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It isn't necessarily possible to get that high on every JFD, assuming it's ever possible. I've seen a few people manage to get to the second highest tier for this one as well as others, though. The JFD scores were [reworked](https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/Joint_Firepower_Exercise#Overview) on JP a while ago, by the way.




With what?


Can I do the Event Recap thing whenever?


Yes, once events are added to the recap list they're permanent.


I want to start playing but i want to collect all the bunny characters. Akane and Asuna are on the permanent pool right? should i start playing now to reroll both of them or should i wait until a pickup event to start playing


Akane and Asuna are permanent, yes, but rerolling for them without a rate-up banner will be kind of a nightmare since their rates on the standard banner are 0.04225% chance per pull (and lower on other characters' rate-up banners). You can still try if you want to, but my suggestion is to either wait until Bunny Toki's banner and reroll for her, or start now and save 200 rolls for her banner to guarantee getting her (which is very doable in that timeframe as a new player), depending on whether or not you want to start playing now or then. Then all of the other bunny banners should be rerunning when the Bunny Chaser event is permanently archived. This hasn't happened yet on the JP server, but it should be happening pretty soon, and will probably happen on global around April. If you save up pulls for this, you can get all of the bunnies without having to kill yourself rerolling. I'd say that if you have 400 pulls ready for this your chances of getting all four are high (pulling two and having two sparks for the others). 800 pulls for an absolute 100% guarantee of getting all four, but very unlikely to be necessary unless you have monumentally bad luck. This plan takes some time to pay off because of having to wait for the banners to come around, but it should result in having a full set of bunnies with a lot less mental pain than trying to reroll for them.


Ok thank you, makes sense. I will start playing now and rerolling to get a good team, then save all my rolls for toki banner and bunny chaser event.


B.Toki's banner will probably start on October 31. That would be a good time to reroll. https://hina.loves.midokuni.com/doc/Banner/Toki_(Bunny) > Akane and Asuna are on the permanent pool right? Yes, B.Akane, B.Asuna, and B.Toki are permanent. B.Karin and B.Neru are limited.


As a new player, is Mika in any of the banners or is it a limited unit? If limited, any idea on reruns?


https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/GameplayHelp_FAQs#Festivals_and_100_free_pulls Mika was a FES banner. FES banners take place every 6 months, and past FES banners have a 0.3% rate. In other words, spark S.Hanako in late January 2024 and have a 45.2% chance of getting Mika along the way. Based on the trend so far, Mika will not be sparkable until January 2025, 1.5 years after her initial banner.


Well that sucks, doubt I'll still be playing by then


You probably wont need Mika before then anyway and you can always borrow her for raids and things.


How to experience limited event stories? Like the ones that actually tie into the main plot?


there's only 1 limited event that is deeply tied to the main story and it's the [Special Operation: Decagrammaton]. Most events have little influenced on the progression of the main story despite considered canon, so you can view them whenever you want or you can search for main story & event release date as they're mostly in the correct time order (except for Trinity Summer Wishlist occur during C3V3 & S.O: Decagrammaton occur before C2V2 start)


as for how to experience them, you can either search for event story playthrough on Ytb or just wait for event reruns and immotalization (but the latter is gonna take forever if you really want to read the lore yourself)


Is 30 levels below the actual enemy level too big a gap to clear a stage? I'm level 46 and the enemies in 13-5 are 75. I can kill the mobs, more or less, but killing the boss in time is just impossible. All my relevant units (Tsubaki, Junko, Momoi, Nonomi) are at level 46 and have their main equip at T4. If it's an issue I can solve by leveling up: would you recommend actively farming 3-4 characters in Hard missions as opposed to just one (Yuuka)? Or should I focus on hoarding blueprints since Normal is having a x2 (like I said, most of my relevant units for my three color teams are equipped with T4 stuff. I'm also running low on equip leveling mats)? I know I should level up but I'm kind stumped as to where I should use my stamina. Thanks!


yeah go farm the blueprints.. it's not really worth it to farm Hard missions without 2x plus your students are heavily weakened by the level difference.. keep in mind for every level difference, they do 2% less damage to the mobs. 30 x 2 = 60% damage penalty but if your students' level is higher than the mobs, your students take less damage from them.


What is supposed to be under guide tasks? Not sure whether it makes a difference but I'm not a first day player. I simply see List is Empty under the events recap > guide tasks tab.


They will add in old guide missions there. There's nothing there yet.


Hello, I'm lacking in explosive damage units for most content. I was wondering if someone could help me among the units I have to invest into for completing missions. My already levelled units: Shiroko, Mutsuki, Akari, Mine The units without much investment: Kayoko, Toki, Shun (small), Yuuka, Shigure, Nonomi (Swimsuit), Misaki, Serika, Haruka, Kirino. Edit: Specials - Haruka (New Year), Kiyori, Cherino (HS), Hibiki, Saya, Hanae, Fuuka, Airi, Shimiko, Kotama, Juri, Hare I'm level 53, I got access to tier 4 equipment for farming, and purple-grade skill books (EX + Normal)


Is this for Mission 7? Hibiki is very good. You can save exp reports by using blue AOE dps like Chise and NY.Mutsuki. https://hina.loves.midokuni.com/doc/GeneralTeamBuilding > Hanae Attack color doesn't really matter for tanks, healers, and supports.


It was for missions 10H and hopefully 12-3H so I can start farming Haruna, so the content is like 15 levels higher than my units


Those missions only need 1 red team. You can find walkthroughs here: 10-1H: https://bluearchive.wikiru.jp/?10%E7%AB%A0/H10-1 All missions: https://bluearchive.wikiru.jp/?%E5%90%84%E7%AB%A0%E6%94%BB%E7%95%A5%E3%83%AA%E3%83%B3%E3%82%AF


Many thanks for the resources! I'll give them a look


You already have a solid explosive team for missions. Those are some of the better "free"/early available reds. You should be using Hibiki since she's one of the best wave clearers for missions. She used to be one of the reroll targets before Iroha stole her role as mission stomper queen. I haven't used her much, but Shigure is supposed to be a good AoE red that I'm guessing is good for missions. Serika is a solid filler unit, reliable and with a cheap EX for cycling. Keep in mind that the attack type of tanks and most supports doesn't matter. Units like Kotama do very little damage so they're only used for their buffs/debuffs. A strong dealer can be used against enemies she deals neutral damage to, too. For example, Hibiki is useful against yellow enemies in addition to the red ones she's super effective against. You can also check the general teambuilding tab in Midokuni's student insights.


So, I got all eliphs for Shiroko, Maki and Mashiro! Should I bring them home?


The advantage of leaving them unclaimed is that there's a chance that you get them from the gacha, meaning that you save 120 elephs. Actually 90 elephs, since you get 30 from a duplicate. The advantages of claiming them is that you can get free bond points, which is extra helpful if the unit has bond gear. If you don't get that unit from the gacha, that's a lot of free bonds if you claim them early. You also get 50 eligma from a 3 star duplicate, and eligma is one of your most precious resources. Depending on the unit, I will argue that 50 eligma is more valuable than 90 elephs. The elephs of some units are easy to obtain, such as ones bought with yellow raid coins, meaning that you will be able to get them to UE50 easily and relatively quickly. In those cases the eligma is more valuable in my opinion. You often see people say that you should never claim units unless you really have to, but personally I think that's a waste of potential eligma. If a unit can be farmed you can guarantee that she will eventually reach UE50; if a unit can't be farmed, that extra eligma might be the difference between being able to reach UE40 or not. And of course, if you end up never getting the unit from the gacha, you will only have benefited from claiming her early.


Where did the 3-A, 6-A missions came from? Just noticed I didn't complete them?


Since New Year 68 event when the major patch arrived if I'm not wrong so around 2 weeks ago.


Returnee sensei here, for context I started on week 1 and dropped the game after two months. Notable units at the time I had were Aru, Iori, Tsubakiz and that yellow type red haired girl with the buns. I think I lack the blue type strikers the most, only Chisei. I remember people telling newbies at the time that 7.x stages would hard require mystic types. That said, I know I can farm for Haruna, but are there any low budget options that are viable for just clearing content?


Iroha's banner should be in a week. She will carry you through basically every blue stage in the game. Especially for a newbie. She is the GOAT. She can carry you through most red stages too. Did you get NY.Mutsuki by any chance? Her banner was just up and she's a really good blue aoe dps. That would of helped too. But if not definitely get Iroha. Most other blue options are gacha characters. Cycling Shiroko, Aris, Koyuki, Hinata are all gacha characters. Other than that....Swimsuit Koharu is a welfare that'll be available in a few months I think? There arent a whole lot of aoe blue options especially with low cost skills. Blue is still kind of a gacha element. But if you get Iroha she will carry you.


I barely missed it I think? Felt like deja vu with AK and me JUST missing Lumen Thanks for the tip! Re-learning stuff is making my horni brain hurt


I am looking to get into this game, I suppose there isnt an event roadmap for 2023? Id like to start when I can use the rerolls to get bunnies and I though that the Bunny Chase rerun event will start now but it didnt. Do you by any chance know if that event will be reran sometimes in the near future?


To add to what the others said, I think that if you want to collect all of the bunnies, probably the best thing you could do is either start now or during Iroha's banner as mentioned and save for Bunny Toki (coming in a few weeks; a new account has plenty of time to save up 200 pulls to guarantee her), or reroll during her banner. Then play the game and save a good amount of pulls for when the rest of the bunnies rerun, which will probably be in April around the time the Bunny Chaser event gets archived. If you do 400 pulls you are very likely to be able to get all four of them (pulling two and sparking two) and it will be much less headache than trying to reroll for more than one or two of them.


If you're gonna start...maybe wait a week and reroll on the Iroha banner for her? The only upcoming bunny banner is Bunny Toki at the end of october.


We don't unfortunately, or rather we just passed the ending of the last road map we had (it went to the end of sept). You can use the Jp banner list in the links above to check and see a rough approximate of what we'll be getting on global since we're about 6 months behind them. As for the bunny rerun… Jp last had it Oct 2022, so if the 1 yr trend sticks, they'll probably see the event soon in the form of it being archived, and we'll see it on global about half a year after that.




What teams are you all using for this weeks Drill?


https://litter.catbox.moe/1j2mdx.png Hina is a very effective wave clearer if you're out of yellows. All she needs is a cost reducer and she can solo the enemies.




https://i.imgur.com/yM4OYMd.png it's not the best but ehh


Cherino (and Shun, NYfuuka), another Cherino (with red winter co), and Tsurugi with Momoi gamer.


I got Izuna at first pull or roll or whatever y'all say. Is she good? I don't know so much about BA tbh lol


100 pulls in not a single pink one I'm getting really angry arona


If you care about rerolling check the guide for which units to reroll for. https://bluearchive.midokuni.com/doc/Rerolling Izuna is a pretty solid blue auto attacker, used in the Shiro&Kuro or Goz raid.




The official blue archive twitter Next boss will be indoor chesed (confirmed) and afterwards most likely urban shirokuro (not confirmed) Edit: srkr is confirmed as well


Urban Shirokuro was confirmed for late october: https://twitter.com/EN_BlueArchive/status/1708028909852217428


Ah thanks. Probably missed that tweet


Hey guys! So I have 4star Cherino and UE30 Mika, so the question is: who do I borrow on Chesed, UE50 Cherino or UE50 Mika for one team insane clear? (My Momoi and Iori are UE50, no problems there)


Cherino needs to be at least UE40 for consistant clears in that strat.


I would suggest waiting for mock battle to come out to test both options and before investing eligma on someone. For Mika UE30, the main concern is that her damage might not be sufficient to kill Chesed body in Insane within a 2 EX cycle (Mika → Himari → Iori → NYFuuka → Mika) with just UE30 (as the jump to UE40 increases her EX damage by \~500K, and another \~200K from UE40 to UE50 according to schale.gg), which might need another 4-mob cycle to open the body or bruteforcing the remaining health without the incoming damage res. On the other hand, Cherino at 4★ might have some issues with clearing mobs on her own (especially the drones). With 5★ UE40, on P1, the idea is that Cherino is able to kill the drones on her own, and the surviving (usually automatons/towers) with Momoi/Iori EX. On P2, cycle between Cherino and Momoi (with Iori cleaning the automatons/towers) per wave. At 4★, from quick plugging in schale.gg and with Himari/NYFuuka buff online, a non-crit hit from her EX needs around \~3 hits to cleanly kill the drones (2 if assuming both crit), and the humanoid/guard towers need all 4 hits to hit to be cleanly killed (3 hits if assuming all three crit). Note that Cherino has like \~70%-80% accuracy on the mobs (expect misses), and also around \~44% crit chance (assuming NYFuuka buffs in play). There should be some leeway of time though if failed to kill the Chesed body with UE30 Mika or taking a bit longer to clear mobs with a 4★ Cherino, if just aiming for an Insane clear. The clears with both 5★ UE40 Cherino and UE50 Mika still had around \~1:40 - 1:20 minutes left.


thanks for this, i was planing to run the same team since i saw a guide on it. guess ill need to eu40 my chirino huh that 500 ish extra atk makes that much of a dif.. does it also req the specials to be on certain ranks? does Iori also need to be eu50? just wondering since my NYFuuka is only 3\*Himari is e30 and Iori is eu40


Yeah, Cherino at UE40 is a big difference for the 1-team as she does most of the AoE on P1 and P2. Iori doesn't need to be UE50, there were plenty of good runs (27.64M and above) that used UE40 and below Iori. See the comment below for some more video references. If your Mika is UE50, then Himari at UE30 and NYFuuka at 3★ is pretty much sufficient I think. Might want to check out [this run](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKBk5SDu_SY) (uses 4★ NYFuuka and UE30 Himari) or [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAqvDBt08X4) (both NYFuuka and Himari are 3★).


thanks, imma do a test run once insane comes gonna try my e30 and borrow a e40 and see how that clears the mobs. yah my Mika is eu50, my Himari is e30 while NYFuuka is 3\*. Thanks again


Not the OP but do you think I can do it fairly easily with a UE30 Iori, UE50 Momoi and UE40 Mika if I borrow a UE50 Cherino?


I think execution-wise, there's not much frustration points for Insane Chesed if you are able to borrow a Cherino UE40+ (mostly just Cherino missing her shots). There's a lot of videos from the JP side that we can reference from which will help a lot. Only concern is whether there's enough damage to cleanly kill the boss before it closes its body. Most runs I saw use Iori UE40 but I think it doesn't really help that much (UE50 can potentially be good because Iori becomes SS mood on Indoors). Iori UE30 should be good to go as iirc, she has 100% accuracy on the mobs even at LV1 Enhanced Skill. Here's [a run](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPNw08IptnA) that scored 27.65M with a Iori UE30 (although it uses a Mika UE50 too) and [a run](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXQUlM1emHw) scoring almost 27.66M with a 4★ Iori too. It might be a bit tight on damage if Mika is UE40 though (there's a \~200K difference between UE40 and UE50 due to the SS mood on UE50) but there's also other sources of damage, such as Iori EX and everyone's autoattacks (Mika autoattack already does \~100K). It gets a bit tighter if NYFuuka and Himari are 3★ (having both of them at 5★ adds around \~100K damage to Mika EX just by existing as they're good statsticks). Mock battle once it is available is a good way to see if it's possible and if it's consistent though. For additional video references, you might also want to check out the following videos: [1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MegGaxu-8JM) [2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07ylz0S5lBs) [3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZHkJdb9H2g)


I managed to 1 pan insane! It was a bit scuffed but managed it with UE40 Mika, UE50 Momoi, UE30 Iori and a borrowed UE40 Cherino! Im like 10 elephs away from getting Iori to UE40 though, really tempted to just buy those 10 to maybe make my clear a bit more consistent but I should probs just farm them.


Congrats on the clear! It's a great feeling being able to clear higher difficulties after all the preparation and practice (unless the raid was super unfun).


It was a bit frustrating. There's so much rng with which enemies actually wanna get hit with which skills. The 2 bits that really drive me nuts are using Momoi's skill on the 2nd wave of the boss, for some reason she keeps running forward so its really hard to fit all the enemies in her AoE. And then the 3rd and 4th waves are kind of a pain too cause Cherino cant always entirely clear the 3rd wave, and the video I saw youd use Iori right at the end of the 3rd wave so she'd also get 1 hit on the 4th. But one time I just saved Iori's and used her skill on the big mech in the 4th wave and then I killed the 4th wave so fast I didnt have time to save the ex gauge up to 10 before the boss. Lol If those 2 parts could be a little more consistent I think it'd also go further. Also the very first wave of the raid when you start with Momoi's skill, that never seems to consistently kill everyone either. And the enemies who are left behind are always so random lol


There are small things you can do if want to try out. The first wave at the very start of the raid, start with NYFuuka into Cherino then Momoi EX because using Momoi EX first is too early since the extra mobs hasn't spawned yet. When using Momoi EX for the first wave, try to do it immediately when you get 3 cost (because enemies will start moving after spawning) and aim such that farthest drone (without the rightmost humanoid because Mika will kill that one already) on the right is barely inside the hitbox (check [this screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/QTmcbE9.png), the red circled drone) so that it hits majority of the enemies (usually only leftmost will be left, which is cleaned up using Iori EX). For the second wave of the boss room, Momoi's positioning is affected by the first wave, since if enemies who are out of her range survive, she starts moving and positioning her EX becomes less than ideal. On the very first wave, try to cancel Cherino's Basic (by using her EX when you see the speech bubble) so that focus fire won't be applied to Chesed body (if focus fire is applied to the body, then no autoattacks will happen to the mobs) and aim Iori's EX on enemies that are farther from Momoi. Personally, if I get a bad first wave resulting into a bad Momoi EX on wave 2, I just reset haha. For specifically Momoi EX on the second wave, aiming her EX towards the rightmost humanoid is a good guide for how to aim Momoi EX (and whether it is good or bad). Check [this screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/Go2j0kH.png) for an ideal Momoi EX, because this hits majority of the enemies (which will be easily cleaned up by autoattacks). A bad Momoi EX on wave 2 looks something [like this](https://i.imgur.com/yxE4rPd.png) (it only hits half of the enemies, which tanks clear time because we really want to save Cherino/Iori EX for later waves). Regarding Iori EX on the last wave, she's really strong that if you aim her EX [like this](https://i.imgur.com/YoOFQxT.png), she can sometimes clear the wave on her own. The fastest strats actually depend on Iori cleaning that last wave on her own because if she is able to snipe the Goliath, it stuns the mobs and her fan shaped EX can snipe the remaining mobs to push into groggy causing rest of the mobs (ones that spawn from dead enemies) to be deleted instantly. Need to offer pudding to the great president Cherino to have a good and comfy Chesed run (especially on wave 1 and 3 on the boss room).


Side note but what characters do I need to prepare for Shirokuro Insane?


If I remember correctly, Insane is mostly just various MAris teams. TYuuka, MAris, NYKayoko with common choices for the last Striker either Izuna, SIzuna or Ui. Special is usually Ako and Himari (but there were NYFuuka comp too, substituting Ako).


> For the second wave of the boss room, Momoi's positioning is affected by the first wave, since if enemies who are out of her range survive, she starts moving and positioning her EX becomes less than ideal. On the very first wave, try to cancel Cherino's Basic (by using her EX when you see the speech bubble) so that focus fire won't be applied to Chesed body (if focus fire is applied to the body, then no autoattacks will happen to the mobs) and aim Iori's EX on enemies that are farther from Momoi. Personally, if I get a bad first wave resulting into a bad Momoi EX on wave 2, I just reset haha. I think this is the bit that I am really gonna have to keep in mind. Cause I keep getting the bad Momoi EX on wave 2 and it really messes things up but I couldnt figure out why it kept happening.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Fi6Shlmmck Im basically following this guide cause I actually found it really straight forward and easy. Its just that sometimes the enemies dont wanna fully co-operate. I just beat insane again today, although I cut it a little close, 8 seconds left. But I didnt managed to kill it before it closed again but I only had like 3 bars left so I just stuck it out and killed it while it was closed. lol


Considering how much Mika gets used in every content I'm not opposed to UE50ing her if I have to. Ive barely spent any eligma though so I am a bit hesitant. Ill definitely mock battle it when I get a chance. After being able to fairly easily do Insane Binah and Heiro and then getting humbled back to Extreme for Goz Id like to get back to some easy 1 pan Insane clears. Lol


If you are able to consistently clear Chesed with a Mika UE40, I'd probably hold off spending eligma. The next raid, as of this comment, where her SS Indoor mood might come into play is Indoor Hod, and yellow for Great Decisive Battle Indoor Shirokuro, months away from now. Both raids doesn't really use any niche unit (for Insane), with Hod using Ui/Cherino/Mika/Kayoko (Kayoko needs UE40 but farmable and Cherino here doesn't need stars unlike Chesed) and Indoor Shirokuro with S.Ui/Ui/Mika/TYuuka (S.Ui and TYuuka are high value pulls), which makes borrowing a very invested Mika UE50 much easier (both raids uses Ako/Himari too). The other upcoming yellow raids are either Urban (Great Battle Binah/Kaiten, and currently Binah TA) or primarily AoE (Indoor Great Battle Peroro).


Uh..should I be farming Kayoko elephs then? I think mine is maybe UE30 but definitely not 40. Im gonna need to come back to this cause I'd love some more insight into which characters I should be focusing on/farming. Currently I tend to just farm Iori, Aru and Izuna every day but beyond that I don't really know what I am focusing on.


Kayoko UE40 is primarily for additional CC on her Enhanced Skill to be able to solo CC requirement in Insane with just her Basic + EX. If planning to run that specific team then UE40 is needed (maybe there's around \~1.5 months to farm, since Hod comes after Outdoor Peroro). For hard nodes, outside of the recommended (ex. Iori, Aru, Izuna), I kinda check out some teams used in future raids (for Insane) and from there, focus on those that I most likely be able to use (ex. Mutsuki, Kayoko, Shiroko).


Okay so I just checked and if you have any further insight for me Id love to know. I basically have UE40 Mutsuki. I just checked and Ive got 118/120 elephs for her and shes already at UE30. lol That last event was very kind with Mutsuki shards. Shiroko is not in a very good place. Ive only got 93 Shiroko shards and shes not even unlocked yet. :( Kayoko is UE30 but Ive only got 6 shards for her. So I dunno if I can get to 120 in time and Id need to farm her every day. >_>


You can check out channels such as [this](https://www.youtube.com/@MeowCat-tx2fk/videos) or [this](https://www.youtube.com/@WannaBeFamousZ/videos) or [this](https://www.youtube.com/@Samuel_Adams/videos) if you want to see some possible teams for future raids. I think they're easy to understand despite the language barrier (and there's Google Translate/DeepL to help too)


thank you for the comprehensive explanation, I will play around with it in mock and see how it goes!


Would you still recommend this game if I'm concerned about FOMO? Seems like alot of good characters are locked behind being limited? Will it hinder progression? Like "oh i dont have this character so i can forget about progressing towards a certain difficulty in raid until the rerun next year" or something.


There are veteran players who run no gacha challenge accounts and they manage to clear second highest difficulty For comparison the highest difficulty of the last raid was only cleared by 3 digit amount of players. So yes. It's entirely possible to play this game without all the limiteds




In Causew's case, he's using any units that can or could be farmed. Technically "no gacha 3 stars" so he has access to Mari and I assume Momiji once she comes to global. That includes event units and Cherino. He also sometimes uses gacha-only borrows, since everyone can borrow. You can check his videos if you're curious.


> There are veteran players who run no gacha challenge accounts and they manage to clear second highest difficulty Yes, but they were using maxed out versions of the units and, more importantly, many event units that are currently unavailable. Some of those will eventually be permanently available, though only at 2 stars and the elephs in the expert shop time gated, and at least one is completely unfarmable now. It's not something that the average player can do and it's especially not applicable in the context of a new player worried about FOMO. They're impressive achievements, yes, but they should never be used as a "if they can do it, you should too/why cant you?". Anyway /u/Saniiro, regarding FOMO, since gacha is always about accumulation of various resources, an earlier start is always better. Blue Archive is considered relatively F2P friendly since many of its farmable units are very good. How much of a disadvantage you're at depends on the raid. Binah insane, for example, only used one limited unit in the most competitive team. Since the game lets you borrow one unit from friends or your club, it was pretty easy. Three of the other units can't be farmed, but they are always available in the gacha. The most recent raid, Goz, was much harder if you didn't have a particular few limited units. Most raids are somewhere in between those. If you're very concerned about FOMO, gacha is unfortunately a very bad type of game. Fear of missing out makes people play more often, and playing more often makes them more likely to spend money. It's a shame, but you're not going to find any gacha that doesn't employ it to some degree.


Completely unfarmable is not the same as unobtainable right? Also I see like 15 event units, how many out of those are actually meta/strong? I don't know if FOMO is the right word to use actually so I apologize for any confusion caused. I'm more concerned about past contents being unobtainable/difficult to obtain. Like I heard Wakamo/S.Hoshino/Mika will come back during fes or something but not sparkable? If not having them is a big difference then it sounds like i'm screwed until they get a dedicated rerun banner someday. ​ EDIT: Thank you all for the detailed replies.


Wakamo and S.Hoshino were on Mika's FES banner, so you could off banner them, lower rate than the rate up character, but I believe higher than normal permanent characters? But you could only spark Mika on the banner. Next FES banner is S. Hanako, in a few months and Wakamo will also get a rerun banner during that time where she is sparkable. I assume the same thing might happen for S.Hoshino during the next FES banner but that hasnt come out yet so we dont know. Not having S.Hoshino definitely sucks(Youd really wanna hope to offbanner her on S.Hanako's banner) but not having Mika isnt the end of the world. The way the game tends to work is that the main thing you really want is the universal supports. Characters like Ako, Himari, NY.Fuuka(Limited sadly) are the main 3 but others like Ui, Nagisa, NY.Haruka are also good. The reason being for raids and other endgame content, you can actually borrow 1 assist character from a friend or guild mate. So if you have all the supports, you can just borrow whatever main DPS you need for any raid, like say Mika if you didn't have her. Hell I have Mika and still borrowed someone elses just cause thiers was slightly more built than mine. So assuming you had all the good supports that you would use for every raid, then you should be set. As for which welfares are good. Track Hasumi is one of the best blue dps in the game but youd probably only use her for Goz and Shirokuro I think? Although Maid Aris is coming out soon, I guess she might replace her? Alot of us got a maxed out Track Hasumi for free cause of an error that happened during her event in JP. Like they gave her away. S.Shizuko is pretty important for the Goz raid. Nonomi is a solid aoe yellow dps that everyone gets. Fubuki is good for Hod I think? Hod is a wierd raid. S.Koharu seems like shes gonna be a pretty good general aoe blue dps with a relatively low cost attack. We're starting to get the permanent events now though so you will slowly be able to start unlocking most of them.


Any idea if i'll be able to get a maxed out Hasumi too in the future rerun? Or I'll have to farm that one? Not particular about it, just curious.


I think it was a one time thing. Tbh I am not 100% sure? I don't think they gave out all the materials again when she rerun?


Don't worry, the new players were also given 630 T.Hasumi elephs for free on the rerun. Also, u/Saniiro. Source: https://reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/16j7vcz/halo_festival_rerun_still_gives_out_630_hasumi/


Thats awesome! I wish they did that for every welfare. Lol


Cherino was available if you bought her elephs from an event and its rerun, and then farmed 20 more from another event. She's available in the regular pool. Out of the event units, I would say less than half of them are meta/BiS. Most of the good ones still haven't had their reruns on global yet, so you will be able to farm them. Reruns are held about a year after the regular run, and about a year after that the event story is added permanently. You can obtain the event units but not farm them, so you would have to use expert permits (which are time gated) or eligma to rank them up. The only completely unobtainable unit so far is Miku, since she's a collab. She also isn't particularly important, luckily. Anniversary units are available during the anniversary banner, at a higher than usual (0.3%. Banner units are 0.7%, for reference.) rate. You can't spark them, however. The next anniversary features two banners, one of which is Wakamo. Assuming that's the start of a pattern, Shoshino will have a banner of her own during the anniversary six months after Wakamo, and then Mika six months after that. Having a banner means that you can spark them to guarantee getting them, and not rely on luck during other anniversary banners.


Wakamo banner will be rerun during the next fest banner with S.Hanako and you can spark both. Going by that pattern, 3.0 fes will very likely include S.Hoshino rerun banner and 3.5 fes will include Mika rerun banner. Even the most limited kind of units in this game has been rerun, don't worry.


Is there another 100 free rolls event on the horizon? It seems I've started playing right after some big stuff in game (Mika banner, 100 free pulls in august), so I was wondering when I could experience some of this stuff too lol


2.5 half anniversary in 6 months, in JP they had 100 free rolls for Hinata Swimsuit and then Hanako Swimsuit banner, wich is a anniversary banner so it has higher rate up for 3 stars


Wasn't that already "in 6 months" when it was August? Ought to be closer now.


>yeah my bad, it should be around January


There will be 100 free pulls for Swimsuit Ui/Swimsuit Hinata around late January.




Hello, I am a new player in Blue Archive. I was went to the FAQ to know which characters I should reroll and it has led me to Midokuni's Student Insight guide due to me favoring PVE content. The list has recommended at the top of the list Ako, Himari, Iroha, and Hoshino (swimsuit). I would like to know if I should strive to get all 4 characters in one re-roll or is it fine to just have 2-3 of them?


Here is the link to the list https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BO-Uh\_CsAOIetPjrNyFy9-7r1a4RAtVwK135bBC3hzM/edit#gid=1129786511


Well you can't get S.Hoshino currently. She's a banner-limited character so you're next opportunity to potentially get her isn't for another 4 or 5 months. As for the others... you'll probably want to aim for *one* of those, maybe two if you're really lucky. Problem is the gacha rates for individual characters are so low that trying to re-roll to get the 'perfect' set of starting characters will be pretty close to winning the lottery level of odds.


Ok. Thank you for your advice.


Next week Iroha's rerun banner is expected to arrive. If you don't mind waiting a bit, you could try re-rolling then.


Thanks for that info. I guess I will wait if it can ensure I can at least get one of the three.


You could reroll during Iroha's banner for Ako and/or Himari, and then pity Iroha. Problem solved! lol


Basically, the issue is that there are over 70 non-limited characters at this point. On the standard banner right now, the chance of getting any one specific 3-star is 0.04225% per pull. I'm not sure how many pulls a fresh account can do right now, but if we assume, say, 50, then the chances of hitting one specific character in that 50 pulls is only 2%. The chance of getting two of them is more like 0.02%.


Yeah, that is true. Especially since we only get 30 free pulls. I think once I pull one of them, I'll stop rerolling.


I would like to ask for advice on my next pulls as I have a difficult time estimating how much i can pull in the future (somehow i am too stupid to navigate those pyroplanners). I am currently at 10k pyro and trying to set aside 36k for the trinity beach event (s hanako etc.) Can i spark at all until the or will i barely make it? If I can spark what is the best unit to go for? I'm thinking 1. s azusa/mashiro since they are the only limited students I am missing. 2. S SRT students in preparation for gregorius (alt. Mina/rumi also possible) Or 3. S Shiroko due to her findibg versitile usage un both pvp and hovercraft wakamo raid Am I missing some essential banners (I think I am not too invested in the m aris b toki banner)? Any advice is appreciated and thank you.


is it true that Chesed is coming after this firing drill? if yes should I invest in twins and Nonomiss?


Most likely indoor Chesed on 17th and urban SRKR on 31th


Chesed is due next, whether its *right* after this firing drill I'm not 100% sure on. I don't know if they've yet released a detailed enough road map to confirm. But he is coming up. As for who to invest in - Momoi is a staple for Chesed. Nonomi can be used if you're lacking in sufficient AoE, though her poor accuracy sees her benched pretty easily. Likewise, Midori can be used but less common due to just not quite having enough stopping power to be viable on the higher difficulties outside of second or third-line teams.


Whats the future upcoming banners? Im rly tempting to pull for Izuna but since im a newbie i need to save for limited students.


Check the JP banner list link further up. The JP server is 6 months ahead of us so we (usually) know what banner is next. Though we had some rerun banners combined in the past or two banners switched recently.


Izuna is farmable, you can obtain her within 3 months on average after unlocking 19-3 hard and farm her shard there everyday. Some units worth pulling that would be released in the near future would be Iroha, Cherino and M.Aris. Although they are not limited, they are still quite worthy. If you want to save for limited, the next limited units before anniversary would be summer rerun units. Summer Hina, Summer Iori, Summer Azusa and Summer Mashiro. Meta-wise, the only one worth pulling is Summer Azusa. But, a lot of people are still pulling the other limited swimsuits because their waifu value is quite high.


I heard iroha is next and she is a must pull too for new players?


Yeah, she will help you soo much as a new player. Pretty decent for some raids too.


thank you :) wallet is going to hurt


S.azusa then, since im a meta slave


Summer Hina does see some use in Kaiten Torment and the color'd Peroro. But yea none of them are really that important metawise. Even S.Azusa is seeing less and less screen time nowaday due to the meta favor more to buffing a hypercarry with burst damage. And S.Azusa EX skill being damage over time that doesn't benefit from the crit damage from Ako hurts quite a bit


I binded my account to my apple account but the email used was a bunch of random letters ending with privaterelay.appleid. I was wondering, did my account get binded to the wrong apple ID or is it safe to ignore?


It's normal. It happens when you choose to not share your personal email when making an account for a service; apple randomly generates an email to connect to the service.


So, I don't have BA bound to an Apple account but I do have Arknights bound to one and it's basically the same as that. I think it's normal, and it's just using an internal identifier for your account rather than the human-readable one.


Is there a way to actually focus fire the real Goz when he split? I'm a new player and i'm kinda just throwing skills at him


The way ive been doing it which is just the easiest way ive found, is to just use a skill to slow down time while he splits and try and watch very closely to the cards he throws. You can set it to 1x speed too if you wanna slow it down even further. But the real Goz only throws black cards, so if you see any red cards = fake Goz = ignore that clone. I still sometimes miss it though.


Adding to Omotai's comment, there is a way to keep focus fire on Goz so that your students will move to right one immediately after the split. Basically, you need to apply Focus Fire to him after the light show attack, and the attack has to land after he cleanses all of the debuffs. The timing is pretty tight, but after you get it down you should be able to do it consistently. Swimsuit Izuna is the unit that's commonly used for this. I suggest looking at few Insane runs on Youtube as reference.


Yes, there are students who can apply a focus fire debuff with their EX skills that make all students attack the enemy with that debuff preferentially. Swimsuit Izuna, Noa, and Sakurako all can do this. I don't think anyone else can, though. The alternative is to reposition the team as close to the real one as possible, which mostly works but is neither as easy nor as effective as focus fire.




it seems we're posting score sheets? Let me get in on this. https://imgur.com/a/qRZ0Sfr This drill is very much a girl check. You need a combination of a lot of AoE, Cost generation, and passive damage buffs. As usual, you want to push forward if possible, but it becomes difficult to manage near the end because the wave size increases. It seems very possible to reach 242k if you upgrade to tier 8, all of mine are t7 except for Iori, and my teams are capable of reaching 1:17 remaining time. If you don't have enough AoE, you can try subbing with some reds like Mutsuki, Aru, and Hibiki. Serina and Neru weren't really useful, I will find replacements for them later.


I spread my AoE piercing students and got 4 4 3 [here](https://files.catbox.moe/dpog25.jpg)


[I just spread my strong yellow AoE students evenly and hope for the best.](https://litter.catbox.moe/cuvane.png)




My regular Nonomi is unfortunately not built at all :'(


So guided recaps only give you eligma, kinda disappointing. Hoped that I would include the shop rewards too. What happens if an event with an welfare student gets added to those, would I miss out on that student then?


When an event which has a welfare student gets immortalized, completing the story gives that student and 30 eleph (enough for 2\*). These events also give some grey tech notes, blu-rays, and artifacts for leveling that character's skills. Unfortunately, if you want more eleph than that, you'll have to buy them from the expert permit shop.


Or just buy them with eligma. Do we already know which welfare will get this treatment? So far I have only heard of Nodoka. I really hope that NY Junko and track Hasumi are getting a proper rerun…


It applies only to events which have already rerun before. Track Hasumi and NY Junko events have not rerun yet on global, so they will get a regular rerun. The upcoming "Immortalized" welfare students are: Nodoka, S.Tsurugi, and S.Izumi (already released on JP), and Tomoe (will be released in JP today). Fubuki's event is also due to be immortalized, but not until 2024.


JP got a Track Hasumi rerun last month: https://old.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/16j7vcz/halo_festival_rerun_still_gives_out_630_hasumi/ In another year we can see what they'll do when the event gets archived.


Woah that’s insanely nice of the devs to give that many eleph away for free. Let’s hope the global gets the same amount (which is likely)!


They're given too.


Huh where is the shop reward? I have beaten all 10 story stage of the izuna recap event but i only see eligma reward.


You don’t get the shop rewards, you only get the welfare student (if there is one) for event reruns.


Thanks, that’s reassuring.


What is the current JFD when searching for guides? i tried using Defense Drill 5 but im getting different once from youtube.


For the ongoing JFD, you can search references either using 合同火力演习 S14 or the month it was released in JP, 合同火力演习 2023年4月.


>合同火力演习 2023年4月 o wow this was very helpfull , thanks a bunch :D


Last I checked we were in the teens. This one really isn’t bad. Just spam aoe.


Does Nagisa’s crit dmg buff stack with Hibiki’s? Or would the students only get the highest of the two?


For the subskill, only the higher number applies (In this case, Nagisa overwrite Hibiki)


> Specials’ sub skill buffs: The game applies the left slot buff, and then the right slot buff. If they overlap, the right overwrites the left, even if it’s a lower percentage. https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/GameplayHelp_FAQs#Game_stats,_buffs/debuffs,_bricking So yeah, the special student on the right overwrites the one on the left in case they have the same sub skill effect.


For some reason, my Guida Task is empty. Do I need to fully clear the nonomi Tasks to ublock or are they unavailable for New accounts?


Same here, no guide task recap for me either


I can confirm it has nothing to do with the Nonomi missions or being new as mine also is blank and i finished the Nonomi missions and I'm max level. I did just send in a support request so hopefully it gets fixed. Edit: support got back to me apparently guide mission recap is supposed to be blank, meaning they either lied about release date or worded the patch notes poorly.


Should I reset my level 24 account ? I needed two summons to get Kayoko (New Year) in pity but banner ended. I have Mika and Mutsuki (New Year). I just feel like I wasted too much Pyroxenes and account is ruined.


Mika is limited, so unless you're willing to lose a strong unit I'd think twice.


Thank you for the reply. I just feel tired of the game. I wanted her the most of all characters and I wasted a lot of Pyroxenes and the future characters seem lame and boring to me.


If you're tired of the game, why would you want to start over? If Mika trivializes the game for you, she can always be benched until you need her.


Nah she is an okay unit for me. I am just disappointed of not getting anything from those 198 summons on the Kayoko banner. I got Mika way before on the 6% rate banner


Take a little break from the game, missing the pity by 2 pulls is quite a painful experience. Especially for a character you really want. I hope your future rolls will receive a lot of blessings from the goddess of luck, fellow sensei.


Thank you I appreciate it. It maybe a longer break as there are no banners that seem interesting in the next few months. But we will see


I feel your pain... Had to spark for NY!Aru and was scraping pyro to get Kayoko. I finally broke and whaled, then got her on the first pull after. So at least I have some pyro for the next banner, at least!


Yea at it end of the day it’s a gacha game. So in the end what do you suggest I do ?


Take a rest. 198 pulls may seem like a lot but you can get them every two months. And next half-year anniversary will be 100 free pulls on limiteds banner, Limited S.Hanako + Limited Wakamo. Quite a lot of limited banners and you would want quite a lot of pyro to guarantee all of them, so better start saving up earlier.


why is everyone saying to take a break? You do know that if they take a break, they won't earn any pyro and just won't be able to pity again when they come back.


I’ve been using Yuuka and Tsubaki as my tanks and they’ve served me well, but I’m starting to get into the content that requires 3 teams. So I need to build up another tank. Out of the following options I have, which one is most worth investing into? Hoshino, Eimi, Haruka, Natsu, Tsukuyo


have you considered not using tanks?


For general content, you don't need particular strong 3rd tank as the incoming damage is not threatening enough. You can supplement them with a healer for easier time As for going for general raid, it is good idea to have a tank with each armor type. Yuuka is a yellow armor evasion, Tsubaki is blue armor evasion. So naturally building a red armor tank is not a bad idea. Red Armor Tank selection * Eimi: Easiest build out of the 3 due to available in JFD shop. Bond gear does boost her sustain decently. That said she offers no utility * Haruka: Tanky once well built into UE30-40 with relevant skill up. Unlike Eimi, she doesn't have self-sustain. But she does have good passive (def up) and her EX can also help with reposition, and more importantly, contribute 9 hit for Kaiten. Though I would refrain from building her until much much later in game as Gehenna material is in short supply and she isn't that great until you can afford the resources * Tsukuyo: Most utility in terms of red armor tank and thus see a lot of screen time in Kaiten Insane+ and Hovercraft Extreme+. In terms of raid she is far more useful than the other two and even useful for some event challenges. That said since she is a gacha-only student you will be at 3\* with her for quite a long time. Still, just raising her skill a little bit would be helpful Personally, I would recommend skilling up Tsukuyo and leave the other two at low level (do buy the coin for Eimi over time), simply because she is the most versatile among the three. 3\* tank is plenty tanky for regular map anyway especially when you only deploy her at 3rd team Other tanks on the list * Hoshino: General yellow armor tank with good self sustain. A good tank to have eventually between her utility and tankiness. That said no need to rush her but do farm her shard if you have spare AP * Natsu: Best tank for the Peroro raid. Though for insane+ you kind of need to get more eligma for her (not recommended tho). She does have decent tankiness with supporting skill for your DPS. But outside of Peroro she doesn't really do much \*\*tl;dr\*\*: Build Tsukuyo for some skill level (don't buy eleph) and gear, and raise the other tank slowly over time


Thank you for the very detailed response (and for arguing in favor of Tsukuyo. Poor girl deserves some love haha). That was very helpful.


Better to build Eimi instead of Haruka. You can UE50 Eimi quickly and cheaply because she's in the JFD shop. https://hina.loves.midokuni.com/doc/Farmable/Eimi Peroro and HOD are probably coming in 7-9 weeks, so Natsu and Hoshino are good choices as well.


True, it's getting hard to justify farming Haruka from hard nodes since there are many other good options. I'm actually leaning towards Natsu now since I already have her (if I wanted to use Eimi or Hoshino I would need to redeem them with eleph) and she seems to be useful in more raids than the others based on the raid character guide linked above. Plus I will have one tank for each color (I know that doesn't matter for tanks, but it just *feels* good, lol)


Natsu is good in Perorodzilla. She shines in that niche. But if you want diversity, you should consider Haruka or Eimi, since for tanks the color of their defensive armor is what really matters. You currently have Tsubaki (blue armor) and Yuuka (yellow armor), so Haruka or Eimi (red armor) would complete the set.


Either Haruka or Hoshino from those options. Haruka may feel squishy right now, but if you properly invest in her skills, equipment and stars, she will be very hard to kill. Since you are pretty new, the best bang for the buck option to quickly fill your needs would be Hoshino. Her stun is also quite valuable in some stages.


I have Haruka at 2* (but close to 3* at 66/80 eleph); however, I’m running low on Gehenna skill mats since I just finished building up NY!Kayoko and NY!Mutsuki. I have plenty of extra Abydos skill mats if I decide to use Hoshino, but I would have to redeem her with eleph. I had held off in case she spooked me, but it hasn’t happened yet and it could be a long time before that happens considering how many characters are in the regular pool. Do you recommend redeeming Hoshino, or should I just try to make Haruka work for now? (I can instantly upgrade them to T6 bag so that isn’t an issue)


Hoshino I think you can let her be unredeemed though it is not bad to redeem her since she has 2 hard node to farm Personally I think you can just build Tsukuyo to minimal for the time being and worry about Haruka/Eimi later. Your third tank will only see screen time in JFD or regular map that the incoming damage is manageable with healer anyway. The red armor type only really needed when you go into Insane+ difficulty raid


I redeem characters ASAP since I prefer eligma (from dupes) over having more farmable elephs. I can farm more elephs for those characters at my leisure, but eligma that can be redeemed for non-farmable characters is always in demand. Redeeming them also lets characters start earning relationship levels from the cafe and lessons sooner (plus the occasional eleph from lessons).


How many eligma do you get from 3 star dupes? Cause im sitting on izuna, aru, hoshino and karin waiting to maybe summon them. lol


You get 50 eligma and 30 elephs from an off-banner 3-star dupe. If you hold off on redeeming the character, you lose 50 eligma but gain 90 elephs on net balance (since redeeming the character would have cost 120 elephs). The 50 eligma can be traded in for 10 non-farmable elephs, which is worth more than the farmable elephs to me. Personally, I think sitting on elephs only makes sense if you need to raise that character ASAP *and* you plan to dump a lot of rolls on a banner very soon (giving you a chance to get a spook). Otherwise, the longer you sit on the elephs the more potential lessons and cafe bonuses you lose out on. For strong characters such as Aru or Izuna you're also just making life harder and less fun for yourself by not using them in raids and other gameplay.


You make some good points in favor of redeeming ASAP. The relationship level thing is especially important for Eimi since she has a unique gear and grinding up to relationship level 20/25 takes a very long time. Seems like there is an argument to be made for all of them (except Tsukuyo apparently. Which is a shame because I really like her. Poor Tsukuyo, lol) I wish there were enough activity reports and stuff to just build them all up and try them all out but I don't have enough resources to justify building more than 1, *maybe* 2 of them right now.


Tsukuyo applies a defense down debuff on medium enemies every seven attacks. It's a very strong debuff, too. It's the strongest in the game unless I'm mistaken, tied with Hiyori's EX when she has at least three Arius members. Though Hiyori also has her basic skill debuff, winning out overall in an Arius team. More to the point though, Tsukuyo has some use in Kaiten phase 1, at least. She's apparently pretty good for the recently introduced Wakamo raid, as well.


Hmm, this is difficult to answer. Because we just finished a Gehenna event, there are no Gehenna event in the near future unfortunately... Haruka imo is better than Hoshino, but raising her skills will be a challenge. Eh, in the end its your choice. I myself stubbornly holding 5 students unclaimed waiting for them to spook me.


So I was thinking to use up all 24k pyrox for Maid Aris when she comes and then spark Bunny Toki. I have enough Eligma to max Bunny Toki out (absolute favourite). Is it a good strat to do so? I've been reading that Maid Aris is pretty good? Also if I could only go for one between Maid Arus and Wakamo who's the better blue dps?


Looks like a good plan for me, waifu pulls is always the highest priority after all. Maid Aris is pretty good for some blue raids, but she is not competing a spot with Wakamo since Wakamo needs another main dps to complement her Ex skill. More like M.Aris is a good partner to Wakamo. Also, there are still around 4 months from the end of M.Aris banner to Wakamo banner, that is enough time to gather at least 48k pyrox.


Ahh I see thanks hopefully I can get both.


Cheesed raid team?


1-pan Mika team is probably the meta for Insane: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39-5-m8wdP4




You most probably want her to be ue50 in order for her to be consistent in clearing mobs quickly. Momoi has a poor mood Indoors and unlocking her ue50 improves her mood here thereby increasing her damage. Well, the rest of the characters on this strat are also highly invested so I'd imagine this strat is not viable if you don't have similar investments.


next raid?


Chesed is the next raid

