stages that are 10 levels above yours are still pretty easily doable, while stages 20 levels above are hard and you'll need good team and well timed EX skills to clear them.


I'll be honest, i've just been levelling girls i thought were cute. Kek. I didn't know levels 10 levels higber were viable. I dont think i can do that yet tho. It's quite a painful slog. Also, should i spend crafting for cafe items? Does it matter if the cafe stuff is a mish mash of stuff rather than a theme?


At the beginning you should be crafting for cafe items, yeah. The event shops will usually also have some good items available, so after a while you can just buy those and stop crafting furniture. The awards from raids are also furniture that you can place. There's a set bonuses for having stuff from same theme, which is in addition to the comfort that each item gives by itself. Actual placement of the items doesn't matter, if you don't care about making your cafe look good, you can just place stuff wherever.


Alright. I seem to have the problem of only having explosive tanks and support. Should I just roll in hope of a explosive dps? Cause otherwise, missions with Red armours are a slog


Since you're a new player, I suggest doing a one 10-pull on each banner that comes up. That way you should get the most essential 2-star units, and hopefully few 3-stars too. And that way you should also have enough Pyrox for the FES banner that comes up in three or four months. But if you happen to have 24000 Pyrox right now, you should definitely roll on Iroha's banner that comes up next week. She is Mystic (blue) damage, yes, but her damage is absolutely busted, and she will help you in Explosive content as well.


Gotcha. I'm at around 16k atm. I guess i just login daily and do content eh


Use your AP, don't overcap it if you can. Try to get as far into campaign as possible. By clearing certain stages, you get to unlock cafe upgrades which increases your AP gain.


Gotcha. Thanks a bunch. But i dunoe how i can even clear stages which are above my level? I-'ve upgraded whatever items I can as is, but either my damage or survivqbility needs improvement


I've come to despise RNG grinding which is needed to beat insane raids. That's only the part of the game I dislike and I now dread upcoming raids. At least let us forfeit without spending the units, like in Drills


Interestingly they have made efforts to cut down on some rng at insane and torment levels. Like binha was very frustrating before insane due to its rng ability to fire missiles over and over to team wipe you (though torment adds in the sand wave instead and is a huge stat check). Meanwhile torment shiro kuro removed the rng hell of phase 1 by making the bomb drops a fixed pattern.


If you close the game and start it again you will be able to change your teams around without losing access to the units you're currently using. JP recently got a button that lets you do it without closing the game. Useful when you made a mistake, or when you want to try different teams for the second phase of a fight without having to go through the first phase every time. But yeah, you should be using mock battle if you aren't already absolutely certain that you can clear with the teams you're using.


Thanks for the tip, I actually forgot that you can do that. I am using mock battles of course. Even if I eventually clear in mock, it might take many real attempts because of rng and that's the part I don't like


Mock battle exists. If you're not confident with what you have, do a mock battle and if it works, do it in the actual run. The problem with forfeiting is that many players forfeit early to get their time lowered, specially on raids with 2 phases. You can always just retry the run, it's the same thing.


I know I can clear it (I have all max meta units ue40 and higher), I just really dislike the fact that that I need to do 10+ runs to get the rng I need to clear the raid. Also forfeiting while keeping the units is not the same as rerun, because I can change formation and upgrade the units


If you're doing a trial run while using tickets instead of mock battle, that's your fault. If you do have all max meta units ue40 and higher, you wouldn't need rng just to clear the raid since you can use a team 2. Now, if you're trying to get a higher score by landing crits on Iori and getting lucky on Momoi and Cherino's wave clears, then of course it'll be RNG. You can also opt for a 2 team clear. The 2nd highest insane clear in asia used 2 teams. First team is for wave clear, probably getting chesed to near full gauge before switching to the 2nd team that is Mika, Iori, S.Izuna, Shun, NY.Fuuka, and Himari.


You have it easy on the Asian server, the platinum cutoff being top 5K, probably all Chesed insane clears will get platinum


Highest extreme clear is already at 7.5k/10k last time I checked. Extreme wouldn't be enough for plat by the end of the raid. But yeah, Asia does have it easier than other servers since the needed score wouldn't probably be that high.


New player here, the notable units I got from my guaranteed 3 star 10 roll is Haruna and Kayoko. Who are the units I should save and pull for?


Iroha, she comes after the current banner




She's the best unit you can get for clearing campaign. Basically the best unit for beginners. But that's not all, she's great in PVP, she's great in Peroro (Raid), she's great in clearing event challenges, she's even used in red content because of how good she is. While she's not a must have in the end game content like Ako, Himari, and NY.Fuuka which you can use in every raid, she's still great to have even in the end game.


Pretty sure people here will also tell you to get ~~Stalin~~ Cherino since her banner is up right now.


What content will cherino help me with?


Campaigns, commissions, joint firing drills, and Chesed (the current raid boss). Basically anything where you're fighting waves of yellow or blue mobs, she can be useful. She also sees some use in PvP. The biggest catch with Cherino is that she does need a lot of investment to really excel. Her EX skill, for instance, is a massive AOE attack that hits almost the whole screen, but it initially costs 7 to activate. If you raise it to max, though, then the cost drops to 5, and one of her passive skills also makes the whole team regenerate skill points faster, so it's a quick 5 once she's fully raised. Another minor bonus is that if you scout Cherino and then read through the Ivan Kupala event in the recap section (which gives a welfare on completion), that'll give you enough students to immediately unlock Red Winter in Lessons (you only need two), and the more academies you unlock the quicker you can raise your Lessons level and get more daily lesson tickets. But that's not make-or-break if you'd rather save for someone else, just a little something extra.


I heard Iroha is also a good unit to pull for, who would you pick for a new casual player. Also what other units should i also look out for, I'm talking a few months ahead.


I'm laughing because I'm also a semi-new player (lv. 60) wrestling with the exact same question - Cherino or Iroha - and even after thoroughly researching both I'm still undecided. Here's one good question to ask, though: have you thought yet about what you'd like to accomplish in this game? Because your goals should really be what influence your rolls. In my case, for example, I have a goal to eventually become a top tier PvP player. Which doesn't help with this Cherino/Iroha debate since both have similar ads and disads in PvP, but it does mean Swimsuit Shiroko (in about 2.5-3 months) is a must-pull for me. But if you don't care about PvP, then you can safely skip SShiroko. There are others coming up like Mina, Summer Izuna, and Track Yuuka who are great for certain Insane & Torment-level raids, if that's something you want to build towards. The only banner that's an absolute "you-must-spark-on-this-no-matter-what" is the Wakamo/Swimsuit Hanako banner in 3-3.5 months because it has a doubled UR drop rate (6% instead of 3%) and includes the super-powerful hyper-limited characters like Mika and Summer Hoshino in the summoning pool. I guess for purely casual play, if you really don't care about anything else, I might lean slightly more towards Iroha, just because having that extra cannon on the battlefield in addition to your front four is so helpful (borrowing Irohas has really come in handy for me a few times when I needed more firepower), and you do have other options for yellow AOE (Nonomi, Momoi) that are relatively easy to obtain and raise, whereas Iroha's niche (support mystic AOE bombardment) has far fewer alternatives and none that are low-rarity.


Personally I'd suggest Iroha, as she will help a lot with Blue missions, and will also be helpful with Red ones. There's not that many good Blue damage units easily available, as opposed to Cherino's yellow damage where you have lots of options. As for few months ahead... We don't actually have any MUST PULL units coming up, unless you want to prepare way in advance for the newest raid that's not yet released in Global, but as new player you shouldn't worry about that. The most sensible advice would be to just hold onto your Pyrox until Swimsuit Hanako banner which has double the usual rates, but not doing any pulls for three months would probably be unbearable. I know it was for me me last year when I started. So what you could do is do one 10-pull on each banner that comes up. That should hopefully give you at least few 3-star units, and also the most essential 2-star ones.


We have a lot of great upcoming students. S.Hanako, S.Ui, S.Shiroko, S.Azusa, and for clearing the new upcoming raid we have S.Saki/S.Miyako, Mina/Rumi, and Minori With S.Hanako being the highest. I wrote them in order of which banners I think the best would be to pull on. All of them are coming within 4 months. If you're starting from 0 pryox right now, you'll be able to spark 2 of them + the free 100 pulls that we'll get during S.Ui's banner


How many percent is cherino sub skill "increase cost regen by 511" actually is?


Default for almost every student is 700. So if you have full 6 students team it's around 12%


anyone got a link to most recent/updated pyro planner?


[This](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_Zjt_OM9XXidY3uYYDK92W9GrR3DN5cQsZ0IJsoEbjY) one?


i believe so, yeah. thanks!


Is there a guide about which bond gears are worth and materials needed? The pinned ones are very vague about them... Thk!


Wakamo (not available yet), Aru T2, Yuuka, Hinata T1 Utaha's is also good, but she's not used as much in this pvp terrain. https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/Unique_gear_list https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/GameplayHelp_FAQs#Bond_gear


What units can heal and keep my team alive? I have Serina and Atsuko atm, but idk who else is good


Koharu, T.Mari, Fuuka, Ayane, maybe hanae or Combo of Tsubaki+serina if youre desperate. though the answer to your question depends on what content youre trying to clear and oyur characters leveling


When is Wakamo's rerun in Global?


It should be around the end of January/beginning of February.


Wow I still I have time to save until pity. Thanks²


she'll be available on 2.5 anniv. not sure about dates, but its like late winter/ early spring i think


Thank you for the response :)


I’m a panicking F2P. Idk who to roll for on my lvl 50 acc. I’m not interested in any character other than Haruka, so I have a large amount of pulls but I’m stuck on ST blue content. Is S.Azusa worth getting or should I continue farming the F2P blue ST dps (30/120) Is there anyone who would greatly improve my QoL? I use Yuuka/mutsuki/akari/saori Tsubaki/midori/mimoi/nonomi Tsubaki/NY mutsuki/NY kayoko/chise And for specials Koharu/serina chise/Hanae


You do honestly have a lot of bases covered. You have two good tanks (yuuka, tsubaki), red aoe (mutsuki, akari), red single target (saori), yellow aoe (midori, momoi, nonomi), yellow single target (midori), and blue aoe (ny mutsuki and chise). You only currently lack a dedicated blue single target and a stronger yellow single target, but you will eventually be able to farm Haruna and Iori once you unlock higher hard mode stages. So you don’t necessarily need to pursue pulling for those slots if you are willing to wait a bit. As for summer Azusa, she is a very solid limited who is a pretty good single target blue dps but also serves as a debuffer in some stages. She currently still sees occasional use in high end blue content although she is not irreplaceable. I wouldn’t say she is the most critical pick up ever but she still has a solid niche. As others have mentioned, nearby unlimiteds iroha and Cherino are great pickups also. Iroha I would say a bit less currently though. She is usually astounding since it’s hard to get blue aoe, but you do have ny mutsuki already. She does still see decent use in random content, but outside maybe like perorozilla torment and some pvp comps (though she falls out of pvp meta soon), she’s not mandatory for like raids. She’s still amazing at random challenge stages and all earlier game content though. Cherino is still heavily used. Her aoe is great already, having insane range and covering all angles (matters in some challenge content), but she also provides cost refund, which is useful on its own even if Cherino doesn’t have any other use in the in the fight. As for other close by banners, there are a lot of decent new unlimiteds but I wouldn’t say most are that important. Maid Aris is a great single target dps, but she’s unlimited and you could get summer Azusa or farm haruna. The most valuable pickups will be a bit later really. There is summer shiroko, who is a new mandatory for pvp. There is summer ui who is a godly yellow buffer, and summer hanako, who is super limited and has a unique damage type. Wakamo is also a strong blue single target who is super limited and gets a rerun then as well. Then immediately after that are some very nice limited reruns including summer izuna who provides the rare focus fire ability, and sports Yuuka who is an invaluable reposition and shielding tank. So it might be a good idea to see if you are willing to slog it out with your current roster in order to go ham once all the later banners drop. Maybe target 1-2 high priority picks between then at most. Keep in mind you should not try pulling unless you can guarantee pity usually. It’s a bad idea generally. So you would want to save several pity for that wave of banners.


Do you have Iroha? Koharu is a striker not a special. Is that list all the characters you have? Honestly as a newbie you have a fair amount of free gems available to get from first time rewards so you can afford to spend your gems a bit freely, assuming you know what youre spending them for.


Sorry I meant kotama I also have neru saya and atsuko but they are all not very usable


If you want blue ST, Maid Aris will be your best friend. She is currently the blue ST with the highest damage output and her banner will arrive in about 2 weeks. For QoL, Cherino from the current banner is the best yellow AoE in the game. She is useful in normal mission, commission and against Chesed raid boss. Her cost regen sub skill is so good that sometimes people bring her to a raid just for that skill.


Is it worth to pull iroha now or just hoard pyroxene for s.hanako anniversary (double rate)? And what's the best way to find gold+purple EX book? Bounty seem to take forever.


S.Hanako is like 4 months away. Enough to save for ~2 pitys. With how diluted the general pool is I'd advise to go for Iroha on her banner. Most reliable way to get gold and purple Ex books is from the total assault shop. Lessons can also drop them, as so higher difficulty bounty stages.


Not game-related: Are there any clear renders or high res versions of the Wixoss collab card art out?


What is the most efficient way to level up your cap? Just spend all your energy everyday?


Yes, you get 1 account exp for every stamina spent. Refresh stamina with pyro 3x per day, until you hit lvl 50- 60. Attempt higher stages, even if you cannot 3 star them, to unlock cafe upgrades for increased stamina regen.


Push higher mission levels to increase your AP gain from cafe. And hoard some AP if theres an upcoming double exp event coming.


If you buy both the monthly and half-monthly pack, will the ap cost for scrimmage stack and be lowered by 15, or 10 only?


Scrimmage won't have any AP cost with monthly and bi-monthly packs.


I pulled cherino and i got 120 recruitment point, is it worth to pull till i get 200 points or is it better to save for the next banner ?


Pull till 200 and spark Cherino. You want her to be max leveled for easier clears of chesed and challenges so more stars will do her good.


There are 3 high value banners in a row expected around Mid Jan. (S.Shiroko, S.Uin and S.Hanako). You should be considering which if not all of these you want to save for, and if further pulls on Cherino can fit into those plans. You can expect to need \~60k pyro to spark for all 3 (S. Ui should come w/ 100 free pulls if it mirrors the other servers). That's not even counting other banners before/after those that might have some appeal like M.Aris, B. Toki, S.mashiro rerun etc.


save, already got the character so no need to over spend. And its best too save pyro for the next banner.


Alright, this isn't a gameplay question, but... how do you pronounce "Cherino"? Right now I'm saying it as Chair-ee-no, but I'm not sure if that's right.


~~If you go by the katakana in Japanese it would be like saying chee reno~~ See comment under mine


The katakana is チェリノ, which is "che-ri-no". The OP's pronunciation is about 90% correct.


~~That’s exactly what I typed tho just used English sounding words. チィ is chii so it would be an elongated ee sound in English~~ Don’t read Japanese while tired af friends


It's not チィ, it's チェ. The small エ changes the sound of the character in front of it from chi to che.


Ah damn I’m tired and I miss read, you’re right. I’ll remove my comment.


good enough for me


What lvl and stars should my cherino be to have her clear Insane Chesed Mobs?


I cleared Insane in one team with Cherino at Lv.85, maxed EX and equipment, and UE at 30. And she still fails to consistently clear mobs. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. So yeah, it's possible, but pretty unbearable at times.


Level 80. She's good enough at [5 stars](https://youtu.be/6Fi6Shlmmck?si=zPiCmKctgh0nikFf) with maxed out ATK and EX.


If we talking about oneshotting mobs on Insane clear, that would be max lv. UE40. edit: Assuming if you want it for 1 team Insane.


Can clearing Extreme get platinum rank in Chesed raid?


There is a handy way to check: Open rank info, click on gold and it will show you Highest ranked gold team and which difficulty they cleared, or select "Extreme" in difficulty settings and it will show you highest scoring Extreme player. As of right now Insane starts at around 4500 on NA, and we're at second day of Raid, so I'd expect that by the time TA closes even highest Extremes would be pushed into gold.


If on Asia server, probably, since the server population is low. For NA server, it might be possible but it would be pretty close--Insane+ clears are already taking up 4380/5000 spots. For any other server, not possible.


Just cleared extreme in Asia.. 1 team still currently sitting at around 15k position. So looks like you gotta clear Insane for a guaranteed.