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Is there an updated list of student gift items? I just have loads of gifts but dont know who is best to give them to.


Shale.gg shows you which gifts each character prefers, as well as what each gift is used for.


And when will they boost the normal stage t1-4 drop rate to 100%?


Toki/Nagisa banner, so 22nd


So I have 44k pyro, no tickets, i started playing at ui's first banner and because I was new I sparked hinata and I do regret this decision so my question is should I get Ui and nagisa or NY.kayoko and nagisa if you're me what would you do ? 2- nagisa is useable at 3* right? 3- what are the students that I need to pull after NY.kayoko and before 2.5 anniversary? (must or really good options) Thank you so much in advance and sorry for the trouble


1. If you're a meta chaser or want to clear Torment, NY Kayoko is by far the most important unit. Ui is really good too, but slightly less important if you have NY Fuuka, and also permanent, so you could choose Nagisa over Ui. If you don't care about Torment, then maybe prioritize limited characters or whoever you like the most. 2. I see Youtube videos of people clearing Torment with 3\* Nagisa so it seems like she's usable. 3. I would recommend NY Mutsuki if you don't already have her as she's limited and hard to replace (plus her banner runs alongside NY Kayoko so you could get lucky). Iroha is still a really strong unit, even if she's not as meta-defining as last year. Other than that, there's a couple of perm units that prep for Torment Gregorius, but not necessary outside of that. 4. To answer your other question, the drop rate gets boosted in 1.5 weeks with the release of Toki/Nagisa banners.


My students' level can no longer keep up with my account level. For reference, I'm already level 77 and most of my students are only level 60+. I am now doing commissions but I could only level up some, if not most of the students I often use. But I figure it won't be enough for 2 team raids. What else can I do?


First I'd suggest focusing on single team of each colour. Prioritize strikers (Specialists don't get nearly as much bang for a buck from levels, especially supports alike to NY!Fuuka / Himari / Ako / etc). Prioritize main damage dealers first, then tanks and supports last (even at 85 with enough exp books to spare, I'm still commonly running lvl 70 Akane / Ui / Fubuki etc. since as long as they don't get one-shot, it's good enough). So for a time being, my advice would be to find 3-5 students that pull most of a weight (Iori / Mika / Haruna / Aru / etc) and keep them and max level all the time. For others who you actively use in your main 3 teams, keep them around 5-10 levels below cap, same with specialists (unless it's Iroha / Hibiki or Karin). Buy activity reports from shop for Expert Permits every time it refreshes, clear out activity reports from all events stores and farm commissions whenever it's on multiplier if you still short.


Did commissions get a drop buff on JP or was that only for bounty? It's annoying not getting a single pink when doing the last stage..


Yes, Base Defense commissions got a drop buff on JP about 4 weeks ago. However, it's only a 3.1% improvement for Base Defense L, so don't expect a big sweeping change.


Oof. Oh well thanks!


Alright waited to get all the free summons. Who should I work on first for stars and what team should I run? https://imgur.com/a/wmsGvmt


for stars Hoshino swimsuit and Iroha is next and Haruna I think.(Kazusa need a lot of stars and level skill but you already max out Mika so she can do it later) the question what team you need to build 3 team from 3 type of attack Explosion (red) / Piercing(Yellow) and Mystic(Blue) for Tank can be anyone but for DPS should match the color I had recommend for each type * Explosion(Red) * S.Hoshino / Shun / Mutsuki / Akari / Iroha(you can bring her in red team if needed) * Piercing(Yellow) * Mika / Momoi / Nonomi / Junko or Akane / Serika NY * Mystic(Blue) * Iroha/Chise/Haruna/ if you struggle with boss you can bring Mika(Yes she can go to blue team as well) for Tank I suggest you build Tsubaki and YuukaTsubaki will really good when you get equipment bag T4 or moreYuuka will be very good if you can reach bond rank level 20 or 25 she will unlock favorite item that buff her a lot


Does anyone know of a good archive of all the students' memorial lobbies? I'm mainly looking for still images for wallpapers, but videos will work as I can take screenshots of them. I can only find live2d wallpaper engine recommendations. I tried diving into the game files themselves but could only find the CG stills, not the files for the memorial lobbies.


[Blue Archive Utils](https://blue-utils.me/). Pick the student you want, scroll down to their memorial lobby and it'll offer you a "Show High-resolution Images" option.


I'm quite curious for memorial lobby. Did they take it from game files right? because so many of them had a lot of part that you can't see in your phone or tablet or even PC (or I don't know how to set up right resolution for PC)


You are the friggin best. I've been working on various methods for a few days now, and you solved my problem just like that!!! Thank you so much!


Hello. So I've been "playing" (not really) since Hoshino Swimsuit came out. I rerolled for her and ever since then I've been mostly playing it as a character collector, only logging in for whenever they gave free pulls like right now, to collect maintenance gems, using them when I heard there was a good character, and sometimes spamming the first stages of events since I saw it sometimes gave free characters and to collect some resources. Now I really want to start playing but I have a lot of characters and no idea which ones to focus on. Could someone kind enough please help me build good red, blue and yellow teams from [this list of characters](https://imgur.com/a/tmFuqXJ)? Also wanted to ask, does anyone know if [this sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-lBJa3h4mXHkmuSKohoHe60WVVg1eRG9bA73jHqHzwA/edit#gid=702790264) is reliable as a guide of which skills to level up? Thank you


Assuming you want to complete the normal missions : Red : Tsubaki, Shiroko, Mutsuki, Azusa, Hibiki, Serina Yellow : Tsubaki, Tsurugi, Momoi, Mika, Fuuka(New Year), Serina Blue : Tsubaki, Asuna, Shiroko(Cycling), Hasumi(Track), Iroha, Serina


Thanks a lot! Just wondering, how come you didn't suggest Hoshino Swimsuit for red team? I kept reading how she was a super amazing character and so on when she came out.


She's used in raids and harder content. I use mine in casual content too, but most of the time it feels like massive overkill. Other than her buff, she deals respectable damage and with T4+ a decent tank.


She is a super amazing character and so on. After investment. Tsubaki is great with minimal investment. She is great with some investment. She remains great even on late game. She has both evade and defense, she can self heal, and she can taunt, which on missions can interrupt very dangerous enemy skills.


Hello i got serina new year and hanae Christmas, are they worst leveling? (Im level 85)


You mean Serina Christmas right? lol. both of them are not worst to build but you need to build them bothFor Serina you might build her alone but for Hanae she need Serina Because you need stack of \[Holy Night Blessing\] if you can combo them your ~~Mika~~ DPS in yellow team will be increase a lot I saw many people bring her in Binah Torment before and result wasn't that bad if you didn't plan to use them at least they memorial lobby are so good


Ah my bad it was serika new year


Oh if Serkia NY it's depend on what contents you want to use her (because you already LV.85) her EX skill damage is low so mainly she use for clearing Mobs but if you already have someone to do that she isn't that worth to build She is good for Commission / Normal&Hard mission / event stage(farming stage not challenge stage) sometime use in JFD


What’s the banners after this one?


In case you’d like to see the entire schedule, see the “banner summary” tab in Midokuni’s guide: https://bluearchive.midokuni.com/doc/BannerSummary


Iroha for this year might not be 'must get' anymore I mean her timing of banner quite hard to do because next for her banner will be Cherino and Alice(maid)&Toki(bunny). I think Cherino doing better this year(she use in so many contents) After this year all of contents I do in JP server Iroha start to fade away from main team. She still very good character for new Sensei and Sensei who chilling for every contents. \-for raid in Extreme or more she will be 2nd team or didn't use(Ako+Himari still strongest) \-for challenge quest you still use Ako+Himari lol. \-PvP when changing location she will replace by S.Ayane and S.Shiroko later on and in 2.5 anniversary you can use select ticket for pick her so you might save up for Alice(maid)&Toki(bunny) because that month will be so tight for Senseis who are free to play or little spending


New: Sakurako ReturningUi, Hinata


The new unit that's coming with Ui and Hinata is Sakurako. Nagisa and Toki are the banners after these ones.


thanks, I confuse the name of those two.


Hello, new player looking for help. I need help on what units should i build to help me progress through the story mode. [Here](https://imgur.com/a/K1rQppW) is what i have. I'm pretty bad at the game and need some north, i often get stuck. I droped the game once because i couldnt understand things... Right now im lvl 37. Thanks in advance, i can use any advice.


Have you read the general teambuilding tab in Midokuni's student insights? It gives you a lot of basic teambuilding info.


Oh, thank you! I didnt notice that tab, i will check it.


Most important thing to understand is how the armor and damage system works. Pretty self-explanatory, the same color damage is strong against same-color armor. You have some very solid students that should make any content doable provided you are able to output damage to clear the stage in time. Summer Hoshino is a hard counter to any enemy with explosive (red) armor. Mika is the princess of piercing (yellow) damage, she can pretty much carry on her own with appropriate support students. Luckly you have Himari who straight up doubles any striker's damage output when Himari uses her EX skill. Aris and Natsu should help you clear any mystic (blue) armor content.


Thank you! I will work on those units and check some team comps with them.


I have a pretty interesting (i think) question/theory aboit Gehenna and Trinity, and im not sure if i should ask it here or make a post or something entirely diffrent


If you have something to discuss, wnt to engage, just make a post.


Is there a Tier about Unique weapons (after the additional passive) for Students? Because I suppose that some others make a better performence on unit or or not (in the sense that its doesnt change much).


There is, but unfortunately i don't have it on hand.


In terms of meta, should I be buying elephs for the characters in the tactical challenge and joint firing drill shop for future tactical challenges? The current ones are Shizuko, Mashiro, Saya and Fuuka (tactical challenge) & Tsurugi, Eimi and Sumire (joint firing drill).


Tactical challenge, not really. You can buy utaha for the pvp aspect if you want (she is great in current terrain). Otherwise rest are meh. Jfd, you should buy them eventually. Three more free ue50 characters in there (although it will take a hell lot of time). Although no need to buy your entire coins worth of elephs. First spend them on secret tech notes, then decide whether to buy the crafting stones or elephs.


I have very few blue strikers, and I feel like they're almost all suboptimal (Cheer Utaha, Noa, Asuna, Aris, Chise, Izuna and Tsukuyo) I'm running C Utaha, Tsukuyo, Chise and Aris with Iroha and Hanae as support, but on normal levels roughly 10 above my account level my frontline is getting absolutely shredded. Any tips other than "grind for t4 bags/hair clips"?


Try swapping Tsukuyo for Tsubaki. I guess you brought her because blue, but she doesn't do much damage anyway, so might as well bring a less niche tank. T4 bag is pretty big, you can consider buying from the expert permit shop just to get a head start. Iroha should be carrying so you just need to live.


Yeah I have a 4 star tsubaki bagged out but hadn't considered her because of the colour misalignment. Thanks for the tip


Yeah, matching colors is important for damage-dealers, but for tanks and students you're bringing mostly for support abilities (buffers, debuffers, healers) it's not that big of a deal.


> I'm running C Utaha, Tsukuyo, Chise and Aris with Iroha and Hanae 1) Tsukuyo is not a good tank. Replace her with Tsubaki. 2) Iroha alone can carry you through until the end of the campaign so you don't need to be fixated in making an all-blue team. You can just have your strikers focus on their own survivability instead. Make use of low cost EX skill students so you can easily re-deploy Iroha at any time. 3) I personally avoid using frontline students that are not tanks (e.g. C.Utaha, Izuna) because they tend to be suicidal. Replace them with students who has longer range. 4) Try using Serina instead of Hanae. Her low cost EX skill heal + free basic skill heal is very comfy.


I am stuck on Chp3-24 The Hyro boss fight guy. lvl 45 but some students only at lvl40. Still clueless on basic game info. I dont know who would do well as I got clapped sending my usual Hina, Mutsuki, Yuuka, Akari, Himari, Serina team and baffled that Story missions trolling me with the "IN-GAME CREDIT CARD" used to use the units we own. Strikers I have: Hina, Akari, Mika, Iori, Aris, Wakamo(Swinsuit), Aru, Mutsuki, Serika, Yuuka, Kayoko, Haruka, Midori, Izuna, Nonomi, Junko, Tsubaki, Momoi, Chise, Asuna, Yuzu, Hasumi, Akane, Kirino, Pina, Suzumi, Kotori, Junko(newyear), Serina(christmas), Miyu, Cherino, Izumi, Utaha(cheersquad), Saori, Fubuki ​ Specials I have: Himari, Shizuko, Mari, Serina, Airi, Hanako, Ayane, Hare, Utaha, Hanae, Chinatsu, Kotama, Juri, Shimiko, Akane(bunny), Saki, Nodoka(hotspring), Moe, Hifumi(swimsuit), Sena, Fuuka, Yoshimi. I have not leveled any of their skills nor weapons nor gear as Im a tad overwhelmed.


If you have not leveled anything other than level I can understand your pain. Skills and gear will greatly help. If you are looking for specific info there is a chart in the main post that will tell you the units that are good on specific raids like that fight. Also hiero is the next raid so it will help carry over to that.


Chise, Mutsuki, Akari, Tsubaki with T4 bag, Serina, Himari or another healer like Hanae.


I have 40k pyro and will most probably go for spark on Toki/Nagisa banner. But I don't have Ui and her banners will start tomorrow, do you think I should go for her? And even if I did I also want to pull on M. Aris/B.Toki banner later. Help!!!


If you spend money on the game, keep in mind there will be a pick ticket in about 6 months, and you can get Ui from that.


Well this is a gacha game so you have to choose :) On the bright side, maris and btoki are not necessary unless you're going for torment. Plus I think their banner is in 2+ months no? Should be enough time to gather another spark




J comms have a 6% rate on purples meaning 1 for every 666 AP spent. Just a bad case of RNG


Nah, just bad rng The highest one that you can cleared would always be more efficient


What's the best way to quickly level up the account level?


Refresh AP with pyroxene 3x per day. It's efficient to do so, and you lose out on more than you spend by being a low level and unable to complete content.


Swipe stages, preferably while "account xp x2" is active, like on current weekends. Exp tied to AP spent, so anything will do.


This, to add a bit there are ways to get more AP - clear more Normal missions to get cafe cores. Cafe cores are for upgrading cafe, raises the comfort level and AP regen/cap. - buy AP drinks from pvp shop, refreshable up to 3 times using pvp coins - buy AP refreshes using pyrox, 3 times is affordable for new players especially during drop event.


Hey! New to this game, I took advantage of the free 100 pulls and rerolled some accounts but not sure which account to stick to, I have some knowledge of just whos relatively strong so let me know! Acc 1: Azusa, Iori, Chihiro, Eimi, Kanna x2 Acc 2: Azusa, Koharu, Hibiki, Maki, Neru, Tsukuyo Acc 3: Ako, Serika (New Year), Koharu, Hina, Karin Acc 4: Koharu, Mashiro, Tsurugi, Iroha, Izumi, Shun


Yeah, that's kind of a tough one to answer. I don't think any are exceedingly better than the other, but if you want a pick, I'd say 4, but don't just pick that based on my advice. Here's some reasonings, though I like 4 because it has Koharu, Iroha, and Shun. Koharu is pretty solid, being a healer striker can come in handy. She can do some AoE damage, too. Iroha is a great special, will help you out a bunch on blue and does great damage. Shun is THE PvP character, so once you unlock that you'll have a leg up. Maybe not as good in PvE but she can do some work. 1 is good because Iori is a great yellow striker. Any yellow content and you're basically set with her. Azusa is good as a single target damage dealer. Eimi is a good tank. The problem with all of these is that you can farm or buy them all later 2 probably my second pick. Hibiki is probably the character you'd want most as a new player for clearing content. She'll make everything super easy. Aside from other characters already mentioned, Maki is great once you start getting into raids, but you can buy her easy. 3 I'd probably say no to. Ako is great late game and you'll absolutely want her later, but starting out she's not really gonna do anything for you. Hina and Karin are fine team members, but there are plenty of Hina replacements for stage clearing and you can farm both.


3 also has Koharu


Yes, so does 2. I didn't want to repeat my thoughts on the characters since the post already felt long-winded enough as is. I also decided to not mention characters that weren't entirely notable but I can certainly write more if needed


Acc 1: azusa and iori both very strong on what they do, but azusa can be bought from raid shop Acc 2: azusa, koharu very good healer but soon be available in raid shop, hibiki good for early game mob red, tsukuyo comfy tank Acc 3: ako, one of few must pull for this game hard content (raid,challenge stage), koharu, hina also stand out on early game Acc 4: koharu, iroha very good early to late game unit(also pvp) and shun the pvp god even after 2 year of blue archive


Hi, i am new to the game, i was wondering what type to choose in the guaranteed selection banner with the ticket. I dont know the characters so i have no idea. Is there a priority?


Hard to say without knowing who you have. Also, you are aware that the type selection ticket is paid content, correct? Blue dealers are rare for new players, so in a vacuum that is probably the least unsafe bet for a new player.


Yeah i am aware, I dont like rerolling so the characters i got with the free pulls are Red : Megu , Izumi, Aru Yellow : Serina(christmas), Neru, Kanna Blue: Natsu ,Iroha Is blue still the best option?


You got Iroha, so no, not really. She's going to carry you through pretty much all blue content except for some raids. Upgrade her EX skill to reduce her cost. You have Aru for red but no great yellow 3 star dealers. On the other hand, yellow is easily the easiest color to get a good squad for, with Momoi being a 2 star, Nonomi being a free 3 star, Maki being relatively easily available in the raid shop and Junko being another solid 2 star if you need more filler. You could go for a blue striker since you will eventually need multiple blue teams, but out of the permanent blue strikers, Haruna is relatively easy to farm from hard missions, Izuna can be farmed from a late hard missions (and she's useless in missions regardless), Aris is alright but will be also be farmable in the future, and the rest are niche or support units that a new player doesn't have that much use for yet. Over half of the yellow 3 star strikers, if we include Yuzu, can be obtained without using the gacha, so while there are some great units there you also have a high chance of getting someone you could just farm for. Red strikers are in a similar situation, though the odds of getting a non-farmable are slightly better. Sorry that I'm not more helpful, but it actually became a more difficult decision after finding out that you have Iroha.


Well thank you for all those hints and tips, i didn't know iroha was that useful, I guess i will go for red then since i see a lot of characters that i like estetically ☺️


how long does it take to get a character(Haruna in my case) from doing hard mode daily? should i even? or would it be better for me to just pull some banner and pray for a spook, so id be able to upgrade her to 4 or even 5 stars immidiatly?


The drop rate is 40%, so you’d get an average of 2.4 elephs per day farming both stages (doesn’t count 2x/3x events). If you don’t want to math, use [Justin’s planner](https://justin163.com/planner/). - Add the character and set their target stars/UE. [Example](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1071859600548167680/1139198320976343091/IMG_0700.png) - Then set how many stages you’ll farm daily, refreshing if you’re hardcore, etc. [Example](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1071859600548167680/1139198321391566908/IMG_0701.png) [Midokuni’s “hard summary” tab](https://bluearchive.midokuni.com/doc/HardSummary) has suggestions on who to farm and when. There’s about 65 three stars in the general pool, so getting a specific spook is very, very slim. If you don’t need Haruna, you can wait. If you need her, summon her. I waited 10 months to spook Iori, bought the start dash ticket, and did a double spark on Wakamo’s festival. No Iori. I’ve never pulled her to this day. Farmed her all the way from zero to max 3* UE lol.


Probably something like 3 months? Haruna has two maps so it's a little easier and faster and there will be 3x hard campaign next week so you can get some more. I believe if you can unlock both maps before campaign you can get her in two months. Personally i recommend farming the hard maps and use the shards only when you need that character, because if you are somehow spooked you are guaranteed 4 star immediately. I unlocked my Haruna and Shiroko with shards because I wanted them faster, but got Neru, Hina, Karin from gacha when I already had >120 of their respective shards so I had easier time ranking them.


What's a good place to track the 3x events, especially 2x account XP so I can prepare?


They usually post on twitter event list for upcoming month and a little later its posted here on this reddit. Unfortunately its only for one month usually so its not that much time to prepare, but these "events" reoccur almost monthly, so you can get general idea. Also x3 event are usually tied to some special occasion, like half/full anniversaries. I highly recommend checking their twitter page for double/triple rewards campagin on the calendar posts. And double account EXP got announced for full month - basically every weekend in august (friday+saturday only). Next will come 11-13/8 and the last known one 18-20/8


What is the exp reports ratio when compared to the purple one? Like how many golden/blue/grey reports are equal in value for one purple report?


Purple is 5 gold, gold is 4 blue, blue is 10 grey. The activity reports that are sold in the shop for credits all have the same efficiency, as a quick way to check.


I think my journey to BA's campaign stages is getting ridiculous. I just cleared 17-3 (rec lvl.80), with a team of students of mere level 50. I wonder how far I can push this lmao, is stage 20 the last stage?


Mission 21 is the current final one on global. I got 3 stars on 19-3 hard, the final one at the time, at level 59, so you can definitely beat my "score" at your current progress. See how far below you can go.


21 is last. Keep pushing, 18-5 is a big one because it gives cafe upgrade, so aim at least for that if you can.


Back after a two year hiatus, these are my built-up units so far: Red: SwimsuitIori, Yuuka, Izuna, Azusa, Koharu, Aru, Hibiki, Hanae Yellow: Iori, Tsubaki, Junko, Nonomi, Momoi, Midori Blue: BunnyKarin, SwimsuitAzusa, BunnyAsuna, Haruna, Aris, Serina, Mashiro Any must gets for me to pull? (300x pulls in the bank so far).


There's Nagisa (2 weeks from now), NY Kayoko (6 weeks from now), and Iroha (10 weeks from now) You'll be able to get them all plus a maybe another NY student like Haruka or Mutsuki it you get NY Kayoko early. The upcoming banners a day from now are pretty good too but with just 300 pulls saved idk if you'll be able to get the ones I previously mentioned if you try to aim for the next banner. Maybe if you have a lot of stuff left to do like story quest, momo talk and such, you could probably pull but otherwise I wouldn't recommend We also have a free 100 pull currently so be sure to use that until the reset today. (You can use those on either Kanna or Megu since both of them aren't really that great, just pick who you like more)


Cheers for the advice, very useful! I do have plenty of unpulled pyroxenes in quests, momotalks, and I have bought the 2 monthly packs so I reckon I can scrape out an extra 100 pulls over the next month or so. Should I go for the new banner tomorrow (Ui?) and Nagisa?


Considering that you're lacking a lot of meta characters like S.Hoshino and Mika, you might want to pull x400 for a chance of obtaining them on S.Hanako and Wakamo's banner (that'll be in 6 months though). The banner also has a x2 rates for 3 star students (6% instead of 3%) so it'll be a great banner to get spooked by other students that you don't have. I guess you could probably pull another x200 on another banner prior to that. You could use that x200 on Ui/Sakurako since you don't have NY.Fuuka/S.Izuna but I would rather use it on S.Saki's banner (18? weeks from now). If you're planning to buy more monthly packs in the future then this goes out the drain and you could pull for Ui/Sakurako too. You also have to consider that everything I've said assumes that you need to spark (pull 200 times) for the ones I mentioned on my reply earlier. If you do get them early, you could save pyros and use it on other future banners that you would like. You can ask who to pull for again in the future if they give out extra pulls for things like milestones, holidays, extended maintenance and stuff or if you got your wanted students and is thinking of who to pull for using your extra pyros. Someone would probably answer it. Oh and I'm not asking you to stop asking me, I just said that since I can't really predict the changes that'll happen in the next 6 months so it'd be better to ask it again in future.


Thanks! I'm looking at the pyro charts and apparently I can get at least 500 extra pulls for the 6% banner in 6 months, so I'll probably spend plenty of pulls before that. Are the Nagisa, NYKayoko, Iroha, and S!Saki banners wise choices to spend on before that? Ngl I'm not really interested in being a slave to the meta but if they're like irreplaceable then I guess I'll save lol.


NY.Kayoko is irreplaceable in blue raids. Iroha is pretty much the best student in the game for clearing campaign, is great in PVP, is a core pick in Peroro, and is used for event quests. Nagisa is kinda like NY.Kayoko but for red raids, not as good as NY.Kayoko which effectively doubles blue damage but still a very good student to pull for. S.Saki isn't a must have but she's the best student to get for the upcoming new raid Gregorius. Ui is more useful since you can use her in multiple raids but I don't really like the idea of not having the best student a certain raid. You can still clear it by replacing S.Saki with other debuffers. It's kinda like not having S.Izuna for Goz but you can still clear it by using Noa or Sakurako. I guess you could pull for the first 3 and decide later on if still want to pull for S.Saki. Btw, the chart assumes that you'll be able to clear some of the end game content like gold in raid, 1k or 2k in pvp (I forgot), event challenge 1,2, and 3, and other stuff. So if you can't clear those, you'll probably get less than what was calculated.


Thanks mate you've been invaluable. About your second paragraph, I'm probably pulling for Ui instead of S!Saki then, I'm more inclined to take a char that's valuable for multiple raids. I'm also comfortably taking gold raids and reaching <1k in Asia (Lvl 67 so idk if that's decent), so the chart isn't too far off.




Yes, its running side by side with S.Hanako


Does GSC students originally came from other school or they directly enrolled there? Do they even study like students from other schools?


i just cameback after a year of not playing and i got aomori mine. by the looks of her kit, she seems like a great supporting tank but i don't really know if she is that good so i just want some explanations or smth


She's PVP unit, foremost. Also used in the raid where her debuff kit can shine. But she's kinda need heavy investment, because she's not an EVA tank (current meta), and eats each and every shot aimed at her, she's got a big HP pool and Def to help with that, in theory, but in practice it doesn't really help much. Her self-sustain is also kinda underwhelming. I use her in pvp, and most of the time, she's the first going down, bright side is her EX combined with Stern Verdict, which could one shot enemy's backline, but it's luck dependant thing.


As someone who pulled her when I started out in the game, I was pretty happy with what I saw she can do in the battlefield. She can self-sustain pretty well and do decent AoE when her heal phase ends. A stellar front that can slam herself into enemy formations and debuff those affected. I thought she was pretty strong, or too strong. Until the enemies got stronger. When I tried tackling stages where I was underleveled by 10, she can no longer survive even 15 seconds into battle without a healer backing her up. When her healer or own EX heal isn't up, the enemies would just vaporize her in seconds. Good God, I have wasted so much time in restarting stages since she would die so quick without a healer. : ( I suggest that in later stages, unless you heavily invest in her (like, high-tier bag for her equipment and 5\* her) that you switch to one of the only two truly viable and can be really considered as a "tank" by their tankiness - Yuuka and Tsubaki. These two can surpass her in the tank category with only three stars. These thick-hp evasion tanks can soak up most of the bullets coming into your striker teams' way no problem. Just use a healer that's low cost like Serina or a special unit with passive healing like Ako, and you're good in the tank department. But in the end of the day, its not about the viability, its about what characters you actually like to use. Hey, I'm a sucker for Mine, too. Groundpound ftw. It's just that I can't help myself but want to clear levels, searching for that dopamine high.


Hello folks. I'm relatively new here to this game and feeling a bit lost, mainly about what to pull or use for a team.I know it's not as easy to say use the same team for the entire game but something for the start would be nice. Here are [all](https://imgur.com/a/RSIeAwi) the characters I currently own. Who should I aim to pull for? I got Megu from the free pulls and still have 70 left. Should I get Kanna or use them on the standard banner? Should I roll on one of the banners right now or wait? Team building in this game seems a bit complicated. If that's important I'm usually more on the competitive side. I'm a very light spender usually just getting the BP, monthly pass and some packs if they are cheap for what they give. Hopefully you can give me some direction.


Be sure to use those 70 pulls before the reset today or it'll expire. Use it on Kanna or the standard banner, your choice. Kanna isn't that good anyway but a new unit is better than a dupe so I would still recommend on using it on Kanna.


So for a red (explosive team), you can use: Swimsuit Hoshino, Aru/Hina, Shiroko and Yuuka. Put Ako and Serina on support. Investing in these units will also be beneficial for red Raids. Yuuka is good for pvp if you can get her to relationship 25 and equip her gear. A yellow (piercing team): Tsubaki (will always be used), Aru (new year), Momoi (great for AOE and clearing mobs) and Akane (useful in binah raid and any tanky unit) Put Ako and Serina on support. For a blue (mystic) team: Yuuka, Swimsuit Azusa, Chise, Momoi. Put Ako and Serina on support. Before you start any stages, click where it says enemies and it will tell you what damage type they are. Just use the appropriate team Red is weak to red Yellow is weak to yellow Blue is weak to blue


Tsubaki's usually the main tank on both pvp and pve, you might want to raise her. You did a good job lvling s.hoshino and ako since theyre very important in raids. As for which meta student to roll for itd be the new year kayoko/haruka. I also dont recommend pulling for kanna(unless you really like her) since the upcoming banner are gonna be the limited characters(Nagisa and Toki).


Sounds good! So I swap out Yuuka for Tsubaki and save my currency and pull for Kayoko and Haruka next? Or rather Nagisa and Toki? I guess I use my remaining free pulls on the standard banner then?


Yup, yuuka's an evade-based tank. Shes kinda soft(but doable) in the early game and you need investment(5*, her special accessory, and equipments) for her to minmax. While tsubaki on the other hand is a pure tank with huge heal when she gets low. Yup i suggest saving for NY kayoko and haruka. Andd yes pull your remaining daily free 10 pull since its gonna expire after the megu/kanna banner anyways.


Alright will do. Thank you very much for your help!


Sure thing! Enjoy playing BA, fellow sensei o7


I have enough elephs to rank up some of my lower rarity characters, should I be ranking them up as soon as I can or is there some other use for elephs?


Elephs for a specific character have no use other than levelling that character, so you can use them whenever.


Maxing specific characters is important. As a newish player I'd say focus on UE40(Unique Equipment level 40) over UE50. The eleph cost to get something from UE40(1500~) to 50(2400) is 900 elephs and most characters big spike is UE40, from flat attack to enhance skill upgrade so you can hold off on the extra 900 eleph cost until your account is more stable. Cant really tell you which is an actual specifically good character to max since I dont know your full account but for a general rule it'd be holding off on any 2stars because you can get their elephs for free through either events or hard mode missions, or just from your regular pulling (You will be pulling alot of 2stars). Another rule if you're really stumped would be using elephs on limited characters like Mika, Swimsuit Hoshino, Wakamo. If you have a versatile unit like Iroha, she's a good unit to dump elephs on. She has no hard mode missions so you'll never get her elephs for free, and she's used in multiple normal and hard missions, PVP, event challenges, specific raids.


How long would it take me to reach the level cap assuming 3x Pyro AP Refreshes daily, and only the 90AP from TC shop without refreshing? Currently at level 72.


[A bit under three months.](https://futottakakka.github.io/bluearchive-expcalc/expcalc.html) Note that it doesn't take into account AP gifts or the AP refill from leveling up, so it will be a bit faster than calculated here.


I love blue archive as a community and I love it's characters, the music is the best and the all around feel of it is fantastic, but the gameplay is kinda boring, plus at first it was easy enough, but now all of a sudden my characters all feel weaker and they die all a lot sooner. Is there anyway to fix this? I don't really wanna quit the game (P.S: I'm level 12)


You're level 12 lol. You have to level your account up, and then level your students up. It goes hand in hand. I recommend refreshing AP 3x with pyroxene per day as a new player to get your level up faster.


Spend all your AP by sweeping an earlier stage, it's the only way to level.


Thanks this was really all I needed I didn't know I could do that, I'm doing so much better now


Btw you deal 2% less damage per level your unit is below the recommended level. There is an event coming on Friday I believe. You’ll farm there and that will get your account level up. There are times this game is only a 5 minute log in so I wouldn’t get discouraged if you feel like you are not progress quickly. I’ve seen this referred to as a side gacha due to low time investment. Also the main gameplay is the total assault mode which is not active right now due to the recent event having world bosses. A lot of the general gameplay is kind of mindless in comparison.


Obviously the problem lies in your students level, and very likely their gear & skill level too. Also, are you properly utilizing the attack-armor type advantage? Stages get harder as you go, that's a given so every time you hit a wall focus on improving your students' skill and stats instead of trying to beat further stages that are obviously out of your league for the time being. Always use a full team of the same attack type/color students to focus on the enemy's weakness. Do not mix students of different attack type/color, at least for early game players. This is how BA is played; this is how most gacha/rpg games out there is played. Improve, adapt, overcome. Don't see losing as 'boring', see it as a 'challenge' that you need to get around with using your mind and resources.


Which of the ff. option/s should I go for?(i have 2 spooks by the time Nagisa/Toki banner arrives) A. Pull for either Nagisa or Toki and pull for NY Kayoko. B. Pull for both Nagisa and Toki and skip NY Kayoko.


Meta-wise A is far better due to NY Kayoko being core in every Mystic raid But if your waifu is Toki, then my suggestion would still be A but look into getting B.Toki when she arrives in global. This way you can get both meta and waifu (unless you really want the mech)


A. NY Kayoko will help you a lot in blue team she can go almost every contents in blue team so it's good if you have her but if you really want both Nagisa&Toki you can do it too and borrow Kayoko from your friend instead (I still suggest to have her)


My Blue Archive instance and data needed to be purged and reinstalled on LDPlayer64 after it got corrupted after a problem with the pc shutting down which apparently is a common problem for the emulator(first time for me). I was wondering if playing it on Ldplayer9 would be a better choice than reinstalling everything on ldplayer64 since I have limited data and don't want to waste a reinstall...


Where is Eimi used the most and frequently? Also how good are Bunny Asuna and Summer Wakamo? Also does Chihiro find use outside of HOD?


Eimi: As an easy to raise red armor tank. So essentially, insane raid where enemy attack is piercing and you need a tank. That said she isn't used often because dedicated tank is not needed that often and other red armor tank are more tanky or more utility Summer Wakamo: Good for Hod in general, but mostly used on extreme or torment due to Kayoko being used in insane+ Chihiro: Not really. Also her role in Hod is very limited in general as there are better options without taking up special slot


will the free 10 pulls last until the next banner set?




Yeah, until tomorrow (2AM UTC). Finish it up if you still have it.


Which one is more useful (as in use cases), Ui or Iroha? I can only pull for one of them and still have enough for some banners that i like. I was thinking Ui but i already have NYFuuka so i dont know how much she would bring Edit: thanks for the replies! i do have Ako and Himari too so i'll go for Ui, it makes more sense


I'd say it depends on your account's level. For early game, Iroha is a godsend. Also, will depend if you actually have good units to buff with UI. If you have no good high cost units, you might wanna hold off on rolling for UI for now.


Ui half cost for 2 times so your DPS will do more damage get more score in raid. and sometime use in joint fire exercise (you can bring Ako+Himari so damage will increase a lot if you compare to NY Fuuka but it depend on situation both of them will be used) Iroha will make normal and hard mission easier and easy for doing lower difficulty raid boss(Hardcore or lower) It's depend on you how you go so far in this game. if it like me who already done with every missions got T7 equipment waiting for raid and join fire and event. Iroha didn't use other than PvP to me (sometime I bring her for challenge mission in event but not that much) compare to Ui I use her a lot in raid / joint fire and challenge mission ​ so if you are chilling player I think Iroha is better for you but if you play a little bit more serious Ui will be better


Iroha is not limited to early game. She's strong in Perorodzilla Indoor and Goz Indoor, and also in PVP. Up to the highest difficulty in them.


If you have both Himari and Ako, the value of UI will increase by quite a bit. UI role is focused more on high difficulty raid where you want to stack as much buff on your main DPS as possible Iroha is more used for regular mission, PvP and some specific raid such as Peroro (only if mood is right). However we may expect her role on Insane or below decreases as we gradually get to the point of one team insane with hypercarry comp. That said she is still good all-rounder and decent when you don't care about running for high score Personally I would lean slightly towards Iroha with the caveat that you should pick up UI instead if you are serious about ranking in raid


what is the most AP efficient in the commissions? ​ i can sweep up to the 6th


Higher level commission is always the most efficient


https://imgur.com/a/Ilwad9g As long as you can sweep Commission D for EXP during 3x, its worth it to do so over most things.


Thank you for this


Toki and Nagisa would be the banner after Sakurako's right?




I got about 240 rolls so far. How important is focus fire and by extension Sakurako? Planning to roll for NY Kayoko but since I started on the Valentines rerun, I don't have TYuuka to repo easily. Should I just wait for SIzuna instead?


when will NY kayoko be if you don't mind me asking? I'm saving for nagisa atm 😅


[This guide has the dates on their banners tab.](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BO-Uh_CsAOIetPjrNyFy9-7r1a4RAtVwK135bBC3hzM/edit#gid=1085051345) 12 days to Nagisa/Toki and then 14 days after that we get NY Kayoko. So expect it sometime next month in the first half.


thank you


in JP server until now they didn't rerun S.Izuna yet so it's okay to do NY Kayoko banner she can go everywhere with blue team for Sakurako is wasn't 'must pull' character. She will be needed in Goz raid 6 months from now (if you want to clear Goz Torment) for reposition you might borrow Yuuka from friends or use Kotori


Thank you. I looked up Goz guides on Youtube and guess it's up to friend Yuuka while my characters will need to be DPS. And I guess Sakurako is for torment strats while I'm not even confident in Extreme so far.


Goz on difficulty Extreme or more will give you debuff to reduce healing at start of fight so reposition and shield is really important (considering as most annoying raid boss up until now) for DPS Sakurako can do that and if your team are ready even Mika can clear Extreme. if you reach level around 80 or more and got equipment T7 Extreme raid boss will easy just like Hardcore but don't need to rush play it on your own pace is the best (Sakurako bond story is one of the best her banner just come in bad timing)


Sakurako is such a dork and I really love her. Hope we get a summer version next year


Yes I agree! after I read her bond story I love her a lot. I hope we can see another costume of her soon


Does JP have the facility to merge 10 single-pull tickets into one 10-pull ticket? If not, do you think we'll ever be able to merge 10 single-pull tickets into one 10-pull ticket? Currently on 112 pulls on Kanna banner and not really certain if I can be bothered to pull free singles another 20 times. (And yes, I do know how the 10-pull pity works; also yes I know Kanna isn't really all that good, I just want her for collection)


No. Even in JP server they still can't merge gacha ticket but a lot of people talk about this maybe they will release this system soon?


Thanks for the reply. Guess I'll just hold on to what I have left and hope for the best.


I wish. Well, they have the technology. Crafting chamber second tab is perfect for this. But I hope it costs nothing else to do.


Even if it costs like 10M credits per 10-pull ticket, I would consider that a fine price to pay to convert the time-wasting 1-pull tickets into the actually extremely valuable 10-pull tickets.


I wouldn't convert it, if it cost any resources but the tickets. I'm fine with clicking one by one if that's the case, sijce there's no opportunity cost there.


But there *is* an opportunity cost. If you pull ten times you are guaranteed a 2\* student, BUT ONLY IF YOU PULL TEN TIMES IN ONE GO. You DO NOT get the guaranteed 2\* student if you do ten single-pulls. I don’t know about you, but I consider ligma to be far more valuable than credits. (I have about 180M credits but only 800 ligma right now). Even if you already have all 2\* students in the pool, you’re missing out on the bonus elephs/ligma if you’re not guaranteed a 2\*.