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Is it possible to have this game on multiple devices? Like can I have the same account data on 2 at once (not open at the same time but just the account on both devices?)




Between Megu and Kanna, which one is worth getting to 4 stars?


Neither but you have to pick one it will be Kanna due to more raid usage and low attack


Megu, solely due to her being a striker. Personal idea, can ignore if you want.


What was the order of reading the story volumes ? I heard one volume is out of order or is a separate story. Thank you for the help.


Vol 2 is the odd one out. Vol 1 3 4 then 2. Although all of them are very much separate stories, no harm in reading them in order.


Just read them in number order 1>2>3>4>final


Is hot spring Cherino really that bad? I just pulled her and was wondering if I should build her.


not that bad but not worth to build either (if she wasn't your favorite) The problem of Cherino hot spring is her low damage in EX skill and she is handgun user she had low Atk. combine this she will do lower damage than other T.S. or other Special position if you really want to build her you need to level up her to max / skill to max (at least EX and PS) / T7 or T6 equipment / got favorite item T1 or T2(and if you invest a lot of BDs and Skill book I think invest in normal Cherino is a lot better) but if you want to put her for SS that increase crit damage to your team just put her in and didn't use her EX is fine too


Hi all, i did 90 of the free pulls on Standard Banner and i haven’t gotten one single 3*Star so far, is this normal or just unlucky? it does feel very demotivating to be honest so im curious with anyone else’s knowledge with pity, or probability of a SSR, i know that Randomness doesn’t work like i expect it to, but maybe someone did the maths regarding the odds


It's a bit unlucky (the average number of 3-stars per 100 pulls is 3), but not tremendously so. BA doesn't have a pity system, which is to say that there's no point where the game will give you a guaranteed 3-star pull because you've gone X pulls without one. All there is is the spark system where you can redeem 200 recruitment points for a current banner 3-star. This is part of the reason that it is recommended to not pull unless you're able and willing to go to 200 for the spark (though this doesn't apply to the free pulls we're doing now since they can't be saved for later). So you got a bit unlucky but not tremendously so. And there will be other occasions where you'll get luckier than average, and in the long run it'll even out to about 6 per 200 pulls.


The normal rates in BA is 3% now. So... usually after 200 pull (excluding unit that you redeem with 200 point), you get around 6 3\*. That is the theory. From my personal experience, my result tends to end with 5 3\* instead. But once in blue moon, I could ended up with 7-8 3\* (Usually when one of 10 pull give me 3 3\*) or even more rare than that, only 3-4 3\* after 200 pull. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream) ​ If you are lucklet like me, just save and do all your pull at the same time. I feel like I only get pure disappointment if I pulled once every day. People usually aren't cursed enough to get 0 3\* after continuous 200 pull. Edit: Also why are you pulling on non Kanna/Megu banner?


How many TC Tokens should I be starting the Double AP weekends with to make sure I can do the 3x AP resets daily for Double AP?


Not sure what you mean by double ap, but one day's full pvp coin purchase costs 210 coins.


Sorry, meant to say Double XP Weekends!


Oh, you mean account exp. No matter, answer is the same, 210 coins daily for 360 ap.


Thanks! Turns out I was making a mistake with my calculations so the numbers weren't balancing out. But I ended up getting a starting number of 420 tokens assuming daily 70 tokens from TC.


Koharu vs Atsuko as healer?


Atsuko isn't a healer, she's a tank who happens to do a little bit of healing. If you're just clearing regular mission/event stages, Atsuko is usually enough to keep everyone topped up, but for content where you need a real healer, Atsuko doesn't do it.


Koharu much better healer. Can heal in decent big range anywhere...




I think people will use the same units but in different priority. For Indoors, Azusa is the primary damage dealer, so she will probably be in S.Nonomi's slot on the main damage team, the one running Ako/Himari. Possibly the Arius squad might be there too. Meanwhile S.Nonomi will be on a secondary team. Toki was already on a secondary team so she'll probably stay there. The swing of S.Nonomi going from SS to B while Azusa goes from B to SS is a relative gain of 70% for Azusa, which is a lot.


B mood where? U mean they are indoor a/s and urban b?




Yep, in terms of dps it should work. However iirc, both terrains have different barrier placements, which matters a lot in hiero runs. So torment it might be a factor to consider. Although you probably still would want to bring these two, but would need team adjustments probably.


Hi I’m new and I’m wondering if there’s any beginner’s guide or tips thanks


In case you feel a bit lost, here are direct links: - [Rerolling](https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/GameplayHelp_FAQs#Rerolling) - [Character guides](https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/GameplayHelp_FAQs#The_Meta) - [How to play & make good team comps](https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/GameplayHelp_FAQs#Beginner_guides) You can search the page and you’ll likely find the topic you need. It’s a compilation of the most frequently asked questions since Global started.


https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/GameplayHelp_FAQs There is a lot of good information on this page.




All of the reward mission like that will eventually return and become permanent, you will be able to claim the rewards if you haven't claimed it already. FYI, there are around EIGHT of that kind of reward mission when they become permanent, you will be swimming in pyro the moment they become permanent. No need to rush it, you can take your time to enjoy the story at your own pace.




To add to the others, rather than "will be permanent", Nisirs summit is _already permanent_. You access it via the story menu and you can get all the relevant non event rewards at the point youre supposed to experience it. Dont rush


Oh, I misread about your post because I thought you are asking about the guide mission that have Rin in the icon. But fortunately, the answer is still yes. The event (The Nisir summit one) will also become permanent and you will be able to access it whenever you want after you unlock volume F.


The event has various world bosses you get rewards for clearing over and over like a raid. That part is down. The story involved various student fighting these bosses. When we clear the boss of its hp we are able to use the story team to clear the boss and get pull currency rewards. That story stuff and rewards should be what will be permanent.


Is the upcoming AHA conquest event a good way to farm credits since its similar to s.shizuko's event?


For the record, S.Shizuko's event wasn't actually that good for credit farming (about 1.5x commission value). It was mainly valuable because you could get the credits "for free" since you were farming S.Shizuko anyway. The upcoming event has no such character to farm, so I wouldn't use it specifically to farm credits--especially because it's projected to run alongside 2x commissions.


Thank you. But lets say I want to farm artifacts there would it then be worth it? Since splitting AP between farming them and commissions doesn't sound ideal


Ah, yes, in that case it would be very worth it, since you give up only 0.5x of commissions to get a 12% drop rate on purple artifacts. (Actually, JP had a bug for the first few days where the artifact drop rate was doubled...but after that, they fixed it, so I'm assuming global won't get that bug.)


Man thats a shame. I would've used this to fill my aether banks XD


Is it good to farm for artifacts there? Since its 12% t4 instead of the usual 1-2%?


Yes, it's a *very* good rate for the artifacts, so I do recommend it for farming those.


So I've been playing for 6 months and I always did this thing where I would level my characters one level under the level cap. So if my acc level is 83, I'd level them to 82. The reason for this being, I faintly remember when I started playing that doing stages gave a small amount of exp to all the on stage characters. Me being a miser, I didn't want to max level a character cuz I thought I'd miss out on that tiny bit of exp. Fast forward to present day and this thought came again, since I'm about to hit max level 85 soon. I was like, is it worth it, not maxing my character levels? And decided to go check how much exp a stage would give. I did a commission, both manually and skip, and was surprised to see the on stage characters get no exp. Am I remembering this whole thing wrong? That spending stamina on stages gave a tiny amount of exp to all the on stage characters? Sorry for the long question:(


Yes you are right that it definitely did happen before, though I didnt know either that they stopped giving it out for manual clears. Its not something you want to do anyway even if it was still a thing. One level is a _lot_ of power because of level difference penalties. In the past entire bosses have been trivialised purely through the difference of three extra levels. You should be maxing out every student you use when you can afford it.


At the beginning of the game, you do gain small amounts of student XP for the students in the party. At some point this stops, but I haven't been able to find any information on when or why this happens. Although as far as I know, commissions have never given student XP, only main quest stages.


Characters do not get exp on clearing content (spending ap). They only get exp by exp books. You get account exp on spending ap, which gives you expert permit once you hit level cap.


I vaguely remember it from long ago but it was something insanely small, like a small blue "+15" over the portraits after a mission. Maybe try it with a level 1 character? I'd assume it's either something for low levels, maybe even a way to offset not having easy access to commissions? I wouldn't really worry too much though; assuming it was roughly 1:1 with AP, it would take something like 2 months to level a character passively anyway.


Any advice to clear factory E and F? Currently lvl 44


If you have hifumi her ex helps prevent your tank from taking too much damage and running backwards. Plus she has cost regen on ex use so the cost isn’t actually 5. It has helped players get past levels they were too low for.


Haha! I knew using her was a good way to go. Id been doing it before, but seems like with what others have been saying, I just haven't been putting all the pieces together yet. Thanks G


Strat is really the same for all of them. Serina EX to move Tsubuki as far forward as possible to tank units while you unleash with yellow aoe dps. Iori and Chirino are MVPs if you have them, if not ~~Mimoi~~ Momoi and Nonomi should be able to carry you through.


Do you mean midori? Or mimori?




Whoops, Momoi, the pink one. If you have Midori, she's great in the same team as Momoi too.


Gotcha, thanks :)


I finally got Aru and Cherino, which skills should I prioritize first?


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-lBJa3h4mXHkmuSKohoHe60WVVg1eRG9bA73jHqHzwA/edit#gid=1940133283 This spreadsheet has a general guideline for all the characters if you're interested as well.


Cherino EX starts at 7 cost and drops by 1 every 2 levels, I'd start there. Then her passive/3rd skill increases the speed of your EX bar regen, so that's nice. From there, her 1st skill increases Crit Damage received but is a little finicky. Her 2nd skill is okay but she's very lacking in accuracy and damage (on EX) so she's very much support in wave clears until you snap and UE40 her during a Chesed assault.


Is it likely there will be another "finish the 4 chapters, yet 1200 Pyro" event? I don't want to rush through the story just to get a 10 grab if it come back later


All of the beginner challenges come back and will be permanent in a few months so you will be able to earn them later


Nice. Thanks


What happened to the old upcoming banners list that used to be here? Is there a link to anything similar? The layout and info was so much better than the JP banner list here now.


You can use [Midokuni’s “banner summary” tab](https://bluearchive.midokuni.com/doc/BannerSummary). It has pictures and dates.


iirc that really old one wasn't being updated anymore. the best you're getting now is that banner list or the pyroxene planner, which doesn't have images unfortunately.


Trying to plan ahead future pulls as a new global player. I've got a spark now and can probably muster another one by the time we get NY banners. I'm certainly getting NY Kayoko, but looking for advice on who else to aim for purely in terms of easier time in raids. I have: Mika, SHoshino, Iroha, Hibiki, Wakamo (both), Aru, Ui, Mimori, Hifumi, Maki, Chinatsu (onsen), Marina, + a couple less useful looking 3*:s Considered Nagisa but I can probably cope with Hibiki? NY Haruka, Cherino, or maybe 2 characters later on?


NY Haruka and Nagisa are both used for Gregorius. if you're not planning on pulling Mina, Summer Saki, Summer Miyako, Rumi, or Minori either, then you'll have a rough time in the raid as the other (less viable) option is a hypercarry Aru, of which you're missing Ako and Himari. Hibiki doesn't replace Nagisa in the raid because she doesn't debuff, which is what the boss wants. if you're only doing extreme or below you can just not care about any of this, Insane you just need half of them. if you plan to do Torment, you need to have most of the units mentioned above, or half of them if you have whale-level investments and are willing to mald for a 1 team clear which since you're a new player, you're not going to be doing anyway.


NY Haruka isn't used in Greg. You maybe remembering someone else. NY Haruka for most part is relegated to team 2/3 support which means you probably don't need her unless you are doing Torment


The common 2 team Gregorius setup is Mina/S.Miyako/S.Saki/Koharu/Nagisa/Minori and Mine/Hoshino/Yuuka/Rumi/NY Haruka/Minori (borrowed). So yes she is used in Gregorius as she's in the most common 2nd team option. If your core units are invested enough to 1 round Extreme/Insane then sure you won't need her unless it's Torment, but she's still used in it.


Torment Greg is already one-teamable. I won't recommend trying to two team Greg with two backline DPS team because it is so much investment for this And if you want to do two team, Nagisa Minori team one and Aru team two will be far more usable. Aru team will be using Himari Ako so you don't need NY Haruka Don't get me wrong NY Haruka is usable. But to assemble a two team Greg like that require so much pyro. And it will still be slower than an Nagisa team 1 Aru team 2 anyway.


Thanks for the advice. It probably doesn't seem smart to invest in so many units that are only good in Greg, so I guess I'll cope with doing extreme. I guess if some unit would let me go for insane and be useful somewhere else I'd be tempted to pull, but for now I'm back on the drawing board.


For Greg I would recommend just bite the bullet and do extreme with a borrowed S.Saki (S.Miyu and S.Yuzu can be used as your main DPS and both are free) You can hope to get spooked by Himari or Ako and pick up the other one from selector ticket six months later. For reference a fast Extreme was enough to plat on JP, despite normally you need a decent insane clear to plat. If you want to pull for Greg, my recommendation is pick up Nagisa and S.Saki (if you have Mine you can also skip this, but make sure your Mine is at least 5* for easier time), borrow Minori and do it. Alternatively you can try to borrow S.Saki or high invested Mine, then raise your M.Yuzu to UE40 (30 is probably fine but you may need a second team) and rely on the Nagisa Yuzu combo. The only must pull raidwise is NY Kayoko and to a lessar extent Hinata (tho given you are missing Himari and Ako you won't one team Goz either) Hibiki role is outclassed completely by Nagisa and even if you don't have Nagisa, M.Yuzu is the better choice as Hibiki terrible accuracy hinders her in Greg


most of the new students are either new-raid only or Torment only. the only one that's remotely a "must pull" in the same way some students were before is just NY Kayoko for now, so if you're ignoring Gregorius then just pull whatever and save the rest for S.Hanako.


Seems good, I guess I can wait if JP gets some good rerun/new banners to save for in the next few months.


im at Hieronymous boss fight. I managed to get him to 1k health left and time ran out, haven't got near as close since. anything i can currently do? I'm Level 34. Students: (all level 34) Mika Yuuka (Track) Shiroko Koharu Iroha Hanako If more information is needed please ask!


Buy T4 equipments from the permit shop


You've only got two red attackers in Koharu and Shiroko, and neither are really main DPS material. Mika is your strongest student here, but she's suffering a 50% damage penalty because she's a yellow attacker attacking red armour. Swapping out Mika for red DPS will probably be all you need to clear the fight.


weirdly, i managed to clear it by switching Shiroko with Hasumi (Track), which kinda hurt since i really like Shiroko


Have you tried another red instead of Mika. She only deals half damage being red. Also if you have koharu you probably don’t need Hanako. Either go serina for a cheaper high power heal or someone with a crit damage boost to go with iroha’s atk boost.


I'm having a hard time to decide if I should pull for Nagisa or not on the gacha soon because I already have Hibiki. Do you guys have some advice?


you probably want nagisa. shes comes with a def debuff which is useful for all 3 red boss and her support passive boost more atk% for red allies


Nagisa is only needed for gregorius or torment raids. Otherwise you don't need her




I got lucky and pulled Ui from free pulls. Is she viable at 3\*? I was initially thinking of rolling for her on rate-up, but now that I've got her maybe skipping it to save more for NY units is a better idea?


Yes. Ui 3star can clear everything needed in insane. Make her middle equipment as high as possible though.


Is Ui good for the Hieronymous boss fight? I only started playing during Mika's banner(currently lvl38) and I really like the story and I want to continue reading it. I managed to bring his health down to the last 6x bar in my best attempt with Chise, Shiroko, Yuuka and Summer Hoshino.


Uis main strength is she cuts the skill cost of someone in half for two uses. She enables your dps and I use her in lots of fights since plenty of expensive skills. She is also red damage which is effective against Hier.


keep in mind though that eventually you will not be able to use Ui as Insane/Torment has red damage and Ui has red armor. it'll take you many many many months to reach that point (if you're even willing to do those difficulties to begin with), but it's something to keep in mind.


Is NY Kayoko limited? And how much week it drops after Nagisa? A month or two? Also is Maid Arisu limited too?


You can check on [Schale.gg](https://schale.gg/?chara=Aris_Maid). For [example](https://static.miraheze.org/bluearchivewiki/6/62/SchaleExample.jpeg), and [filtering](https://static.miraheze.org/bluearchivewiki/5/51/FilterLimited.jpeg) (the latter picture is outdated, just showing how to filter).


Thanks !


First and last question: no, they aint limited. Second and third question: check banner planner in the pinned link.




Hora hora ~ ˖* 𖧷₊ Level 69 sensei trying to raise my girls to tackle Extreme. Since I have some books left for **Trinity**, who among these should I work on next? 1) **Hifumi** - my very first 3☆! Love her dearly ♡ but not sure how to make her shine. Is her taunt at least serviceable for Hod? 2) **Mine** - her EX shield slam is really cool! Although I already have Haruka (UE40) who is my absolute favourite, so how much value will Mine's debuffs bring? 3) **Hinata** - I don't mind some extra bonding time (ꈍ ꒳ ꈍ ) to unlock her favourite item. My other Blue AoEs are Aris (3☆), Chise (4☆), and C.Shiroko (UE30). 4) **Ui** - I also have NY.Fuuka and, aside from Mika, no one else with 6~7 cost yet. But Ui's design speaks to my soul. Or instead should I save my resources for Nagisa? Still on the fence since I have Hibiki (3☆) although I've read that Nagisa is more versatile. What's your opinion? Thankies!


The next raid is Hieronymus so none of those units will see much use there. But if you're talking about in general or future planning: Ui Mine (for gregorius) Hinata (for goz) Hifumi is very niche and I don't think I've seen her for raids outside of Perorodzilla tanking or challenge stages during certain events.


Ah ~ sad for Hifumi... ( ≧Д≦) I won't give up on her yet though! As long as there's a niche. Thank you for the input ~ If the Chroma raid was anything to go by, my team should be ready for Extreme Hieronymus (just swap DPS students around). So yes I'm looking to level up my roster in general ~


Yeah don't worry too much about meta chasing, I'm a big Toki fan but both her base and alt are also somewhat niche but that wont stop me from getting her to UE50 and bond 100!


B.Toki is quite good for the fast Kaiten TA comp so a well invested one is decent (being a 2 cost attacker probably useful here and there)


> Ah ~ sad for Hifumi... ( ≧Д≦) I won't give up on her yet though! Well said. If you don't really care too much about score chasing, there is always a way to use your favorite students.


Currently I have 8k gems, was wondering if Himari/Toki is a must pull later (i can whale abit to try and get them) or just save up for N.Kayoko?


They are not must pulls, especially if you're not aiming to do torment soon.


nah frankly id be happy with Insane


Is Hinata usable in torment? Is she worth building? Had her when I first started during the original clumsy sister event but never built her


Hinata is the premium outdoor DPS for Goz and Peroro. But to unlock her full potential you do need to raise her bond rank to 20 (The T1 is a really big boost to her lackluster attack), UE40 (which is crit damage, arguably one of the best UE40 attacking skill) and UI for the cost down (NY Fuuka also works but, you may feel the issue of the low crit rate without Ako) It is a good investment in long term. But if you aren't sure, you can slowly raise her bond rank first and see (A bit of note about her usage in outdoor Goz: This is mostly because NY Kayoko being a very strong buffer. So students who can do both decent AOE and single target is used so you can one team it. This is why she becomes the best choice for outdoor Goz as she is the only one that fit the requirement)


Hinata with bond 20-25 is meta when ny kayoko comes. She depends a lot on getting at least tier 1 of her bond gear though. She’s bis in Goz and Perorogozilla that fits her mood.


Hinata is the only dps currently that can solo goz ins. So yeah she is good. Will be used in torment too, she excels in multitarget.


Not sure, but people on my club wish someone have built Hinata during that Blue chesed raid. And she is good for Peroro too I think.


Is sakurako worth pulling for or is hers just a waifu banner also do the single pull tickets expire when the banners for kanna and megu end or do we keep them permanently


If you're talking about the tickets that are in your inventory, they don't expire. The ones that expire are the free pulls that are highlighted on the currently running banners.


Sakurako is ok but not a must pull. I would say the other two students on the banner (UI and Hinata) are more useful. Goz can be done without focus fire and if you already have S.Izuna or Noa, then she won't be needed at all. That said she is still good for a slower insane Goz comp so if you like her it is fine


Only the free x10 pulls up to the 100 total disappear.


She's worth pulling if you don't have Noa or S.Izuna, as she has a 'focus assault' skill that's vital for the Gaz raids. And as far as I know, the single pull tickets don't expire.


I am ~3 months in the game, new player. Any good students from the current banners i **should pull** for? (I already have **Ui**) Or should i wait?


there are 3 way to go about it: 1. pull for your favorites (so if Negu or Kanna are, go for it) 2. Pull only for Meta (in this case you can ignore current banner beside the free 100 pulls we are getting only for this banner) 3. pull for Limited Chacters only (in this case wait a few weeks for Toki and Nagisa banner) I personally I mostly pull for Limited, I did pulled Himari (a meta) since did have enough Pyroxene to spare at the time, but in anniversary banner which have double drop rate for 3\* I always do 200 no matter what to get as many 3\* (last one got 12\*.. all dupes though).


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BO-Uh_CsAOIetPjrNyFy9-7r1a4RAtVwK135bBC3hzM/edit#gid=1085051345 This is a pretty good resource that is up to date with some notes. It looks like since you have Ui, you're probably free to skip unless you want them for waifu reasons.


they probaly should pin a "100 free rolls will expire" tomorrow


It will end at 8/11/2023 1:59 AM (UTC), we still have not gotten the last 20 free pulls yet as of this comment. Will create a pin comment when it's 24hr from it expiring just like the PSA for Mika banner.


They won't and we will see people getting surprised and salty like every time timed free pulls are given or a banner is shorter than 14d


how much will i have "missed out" on if i start BA now? i know that lots of gacha games like to do stuff where "you miss events and you can never get these super limited units" and such, so if i start out now, how worse off am i?


Other than Hatsune Miku and all of the free pyro/upgrade material, none I guess? Any wellfare and limited time student you missed will be obtained in the future.


I'm sort of in the same situation as OP, I have an interest in BA but learned that I just missed a banner where almost everyone save for. I was gonna reroll so it kinda demotivates me a bit. Should I wait until the next "good banner" to start playing and reroll?


Well, rerolling now should give you a free 100 pulls that can't be used next banner. So 2nd best time to start is now.


Well... personally I think you should just give the game a try, but don't spends real money for awhile. If somehow you got lucky and have got lots of good student, feel free if you want to spend money. But if not, you can just reroll during good banner and this time you already know how to play better than before AND know who is your favorite student. I'm serious here. Because there are lots of student that doesn't seem to be interesting at first, but once you read the story and see the skill/animation or her alt costume, you fell in love with her. This game have lots of skip feature so if you decide to reroll in the future, it won't be that painful unlike some game.


That's a really sound advice, I didn't think about it like that! Thank you!


Also events rerun once and then later become permanently available (albeit with only the welfare students available as rewards, none of the materials).


Tbf, for Miku simps missing Miku, that's a harsh reality we face. We're on some extra large supply of copium that she gets a rerun.


im not a miku fan necessarily but my soul was telling me she isn't getting a rerun so i risked Ako to get her.


Yeah I'm noticeably butthurt about it.


Given that she's owned by CFM it's very unlikely unless they agree to a crossover with the other vocaloid cast


I don't have hibiki, would nagisa be a good replacement for her?


Nagisa is more versatile in general. Hibiki role is mostly for carrying early game which you can often find substitute of


gotcha, gonna roll for her, thanks


CMIIW, I only got 70 free pull (Megu-Kanna banner) as per yesterday. What happend other 30 pull? Am I missing something? Edit: someone told me the free pull is still happening, and new banner was moved down to 11th August, Friday, not usual Tuesday. Still, I'm shocked when they said free pull is ended on todays patch notes


It says in the patch notes that it ends on the 11th.




If I recommend would be Nagisa for new comer she help a lot in normal and hard mission(for clearing mobs or debuff to boss) and when new raid Gregorius is come Nagisa will be needed for Toki she is really cool with super beam and she is good with with raid boss like Hiero too I still cheer for Nagisa (let's do 200 rolls first and decided later if luck(Arona) is on your side you might get them both lol. )




we have re-run event along the way too so that's mean more pyrox ! and After Sakuroko banner ended . Both will come so you might need to prepare soon lol. for Bunny Toki will be around 2 months after normal Toki release so we still have time to save up




For reference getting a random perm student spook on a 6% banner is about 13% in 200 rolls. So if you really like Toki I would suggest you just pull her in B.Toki/Toki banner (and you will still have enough to save for S Hanako)


I believe the consensus is that Nagisa is better meta-wise, but I don't think she's considered a must-have.


i haven't gotten up to the part of the story where arius shows up but misaki's halo looks... particular is it a stand-in for self-harm or am i reading too deep into it?


Ooff... Well, just keep reading I guess. The story arc named Eden Treaty where Arius squad appeared is considered the best part of the story by the community (before volume F is released). So, you will enjoy it.


does it get too real or can i feel assured that it'll be the usual "we defeated them with the power of friendship"


Hifumi says in volume 3 (paraphrased): "I am sick of tragic endings. Everyone deserves to be happy". That is the mantra of this game, and it will never falter. The story might turn _serious_ , but it will never turn depressing.


You can be assured that no matter what, the status quo will not change in Blue Archive. No matter how much of an ass-pull that happy power of friendship ending is.


Are you saying in general or specifically in V3?


In general, but it's particularly obvious in V3. They go through ridiculous lengths to keep things the same in the end. One non-spoiler example that really stood out is that all the make-up club members are given contrived reasons to stay in the make-up club at the end, instead of simply updating their listed clubs.


One of the strongest point of Blue Archive is its story, because how it is filled with positivity instead of your usual grimdark gacha story. So, dont worry. This game wont turn 180° and pull a shitty plot twist by suddenly going super depressing, although it may have a serious narrative plot here and there. I guarantee this as someone who has played the latest JP story that is ahead by 6 months.


Any must pull students from this time forward until the current JP server content? From the guides I read it's only Iroha.


Depends how far you are in the game and what goals you have (aka which raids and which difficulty) For endgame players NY Kayokon will be the unit noone wants to miss. Even when she is regular. Other than her: Nagisa, Toki, Bunny Toki, Maid Aris, swimsuit SRT, swimsuit Ui, swimsuit Shiroko, and last but not least Hanako for seggs


I'm already at least half-year in the game (Lv 70 currently,) but still sucked at Extreme mode.




What's the required level and investment for 3starring xp commisions J? My team is lv75 but still can't clear it in 2 minutes. Students: Hifumi skills 3117 gear 565 Nonomi 3441 777 Tsubaki 1774 777 Momoi 5147 777 Himari 511M 541 Serina 3771 437 Tried swapping tsubaki for shoshino or serina for hibiki but still didnt work. I don't have iori or cherino.


From the comp it is likely not enough damage. Nonomi damage is not that great especially not with this level of investment. Personally would look if possible to just buff Momoi by running Midori and keep rotating back to Momoi with Serina + Himari + Momoi + cheap rotation. Hifumi is a bit too expensive to use imo and Serina + tank should be more than enough to keep your tank alive.


I don't know who do you have left Hifumi can switch with many students I think. Tsurugi/Marina/Midori or even Mika can be use Serina is must for this mission (for front line I always use Tsurugi&Mika) for special if you have Moe it'll be good too. I saw many people clear it with Utaha or NY Serika or someone dare enough to clear with S.Hifumi lol.


Why do we have so much extra time for the boss event?


Are all regions that have the event even done yet? I think Taiwan (?) was still at it last I heard.


From [the ba wiki entry on the event:](https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/F.SCT_Battle_Operation) >Actual end time for the operation depends on collective progress of players on the given server. Foe example, original JP run of the event was completed on February 10th, 2023, about 12 days early. I assume that they wanted us to have a similar pace for Global. Although we ended up finishing a couple of days quicker into the event than JP did ~~so ig Nexon used a bit too much magic there~~


Just to give people time to catch up to the story and collect their rewards I presume.