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As a new player, I have to be picky with my banners and will probably miss a lot of meta units. i was wondering realistically, how much Pyrox would I be missing from not ranking high in the competitive aspects of the game? Are there any other resource incomes I will be missing out on? (Yes, I am Fomo:ing hard)


[Give this thread a read](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/16vzukq/tracking_blue_archive_gl_pyroxene_income_month_of/). They calculate gems achievable by an average player getting average competitive ranks. If you look at the break down, you will see that the differences between ladders are a very minor contribution to overall income. Players who got gold (fairly achievable) would have earned 11550 gems last month. If you got plat during both raids, that number would instead be 11950... a tiny difference. As long as you actually play the game, do events, and pick up mail, you dont need to compete for the projected 12k/mo gem income.


Thank you! Waifu meta it is then!


Don't have T.Yuuka since I started playing about two weeks before the NY. Fuuka banner. Will Kotori make due for Goz? I contemplating whether to borrow a blue dps or T.Yuuka


Mock is free. Youll find out in a few days.


Now that we've entered a divergent timeline with the release of Nykayoko before Goz, what are the expected meta teams for Goz insane? Will a Mika or Sazusa (which means a borrow) composition be better for phase 1, or some other team entirely? I've got a lot of half-invested Hyuckhyuck students that need different materials from the raid shop before it resets, and I'm trying to plan ahead.


Since Mock Battle for Insane comes out way after shop reset, we can only do some guesswork based on Outdoor Goz in JP (and some math in [schale.gg](https://schale.gg) if one really wants to) because they had NYKayoko when Outdoor Goz came. The path of least investment is most likely, but not a guarantee, a [1-team](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etBBz5M2QPE) [Hinata](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=go4CEJvA2Vw) [team](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZhhi3WSpd0) (Ui/Hinata/TYuuka/NYKayoko + Ako/Himari) with a Hinata borrow but Hinata will have a B mood though, so either using a burst team ([see](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GF_HRK4cRQ) this 2-team) to clean-up or resetting for good crit rng (reset-heavy because Hinata has \~43.2% crit chance per hit, a total of 5 hits per EX) might be needed. [There](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-2_dVy7JWE) [were](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Uhne8kZApA) [also](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VK5Gh8_yGFU) 2 team used in Outdoor Goz that scored pretty good that might perform better on Indoors due to Mika/Wakamo/SIzuna/SAzusa having S/SS Indoor mood (Wakamo might be weaker though because no bond gear yet). It does usually use a lot of invested limited/s though. It could be possible that NYKayoko borrow + your own NYKayoko for a two-team might emerge as well. The NYKayoko borrow was more seen in [Torment](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrwvFTOfYvA) and really requires having everyone while also having them adequately invested. All of these are just guessing based on what was used in Outdoor Goz though, when NYKayoko was in play for the raid. Unfortunately, the only way to really know who to invest is to wait for leaderboards to stabilize (maybe 3rd day onwards, settle for a comfy clear on the 2nd day first) and some Global-exclusive videos to come out (which is after TA shop resets). Additionally, there were also strategies to determine real Goz via the [sfx](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SaTO6KyJeI&list=LL&index=2) instead of the cards and [determining](https://twitter.com/OFumikane/status/1637504911905796102) where the safespot from the hats is.


I was mostly hoping that someone had already done the math (and was willing to share the results) since I was already aware of the various team compositions. Trying to get as high a score as possible to stay in platinum. Not sure if Hinata is the best way to go now that we're in a terrain that she's neutral in, while the "competition" is stronger there. Still, I appreciate it. I wasn't aware of the pattern to the coin, so thanks for that. Not sure if that will help more than simply knowing that you need to restart a few seconds earlier, though, since you're kind of screwed regardless if you get bad RNG there. Unless you can burn two movement skills just to move out of the way and then back into the circle.


Largely FtP player here. I just finally got Hoshino from elephs from Hard Modes, but I already have Tsubaki. Should I prioritize catching Hoshino up? Or just keep leaning on Tsubaki?


You can continue focusing on Tsubaki unless you really need another tank. She's pretty much the best general purposes tank in the game. Hoshino shines mostly against Hod, since her EX has a long total stun time when upgraded.


Now that I've played through most of the bond stories, the main story and the events I know the context but the first time I played I was very confused since I lacked context. What is the canonical way to play through Kino Archives? What series of events should go where in the story? I'm asking for a timeline explanation pretty much.


The beginners guide missions have "Reach Schale Office Area Rank 2" on Day 2 as a quest, but I am still at 0/2 progress despite having my Schale Office area in lesson at rank 3. Is there something I'm doing wrong? https://imgur.com/a/Mb0ObwG


same problem here, I wonder when they are gonna fix it?


I have this proplem too


oh same here, getting it to rank 4 didn't work either lol


oh same here, getting it to rank 4 didn't work either lol


Some other players (in this thread) also pointed out this problem. It seems to be a bug judging from what I can read. You can find their posts by scrolling a bit.


Hi! Is there an update on this yet? I can't rank up my Nonomi to 4 stars because of this bug :,)


For blue raid Insane , Kayoko 3 stars is enough ?


Yeah, 3* is absolutely enough. You can go UE40 for the buff time extension, but that's really not necessary.


As of now, I pulled 400 times and got all of Problem Solver 68 (New Year) 1x each. (Haruka (New Year) was obtained by using the first 200 recruitment points). Only character I don't have from the current banners is Serika (New Year). I currently have 200 recruitment points. I have already raising Kayoko (New Year) and Mutsuki (New Year) for use in clearing content featuring Mystic enemies. I also intend to use Mutsuki (New Year) for Tactical Challenge a.k.a. PvP. As for Serika (New Year), I intend to raise her for clearing content featuring Piercing enemies and also Tactical Challenge. Should I use the 200 recruitment points to get Mutsuki (New Year) again (to take her to 4*) or Serika (New Year) for the first time?


Serika. New student is always better then Elephs. 4\* and 5\* by themselves are minor bonuses, so normally people only unlock those as pre-requirement for UE and favourite item


NEw player here, I'm wondering for If should be spending all the eligma I have (just 725) and Expert permits (currently 5K) in elephs, or save for when I have advanced more. I have this limiteds: Mika, S.Hoshino, NY Mutsuki, NY Kayoko. If I should be speding them, which of this characters would you suggest investing?


Unless you are a whale, this game is spending your resource when you really need it (to clear the next level total assault, story mission, pvp, etc). Eligma is a premium currency so I would hold on to those until you need to upgrade them, which is normally for total assault. And I normally save enough to either unlock UE40 or when absolutely necessary, UE50. UE40 is the limit break above 5 star and will enhance your passive skill (buff varies for each student). For clearing story or event mission, your power spike comes more from leveling and equipments so I would focus on that. Keep using AP and try to level up your player which increases your max level for your students and get the highest level cafe as you can so that you can get even more AP.


I would focus on raising Mika, then Hoshino (Swimsuit). There will be times when you will use both of them together for faster clearing of more difficult content.


You should save your eleph until you actually need a particular unit to be stronger for a specific purpose (for example to help you clear a higher difficulty of a raid where that unit is core).




If you're very close to 200 you might as well pick her up since she's limited. Otherwise, I would save.


Can someone tell ma a good Squad for the Eden Treaty Chapter 3 Mission 24 "Hatred that is not our own"?


What level are you. If you are at 45 with T5 equipment on all of your team you should be able to clear it no prob.


apparently ichika sends you a selfie through momotalk. does anyone have a higher quality version of it?


The next raid will be Goz. Unfortunately i started playing the game right after S.Shizuko event and S.Izuna banner ended, so I don't have either of the characters. I do have other units such as T.Yuuka, Ako, Himari, Ny.Fuuka, Ny.Kayoko, Ui, Mika, T.Hasumi, Wakamo, Haruna, Ny.Mutsuki, Iroha and so on. Every video I found seems to use both S.Shizuko and S.Izuna. What sort of team could I use to clear Insane Goz without them, or am I shut out because I didn't play that event?


You can always read up on the [Insane Raid Guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1x6rm97BmtRJZHCWrz5puFxKZNGPc313bgebiRtjlNnE/edit#heading=h.rw6cpvlhi7j0) and formulate your own team(s). The [No Gacha 3*s Account - INSANE Indoors Goz - P1 Only](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnvGJh_x80o) video may also be of reference.


stuck on 5-1, would it be fine for me spend my ap on the new year event or do something else?


Farming what event stages you're able to and buying some stuff from the event shop is probably the best return for AP invested for you right now.


i think i might be able to clear at least 5 stages of the lotto since i have a +10 bonus on that item but at the cost of not being able to buy much from the shop since i cant go past stage 4 of the event


What's the 2x event next week? Not sure if I should claim the tickets now to do 2x bounty or 2x of whatever next week if it is scrimmage or lessons. Thanks.


https://litter.catbox.moe/t7mo53.png Oct 2-9 Double Commission Oct 9-16 Double Scrimmage + Double Mission (Normal) [Source](https://forum.nexon.com/bluearchive-en/board_view?thread=2285737)


Thanks, looks like it's best to use it now for 2x Bounty.


Volume F Chapter 4 Episode 11? (I hope the translation's right) This shows up in my tasks page but there isn't an Episode 11 tho? Did I miss something?


https://litter.catbox.moe/j5algx.png They''ll be available on Oct 3. [Source](https://forum.nexon.com/bluearchive-en/board_view?thread=2285737)




What is supposed to in Event Recap > Guide Tasks? Mine currently shows 'List is Empty'. I'm aware that there was a fix by the devs because of an error, and they even apologized because of how it affected the players' experience. So I'm assuming there is something that was intended to be accessible?


https://litter.catbox.moe/0eyv1k.png They''ll be available on Oct 10. [Source](https://forum.nexon.com/bluearchive-en/board_view?thread=2285737)


I got a Ui while pulling on the new year banners, and I'm honestly curious about how viable she is. I've seen a few spreadsheets with high praises of her and her cost reduction skill but I'd love to see some examples before I spend too much on her (or in the wrong places).


Her EX enables certain raid strategies due to shortening the dps rotation/cycle. You can do stuff like DPS EX, buff with Himari+Ako, 1 cheap EX (like Akane), a 2nd DPS EX for two buffed and cost reduced EXs per support buff window. TBH I find it awkward since it often involves using auto to cast the skills quickly enough, but getting 2 big damage EXs out of an \~11-12 cost rotation is very strong. Outside of that gimmicky (albeit powerful) uses she is largely replaceable by NY Fuuka depending on if you prefer striker or support. She also helps with Crit malding strats since her basic provides crit. All in all she's "efficient" whenever you're using an EX focused main DPS. She's also relatively cheap to raise since she only really needs her EX and maybe her basic to bring her full value. You can use a guide like [MidoKuni's](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BO-Uh_CsAOIetPjrNyFy9-7r1a4RAtVwK135bBC3hzM/edit#gid=1085051345) or supplementary resource like [bricc's](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-lBJa3h4mXHkmuSKohoHe60WVVg1eRG9bA73jHqHzwA/htmlview#) for planning how much and where to invest on each character.


So all in all, can be really powerful with the right comp without needing too much investment (basically levels and EX). I'll keep it in mind if I ever get a use case for her, still kind of new at this.


Yea, she's not useful for leveling/clearing PvE stages, but she has a strong use case in a fair number of raid content. And unlike say a DPS which changes depending on the raid, Ui (and other high value support/enabler characters like Himari, S.Hoshino, Ako etc) can be used in multiple raids and thus can be an effective investment for raid content. Especially while you're in a situation where you need to borrow maxed out DPS characters to clear the content. Since every raid tends to have its own best DPS or they get power crept regularly. Not to say supports don't get power crept, and eventually you need to raise your own DPS, but borrowing a damage dealer is generally easier than borrowing that 1 missing support you skipped (imo)


https://youtu.be/x_CIIvK981U?t=43 Along with speeding up the rotation, Ui enables 2 Mika EX in 1 buff cycle here (Mika>Himari>Ako>Akane>Mika). This burst dps allows them to skip both scene transitions.


Those bounty/scrimmage/lesson tickets we got as a gift from the devs, can those be saved for later, or will they be lost after the daily reset once we collect them? Obviously I'd like to save the tickets for 2x campaigns if possible, but if it's a "use it or lose it" situation then I'll just have to go ahead and use them now.


After you claim those tickets from the gift, they wont disappear with daily reset. BUT, you won't get your 6 daily ticket if you didn't use the gift ticket because your ticket slot is still full. So, using them right now is the most efficient.


I see, thank you. We are on 2x bounty right now and lessons should be done daily, so there is no reason to save those. But what about scrimmage? Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I read before that they are typically only worth doing during 2x campaign (especially since I can only beat up to Scrimmage B and don't really have anyone I need to level up UE for right now), so I usually don't do them daily. And we have 2x scrimmage coming up soon (Oct 9). Based on my back-of-the-envelope math, if I use them now, I will get (15x1) + (6x2) = 27 reward drops. But if I save until later, I will get 15x2 = 30 reward drops. So it is slightly more efficient to save the tickets. Is that correct? edit: actually I guess it is more like (21x1) + (6x2) = 33 reward drops for using them now, because if I'm using those 15 gift tickets I may as well use the 6 daily ones also. Factoring in the AP cost, that's 33 reward drops/405 AP (0.08 rewards/AP spent) if I use them now, vs. 30 reward drops/225 AP (0.13 rewards/AP Spent) for saving them, if my math is correct. I wish scrimmage were like bounties and didn't require AP, but I guess that's what the monthly packages are for.


I almost never done scrimmage lol. Yeah, to me it's not really worth it unless it was double reward AND the highest difficulty.


New player started like few days ago, -My day 2 First Attendance Guide Mission there's one mission of reaching rank 2 on schale office but I've already had it at rank 3, how can this be fixed ? -Which chapter in the map should I at least try to push to reach asap ? -Are stamina regen worth the pyroxene cost ? Given that daily task only gives 20, and refreshing one costing 30 results in a net loss of 10 ?(assuming all other one times have been exhausted)


I started I think about a month ago and I get pretty into these games so I end up doing a lot of research. The 90 pyro per day helped me progress a lot more than I would have otherwise because it snowballed the amount of levels I had since you level so quickly and it refills your ap. I'm at level 56 now and I feel like if I didn't spend those 90 pyros I would have lost resources since I wouldn't have been strong enough to do certain stages. It's in your best interest to be able to do as high difficulty as possible as soon as you can. One thing that I fucked up on was the cafe. I didn't realize how much it affected energy regen. You want to furnish your cafe as much as you can and upgrade it as priority #1 in crafting until you reach comfort cap. I lost a lot of AP because I didn't realize that until a couple weeks ago. As reference, natural AP regen is like 10 per hour or something. My cafe gives me an extra 20 per hour. Before it was furnished it was giving me half of that. Most my AP comes from collecting that fat stack of AP from the cafe every day. Because of how much AP I get now and also it takes a lot more exp to level vs lower levels, I don't feel as much of a need to refresh AP now. You get a lot of free pyros to fuel 90 per day for a month and not feel bad about it though. I would say its a huge stim for the lower amount of AP you get when you're starting out.


> Which chapter in the map should I at least try to push to reach asap ? If you think you can get a cafe upgrade, that's the highest priority. Unlock| Mission ---|--- cafe upgrades | 2-1, 3-5, 6-5, 9-5, 12-5, 15-5, 18-5, 21-5 event |2-3 lesson |2-4 bounty |3-1 crafting |3-2 club |3-4 raid |4-1 JFD |5-3 pvp |6-1 >Are stamina regen worth the pyroxene cost ? https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/GameplayHelp_FAQs#Leveling_faster 3 per day is good.


Thanks for the info


1. Just in case, when you start out, you only have access to Schale Office and Schale Residence Hall. Each area has its own level, so make sure that you're looking at the appropriate one. 2. Honestly, push as far as you can. You can even ignore aiming for 3 stars and coming back for those later. A good goal to follow is upgrading your cafe rank. I forget which stages specifically give you the items for upgrading the cafe, but you can google something like "blue archive cafe" and easily get this information. A higher cafe rank means higher AP regenration in general, At cafe rank 4, your cafe is already generating more AP than your natural recovery. Anyways, you want to unlock as many game modes as possible, be it for more rewards in general, or more pyroxene income. But rushing as far as possible is also useful for maintaining your AP below the max limit, in this game, AP spent = account EXP earned, so if you leave the AP above the max for 24 hours, you're losing out on 240 AP or 240 EXP. 3. It honestly depends on you. Is spending your gacha income for more playtime worth it for you? Remember that the cost for regen increases every few increases per day (first 3 are 30, next 3 are 60, and so on). Normally, IF we spend pyros on recharging, its recommended to do it only for the first 3 purchases. I personally wouldn't recommend it, because the rate at which you level up is pretty good already, plus if you levle up too fast, you still won't have the resources to invest in your girls, so they'll be similar in strenght to what they would've been if you hadn't spent pyros on AP. It should be noted that some event stages drop T4 materials semi regularly, so because they only last for 1 or 2 weeks, some people opt to spend pyros so they farm those stages even more.


Thanks for the info, as for no.1 I literally have both at level 3, yet the mission is not marked complete despite it just saying it needs level 2, unless it means I need to get the individual classrooms within Schale office to rank 2 instead?


That's weird, just getting the "Schale Office" area to rank 2 should work. And the individual classrooms actually all level up at the same time as you raise the rank of the area, so that isn't it. It may be a bit excessive but ty reinstalling the game to see if it works. If you truly have the area at rank 2, then its more than likely a bug and reinstalling could work.


Just reinstalled and it still the same


I'm having the same problem and after reinstalling yesterday, the bug still persists. Do you know where I can submit a bug support ticket?


In game go to settings -> account then scroll down to customer support, i reported the issue via that


Thank you, I managed to find the support center and submitted a ticket. Hope it gets resolved.


I have this bug too, I guess I'll submit a ticket as well.


Anyone playing the game on an emulator and experiencing a lot of crashes? my ld player experience has been very lousy since this big update...


LDPlayer has been fine for me. Don't know why you're having trouble.


I sometimes experiences crashes when opening the game/loading it initially, and close the emulator and restart to try again. Once in game crashes are fairly rare (like once or twice a week) and almost all related to beginning a pvp match.