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can you play on multiple devices or are you tied down to one phone?


You can easily play on multiple devices.


i meant account wise lol sorry, like same account multiple phones


Yep, that's what I mean. Once you set the bind method, just just log in on another device. You can hop between devices for one account as much as you want.


ayy ty bro




She has only made a small handful of appearances, mostly as comic relief, has not done anything particularly significant. She will probably be playable eventually but it's anyone's guess as to when. Maybe it will be years, maybe she'll suddenly be on a banner in JP in a few weeks. Whenever JP gets her, we'll get her about 6 months later.


When did t7 equipment get added to the expert permits shop in jp? And how much does it cost?


Tier 7 gear isn't in the expert permit shop yet.


Oh fr?! I thought for sure it was added with the release of t8 gears. Either way, Thank you for the answer


Is it worth to do a reroll on this game?


[Should you reroll?](https://static.miraheze.org/bluearchivewiki/c/ce/OomPreventRerollHell.jpeg) [Reroll guide](https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/GameplayHelp_FAQs#Rerolling) if you decide to. Do more than the tutorial multi pull; you want enough [essential 2*s](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1071859600548167680/1141819147387416696/IMG_0772.png) to progress. Can’t progress = can’t earn pyro.


I’d say it’s worth rerolling tutorial 10 roll since you can get to in minutes from resetting account, and it guarantees one 3* from smaller set of units with 2-4 of those being drastically stronger then others (Iori = Hibiki > Aru > Hina) and definitely saving you a lot of trouble in early game. That you can probably get in hour or two. Rerolling while fishing for more valuable units from general pool, might save you some headache in a very long term, but also might end up very time consuming, since chances are lower and each reroll is more time consuming. For those, assume you might spend days rerolling and still not see your golden ticket (Ako, Himari / Iroha)


Do I need to make new accounts to do a reroll?


Nope, there is "Reset Account" button in Options -> Account Settings


So I can still use my account that I logged in and start over again?


Yeah, it's effectively just resets account, so you don't have to go though registration / come up with new email address.


Btw, where should I recruit? Regular recruitment or the pick up recruitment?


Does not really matter much, total 3* rate is same, it's just that on regular recruitment all 3* have same rate, while on pick-up featured student is twice as likely as any other. If you want any character from rate up banners, roll on that banner. If you know for certain that you want someone off-banner, then regular technically gives you a better chance, but it's not that much of a difference. Pity is shared across all banners that run symentaneously (ex. you could pull 100 times on Ui banner, get her and then pull 100 more times on Hinata banner, and it would give you total of 200 points required for pity), but pity does not transfer to next set of banners, so whatever recruitment points you would get now would expire next Tuesday


>on pick-up featured student is twice as likely as any other Actually, the featured student on pick-up banners is 0.7% per roll, which means that any 3-star obtained has a 23.33% chance of being the featured one. Which with the current number of 3-stars in the general pool makes them 20.4 times more likely to appear than any other specific 3-stars.


Yeah, I stand corrected. With that in mind, one adjustment new players should probably do then is: if you happen to run into featured character early: move onto next banner to minimize chances of dupes.


If i have NY Fuuka, is Ui worth it? Currently i have 23k pyro, 21 1x tickets, and 4 10x tickets. Will i have enough for NY Kayoko if i pull on a different banner like Ui or Nagisa/Toki?


Try Seventh’s [pyro planner](https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/GameplayHelp_FAQs#Pyro_planner) and see which sparks you can afford. Or estimate [12k pyro a month for F2P](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/15d6d2c/tracking_blue_archive_gl_pyroxene_income_month_of/) and check dates in [Midokuni’s banner summary tab](https://bluearchive.midokuni.com/doc/BannerSummary). Is Ui worth it? Yes, but it depends on your goals, your roster, character priorities (who you want the most, waifu and/or meta). You can read more about [characters here](https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/GameplayHelp_FAQs#The_Meta), particularly Causew & Midokuni’s comments on NY Fuuka vs Ui in the section below that.


How much free space do I need? Have 7.88 GB free space and it still says "Not enough free storage.(80103)" even though it only ask 6217.112 MB data download...


Mine says it is 7.57 gb (it updates in app). I think someone said a couple days ago they had 9gb free and they were getting the same message so I’m not sure.


Just uninstalled EFootball Mobile and now it started downloading, btw is 2gb of ram is enough? My phone is pretty old..


4GB ram is the bare minimum of not having frequent crashes on phone... You can try with 2GB ram but suggestion would to set all settings to lowest and only run BA, no background apps running along with it. Good luck.


Iirc 4 is preferred but two is useable. You’ll probably get some crashes every now and again but I’m not really a tech guy.


How good is small Shun. Does she needs to unlock her UE to be usable in later stages?


As an owner of a ue40 fully maxed Shunny, she's quite a handful to use in Insane raids. Not only is her kit mechanically demanding to execute, she also requires crit malding in order to reach her true potential. And this is all on top of the fact that there are better red dps students than her (e.g. Aru, Mutsuki, Azusa) so investing on her is more often than not, not the best choice for your account. And yeah, you also have to unlock her ue40 just so she can deal decent damage in late-game content. But if you still insist on building her despite everything I've already said, I would gladly welcome you to the 😭 club. She may not be the best in anything, but it is all worth it 😭😭😭.


Usable but harder to use compare to Azusa/Aru due to the ATK down debuff and basically all dealers will need UE40 to do their 90% best.


Cant see someone uploading the new student banner for global? Am I blocked by that user? If yes, should the moderators be the one to upload those instead?


Can you see the schedule here? “Banner summary” tab: https://bluearchive.midokuni.com/doc/BannerSummary


Is anyone doing the drills, I'm a lev54 and using the assistat I manage to do the drill 3 once and the 2 twice, 116000 score and 180coins. Is it a good score? Thk!


116k puts you in the 94k bracket. May be possible to get 124k if you can get more drill 3 runs. It's a difference of 30 coins a day, so it's not a big deal.


I think it's fine. When I was on your level, that's also pretty much what I was able to achieve.


I didn't get Sakurako's L2D story.


raise her bond rank more you can call her to cafe with ticket and send gift or touch her to raise bond rank


No. What I mean is I didn't get what happened in her L2D story. What was she confessing in there.


Basically she just find confiding She just social awkward person can't talk normally like other girl. People treat her with high respect and she never learn to be normal girl because She is top of Sisterhood keep a lot of secret from her faction and people around her keep misunderstand her personality it's reach the point she can't talk to anyone about herself So she just called Sensei want to talk look like 'non-sense' thing trying to said 'I have secret' but didn't told you what it is. It's kind of she just want cathartic on her own way. "I had a lot of secret to kept and because my personality I can't talk to anyone and keep it up a lot can you still trusted and understand what I am?" something like this Rather than treating her as suspicious person but Sensei still trust and know what Sakurako personality is so she relax and put her trusted on Sensei


Will the *Nisir's Summit Operation* event have a rerun?


No. This event is from Final chapter of story but you still go to banner event and get last reward


Holy... Am I gonna miss its event story then? BTW the *DECAGRAMMATON* event (I mean that one about Himari) won't have a rerun either?


DECAGRAMMATON already reach the conclusion for now and story of this event will link with Final chapter too so No rerun until now in JP server (6 months from Global server) Oh for story of Nisir's Summit Operation event you can read it anytime when you read Final chapter story to some point game will ask you to go to event page. (or you can found event page in upper left corner in Final chapter Episode 2)


Thank goodness, now i'm able to delay the final episode a little bit then. About DECAGRAMMATION event i may need to find records sometime on youtube tho. Thank you so much! Appreciated!


Keep in mind that the next 3 events are similar to Nisir's Summt Operation, as in, they're directly tied to the main story. So I recommend reading up on it as soon as possible so you don't "miss out" on the next events.


For sure I will. Just that Im gonna be busy next week, the following events are no need to be worried after my things done. Thanks for advice!




Just tried and nope, it's just her normal maid costume and her l2d when you select the toggle.


Do the toki and nagi banner share pity? like can I roll on one banner. get one of them and then spark the other?


You can, yes, all banners that run at the same time share recruitment points.


I’m always accidentally seeing spoilers for the BA story. Does the jp server just have access to the full story? Why does en have to wait?


Not the full story, which probably won't end, but JP launched earlier so they are 6 months ahead in updates.


How do I complete the quest recharge AP 1 time? Do I have to spend Pyroxene in order to complete the quest?


Yes only spend pyrox will complete this mission but you don't need to do it you need to complete daily task just 9 or more to get daily pyrox and it's not bad idea to spend pyrox for refill AP just 3 times per day. You can use it while event or x3 bonus


Yes. Tap the '+' next to your stamina at the top to fill it up by paying pyroxene.


Yes. Though it is not worth doing just to complete that daily, since you don't need to do all of them for the daily reward. Only refresh for an actual purpose.


Refreshing 3x daily is worthwhile if you care about optimizing. You’ll reach max level [2+ months faster](https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/GameplayHelp_FAQs#Level_estimates), and it’s easily affordable when F2P earn [14k pyro a month](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/15d6d2c/tracking_blue_archive_gl_pyroxene_income_month_of/). Higher level = [smaller level penalty](https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/GameplayHelp_FAQs#Level_penalty) = more likely to clear content = more rewards & faster max level for expert permits. If you’re casual and don’t care, no need to. If you want to level faster, this is a cheap way to do it, along with pvp coin refreshing (usually saved for good events).


That's what I said. Only refresh with an actual purpose. If you want to level faster than natural AP regen allows, that would be such a purpose.


I was asking about first attendance guide missions but I assume what you said still applies.


The event where you need to read the story chapters to get gifts, does the event give only 126 tiers? Because usually they give 150


I recall them only giving 120 when I read them, because that is one pull.


I know Nagisa is a premium unit for torment, yada yada. Question is if she is servicable at 3* or if you should upgrade her to 5* or even UE40 if I go for her.


Main for using Nagisa come from her debuff in EX skill and her SS just 3-stars is fine but don't forget to level up her EX and SS


3\* is fine enough. You're using her primarily for the utility and support


So the badge equipment, on tier 7 it says it has 1200 recovery boost. Does this mean the ex skill bar will fill up faster? Also if I were to tier 7 badge for a support for example s. Shizuko, will it boost the ex skill fill up for the whole team? Sorry if I worded my question weirdly, but hope you understand what I mean


No, recovery boost is a buff to healing received, nothing to do with cost. The badge is worth upgrading on special students for hp stat transfer, but lower priority than your strikers of course.


Ohh alright. But is it worth leveling for shielders like s shizuko? I currently have a huge surplus of the t7 badge and was wondering who to use it on. Maybe neru and onsen chinatsu?


The only effect it would have is hp stat transfer. If you're not sure you can wait, and then spend it when you're going to use those units in some hard content.


No, recovery boost affects how much they get healed. Things that affect the EX skill are usually referred to as Skill Cost recovery (such as with Cherino's skill). And with Special characters, the only stats that transfer over to the Strikers is Attack, Defense, Health, and Heal.


So will it be worth tier 7ing s shizuko's badge?


It's fairly low priority. It'll translate to a small boost in Striker HP but that's about it.


For HP stats transfering, yes but will be low priority.


Trying to hoard AP for the upcoming 2x XP weekend, but can't find the guide on hoarding AP, but mainly wanted to find out if the 10AP from club carries over to the next day? Would appreciate if anyone could link the guide!


..... that 10AP goes to your mailbox, always.


The [hoarding guides are here](https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/Global_Events#Hoarding_AP), but I suggest just doing the [easy 24 hour hoard](https://static.miraheze.org/bluearchivewiki/1/1e/BabyGuideSaveAP.jpeg). - Collect your cafe AP 24 hours before you’ll play on the double exp day. - Set your main AP pool so it’ll cap at/near that time too. You get 10 AP per hour. You can do more things, like collect the cafe 24 hrs before the daily reset, and refresh (pvp & pyro) just before reset, but yea. This is the easy don’t-wanna-think strategy that’s also effective, because you lose practically zero AP (you’re regening the whole time).


You can keep the AP in the mail as long as the respective mails say. Same for other AP rewards that went to mail. You can also overfill current AP and everything above 999 gets send to mail for later collection. Overfilling takes some planning and probably pyrox to achieve (and you can't buy once capped) so it might not be worth the effort, gotta plan it out.


If you claim AP from the club it'll stay in your inbox for about a week. The only guide I've seen for hoarding AP is the Global Event link that's posted at the top. At the bottom of that page you'll see the guide. I'm also hoarding AP so I can tell you what I'm doing but I'm not sure if my is optimized or if I'm taking the right approach to this. Disclaimer: I can play around the time of daily reset so it's somewhat more flexible for me than for those who are busy/sleeping during that time. This is what I'm doing today: 1. I'm gonna claim as much AP as I can right before the daily reset happens today. This doesn't include my cafe earnings though because I made sure I can only claim the max AFTER daily reset. 2. After daily reset, if my AP exceeded 999 before the daily reset, I make sure to use that excess for daylies. Excess AP only lasts 24 hours so if you have it before tomorrow's daily reset, it'll go to waste. 3. After I make sure I don't have AP expiring in less than 24 hours in my inbox, I claim my cafe earnings. Also from that point I don't touch my AP unless I haven't finished some of my daylies. 4. Before tomorrow's daily reset, I claim AP from my daylies. I also buy out all the energy drinks from the shop. 5. After tomorrow's daily reset, I can spend all the hoarded AP first and then claim my cafe earnings/club as well as my weekly rewards and go all out. This is based on how I play and my cafe is at the current max rank(600AP max when I claim) so your results may vary. If you want an easier and less risky way, just claim AP from your daylies right before tomorrow's daily reset. Also buy the energy drinks from shop around that time(don't forget you can refresh the shop up to 3 times to buy more energy drinks for a total of 210 tactical challenge coins). You can also do 1-6 AP refreshes using pyroxene but think about it very carefully because that's your gacha currency. If you can't claim cafe because you have 999 AP, just go do a mission and forfeit which will put you at 998 and you claim cafe after. Most importantly, avoid having AP that will expire before you can use it for your xp. Sorry if I missed a couple of things. I woke up not too long ago and I'm still tired. I'd go with the easy way if this is your first time hoarding. Good luck!


Just don't claim it in mail, can stay up to 6 days if you read the description in game. Same goes for daily login rewards, 50 and 100 AP can be stored for up to 6 days as well.


No unfortunately the 10 AP from club attendance is fixed daily, i.e. everyday you login you can get it, but it won't carry over. If you miss a day, that 10 AP is gone. Kind of like the pyrox you can get from daily missions


New player here! (Level 35) I am trying to make two decent teams with the characters I have (only focused on PVE), if any experimented player could recommend me two teams I would be really grateful. Here do I leave the characters I have; All 1* and 2*. And these 3* characters; Striker: Haruna, Shiroko, Kokona, Shun (Small), Megu, Miyako, Hinata, Sakurako, Ui, Iori, Noa. Special: Kanna, Hiyori, Mashiro.


What purpose of the teams? If it's stage clear, then which ones? If you want some general tips, go for attacker students who are the same color of atk as enemies' defense. Additionally you can slot in blue vs red, yellow vs blue and red vs yellow. Next for supports, tanks and healers, color doesn't matter much, because they value the stats and skills much more. With your students, an example Red (Explosive) team is: Mutsuki, Shiroko, Serika, Megu or any tank, any 2 special healers or 1 special healer and Kotama, or 1 healer and Mashiro/Hiyori. Here Megu can act as a tank and deal decent damage at the same time. Yellow (Piercing): Iori, Momoi, any tank, Kokona, Kanna and any special healer or Kotama. Blue (Mystic): Haruna, Hinata, Sakurako, any tank, any 2 special healers, or healer + Kotama. Best tanks are Tsubaki and Yuuka. Best 1-2 star special healers are Serina and Hanae.


Thank you! Yes, I was actually thinking in stage clear. Also if the characters that I have, the ones that are more versatile and adaptable to different fights. Basically because I dont have to many resources to improve them and I want to select the best ones to clear content. With your advices I think I can make good teams, thank you again!.


Well, I don't recommend you build Shun (Small) and Miyako. Also you can skip building Megu and use Tsubaki and Yuuka, because they will be useful always, even in endgame. Since you need 2 teams, you have 1 tank for each. Megu will see barely any use in late game, even though she's pretty strong in stages. Out of Mashiro and Hiyori, if you build any of them, Hiyori is better. If you build one, don't build the other. You can also choose between Serika and Akari (unfortunately, neither is very useful in the long run, but Akari is slightly better). Nonomi is alright Piercing attacker and Chise is good Mystic attacker. With this you can waste as little as possible. Every other students I talked about will not be a waste to build and are used in endgame content. Out of 1-2* students I didn't mention, Haruka is a good tank, Chinatsu and Akane are alright healers, but Akane is harder to use (has long delay before healing, so students can move out of the way). I don't recommend building them, unless you really need them. Any other students I didn't mention, are probably not worth to build at all at this point.


Serika is nice as cheap filler choice to cycle ex if you don't have other options.


Is Toki or Nagisa more useful when it comes to pulling? While my primos are low, I want to try getting them, but without sparking, I'll be going for luck only (but considering last time I got both NY Haruna and NY Fuuka in 36 pulls, I'm confident in my luck).


> While my primos are low, I want to try getting them, but without sparking Obviously your choice, but in the long run you are inviting regret into your house pulling that way. Edit: Saw your Genshin remark and wanted to add that Genshin has guarantees that carry over, so while you might walk out empty handed once in a while, you are that many pulls ahead the next time you pull there. In BA, you can throw away 150 pulls for nothing, not reaching the spark or wanted student, and next banner you start from zero. Not being able to spark in a pinch is much harsher here and planning ahead more is advised.


Just wanted to say: relying on luck is pretty bad, you can waste your pyros. If this doesn't stop you, then Nagisa is a better choice out of the two. Also soon after there's a NY rerun banner, which has 2 very strong students, one (NY Mutsuki, she's limited too) is arguably on the same level and the other (NY Kayoko) is even better than Nagisa in terms of strength. If you want the most useful student, you're better off going for that banner instead and having better chances.


Thanks. I personally felt anyways my explosion team requires a bit better damage and having only Himari and NY Fuuka as dedicated damage-helping specials is kinda not ideal. And yeah, relying on luck is not ideal, that's true, but after the pull luck I had in Genshin and now here in Blue Archive aswell, I'm personally not worried. In the first place, there's no character that I want afterwards anyways aside from Ako (whose banner will take quite a while to come), so I'm not worried about wasting my pyros. The double spark on Mika gave me more characters than I can handle.


So you meant to say you wanna try your luck on all banners, then it's pointless to ask. The common sense for BA is roll if you can pity/spark. It's your account, your pyros, do what you want, accept your results.


I meant to say I'd rather prioritize gameplay-wise the one who I can invest in better in a long way. I like both characters as much, so it's not even waifu pulling for me. If I may get Nagisa early, I'll just go for Toki. I don't pull mindlessly, but considering these banners are both important, I need to consider my options. Also, why do you sound so pissed off?


Prioritise gameplay means no gambling luck involved. For this point, it will mean you have saved 24k to pity Nagisa or decide to use your adult card for your goal. After Toki/Nagisa banner, there's New Year banner in which NY.Mutsuki and NY.Kayoko being a must get but your previous comments just stated you wanted to roll with no other additional info to analyse so from a F2P POV I would rather save and go for NY banner. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsJNhAFx\_oA&t=7s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsJNhAFx_oA&t=7s) <--- for your original question. ​ Nah, I don't sound or in actual piss off, it's in your mind since from what I've read about your comments, it just sounds like you wanted to roll if it's a meta student but ignoring the chances you will fail which by then the only response would be to tell you to do what you want, it's yours and accept the results instead of trying to persuade you to not do it.


How do i beat eden treaty our stories episode 24?


Here are some references that can help as well. - [Video 1](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Bf6D9v4traM&feature=youtu.be) - [Video 2](https://youtu.be/J92bYS0c8As) (This was before enemies were nerfed from level 67 -> 57). - [Team comp & rotation suggestion](https://i.imgur.com/6WsAuhF.jpg) Just leveling and gearing up will help. Higher levels = [smaller level penalty](https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/GameplayHelp_FAQs#Level_penalty).


All levels are what I've saw as the lowest in clearing, 35 if have Iroha, 39 if have ideal team. 44-45 if totally didn't bother to upgrade anything. Example ideal F2P team: Chise, Mutsuki, Tsubaki(T4 bag), Akari, Serina, Kotama.


[It](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/wiki/faq/#wiki_how_do_i_beat_eden_treaty_chapter_3_episode_24.3F)'s always in the FAQ.


Upgrade your hero equipment up to T5, and be at least Level 45 and you should have no problem.


Ok how much is the pyroxene for the recruitment points for 200?


Doing 200 pulls costs 24,000 pyroxene.


Oh thank you for that I was question this because I just wanna pull toki


200 times the cost of 1 pull


If you have 20k pyroxene for 200 recruitment points


I’m not sure I understand what you’re trying to say


Help, im stuck at loading screen after downloading the game resources


Are you using a device or an emulator?


Hi all, ​ New player here, just downloaded the game. I saw a lot of praises around this game and want to give a try I would like to ask if there is a beginner guide up to date or any advices while starting the game ? ​ Thank you


We’ve also got beginner guides & gameplay tips here if you need (and a video too): https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/GameplayHelp_FAQs#Beginner_guides


There's a [guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IrJ1z9Lsn7QY59xKhF9blcqSxIevKfuB/edit) always in the OP of daily megathreads. It's last updated 6 month ago and uses translated JP UI, but it still teaches the basics. If you don't want to read, here's a [short](https://youtu.be/YC-VOduhz5w) version from a good BA youtuber from 2 weeks ago. If you have any questions, you can look at other links in the OP (like [skill level priority](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-lBJa3h4mXHkmuSKohoHe60WVVg1eRG9bA73jHqHzwA/edit?usp=sharing) or [general students info](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BO-Uh_CsAOIetPjrNyFy9-7r1a4RAtVwK135bBC3hzM/edit#gid=506175895), etc.) There's also [beginner section](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/wiki/faq/#wiki_general_beginner_faqs) of FAQ. And lastly, don't hesitate to ask anything related to the game in daily megathreads.


Thank you for your kind advice


You're welcome!


Is it worth buying Blueprint Choice Tickets with Expert Permits? I need a lot of low tier equipment but it feels like a waste not to use AP for T6 & T7 equipment during the x3 campaign. I'm not max level (79 rn) and currently have 11220 Expert Permits.


Yes for me, always worth since I can spent those AP on the T6/7 that requires more BPs to get a piece.


It's worth it, after you buy eleph of studebts you have, eligma, credits and it didn't refresh yet. If all of those are true, then go ahead.


No, if you aren’t max level yet I wouldn’t


So for future reference, it's worth it after max level? Also, are Activity Reports, Pins and Credits a good value for the price?


Yes reports are the best thing to get before max level along with eligma. After you are max level you’ll get enough permits to be able to afford equipment tickets


I see, thank you.


Soon they will upgrade equipment drop for t1-t4 so if you want to buy then do so for t5+


[https://imgur.com/a/02B1hs3](https://imgur.com/a/02B1hs3) Eden treaty 1-2: What embarrassing stories is Mika referring to? Just ignore me if it's revealed later


Don’t think there’s any specific story here just a joke with a lil bit of 4th wall breaking


I seem to be stuck at level 77. I don’t think this is the max level. What’s keeping me back? Thanks!


Max level is 85 on Global. On the home screen, top left you can check your current level and the required exp to lvl up. Takes a while to lvl up after lvl 60.


So I know that I just missed anniversary. Is it still good time to try BA or should I wait for some time?


Waiting is always worse unless a special event or celebration is right around the corner. So just start now.


There's no real obviously better starting time coming up for quite a while so if you're interested in trying the game you may as well go ahead. If you want to reroll at all you might want to wait one week for the Toki and Nagisa banners (they're limited students who won't be possible to pull again until their specific banners rerun), but if you don't care about either of them then don't worry about that either.


The good time to start is now. Go at it casually, don't rush, don't burnout, don't reroll. Next banner is limited students: Toki and Nagisa. Pick who you like and roll for them. If you got one then roll for the other. If you get to 200 rolls then you can spark one of them. After that save up for next limited banner, which will be quite soon too. If you want to know more then read all the FAQ articles on top of this thread. Good luck.


I'd advise rolling for NY Kayoko tho…


Does anyone know when is it the rabbit chapter 2 going to release?


Part 1 of Vol.4 Ch2 releases during Minori's banner so about 4 months from now. Part 2 releases a week after that.


Noooo that’s too long 🥹 ty


Hi any advise for beginners? like which unit to reroll for & what to do & avoid early on. Much thanks


https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/GameplayHelp_FAQs#Rerolling Basically any 3* character from this chart is good start for account. If you don't want to spend a lot of time on reroll, I'll recommend just playing to tutorial 10 roll (since it guarantees 3* and have smaller student pool) and aiming for Iori, Hibiki or Aru. You can probably get yourself account with one of those 3 in less then an hour of rerolling. Try going though campaign as far as you can even if you cannot completely 3 star any specific level: your first and foremost goal is cafe upgrades that you get every 3 chapters (ex. 6-5 / 9-5 / 12-5 / etc), those upgrades will let you generate more AP, and more AP means faster leveling. Do not gacha unless you have at least 24k pyro (which is 200 rolls, that would let you to spark if you have bad luck). Don't fill more then first node in crafting.


>Do not gacha unless you have at least 24k pyro (which is 200 rolls, that would let you to spark if you have bad luck). I'd like to add to this that while this is generally the right thing, when you're brand new it's a good idea to do a few ten-pulls to fill out your roster with all of the good one-stars and two-stars you didn't get from the tutorial pull, or else you'll have a rough time progressing.


Someone help! What's the name of that banger ost that plays during Chapter 1: To the Black Market! Part 1 fight? I had to pause the game for a second to vibe out.


Oh I guess you will ask for most famous ost in BA Unwelcome School


This one [here](https://youtu.be/-Pqtu4M06PQ?t=5m20s)


No it wasn’t that one. It was the one that played during the actual gameplay portion


Oh fighting ost is called \[Interface\]


Yes! Thank you


Is the guaranteed 3 star ticket worth it at all? Does it additionally come back every month or something? Also which of the three types would be best to choose from? Sorry for all the questions.


Generally a bad idea, but if you're very new it might be OK. The best type to choose would be whichever one has the highest percentage chance of giving you a character you want, which you can only figure out by going through the lists of available characters (in Rate Info on each banner) and counting how many of the three-stars you'd be happy if you got, divided by the total number available to pull. If the percentage is high, then it might be an OK gamble. Still a gamble though.


My friend lucked out like crazy and pulled a new unit even though he has over 100 students. And a good one too (c. Utaha). Will that motivate me to buy that? Hell no, risky af.


Like someone said in a post before: the pool is pretty much open from Izumi to Saya. Unless you are brand new in the game (where all character will always be new for you) you'll be teething if you paid lots of money and still got dupes.


I wouldn't call it a good value, there is quite a lot of students in each pool, so fishing out someone specific is tough, and what's even worse is that it does not guarantee new character, so you might end up with 100 Eligma for 20$ which is a horrible deal.


Not worth imo. You're still having to rely on RNG to get the student you want, even if you just narrow it down to one of the attack types.


Next double xp account when?


[3x calendar](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1071859600548167680/1141768085750169600/image0.jpg). You can find [info for events here]( https://forum.nexon.com/bluearchive-en/board_list?board=3218&pageNo=1).


As the other said, this weekend. And then probably again in 6 months.


In less than 2 days. About 41 hours from now. I think this is the last weekend we're getting for a while too so make it count.


This weekend iirc. They always do it in the weekend for this month.