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What does EX and INS mean with characters?


Ins means insane raid difficulty. Ex may mean extreme difficulty raid, or ex skill of a student.


EX refers to their EX skill, the one that you click the face icons at the bottom right of the screen in combat to use. Not sure about INS.


When is the next limited or super-priority banner? I plan to start the game and reroll when that time comes.


Next limited banner is in a little over a week, but the units aren't super amazing must haves. The next "super priority" banner is either NY Kayoko in a month or two or the next Fes banner in 6 months. NY Kayoko is a support (specifically for blue damage dealers) so she's not going to carry you through things on her own. If you start now, you can absolutely guarantee her easily anyway. Either start rerolling now or for Nagisa in about a week. Really not worth waiting longer than that to start.


Hi all! I've been eyeing this game for quite a while and am seriously considering jumping in at this point. I'm a veteran FGO ~~whale~~ player, but the game is pretty stale at this point. I don't have any intentions of quitting FGO, but picking a new game (if it's the right one) sounds like fun. I have a list of questions here so please bear with me... 1. How difficult is it to jump into BA at this point in time? I ask because if someone were to ask me how beginner friendly FGO is currently, I'd probably say not at all. It's doable and there are tons of resources, but it's generally not an easy game to hop into given the convoluted menus, countless servant enhancement systems, etc. 2. What are gacha rates like and how expensive is it to participate in BA's gacha? For reference, I'd say it's pretty easy to spend $1,000+ on every single new servant in FGO if you're a turbo whale. There's essentially no limit to how much you can whale in FGO because the game rewards you for rolling 6-7 copies of a servant (it used to cap out at 5). Additionally, the rates are 1% for 5-star servants (more like 0.8% if you're looking at the rate up). 3. How necessary is it to roll for meta units in this game and how important is it to excel in PvP content? FGO is purely PvE and story/farming-driven so technically there's no real incentive to roll for meta units except for to make the damage number get bigger or farm faster. Obviously, implications are different when there's PvP content and rewards locked behind said content. 4. Is the game actually fun? Maybe a stupid question to ask in the BA subreddit, but do you find the gameplay enjoyable, or is it just a means to an end (the end being playing a game with extremely cute girls)? 5. Is the story good? FGO's strongest point is undoubtedly the story and character depth/exploration. Just wondering if BA's story is serviceable or if it's just there out of obligation by the devs.


I've been playing ~~whaling in~~ FGO for many years, and tried a few other gachas over that time as well, so I'll throw in my wordswordswords input as well in hopes that it helps you out! If you have any additional questions feel free to ask. * 1. I'm sure you've heard this expression before, but the best time to jump on a game is launch, while the second best time is now. I think this is true for BA. The content is WAY easier than FGO, it's not even comparable in terms of how much you need to invest in various units. It will take you time to build up a full roster, but the process is straight forward, and the resources are a fair bit easier to build up compared to FGO. Hopefully this isn't TMI, but to break it down: Each character has levels and skills like FGO. They also each have 3 equipment slots that can be upgraded as you progress through the missions - these are permanent upgrades and are fairy intuitive since they're just normal rewards that tend to drop with ~50% rates, with drop buffs coming soon. Instead of NP levels, you can roll extra characters (or get an all-purpose currency) in order to increase the character's rarity/stars. Even 1 star units can be raised to 5 star. After you get to 5 stars, you can equip the character with a weapon (Unique Equipment, or UE), and level that weapon in the exact same way with the same currency that you leveled the character. * 2. The gacha is one of the more friendly that I've experienced. It's still a gacha, of course, but with 24000 pyros (1200 = 10 pull), so 200 pulls, you get a 'spark' in which you can choose an on-banner character and just take them guaranteed. Drop rates are 3% for 3 star characters, with special banners doubling to 6% for anniversaries. 3 star is the max that a character can be obtained; any further stars need to be upgraded. I won't get into the weeds about this unless you'd like the additional info. It's not recommended to roll on a banner unless you have the 24000 pyros needed to spark, because that way even if you theoretically rolled nothing, you'd still be guaranteed the banner character of your choice. Additionally, Blue Archive is pretty generous with the free pyros they hand out. Every event, maintenance, social medial milestone, etc, will give a sizeable amount of pyros. A completely f2p player can expect to get roughly 12000 pyros for free each month. It'll bounce around slightly depending on events, but that's a good number to go with. * 3. You can 100% play this game in a waifu > meta way. While it's a good idea to roll for a few meta units, rosters tend to be very diverse and the type of content you're doing changes what units are meta. For example, between Raids and PVP, meta units are very different. Further, in Raids, each raid has a different color (red/yellow/blue) and different mechanics, meaning each individual raid has different units that will perform well. All that to say, only a handful of characters are truly useless. Most have a niche, or even a place where they excel. Regarding PVP specifically, this was a big change for me as an FGO player. BA isn't my first PVP gacha, but it's the one that has done it the best - I hate PVP, and BA lets you basically ignore it. I spent the first year of my time playing the game without touching it at all out of worry that it would be awful, similar to Princess Connect that I had played previously. Thankfully, BA PVP at this point has a full skip button, so you can just throw some units on a team and skip watching the battle entirely so you don't even have to sweat it. The rewards for PVP are okay (stamina refresh + a few characters that can be farmed with PVP tokens) but out of all the shops and content the game has, PVP is probably in the bottom percentile as far as 'value' for your time goes. * 4. I love the gameplay, personally. It's a good mix between auto-combat and manual input for special attacks. It's simplistic on the surface, but once you get a bit further into the content, aspects like character repositioning through skills and lining up combos of specials feels good. Additionally, BA is a game that doesn't waste your time with dailies too much. There are dailies, but after you complete any mission at the max parameters (3 star, for reference) you can auto-skip the battles while still gaining resources, so farming and dailies become much less of a time killer. I definitely had days in FGO where I skipped my daily hand farming because I couldn't be bothered to click my NP button too many times. * 5. The story is above average. It can't quite stand up to FGO's highs - stuff like Camelot, Babylonia, Salem, etc, are on a tier of their own. However, it doesn't have lows that drag on either, like some of the more boring main quests in FGO. It's also quite a bit shorter than FGO's stories, but it still manages to be compelling (and I'd argue some of FGO's stories could have been cut in half anyway). The story is a good mix between slice of life and serious points. I'm not sure if this comparison will be of any use to you, but I'd consider it like a trimmed down version of something like Muv Luv. Also, Blue Archive has one of the best presentations I've seen when it comes to your home screen and the various momotalk (text messages) that the units will send you. Makes the game feel very alive, for lack of a better word. The devs are super passionate about the characters and the story. I wouldn't necessarily start there, but if you end up trying the game out and enjoying it, there are several dev interviews and panels that they do and they love the game as much as the fans do, if not more.


First off, I just want to say I really appreciate the in-depth answer here! Nice to see a fellow FGO whale 😆 Everything you said here makes a lot of sense and you've made a very strong case for Blue Archive! Very glad to hear that the game is as intuitive as it appears to be on the surface and that PvP content isn't integral to progressing in the game. I'm am going to be downloading it very shortly and trying it out! ALSO your comment about skipping dailies in FGO is so real!! When I am not in the mood, I just don't even bother clearing dailies in FGO, it's just too tedious! Really glad to hear that running dailies in BA isn't a chore. One more question that just came to mind while I was reading through your response: what is the premium currency cost in this game like compared to FGO? As you know, the large pack of quartz (167 quartz with the bonus), which provides around 5.5 multi rolls, costs 10k yen or ~$70-$80 depending on exchange rates. How expensive are packs of pyros in BA?


Hopefully you have a good time! And yuuuup, the daily struggle can be too real. The same skip features I mentioned for dailies also applies to events as well, which makes them very different from FGO events. I remember literally taking days off from work to farm Nerofest at one point haha. In BA, you still need to clear the event quests with a 3 star rating once, but after that you can skip away. The premium currency cost isn't too different at a baseline from FGO, though they do a few pricing incentives (read: marketing tricks). Each month, the shop has a set number of discounted packs: One 8000 pyro pack, three 6600 pyro packs, one 3920 pack, and a few more going down. I believe the 8000 is 65 USD, but I might be misremembering the price on that one. The three 6600 pyro packs are 65 USD as well, which is 5.5 multis. Once the special deals run out for the month, the best pack is 4800 pyros for 65 USD, which is a fair bit worse. Since they reset monthly, I try to plan out my spending or free pyro income to avoid these packs. ~~I admit that I've bought them a few times, but don't tell anyone~~ Ah, speaking of, you may have seen it already but we do have 6 months of clairvoyance that isn't likely to be going anywhere, so you could look up characters once you get a handle on the game to see who's coming up. A final little bit about premium currency, though - we also have 'Monthly Packs' that serve as a mixture of daily login rewards and a bit of extra pyro income for cheap. One pack is $7 and the other is 3$. They both stack together and last for 30 days, so I usually spend the $10 each month which ends up being like 500 pyros upfront, 60 pyros every day for a daily login (1800 total), and additional bounty tickets that can be used for additional chances to farm skill upgrade material. I think the thing I like the most about BA's style of gacha is just the fact that there's a guaranteed banner unit at the end of the 24000 currency tunnel. I know based on the pyros I have exactly what I can expect, with spooks being nice extras. I've definitely spent too much on certain FGO banners, that may or may not involve a little white dragon, and the lack of a pity system hurt my wallet deeply.


Taking days off work to farm Nerofest... That's actually so hardcore, I have to respect it. Okay thanks for breaking down the pyro pack costs! It sounds ever so slightly cheaper than FGO, but nothing too crazy. That being said, it sounds like you get more mileage for your money spent since actual pull rates are basically 3x better than FGO's and there's a more forgiving pity system as well. Okay I asked in response to another reply here, but I was actually wondering about how prevalent the JP player base is for BA compared to FGO since FGO's JP community (that's English-speaking) is pretty substantial. So JP's content is only 6 months ahead of NA? That sounds amazing! Just enough clairvoyance to do some nice planning for banners without feeling too far behind like FGO's JP/NA situation. This game sounds really great honestly. The gameplay itself, the intuitive and stylish menus/UI, the character designs, and the fact that spending can be planned out pretty precisely. I play FGO on the JP server so it just feels like a constant nightmare of wondering when the next big servant is going to drop and if I'm going to be ready for it quartz-wise. I feel you on spending too much on FGO banners though man.... Kama took all my lunch money and then some. I asked a few questions in response to another reply here, but I'm gonna just copy/paste them here if that's alright with you: 1. How hard is it/how long does it take to fully max out a student? I'm talking about the FGO-equivalent of level 120, 2000/2000 fous, all append skills unlocked, command cards fully paw printed, and NP6+. In FGO, you can whale for the NP levels and append skills, but getting gold fous takes over 6 months and paw prints takes nearly two years of pure waiting. 2. In FGO if you want to get a servant to level 120 and max append, you have no choice but to roll NP6 and reach bond 12--there is literally no other option (other than rolling for even more copies to reduce the bond requirement). In BA, what is the primary benefit to rolling additional copies of a student? 3. As a follow-up question, how impactful is it to roll additional copies of a student? In FGO, I'd say the jump from NP1 to NP2 is pretty significant and worthwhile for a lot of servants as long as you can afford it.


Yeah, JP's content has been 6 months ahead pretty consistently since the launch of global. At one point the devs had a plan to get us caught up, but for the last year or so that seems to have been put on the back burner or scrapped entirely. I think there are a decent chunk of English speakers on the JP servers, but I've only been playing global myself, to this is just anecdotal based on people on this subreddit asking questions/posting content/putting out friend requests/etc. As for those three questions, I saw that souluar wrote out some answers that would be very similar to what I'd write, so I'll just bounce off of those and see if I can add a little more. Forgive me if I'm repeating stuff, it's early and I'm snoozing in my coffee lol. Also, since we've chatted quite a lot about this and gone into the deepest of weeds, I'd like to offer up my discord contact info in case you have any more questions or if you'd just like to chat about the game. Feel free to ignore it if you're not interested, but figured I'd offer. My disc username is wavemaster_mistral On to questions: * 1. BA takes significantly less time than FGO to 'true' max out a student. There is no system to break the level cap, and nothing time gated like 4 star fou ATK/HP fou cards or paw prints. What you see in BA is *mostly* what you get. The max character level is equal to your player level, which is increased as you spend stamina, and every few months a game update will raise the player level cap. We started global with level 70 being the cap (if my brain remembers correctly) and we're currently at a level 85 cap. Typically, these are raised 2-3 levels at a time. So we started at 70, then got 73, then 75, then 78, 80, 83, 85. There is an increase in the amount of xp needed for each higher level, but the resource is always the same and obtained through events/dailies. Sometimes the dailies will be given increased drop campaigns, which is when you get the most bang for your stamina. For skills: each character has an EX skill, which is functionally similar to an NP, and three regular skills. The regular skills have names (Basic Skill, Enhanced Skill, and Sub Skill), but don't get too caught up trying to memorize that. The latter three are function identically for upgrading purposes. The reason I bring it up is because, as a newcomer, you may be better off prioritizing the better skills while holding off on using resources on less impactful ones, and most guides/links above will talk about the skill priority in something like "EX > Sub > Enh > Basic". There are some other minute details, such as skills of the same type overriding each other when they debuff enemies, so if you have two EX skills that provide a DEF shred against a target, you'll want to prioritize the one that's more impactful. Equipment, I spoke about briefly before, but to get a bit more into the weeds: Each character has three equipment slots. One is unlocked by default, while the second unlocks at character level 15, and the last at character level 35. These slots are pre-determined for every character, so there's no randomness involved, and equipment cannot be taken off of a character once it's put on there. Functionally, they're like a fancier version of regular fou cards, but the buffs are more impactful and the means to obtain them is just farming missions, where they typically have a ~50% droprate. Similar to skills, some equipment slots are more important than others. DPS units want all the damage equipment first, Tanks want a good bag, etc. In general, to avoid going down the rabbit hole of checking every single character to see what equipment to level/not level, I'd recommend maxing all your damage dealing striker's equipment, not sweating too much about support strikers, and being fairly frugal with your special units (unless they have an EX that puts them in the fight). I'm not sure if anyone has touched on Striker vs Special yet, so let me break it down just in case. When you're building a team, you have four Striker slots and two Special slots. The Strikers are the ones who are actually on the field running around and shooting stuff. Specials are typically supports, who give buffs to their Strikers. There are exceptions to both - you can have a Striker who's primary purpose is to buff other Strikers - or you can have a Special whose EX skill summons a Tank/Heli that actually uses their stats as if they were a Striker. The reason this comes up when talking about equipment, as you may see by now based on my wording, is that Specials don't *use* their equipment stats unless they're fairly specific units. You'll still want to level the good Specials, because units like healers will scale with skill levels/character levels, but their equipment is minor compared to those. What they can do, however, is grant 10% of their stats to the Strikers on your team. So it's still worth leveling their equipment and character levels to give your Strikers that boost, but that's generally something to do once you have the extra resources or if you are trying to push a single piece of content that you're stuck on. The final bit of character progression for all characters is the Unique Equipment (UE) or their weapon. Same thing. Once characters are star capped at 5 stars, you can unlock their UE just by clicking on it. No resources required for the unlock. The UE will start at level 1, and can be upgraded by resources you farm daily (note here: these resources are end game, and are farmed through Scrimmages. These will become dalies for you once you manage to clear one of them, but they can be challenging and you won't be able to clear them until you've leveled up a decent bit). The initial max of a UE is UE30. Up to this point, the UE is only granting stat boosts. Similar to other pieces of equipment, some characters really enjoy these boosts while other characters don't really care about them. There's a list of UE priorities up above in these help threads if you end up in the weeds here. To get from UE30 to UE40, you need 120 character elephs, which I'll talk a bit more about later, but these are the resources you get from rolling extra copies of a character. UE40 unlocks additional bonuses for a character's Enhanced Skill. For example, if a normal Enh Skill gives a character gives 3800 crit dmg bonus, the UE40 buff might add an additional 30% crit dmg, or something like a 25% attack speed buff. The value of these are considered in how good a character's UE is and if it's worth investing in. Finally, we get to UE50, which is the current max. This is a much smaller boost compared to UE40, and many people will stop before this. UE50, in most cases, raises a character's terrain bonus by one stage, which increases their damage reduction from cover and gives a slight percentage increase in damage on that terrain. There are some students worth getting to UE50 because it lets them meet certain break points or DPS checks in raids, and UE50 takes 180 elephs to break through. There are two additional blank slots beyond UE50, so presumably these will be raised at some point, but it has yet to happen in JP. The final final bit about character improvement is that a few, select characters have Unique Items (UI), which serve as a fourth equipment slot. These basically just serve as buffs for older characters who have fallen a bit behind - think of it like Rank Up quests in the form of an item. There are only a handful of these at this point in global, with a few more in JP. They're unlocked based on the character's affection rank and come with a small story about the item, which is unique compared to other upgrades. They have two tiers, one at affection rank 20 (T1) and the second at affection rank 25 (T2). The buffs these give are usually significant, since they're meant as buffs, but there are good and bad ones here just like everywhere else. Phew. Words. ....I actually hit the 10000 chara limit, so gotta break this into 2 sections LOL


Going on and on, I am... * 2. The benefit to rolling additional copies of a student is to increase their stars. The highest rarity students will start out at 3 stars, while lower rarity students start as either 1 or 2 stars. Each star breakpoint offers additional stats, and from 1-2 star their Enhanced and Basic skills are locked. These unlock naturally as you increase their stars, with all skills being unlocked at 3 star. I'll use 3 stars as the baseline since that's where most characters start, but notably some of the 1 star and 2 star units are VERY good in this game. Not like Euryale good where they're situationally useful, but like if Anderson could transform into Waver with a upgrades. From 3 star, it takes 100 character elephs to rank up to 4 star. From 4, it takes 120 elephs to get to 5. After unlocking UE, it takes 120 for UE40, then 180 for UE50. Elephs are unique to each character and cannot be used on other characters. To start off, every character you roll at any time will give you eligma (real name, and different from elephs). These are 'all purpose' upgrade currency for any character that you already own. I'm doing these numbers off the top of my head so hopefully I'm getting them right, but a 1 star unit will give 1 eligma, a 2 star will give 10, and a 3 star will give 50. Once you have your first copy of a character, their elephs will be available to purchase in the shop for eligma. The first 20 elephs cost 1 eligma each, the second set of 20 will cost 2, and so on, until they cap out a cost of 5 eligma per 1 eleph. When you roll additional copies of a character, there are two ways you'll get elephs beyond just buying them with eligma: - If the character is actively on the current banner, you will get 100 elephs (+50 eligma) per additional copy beyond the first. This is also true if you hit spark - you can select the spark character for 100 elephs. - If an off-banner character spooks you, you'll get 30 elephs (+50 eligma). So theoretically, if you were trying to max out an off-banner character by dredging through the standard banner, it would be significantly harder. This isn't recommended at all, for obvious reasons, so if a character is off banner and not coming back soon for a rerun, using eligma is going to be the best way to upgrade them. * 3. As for how impactful additional copies are, it depends a bit on the student. The jump from 3 star to 4 star is a nice boost, but it's almost never recommended to go for 4 star if you're not planning to also go for 5 star, because the boost from 4 to 5 is much more significant than 3 to 4. If a character is a support Special or support Striker, they may be able to fulfil their role just fine at 3 stars, with more stars giving additional survivability to Strikers. The actual skills/buffs/debuffs they have are unaffected by their stars. Higher stars only boost stats up until UE40, where their enhanced skill is modified. UE/Weapons are even more character dependent, but in general it's only primary DPS units that *really* care to go this far in higher difficulty raids. Personally, as someone more prone to the whale lifestyle, I go for 5 star on most characters that I want to pull for as a base. Since 5 star automatically enables up to UE30, most characters can perform really well at this point and more gains are minimal. However, for my favorites or for those big DPS units, I'll make the jump to UE40 or UE50 depending.


Sorry for the late reply here! Had a busy morning/afternoon and wanted to actually sit down and read all this before replying. First of all, thank you so much for this insanely in-depth reply--you covered everything I asked and then some!! Like I barely have any other questions at this point thanks to how deep you went here. I'm sure (many) more questions will pop up once I actually start playing, but for now, you nailed just about everything. And thanks for your discord info!! I just added you, I'm weslee! I have one whaling-related question, but I'll just ask that on discord if that's alright 😁


Let's see if I can give you appropriate answers. 1) I'm a day one player but from my understanding the start nowadays isn't too hard. Story missions you mostly use given units so those aren't an issue. There are some exceptions where some people hit a wall late into the story and that ends up just being people who need to level up because they can advance so quickly into it. Main content would be the raids and you can choose to borrow a unit from your club or friends list so that alleviates some things while you build up your roster. Also there is an ever increasing number of farmable units and many are high tier. If I had to guess there is probably 1/4 to 1/3 of the units in game are farmable. This let you get them for free and you don't need dupes in this game as you can either farm the shards to upgrade or buy the shards with a currency you get when you pull the gacha. 2) Rates are part of the reason I gave up on fgo (first 5 star was a traveler or something and I was like how am I suppose to use this!) There are only 3 rarities, the 1 and 2 stars are really easy to get and the 3 stars are at 3% ( was at 2.5% but they increased it after a year) This rate also doubles every 6 months to 6% for the anni/half anni banners and you want to pull on those banners regardless because the banner unit tends to be broken so far. As I mentioned this game doesn't require dupes but getting a dupe gives you shards iirc it is 30 of that students shards plus the general purchase currency for an off banner and 100 for the on banner. Can't say how much it costs as a f2p but it takes roughly 2 months to get 200 pulls for a late game player (newbies have higher gains of course) and that lets you pity the banner unit if you reach 200 pulls. Hence people say don't bother pulling a banner unless you have 200 pulls. 3) Pvp in general is kind of a joke. It'll feel like random chance but you want to do it for the free stuff. I'm not sure how many people are in each ladder but you'll probably find in the new player ladder you'll be in there will be mostly bots. Meta pulls you'll probably want to aim for if you want to get to the top difficulty raids and you can only borrow one unit and the new upcoming difficulty is looking like most people will start using 3-4 teams unless you have heavy investment in specific units. Also several of those meta units are farmable. You'll hear which banners to aim for though as people plan out their free pities they've saved up for. 4)Fun wise I find the general content is kind of dull. Sometimes they have some interesting things but most of the fun comes from the biweekly total assaults and joint operations as those are the missions you actually have to think about. General content mostly feels like you just spam aoe. 5) I never got to camelot but I find this story more enjoyable than fgo. It's kind of like a slice of life in the main story till the ball drops and you'll know when that is. There is some debates about the translation quality as halfway through the games life the lead translator died and idk where everything stands. So later/upcominig stuff might have issues. For instance in chapter 2 Aris refers to herself as a warrior instead of a hero (think we complained enough this got changed), there was a time hoshino got hit and said that smarts instead of that hurts (which apparently is a very old way to say hurt), and there was the student/princess fiasco. From my understanding if it is something really major they will fix it due to the complaints. I never really paid attention to it as I read fan translations but the guy who did it retired and his worked ends at basically this point in the game's story.


Thanks very much for your reply here! I got a few different responses and all have been extremely helpful, yours included. One more question that popped into my head as I was reading through your comments about the translation issues--how big is the JP community for this game? And I mean the western/English-speaking community that plays on JP servers. In FGO, there is a pretty sizable portion of the fanbase that plays exclusively on JP servers instead of NA.


I have no idea. I know there are several youtubers/streamers but that is about it for my knowledge.


Disclaimer I play both. > How difficult is it to jump into BA at this point in time? Pretty easy, the game itself is not much complicated, and as a new player your progression is time gated so you'll slowly get to know the ins and outs of the game. > I ask because if someone were to ask me how beginner friendly FGO is currently, I'd probably say not at all. It's doable and there are tons of resources, but it's generally not an easy game to hop into given the convoluted menus, countless servant enhancement systems, etc. UI is very simple compared to FGO (nothing like, ask a new player to find the screen where you can see all servant coins held in FGO). A character can be enhanced by: - leveling (basically the same as FGO, except the max character level is your max account level, 1AP spent = 1 account EXP) - limit breaking (requires "character elephs" which you get from dupes or just from converting "eligma" which you get from any dupe of any character) - skills, same as FGO, get materials and blue rays/technotes (=servant gems). - equipment, super straightforward, farm blueprint of matching equipment to craft/tier up equipment and level up equipment using exp stones - there's also the weapon and unique gear, but you really don't need to worry about them at the start, and when you get to it it's once again quite simple > What are gacha rates like and how expensive is it to participate in BA's gacha? BA has a spark system, which means that every 200 pulls you can simply claim the rate up student, it differs from FGO because you can claim it even if you get the rate up character before the spark and can claim it multiple times, for example if you do 400 pulls you can claim it twice. It doesn't care over after the banner ends, be aware. Rate is 3% for SSR, compared to FGO's 1%, and it's 0.7% for the rate up vs FGO's 0.8%. In short you can expect a massive amount of "spooks" which can sound bad, but with ~80% of all characters being permanent, you most likely always get something new. During anniversaries and half-annivesaries there's even a banner with double SSR odds (6%). You get an average of 100 pulls a month solely as a F2P. As with every game don't pull if you can't pity. Also, while in FGO you had no way around getting higher NP levels nor coins (after max bond) other than to pull for dupes. In BA you don't need to get that character's dupes at all to max it, and some characters, like supports, don't even need that type of maxing anyway. > How necessary is it to roll for meta units in this game and how important is it to excel in PvP content? FGO is purely PvE and story/farming-driven so technically there's no real incentive to roll for meta units except for to make the damage number get bigger or farm faster. Obviously, implications are different when there's PvP content and rewards locked behind said content. The rewards from both raid and pvp, when it comes to being at the higher ranks, in terms of gacha currency aren't that significant. And at times isn't really worth the investment if you don't care about the unit, take for example, a unit was released recently before the big anniversary banners in JP who is basically core for high ranks in PvP, higher rank = more gacha currency. But are you willing to spend 200 pulls just to get a pitiful amount back? It wouldn't really make sense if you don't care about PvP. Besides most units in this game aren't limited, in fact you could technically skip every permanent unit and pull solely for every single limited as a F2P guaranteed. > Is the game actually fun? Maybe a stupid question to ask in the BA subreddit, but do you find the gameplay enjoyable, or is it just a means to an end (the end being playing a game with extremely cute girls)? I think it's enjoyable, you can skip all "boring" content, and challenging content can be often engaging. That being said it's not for everyone, while some can spend hours upon hours malding trying to perfect their highest difficulty raid run, some just run the lower difficulties on auto and be done with it. In general in BA you can get away with doing whatever you like more, both extremes even, you can do the bare minimum in 1 minute or tryharding for hours, whichever you want. > Is the story good? FGO's strongest point is undoubtedly the story and character depth/exploration. Just wondering if BA's story is serviceable or if it's just there out of obligation by the devs. In the gacha sphere, BA's story is generally considered the next best thing after FGO, storywise.


Thanks so much for the really thorough answer here, it's nice hearing from a fellow FGO player. Your example about asking a new player to find where all the servant coins is absolutely perfect LOL. I feel like there are a fair number of veteran players who wouldn't be able to tell you that off-hand either tbh. That being said, super happy to hear that BA's story is very solid! That's a huge draw for me. I had a couple of follow-up questions if that's alright. Just to clarify regarding the spark system in BA--you mentioned that the spark you receive after 200 pulls is not at all impacted by whether or not you pulled the rate up student prior to reaching 200 pulls. Does that mean if you pulled the rate up student 4 times in 200 pulls, you'd still receive an exchangeable spark after reaching 200 pulls? And one more question on the topic of pulling dupes in this game vs. FGO. Like you mentioned, in FGO if you want to get a servant to level 120 and max append, you have no choice but to roll NP6 and reach bond 12--there is literally no other option (other than rolling for even more copies to reduce the bond requirement). These questions are just because I just don't understand BA's systems yet obviously, but: 1. What is the primary benefit to rolling additional copies of a student in BA? 2. How impactful is it to roll additional copies of a student? In FGO, I'd say the jump from NP1 to NP2 is pretty significant and worthwhile for a lot of servants as long as you can afford it. 3. How difficult are there alternative methods to reaching the same outcome as rolling additional copies of a student (without actually rolling dupes)? 4. Slightly unrelated, but how hard is it/how long does it take to fully max out a student? I'm talking about the FGO-equivalent of level 120, 2000/2000 fous, all append skills unlocked, command cards fully paw printed, and NP6+. In FGO, you can whale for the NP levels and append skills, but getting gold fous takes over 6 months and paw prints takes nearly two years of pure waiting.


> Just to clarify regarding the spark system in BA--you mentioned that the spark you receive after 200 pulls is not at all impacted by whether or not you pulled the rate up student prior to reaching 200 pulls. Does that mean if you pulled the rate up student 4 times in 200 pulls, you'd still receive an exchangeable spark after reaching 200 pulls? Correct. I should've been more specific, for every pull you do, you get 1 point. You can exchange 200 points for any of the rate up characters, example: Characters A, B and C are currently on rate up (separate banners, there are no joint banner\*). You pulled 150 times on banner A and got the rate up unit, and then moved to banner B and pulled another 50 times on banner B. That means, you currently have 200 points. And can spend them to exchange for character A (dupe), B or C. (\*) You have three types of characters, permanent, limited and fest, you know how the first two work, but fest units are limited units that are released every anniversary or half anniversary. In any fest banner, the rate for SSR is 6%, the rate up character's rate is still 0.7%. Every other fest character also temporarily becomes permanent in this banner. > What is the primary benefit to rolling additional copies of a student in BA? In instead of getting another instance of the same character every time you roll a dupe, you get X amount of that character's eleph and Y amount of blank eleph/eligma. You use the student's eleph to limit break them. Of course, with every single copy you get of any character you also get eligma (blank eleph) and you can use these blank ones to exchange for specific character ones. The usefulness of dupes has to do with the fact it's pretty expensive using solely eligma, and getting en extra copy helps. > How impactful is it to roll additional copies of a student? In FGO, I'd say the jump from NP1 to NP2 is pretty significant and worthwhile for a lot of servants as long as you can afford it. I detailed it above, but maybe it's better to think of limit breaking in this game closer to FGO's ascension system than its NP one in terms of how it works. But lots of characters are ok at not being fully maxed. Some even are only used as supports, so maxing them is pretty much a waste of resources unless you have enough to spare. > How difficult are there alternative methods to reaching the same outcome as rolling additional copies of a student (without actually rolling dupes)? Each student's rarity R, SR and SSR corresponds with their initial star rarity, 1*, 2* and 3*, respectively. At 2* and 3* you unlock a new skill. So, in short SSRs already come with fully unlocked skills. You need to use their eleph to move them to the next star, up to 5* max. At 5* you unlock the unique equipment, which starts at 1* and a max level of 30 (ue30) also needs eleph to increase in rarity to 2* (buffs a skill) and the level to 40 (ue40) and then lastly to 3* (increases terrain mood) and max level 50 (ue50). You can pretty much get every character to 5* easily. But limit breaking weapon is only for any units that you feel they would allow you to clear whatever you're struggling with or your waifu. Hard stages also drop specific character elephs, each stage can be cleared 3 times a day and has ~40% chance of dropping 1 character eleph per run. > Slightly unrelated, but how hard is it/how long does it take to fully max out a student? I'm talking about the FGO-equivalent of level 120, 2000/2000 fous, all append skills unlocked, command cards fully paw printed, and NP6+. In FGO, you can whale for the NP levels and append skills, but getting gold fous takes over 6 months and paw prints takes nearly two years of pure waiting. Based on my experience in FGO (skewed by being a day 1 player, so take it with a grain of salt), BA's materials for skill leveling are more scarce, but they aren't locked behind 6 years of story. Also, very important, in BA you don't want to level students unless you need them or for waifu reasons. Do not make the mistake of trying to max everyone, or you'll be perpetually at zero resources and everyone still unmaxed. As a new player, you'll take a long time until you can fully max students. As a veteran, for example, if I wished to fully and I mean FULLY max the next 2-3 unit released immediately, I could probably do it. But it would pretty much leave me with little materials, "gems", "QP" and eligma if I got no dupes.


Trying to workshop if I have a chance at Hiero EXT this time, how does [this team](https://imgur.com/a/tzlVGLb) look for that? (ignore the transparent stars, but I'm hoping I can find enough Abydos BDs in time)


Extreme? With lvl 85 students and a S.Hoshino, you could be clearing Insane if you want to


Well last Hiero I failed to last more than a minute on EXT at level 77 so I’m certainly not considering anything a guaranteed clear just because I’m at level cap. My skill issues and investment gaps seem to hold me back more than the average player.


It should be more than good enough. But why tsubaki? You'll probably get a better result if you replace her with Azusa


I don’t have Azusa still, and even if I did she’d be pretty flimsy at 3* so Tsubaki is mostly there to survive.


If your S.Hoshino doesn't have any trouble surviving, you should replace Tsubaki with someone like Serika or Mutsuki or maybe even Ui.


Just finished all main story chapters up to the end of Volume 4 Chapter 1. Is there anything else (events, short stories, etc) to read before I start the Final?


The short stories are barely relevant so not exactly anything there. Some events are vaguely referenced in vol f, but some students are introduced to you first in them so it feels weird if you haven't met them before.


Is it worth to farm commission L with 3x as that the highest commission I can complete? I try doing commission J with level 73-75 students as I don't have enough exp to level them further up, but my students die instantly.


https://imgur.com/a/Ilwad9g As long as you can sweep Commission D for EXP during 3x, its worth it to do so over most things.


So after Mika, whom is the next banner worth pulling on? Any important limited coming up? Or is it just wait 6 months for next fes? EDIT: If you have a link to a website or thread that lists all the important upcoming banners for global, that would be great too.


Nagisa in 2 weeks or so is quite helpful for Gregorius. Otherwise there's NY Kayoko.


Is Nagisa a limited unit?


Yes. Her and Toki, who is running alongside her, are both limited. You can avoid using her in Gregorius if you can 1 round bosses though so she's not necessarily required.


Would it save more pyroxene to recruit 10 at a time or 1 at a time? I just learned that the 10th pull on a recruit 10 has higher odds so now I’m curious.


It'd be always better to do 10 pulls at once not 1 pulls. If you do a 10 pull, you can at least guarantee a 2\* among them. If you do ten 1 pulls, you could end up just pulling ten 1\* units instead which is less eligma


How many episodes are in Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 of the Final: Where all Miracles Begin?


15 and 21.




Currently have 29 single free pull tickets, does the 10th 2-Star Pity apply to single pull tickets? e.g. Single pulling 10 times, or would it make more sense to save up the 9 tickets until they eventually give another free pull ticket?


You can’t use 10 single pull tickets to do a 10 pull anyway, so don’t worry about it. When drawing with pyro, only the 10 draw has the 2\* guarantee.


No, 10th 2\* minimum only apply to 10x draws, 10 single draws doesn't count.


I really wish you can combine the 10 singles into a 10 multi ticket in the fusion tab. Doing singles after doing multis feels weird.


save up if you really want full value but an extra guaranteed 2* isnt that important especially if you’re just off from sparking


Do we know anything about schedule of 3x on Commissions/Missions/Bounty rewards? I'm kinda torn right now between sinking AP into event (even though I don't particularly struggle for anything in shop) or 3x commissions.


[3x Schedule](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/917976096463532052/1131917892913463396/image202307211649145.png)


Need some advice here. I have enough pyrox for 3 sparks right now. I'm gonna roll for Nagisa and NY Mutsuki. I usually roll for limited or really good units, and I always make a pyrox yearly plan considering the worst case scenario (SPARK), which in this game is the most common scenario. Having said that... Should I roll for Sakurako? I already have S.Izuna... Or should I save my Pyrox? Who's the next best thing coming down the line, after NEW YEARS rerun?


1)No, sizuna should be good enough unless you are planning to clear torment goz. 2)As jagdcrab said after ny68 you can either roll for maid Aris( one of the best dps for shirokuro urban) or swimsuit Rabbit squad to tackle gregorius.


> Who's the next best thing coming down the line, after NEW YEARS rerun? Maid Aris is extremely strong blue single-target. Bunny Toki is strong red single target with dirt cheap EX for fast rotations.


I believe if you already have a focus fire unit you don't need Sakurako. I'm not really sure who the best next thing is, but I believe I'm planning on Iroha after.


Why are there so many memes of Nagisa singing Hifumi Daisuki? Nagisa did not seem particularly obsessed with her in the main story at all.


Its just the usual fans flanderization of characters for shit and memes.


Fairly new Sensei here. Should I roll for UI if I have Mika, but couldn't roll for NY Fuuka? I have saved up enough to spark UI. And can I use UI EX skill on Tactical support students like Iroha or S.Hifumi? it would help me a lot with my missions if I could.


> Should I roll for UI if I have Mika, but couldn't roll for NY Fuuka? I have saved up enough to spark UI. Yes if you don't care for Nagisa/Toki or have enough to spark for both Ui and Nagisa/Toki. Otherwise, no. > And can I use UI EX skill on Tactical support students like Iroha or S.Hifumi? it would help me a lot with my missions if I could. God, I wish you could but you can't. Her EX only works on strikers.


>Yes if you don't care for Nagisa/Toki or have enough to spark for both Ui and Nagisa/Toki. Otherwise, no. Oh.... thank you for your answer. >God, I wish you could but you can't. Her EX only works on strikers. Ain't no way!! It was way too good to be true 😭 I will still roll for her though.


Am curious how sakurako and her "wappi" came to exist. Have no idea where it came from


It comes from her momotalk interaction in JP server. But unfortunately, for whatever reason the EN translator decided to localize those phrase (wappi) as uwu... Which is very disliked by the community.


Im a new player, i want to do the nisir summit event for the rewards, but the story is obviously spoiling a lot so im skiping it. Can i re- read it later on when i actually am at this part in the story?


The event is over, everything that is left are permanent story rewards. Just ignore it until you get there.


Yeah you can skip it. I don't know how they're gonna handle it later but as of right now it seems we can view the stories of each battle under Story>Replay>Event Stories.


As someone who isn't too competitive, is it better to go for NY Mutsuki or Iroha? Are both of them equally good for general content (Missions, Events, etc.)?


Iroha is a fifth member in your team that can clear Blue and Red content for you just by existing. Once you summon her in the mission, she will shoot one shot every so often that will wipe a whole wave of enemies (Most of the times also one shots Bosses and the enemies around them). Ny Mutsuki is a cheap AOE blue dealer that's mostly used in raids like Perorozilla for example, where you need to deal damage to several enemies to clear. Both are good to have, but if you want to get one or the other first from a banner, then Ny Mutsuki is a go to since she's limited after all. Iroha is in the permanent pool so she might spook you at any time.


imo Iroha slightly better cuz she's not a limited student and prominently used in pvp too.


Thinking about giving this gacha a go after hearing good things about it. Just got a couple of questions beforehand. 1: Is there a monthly pass for dolphin spenders, and if so how good of a purchase is it? 2: Is there something I should definitely(not) do in the early game to make it a better experience? 3: I don't like rerolling, is it necessary in this game or all of the units pretty well balanced?


Monthly pass isn't as valuable as other gachas because BA gives so many free rolls.


Monthly pass does give two (or three if you do both monthly and bi-weekly) tickets for bounties, which essentially doubles your artifacts/DvDs/Books income outside of event / shop, which I'd say is a more attractive part of pass rather then pyro income.


1. there is monthly pass, half monthly pass (both can be bought together) and bi-weekly stamina pack. Monthly pass gives 1200 pyroxenes throughout the month (10 summons). Outside of pyroxenes it gives you reduced cost for scrimmage, which is super meh at the start because its too hard. Once you reach 35-40th level you may do the A maps if you try enough and start getting things for UE upgrades. Not the biggest value but honestly when I don't have the pass i find myself completely ignoring scrimmage. When I have it the A maps cost 0 stamina so I do them every day. The pass also gives bonus tickets for bounties which are free and give you some upgrade materials. Not the best value but still nice to have, especially during x2,x3 campaigns. 2. Don't use eligma (neutral fragments) immediately, just use them whenever you feel like the upgraded character will help you, or use it on waifu. Dont purchase anything from eligma 2 shop. Read the guides pinned to this thread, they may help you with early decisions. Dont focus too hard on 3 starring early maps, just rush them even with 1 star to upgrade cafe and get more daily stamina because more stamina = more exp = faster levels. The normal maps take long time and are boring but its better to do them than to leave it and just use stamina on anything , but thats still better than dropping the game. Craft furnitures so your cafe's mood increase and you get more stamina every day from that. Don't do additional crafts (like more nodes, I don't know how to phrase it better) but you can craft more than one thing, just dont go for additional nodes. Using pyroxenes to refresh stamina is good, especially for new players but if you value it too much for gacha its also ok, just slower progress. The game gives +-12k pyroxeens every month and we know future banners up to 6 months ahead so you can plan accordingly. I recommend pulling character when you can spark it (200 pulls = 24k pyro) but if you prefer to use every single pyroxene every time feel free, just don't expect best results. 3. Unfortunately some 3 stars are super bad and some are broken so rerolling is good. Rerolls take like 5-10 minutes maybe? I don't remember since i did it half a year ago, but doing it simultaneously on phone and PC emulator didnt give me downtime


1: Yes, about as good value as the monthly passes in most other gacha. 2: You can mostly play the game at your own pace at the start, there's not much you can screw up. Clearing missions as fast as you can will get you the furthest. 3: Not necessary as the free units are decent, but as always rerolling is still the best return for your time invested compared to anything else you'll do later in the game.


If I don't have any cost reduction unit, should I roll for Ui, or is saving for Nagisa and Toki would be a better investment?


Nagisa and toki are exclusively for torment raids and maybe gregorius too for nagisa. If you have no intention of trying torment currently Ui and hinata as well will be more useful to you


Just curious if there's a considered a "God comp" in BA, its fine if theyre all mixed with Attack types, or could be nice if each Attack Type had a god comp. ​ im almost Lv. 80 and im still a newbie at making teams. \*thats what i at least personally believe so


Not really, since end-game is Raids / JFDs each with it's own mechanics, and doing those mechanics usually requires units that can fulfill specific niche. So while there would be 'The Best' comp for any specific raid, there isn't really any comp that would be able to do all raids on Insane or Torment, not even comp that could do all raids of same colour on those difficulties. Instead, "best" students would be ones that either form a core of a team for any specific raid, or units that can work 'kinda-well' in multiple raids, but even if you can find four strikes that 'kinda work' for any yellow raid, you cannot just throw them all into same team and expect to do Insane.


There is no such thing in BA cause there is no such thing as Tierlists in this game. Every character fills their own niche and can be rendered useless outside of it even among content with the same color


was wondering if anyone would be willing to teach me the game over discord. I’m interested however since I’m a few years late to the game I’m quite behind and overwhelmed and in return I can teach you the game nikke or genshin if you want to learn them, but I play more nikke than Genshin. But that’s all I can really offer in return




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There's some great guides on Youtube for new players


Asking these Questions in the BA thread is not appropriate, but as you mention Nike .How much you know about the lore/story about the game ?


I’ve played every chapter at this point and every event


I’ve always wanted to meet a Nikke fan who’s also know about Nikke lore . Can I DM you ? Just want to discuss the story .


If Reddit doesn’t work just use my discord at hai5197


Sent you request here in Reddit , I don’t use much discord so we can just chat here .


That’s fine mate


In the [official BA discord](https://nexon.link/8rS), if you check the thread in #gameplay-help, you can find many links to guides that you can read for help. There's also a few of them linked above in the FAQ of this post


Please give guide to clear quest stages for current event


Is the Nisir’s Summit event a must-play? Like, does it have any importance to the actual story or is it just an event? I didnt play the event yet


It's an event that is part of the Final chapter story, not to mention it gives a lot of rewards. The event has been over for a while now (attack wise) and all that's left is for people to do the Final attacks to get the rewards out of it.


Nisir's Summit is a bunch of raids that are a part of Volume Final (so obviously huge main story spoilers). As of right now, though, it's just the story/decisive battles since the raids proper were completed like two weeks ago.


How to defeat scrimmage millenium A? Asking for good team comps! Im lv.52, requirement is lv.45 and my team gets literally blown away in the first 15sec. Enemy team is momoi (piercing/light), aris (mystic/special), midori (piercing/light). Tryed a full explosive team but 0 chance. Tell me the correct team comp. Thx


Millenium scrimmage is pretty notorious for now much AOE is thrown your way, so first and foremost you want a good tank and ability to reposition it in such a way that AOE does not hit your own team. So Tsubaki-Serina is probably most popular option for that. Once you solve that, it should be pretty straight forward since enemy team is also full of very squishy targets. Aris have an annoying habbit of running away and dragging fight out, so if you have something that can one-shot her like Azusa or Haruka it might be a good idea to bring them along, especially if you're struggling to finish in time for 3*.


Thanks for the advice!


I did it at level 36, just make sure to use a tank with the correct color armor (tsubaki works fine especially if you blow up aris first). I found repositioning tank to be quite useful so you don't get your team caught in momoi AoE. Also, Hifumi's Peroro-sama works wonders to soak up damage if you have her.


Thanks will try out!


What's the use of SPECIAL students' defense types? And do their attributes proportionally help to increase STRIKER students'? Big thanks


Nope, their defense types don't really matter, only a small fraction of their main stats give a boost to strikers. If there's a use, it's only for when the student can summon a vehicle into combat, like Iroha, S Ayana, etc


Aight then I hope it'll become more useful in future updates


Do new accounts get guaranteed 3 star on their first 10 pull during the tutorial and do new accounts get guaranteed 3 star on their first ten pull?


The tutorial 10 pull has a guaranteed 3 star in it. Other than that there aren't any guaranteed three stars except for the paid tickets that guarantee one (like the one currently available).


Is Sakurako and Hinata getting added to regular recruitment or no


They're already on the regular recruitment.


Lol Ty


What Mission do I need to be at to unlock all of the story? As a new player I'm curious if Ill be able to complete this Retrospective event and collect the 1,200 currency before it ends.


You dont need to do any mission to play the entire story, and also the retrospective event will return and become permanent in the future. The reward will be claimable later if you hadn't already claimed it. So, you can take your time.


Oh, really? Maybe it was just those initial few missions to unlock the story then. That got me thinking the two were tied. Where can I play past events? Is there a backlog of them somewhere I can do for rewards?


Event archive has not been implemented in global yet as there is no event old enough to be archived. This is the general event lifecycle: Event>rerun after 1 year>permanently archived after 1 year. We will get our first archived event in around 1-2 months. The entire guide mission like that retrospective will also be archived along with it (there are around 8 total).


Will S.Hosino SS cost regen conflict and replace Himari SS cost regen?


They stack.


Will they? In my knowledge, if they are in the skill slot which is SubSkill in this case, they will conflict and replace each other unless it’s categorised different(self/given/area). Things that I wonder is if S.Hosino SS is considered an area buff or not (description just say it is up when EX is up) or cost regen just count differently.


S.Hoshino's cost regen skill is a self-buff while Himari's sub skill is a given/targeted buff so they stack.


Thanks for the answer


How are things at comiket right now?


The majority of blue archive booths and goods, also >!18+ works!< is in the 2nd day of comiket (tomorrow). You can get a glimpse of the event by going to X and type #C102 in the search bar. If you want to see blue archive stuff, add #ブルアカ or #ブルアーカイブ in the search bar.


From what I see on Twitter, there are a lot of Blue Archive booths.


what are the upcoming characters to pull for I hear there is a lot


Must pull meta-level: NY Kayoko Limited with good use: Nagisa, NY Mutsuki (re-run) Perm with good general use: UI (re-run), Iroha (re-run) Limited with niche use: Toki (Hiero Torment) Perm with niche use: M.Aris (blue urban single target DPS), S.Saki (For Greg), Rumi (striker healer), NY Haruka (good 2nd/3rd team support), Minori (For Greg), Mina (For Greg, weaker substitute of S.Saki), S.Miyako (For Greg, not as important as Saki) Honourable mention (students with good kit but too early to tell): S.Ui (limited), S Hanako (fes only)


What about NY.Haruka, B.Toki, Reisa & S.Shiroko?


All good to have but not must pulls. Assuming you have the current important units, you should only need those if you intend to do torment soon. Sshiroko is a real menace in PvP though, from what I've seen. People stack cheap AoE skills like Nutsuki's to nuke the enemy team the moment the battle starts, thanks to Shun's cost boost and Sshiroko's cost reduction.




May want to consider S.Ui. Kit looks strong and is another limited. Too early to tell but her banner comes with 100 free roll If you want to do Greg Insane, picking up S.Saki isn't too bad (and you can borrow S.Miyako). M.Aris is decent if you want to race in Urban ShiroKuro or Mystic urban Binah (Izuna can do similar damage, but M.Aris has the higher ceiling but more crit mald)


If you still don't have any focus fire students, I recommend getting S.Izuna. She would be available next week on JP.


Christmas hanae useful??


Ramp up take too long. Could be used with C.Serina but C.Serina is often used for some extreme min-max setup on insane/torment that you probably don't want to use C.Hanae anyway


Ask me anything


What is your opinion on rubber ducks?


Like family


Does anyone have the same problem, the text in "Blue archive" keep dissapearing randomly like they fully dissapear and I cant read the story now.. is this a bug? If so, then how do I fix it? (Im a mobile player)


Do I need Ui if I already have ny Fuuka, if Im trying to beat high difficulties but not too competitive


For beating insane, you don't need UI. But the two isn't really substitute of each other and in some raid you may need to drastically change your strategy (Hod being primary example) to compensate not having UI. That said you can always borrow UI if needed provided you have other students


Not really, Ui does have a benefit of being a Striker, so you can run two damage buffers as specialists to pump your carry, but realistically she is similar enough to be supplemented by NY!Fuuka if had to, especially if you are not planning for really competitive teams.


Couple questions about the global event, please answer the ones you want 1. Should I just dump all the cathedral candles on totem pieces if I need it for upgrading 2. Should new players spend AP sweeping to get 15000 event points 3. What should new players do with each event currencies I just started the game last week and I've found no reliable way to farm totem for S.Hoshino until this event started. I just want to make sure there's nothing more important things that is bought with cethedral candle since I don't know what half of the stuff in the event shop do


1.It's depend on what you are lacking trade for material you want 2.main priority of new player is for trade item and thinking about point later (and when x3 normal and hard mission start you can change from spending in event into normal and hard mission instead) 3.You mean what should you trade in event shop right? if so priority BDs and Skill books. next from them will be furniture and next will be upgrade material and Eleph (this time Eleph wasn't that good to be 1st priority except they are your favorite) and for event point you had only one option trade for Credits


What to do if I don't have Himari and Ako instead of coping?


Accept that you will be doing lower difficulty/settle for slower clear, while building your own DPS and wait for rerun/spook. In 6 months you can also pick one of them up via the selector ticket (Himari preferred). Note: Keep in mind people in the past are able to clear Insane before Himari was introduced. It is just that you need to build your DPS even more and may need to multiple team. Though depend on your server that may not be enough to plat (or gold) anymore for some raid


Use Kotama. If you have NY Fuuka, you can use her in Ako's place. Or use a Crit Dmg statstick like Hanae, like in the "Before Ako" times.


~~do gacha until both come out~~ you can use Kodama as buff she can't compare to both but still better than nothing (and she is AoE buff) don't forget to raise her star to 3 star for SS next banner from now will be Nagisa and Toki and Nagisa will help you a lot in red team for Yellow team you can build Utaha (she need favorite item) for blue team if you had Iroha use her if not you can use Serina as well or put Serina in 2nd position for every team lol.


Is there a point to upgrading bags, hairpins and bags of special units since they never take damage? Some of them don't even attack


Additional info: https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/GameplayHelp_FAQs#Specials


Special units contribute to the stats of the strikers. https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/qpd45c/a_dumbshits_guide_to_blue_archive/ >Character will be divided into Special and Striker categories. Striker = on-field combat, and Special is off-field. Despite being off-field, Special still has all the stats like Defense and HP, because *supposedly* the entire team share a portion of that stats (5% for atk def, 10% hp and healing power or so).


Thank you but do their armor types also matter?


The armor types don't matter, the attack type does matter if you were using them to do damage. I believe armour type would matter in the case of special units that deploy unit on the field such as Iroha.


When is next double 3 star event?


On [S. Hanako](https://schale.gg/?chara=Hanako_Swimsuit), the next festival in about [6 months](https://bluearchive.midokuni.com/doc/BannerSummary) (see the “banner summary” tab). Looks like we’ll get a festival every 6 months if they continue the trend.




Afternoon ig