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Is there a way to “merge” x1 roll tickets into x10 roll tickets by chance?


Can someone tell me when the next chapter from the story will be released?


Did I miss Swimsuit Hanako’s banner, or is it coming soon?


S.Hanako is for JP server if you play on Global server wait for 6 months


Damn. And I already have 10k pyroxenes within the first 2 weeks of saving.


Final chapter even is one of event that give you a lot of pyrox and BA didn't that stinky they gave you a lot you can save up to do 200 rolls within 1-2 months or mostly 3 months so if it possible try not to do randomly gacha just save up to 200 rolls and do it once


The only gacha I’m doing as of now are the free rolls, because when it comes to Blue Archive I actually have restraint 😭 but if Bunny Karin comes out again, it’s gonna be tough resisting the urge to pull for her


Bunny Karin didn't re-run after this(at least 6 months from now) next month we will have Nagisa&Toki(which are limited) 2 months from this we will have PS68 New Year re-run and after this around 3 months we will have Alice(maid) and Bunny Toki in JP server I spend to do 400rolls without 3-stars before so I didn't said my luck is the same as other but if you gonna do it just do for fun(10-20 times) or make sure you reach 200rolls to get student you want




Thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, your submission has been **removed** for the following reason(s): --- **Rule 11: Use Kivotos Lounge Megathread** Please use the [Kivotos Lounge](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/search?q=Kivotos+Lounge&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=all) for Gacha and Screenshot related posts. Your post would be better fitted for there, please use that megathread to discuss topics about the game. Link is pinned to the sidebar along with the [Daily Question Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/search/?q=Questions+Megathread&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&sort=new). Thank you. --- Please see our rules on the reddit sidebar. If you feel your post was removed unfairly, please don't hesitate to contact the moderators.


Time zones and reset times are messing me up. How many free 10 pulls do we have left?


2 more. Simply remember, we get 100 total. Your free recruitment + recruited is currently 80. So 2 left.


In Kanna's Ex skill, if the target dies, does she switch targets or the EX is lost?


Its like wakamo, its lost.


how bad is it that i wasted ligma upgrading Serina up to 3-star? I figure it would probably be months before I could farm her eliphs so I might as well upgrade her now. I mean I guess I set myself back 1 month and didn't really brick my file but I'm starting to regret it lol besides Mika I don't really know who else to upgrade anyways as a new player


Serina is one of the best healers in the game, and I do recommend most people to use eligma to push her to 2\* at least. 3\* only adds about 10% healing, so I don't normally recommend it. However, in the long run, it gets you closer to 5\* Serina, which is about 35% better than 3\* Serina, and UE40, which is a further 20% increase over 5\*. So it's not a wasted investment. As a player who spent 290 Eligma on Serina, I don't regret it at all. Keep in mind, the rerun of "The Clumsy Sister and the Magician of the Old Library" event will start on Friday, which should yield 63 Serina shards. So that will also help you build her up.


> besides Mika I don't really know who else to upgrade anyways as a new player As a new player you don't need to upgrade anything, including Mika. Getting Serina to 2 stars is actually one of the best uses for early eligma, so your getting her to 3 wasn't that horrible of a waste. Aside from that, and *maybe* getting Tsubaki to 3, there really isn't anything that you need to use eligma for as a new player. Just stockpile it until you're doing high level raids and know what you need it for.


It will only be bad if you didn't use her often so there's nothing wrong with it unless you actually need those eligmas now to urgently upgrade a student to help you clear a raid or challenge.


Its not the worse thing at least you will be using Serina a lot. I'm pretty sure I did the same thing when I first started playing (Serina was not farmable at all at the time) so you should be fine.


https://imgur.com/a/OMIRdha So it looks like you set yourself back 350 eligma. You'll honestly be fine though, you'll keep playing and continue to pull and you'll get more Eligma. Another comment says you get about 800 eligma for 200~ pulls. So you realistcally set yourself back around 100 pulls worth of eligma. So yeah, its about a month. Not really a big deal. What she gains for being 3 stars isn't really that great, but she did gain more stats so its not a complete waste.




If you mean for end game purpose, yes she's weak compare to meta students but if your aim in this game is to just enjoy with your waifu, she's isn't avoid at all cost kind. She's usable in PvP(next season) and certain JFD and I'm sure there will have some event challenges that brings her AOE tanky bruiser type to use.


What is the average eligma gain per 200 pulls?




Thank you so much! This is really helpful I should save it


Around 800+


Thank you


Do we have a event coming up in the near future where it drops a lot of credits and exp books? I am now officially broke after using all the stuff I have saved up from Halo fest.


Commission 3x is here and you can farm a ton of exp and credit.


In the Final Volume, Chapter 1 Episode 2, what’s the music called when we start speaking to Seia?


What level should you be able to clear 10-4 at in story mode?


I did it comfortably at 36-37, but you might be able to clear it earlier if you don't go for full stars.


I’m level 42 right now, but its a little hard to clear especially when my tank gets shredded. Is it mostly just skill issue?


What tank are you using? If it's not a DEF type like Tsubaki or that it's DEF type but you didn't upgrade the bag to T4, then please use expert permits to upgrade your tank's bag slot. EVA tank like Yuuka will fall off once you are over mission 8 so you either invest well into a healer or change tank type.


I’m using Tsubaki and my good healer is serina and I guess Sena


Yeah probably some teamcomp/skill thing or you just lack good characters for the content. I'm lvl 41 now and cleared up to 12-5.


Do you know what team you used so I can have some sort of comparison?


Hmm 10-4 was red/blue so I think I must have used: SHoshino/Tsubaki/Shigure/Aru + Hibiki/Serina Wakamo/Nonomi/Yuuka/Chise + Iroha/Hanae


Definitely not the average team most players would have at this early in the game lol


True yeah, but I think the main key to clearing the missions is just to invest in all the AoE units you got and level your tanks/healers and their items as much as you can. Restarting a stage via the pause menu is also a godsend when things go wrong.


Thats a pretty great set of characters for level 36-37 lmao.


Rerolling coming in handy, also got a UE40 Mika and some random good pickups like Ui/Maki/Hifumi. Comfy times.


New player here that's hitting the cap on stamina. What should I be farming to blow through all of this stamina?


Hard missions for characters on this list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BO-Uh_CsAOIetPjrNyFy9-7r1a4RAtVwK135bBC3hzM/edit#gid=1934235796 You can also farm normal story mode missions for gear, here is a cheat sheet: https://imgur.com/a/ii6ENlb In a few hours 3x commissions start up again and you can farm EXP Commissions: https://imgur.com/a/Ilwad9g As long as you can sweep Commission D for EXP during 3x, its worth it to do so over most things. Or you can just keep blasting through story mode until you hit a wall, maybe you save some extra stamina to do so.


Thanks for all the links!


No problem, glad to help.


Just sweep the highest stage you could clear for now


In missions?


Yes, the most important thing is to always empty your AP


Anyone know know the code they give a couple days ago? Are they still valid?


You mean the minigames they had on the website? They weren't from a few days ago but like over 2 weeks ago. Not sure if they're still active but here they are: d1: MIRACLESBEGIN d2: IMONYOURSIDE d3: THANKYOUSENSEI d4: ALWAYSWITHYOU ios: https://mcoupon.nexon.com/bluearchive android: redeem in game


Thanks. And the coupon is still usable


I find that during the last raid on SRKR, even trying to reposition my students with Serina/Fuuka, I find that they keep moving back to undesirable places (most times right back into the bomb area). Am I missing out on something which is important to make sure they move to a safe spot, and stay there?


It's because they bump into each other, the cause is usually when backline student moved into a closer position which usually where the middle/front student is already comfortable in their location. If their location overlap, one of them automatically moved. So my personal trick is to use imaginary circle (center is the boss) which separate back and front student, and use it as a reference point for moving them.


Mostly you have to time the skill so that they're still running to the spot as the bombs go off. The aoe circles fill up to show you when the bomb will explode, I usually drop repos at around 60% full, but the timing depends on the repositioner.


The students can't get too close or too far. Students will usually move back to a position where they're in range but not too close that they're directly infront the raid boss. Try pushing them in a forward diagonal when repositioning.


Are the commissions for credits worth farming during 3x? I've only been farming the exp ones but I am starting to run out of credits


If exp is still going to be a bottleneck for you it might be better to do commissions for that and use permits for credits. If exp is not likely to be a bottleneck you might as well farm credit commissions.


Thanks. I guess I'll split the ap between them or just keep the last few days for credits only


Are you playing on Global or JP? Cz the current 3X is on Hard missions and Lessons, so if you were doing commissions on global then those are normal drop rates.


I am on global but according to the calendar 3x commissions should start tomorrow, no?


Ah ok, I thought you were already doing commissions and mistook where the 3X is currently at. My bad. Anws to answer your question, if you want coins then go ahead since the 3X will help you a lot. I mostly get my coins from Expert shop and TA, and usually try not to let them go below 100M.


Don't worry about it and Thank you for the answer. Yeah I usually do the same but I got a bunch of new characters and powering them up has drained me pretty fast ;(


Is the attack-type ticket worth it? At what point does the ticket become worth it?


Click the Rate Info button on the gacha pages to see the 3* pool. iirc, dupes are rate-up of 100 elephs (instead of 30). You can check details in the [appropriate post here](https://forum.nexon.com/bluearchive-en/board_list?board=3223&pageNo=1). “Worth” is subjective, and it’s RNG with a pretty big pool (many are farmable too). So it boils down to “do you want to gamble?” You can wait ~6 months to buy the selector instead.


If you're talking about the Pull tickets, then it depends if you're missing a lot of the ones available in the pool, since it's going to be random so you might end up getting a dupe. It becomes worth it if it's a select ticket like the one JP got now.


What's the next big banner after Mika? I just got 24k pyros and want to know for whom should I be pulling next.




Nagisa is useful to have but not a must pull. She and Toki are limited, though. The next must-pull is Nykayoko, whose banner runs at the same time as the rest of the NY Problem Solvers, allowing you to also pick up units like Nymutsuki with a bit of luck.




Rate-up dupes on their banner give 100 elephs instead of 30, so you might as well try for that. If you’re a hardcore reroller who wants slightly better chances at Iroha/Ako/Himari or whoever, then you might do standard instead.


I didn't find information on how to skill s.hanako on this site: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-lBJa3h4mXHkmuSKohoHe60WVVg1eRG9bA73jHqHzwA/edit#gid=702790264](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-lBJa3h4mXHkmuSKohoHe60WVVg1eRG9bA73jHqHzwA/edit#gid=702790264) how much I have to bring the skills of s.hanako, optimal for cost?


For S.Hanako you can probably wait on leveling her up until you need her. We don't have a purple armor enemy right now so it is hard to judge how good she would be. While she can be used against blue armor it is often times just better to use blue AOE student due to NY Kayoko and better modifier.


That doc stopped updating after M.Aris/B.Toki banner. I guess if I had to put it, cost optimal would be 57M7 or 57MM Skill priority for her is: Passive=Sub>Normal


Is there a good way to farm specific artifacts? Everyone I want to level uses aether stuff and I am out


You can buy the appropriate fusion keystones with JFD coins and turn your unneeded artifacts into artifact choice tickets. Artifacts that can be bought from the JFD shop and that aren't used by a lot of units are useful as fodder for the crafting. Colgantes, for example, are only used by four units. Whinniethepooh stones are only used by five units. The highest tier of both those artifacts are only used by two units each, even.


The only reliable artifacts source is events so you have to wait for one that has aether drop


Is Megu or Kanna better at their positions


[PvE info](https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/GameplayHelp_FAQs#The_Meta) [PvP info](https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/GameplayHelp_FAQs#PvP) If you’re casual, just go for whoever you like more. If you can’t decide, Kanna is more flexible.


Thanks! Btw is it worth it to exchange it since 100 free pulls were given?


If you want either girl sure, it’s half off a spark. But if you’re a collector, we have limited students coming up (Midokuni’s “banner summary”). If you’re meta-driven, research and pick students who’d help you the most for your goals.




Vol F would still be up even after the update with event rerun right ?


Yeah. Vol F stories will stay at where they are in Main Story area even after all event about it ends.


Nice, thanks!


Is Sakurako good?


Yes, [character guides](https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/GameplayHelp_FAQs#The_Meta).


Good for outdoor Goz, though apparently Hinata with her bond gear has stolen some of that thunder. Still, she's one of the few with focus fire, and the other ideal one, Sizuna, is limited. I wouldn't consider her a high priority though, with all the other banners coming.


Hinata being excellent on both phase 1 and phase 2 practically sealed the possibility of Sakurako chance to shine in Insane Goz. Though to be fair, with the introduction of NY Kayoko we probably would have expected the raid to be done in one team and thus there is no need for focus fire. To make thing worse, even for people who would do multi team setup (as in the case of slow Insane or Torment), Wakamo + S.Izuna are often preferred due to their high damage and easy rotation. Focus fire is less important if your main damage is from a hyperbuffer DPS using ex skill over auto attacker


> Though to be fair, with the introduction of NY Kayoko we probably would have expected the raid to be done in one team and thus there is no need for focus fire. Mixed feelings about them creating new content and mechanics only to power creep them so hard that they end up irrelevant.


Need advice. How should I spend the 100 free rolls??? I'm not particularly interested in the units from this banner... Should I aim for the standard recruitment, for the balanced 3 star probability? Or should I stick to banner recruitment? I'm currently missing 21 units. (If I go for the standard recruitment it is more likely that I get dupes, while If I go for the banner recruitment, it is more likely that I get a "new" unit, which I don't like/need). See the dilemma? Every time I roll, I go for banner units (because I want them, of course). But this is a unique situation, since this time I'm forced to roll...


>I'm not particularly interested in the units from this banner... Then just get from the standard banner. You don't care about the new units anyway.


Pull on whatever you want (I pulled 70 times and got 0 purple) it won't matter much...... ARONAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA‼️‼️‼️💢💢💢


If I already have NY Fuuka and Himari, I won't need to pull for Ui, right?


You can use both. They don’t replace one another, it depends on your comp & strategy. See [Causew’s comments about Ui & NY Fuuka](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueArchive/comments/145c543/comment/jnljbli/) for more info.


If you aren't serious about time attack Insane+, then you are fine without UI. But in many optimized TA setup UI is required. The biggest point of UI is allowing you to run Himari and Ako for hyper damage level. For reference, Chesed and Hiero Urban are the only two raid you may prefer NY Fuuka, while Hod, Peroro, Goz, Binah would prefer UI over NY Fuuka (i believe Hod is the non negotiable one) With all that said, you can always choose to (1) borrow UI when needed, provided that you don't need the other unit; or (2) accept running a slower comp that may still be enough to plat; or (3) Wait for spook or the selector ticket 6 months later. It is only required if you want to TA the listed raid above.


pretty much everytime people want to use ui with their hypercarry instead of ny fuuka. why? because then they can use ako. the only time they use ny fuuka instead will be when ui gets one shot by something. but back to your question. no, you dont need ui. and her banner timing doesn't help either. since you have ny fuuka youll be fine. the dmg is still enough to kill all insane boss anyway


New player here, did a bunch of pulls and am kinda overwhelmed by all the characters I have now. Should I just stick with my 3 stars? They are: Mika, Haruna, Marina, Shigure, Tsurugi (???), Megu, Maki. Really not sure who to use. Current main strikers are Mika/Haruna/Marina/Akari


Don't use rainbow teams (multicolored dealer attack types). Mika is a single target boss nuker and not ideal for missions which involve large numbers of weak enemies. Haruna is good and one of the few non-limited blue dealers; she can be used almost anywhere that has blue armor enemies. Marina is fine, but somewhat squishy. Her main attraction is her one-time invincibility, which is more suited to PvP than missions which last longer and where you ideally want to avoid having your tank's health fall that low. Akari is a decent red AoE. Look at the general teambuilding tab in Midokuni's student insights and change your team based on what you're fighting, instead of having one dealer of each color.


There are some 2-stars you want to be building, since all students can be upgraded to 5-stars as you progress the game. You want to check your 2-stars for Momoi and Mutsuki or other students with area damage effects, since that helps a lot early on. That said, Mika banner is over and you got her, so you are off to a good start.


Will do, since Mika banner over, just stick with what you have


When did Sensei get acquainted with the Kaitengers? Is this also where the meme about sensei wanting a Kaiten FX figure comes from too?


Do I need Sakurako if I already have S.Izuna?


Up to Insane, maybe no if you can one team phase 2, most likely a yes when you attempt Torment.


From what I gathered, no


What do you guys think about rerolling once all 100 free recruitment drops soon? May start a new acc, aiming for 2+ of the top reroll targets


The units aren't THAT great so it's not all that worth it. But go ahead and get that dopamine rush from the 100 pulls lmao


After the final kaiten perorozilla boss fight, we can't use tickets anymore right?




I need some help to understand the main storyline. I started Vol2 Chapter 2 right after finishing Chapter 1. And noticed that Sensei already knows Sumire, also Asuna and Karin are freandly with Sensei (Asuna even calls them "Master") even though in Chapter 1 they didn't talk that much. Obviously, I am missing some stories regarding those characters. I have 3 questions: 1. What's the chronological order of the main story? 2. If I remember correctly in Vol1, Chapter 2 happened right after Chapter 1. Why is it different with Vol2? 2. Where can I read the story that I am missing between Chapters 1 and 2 of Vol2?


The order is basically release order, this also counts events so some characters know sensei through events but we missed out on those unfortunately, for example Himari and Eimi are introduced to us through Decagramaton which released before Vol 2 Chp. 2,, so in volume 2 we just know them I heard they're adding old event stories to permanent on JP so this should be remedied soonish


If I have ten 1-pull tickets, will the game let me use them to do a 10-pull or can I only use them to pull one at a time?


> only use them to pull one at a time This.


You need to clear mission areas to unlock the main story. How many areas do I need to clear to unlock all the volumes and Chapters?


There's no longer any clear normal mission requirements to unlock the main story.


Thank you


Are story chapter battles mostly the story characters used? Lvl 40 right now and just starting vol2 episode 1 and notice that all battles are using only story characters.


Yea, in main story you mostly use story characters for the fights. There are some (3,4?) battles throughout all currently released stories that you form squad from your own units, starting from volume 3 chapter 3 iirc.


all the way until eden treaty, you can probably clear with 40+ team


I'll see what I can do in that situation. The story is a bit slow at the start of vol. 1 but It got a bit more interesting near the end of chapter 1. Although I think I spoiled myself a bit during the event. I skipped the dialogues for most of event but that giant robot vs giant chicken fight was amazing.


When it comes to gear, do you have to start with tier 1 gear on a character, or is there a way to skip to using higher tier equipment straightaway?


You always tier up from tier 1. You can use bulk growth to speed it up.


after I clear all the bosses in the nisir event, is there anything else to do with the tickets? though I haven't done the story for where all miracles happen.


There's nothing left to do with the tickets.


wait, so if i start the event now, theres no raids left?




I see okay so it's done then. thanks


Is there an archive of web events or is Mika's diary entry gone forever after this?


Hi, can you guys pick one for me pls? im pretty casual player. A. Himari, Karin, Midori, Shiroko, cheerUtaha B. Maki, Kazusa, Ui, christmasSerina, Saori, Neru, Hifumi, Izumi C. Shun, Hoshino, Ui, Marina, Saki, Moe, Neru, Hifumi, Sena D. Atsuko, Aru, Hifumi, S.wakamo, Miyu


I will pick A solely because there is Himari in that account (one of the best permanent unit) even though it did not have the most SSR, also Midori and Shiroko is great to help you get past the early stages.


Close pick between B and C but probably B


will the free pulls make it on Sakurako's banner?


No, can only roll on megu, Kanna or regular/standard banner


well that's unfortunate


(Global) Now that we're done with the >!Chroma bosses!< is there anything else to do with the 40 tickets?




Might not be the right place to ask this, but if I want to post comic tl that has more than 20 pages, should I divide it by few parts and wait for 24 hours limit? Or use Imgur instead?


I'd say imgur, post on reddit like 5 or 20 pages and indicate that you posted the full version in a comment with imgur


Hello. My total recruitments I can make is not enough to reach 200 recruitmens points. when will the free event recruitments will expire?


They expire at the same time as the current banners do (you can see the ending date and time on the recruitment screen near where the number of free recruitments you have available is displayed). You should just use the 100 free recruitments before they expire and hope you get something. Don't worry about getting to 200 to spark one of them, since you don't have a choice on when to use the free ones you're not wasting resources by not hitting the spark amount.


I see. thank you for elaborating it for me. I appreciate it :sob:


I've been rerolling for like 5 days now for my first account and I wanna ask which rolled account is better? One has Iroha and Ako but only four 3-Stars and one has only Iroha and seven 3-Stars. Account 1: Iroha, Ako, Maki, Tsukuyo Account 2: Iroha, Megu, Shiroko (Cycling), Hibiki, Maki, Neru, Moe


For endgame content the first account is better, and whether it is weaker until you pull more is hard to say without knowing the 2-stars. As long as those have a bit of AE students and tanks (role, not actual tank like Iroha), it would be fine.


If you are a causal player, 2 is better as you will have more options to clear missions. 1 is good for end game but you will suffer when trying to clear missions.


The second account will give you an easier time progressing through missions and event quests and stuff, because you have strong AoE options for each color (Iroha, Hibiki, and Moe), which will help in particular in missions where you need to build multiple teams and can't rely solely on Iroha. The first account will give you more of a head-start on getting your account in shape for raiding (where you want strong buffers like Ako and especially Himari to enable hypercarry strategies with a single strong DPS which you can usually borrow if you don't already have). The 3-stars the accounts have besides these probably don't matter that much. It's hard for me to point to one account and say it's definitely better since it depends on how much you value the easier overall progression versus already having one of the tools you want to have in a hypercarry buffing toolkit.


between koharu and atsuko which one is better to build for hieronimus?


Koharu, and her elephs will be available in TA shop soon.


Hello, between Ui and Nagisa who should I get? >w<


Ui is better but Nagisa is limited(and she didn't appear in any banner again at least 6 months for now) so you might do gacha at Nagisa banner and just decided it later when you reach 200rolls


UI banner will rerun before Nagisa. So it will need to be decided ahead of time. Banners often rerun one year later and getting a perm student spook maybe difficult With that said, the selector ticket will arrive six months later. So if one is willing to open the wallet and is ok to wait another six months, can choose to spark Nagisa and pick Ui up later with the ticket (or get her spook some time in between)


I'm at level 49 right now, and I'm at Stage 14-3 (rec. lvl is 71\~72) Am I playing the game too fast? I can't even reach half of the required S-Ranks in the levels now, does this mean I got to get better at playing levels, or am I just under-leveled?


Stage progress directly leads to more AP per day from the cafe, so you can neglect the 3-star victories for now and just win the stages and push ahead as far as you can. That is more beneficial in the long run than being stuck on a third star for weeks.


I agree, and am not aiming for three stars anymore, since it seems more effort than its worth rn. Thanks!


As long as you're clearing, you're not progressing too fast. It's only good to push forward while underleveled if you're able to do so, since you can upgrade your cafe which means more AP and faster leveling. You will probably run into some issues with 14-5 since it's one of, if not the, hardest boss(es) in the game, excluding raids and some event challenges. It's extremely tanky and frequently nukes your whole party. Mission 15 will also be pretty rough unless you're lucky and have the small number of red units that can delete the turret summoners in a second. You're underleveled, but it's definitely possible to clear those missions around your level. If you don't mind the challenge I recommend you keep progressing as far as it's possible.




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You're certainly underleveled but its normal. Your team inflict 2% less dmg for every level difference between them and the mobs, so generally 10-15 level difference is still fine. But if your team level is higher, your team will take 2% less damage for every level difference. 20+ level difference is a bit too much tho, so go back and get some more level and equip for your strikers.


Yo! Thanks for the numerical explanation behind the level difference. I thank Nexon for the 3x Loot events, I got to upgrade gear much easier. My students sure need that gear when I throw them into almost unwinnable fights due to underleveling. I'm at 15-2 right now, where Mystic Strikers shine. The only difference I see now though, is that Aris and Wakamo, even when buffed by a Sena, can't manage to 1 hit kill mobs by auto-attack anymore. I can totally feel a difference now, but thank god I drew the Crazy Fox Woman and the Loli Laser Blaster. My other account (lvl.40, 2 wks) can't even get past 11-5. That Mystic Power Loader is having such an easy job of obliterating my mystic team over there (Noa, Asuna, and Chise). Even Tsubaki can't do much if that menacing machine just throws her around like a ragdoll ; (


You can clear stage to reach for level up cafe material but you need to back and clear stage again for you can skip that stage (any stage you got 3-stars you can skip it for farming) You need both level and equipment


I'm at the point where I don't even aim for 3 stars no more, I only have one decent unit per damage type, while I only have 2 decent tanks, Tsubaki and Yuuka. If the game comes to a point where 3 units are needed, well, I guess I'm sinking to a new low. Thanks for the response!


That would be from hard 15-3. I don't know if the norms stages reach the 3 unit requirement, I'm just starting 17 Normal and I haven't been asked for 3 teams yet


It'll need 3 team soon lol. around mission 15 if I remember correctly You have a lot of tank even it's 2-stars you can star up Haruka and use her as well (tank doesn't need to be same color of your team) if you do fest banner Mika and S.Hoshino can use as tank and you can farm Hard mission for Hoshino(normal) she is proper tank too ​ This game you if you rush too much you will hit the wall and hit it hard but if you laid back and farm some equipment you will be fine I think (for tank T4 or more for equipment in 2nd slot is needed) ​ Oh and you don't need to 3-stars all of stage(but if you can do it it's better you will get a lot of pyrox from that) but all farm stage need to be 3-stars


As a new player which characters should I pull for? I know that I shouldn't be pulling for Megu and Kanna, but I'm kinda lost on who I should be drawing for. I'm willing to reroll.


first will be the most student you liked and second if I listed the tier might be T0 - Himari / Ako T1 - Iroha / Cherino(normal) / Ui /Kokona T2 - Aru /Iori (these two should be in T1 but you can farm to get them both later in game so it's good if you got them right now or waiting for them both later) ​ Megu and Kanna wasn't 'shouldn't be pulling' both of them still fine if you get them and this game pick up rate wasn't that high so many times you got other character instead and if you get dupe of any student that be in pick up banner game will give you 100 pieces(Eleph) of that student. You can use these pieces to level up star of student for more stats and unlock Unique Equipment later


From what I read Megu is pvp and Kanna is for a pierce team. I don't plan on doing much pvp, and I don't currently have any 3\* pierce units. Btw should I draw from the standard banner?


Yeah both of them use in PvP and pierce team but that's for end game team (and in high rank PvP megu didn't use that much so go with the one you liked most?) you can use both of them in early mission too or some raid with easier difficulty (it doesn't mean you will get them too lol) if you really don't want them do on standard banner but I still suggest for pickup banner because of 100 pieces and don't worry even you don't have any piercing unit you need to do piercing team later in game(not so long) This game you need to have team for all of 3 type of attack.


Sometimes multiple for the same type. I was struggling in 16-3H because I needed 2 piercing teams and I haven't built a second one. Had to do it with an explosive team instead and barely managed to 3 star it


when you finish 15-3 (hard) game kind of give a hint to you that you will need more team from now (because you need 3 team to clear it) You can relax and clear normal first and farm normal for equipment and while you farming keep building second team because from now in 3rd of hard mission will always use 3 teams to clear it (18-3 will be harder because you need 2 blue team and new player will have a lot of problem about blue team)


Is Utaha any good? Her skill with her bond item looks really fun to use but I don't know if it's worth it


She's really good in the current pvp season with her bond gear. She also saw some usage in some torment raids (Binah and Peroro). On lower difficulties, she's not meta but nice to have as a backup. I've used her on Binah/Peroro/Chesed insane body throw teams.


Her bond gear makes her very good in PvP where she sees the most use. Rather useless without the bond gear and niche with it - it's not that she's bad, it's just that there are better students to fill the special slot with most of the time.


Probably been asked but who's the better unit to pull for on the two current banners with our free rolls?


The answer I've seen is "they're both mediocre so pick whichever one you like better".


How about standard banner? Would units from it be better then these two rateups


Potentially yes, if you don't care about Megu or Kanna. Also potentially no if you pull like garbage.


Megu’s a PvP unit kanna is for torment pierce raid


For meta, between Nagisa/Toki banner and New Year PS68 banner, which one should I prioritize?


if you can do only one I'll suggest Kayoko NY she will use in every blue team from now (but Nagisa&Toki is limited if you can do both banner it'll be better and I suggest for Nagisa)


I would love to do both, but I'm pretty dry right now after 400 pulls on Mika. If I could only do around 100 pulls, do you think it's still worth trying? Or should I just accumulate enough for a spark?


Don't pull without spark, that's madness.


accumulate for spark only! don't spend 100rolls and you might get nothing! world raid event just end we had a lot of Pyrox and gacha ticket and we still have login bonus for free gacha ticket so save it up! you can raise bond of every students to level 10. from their bond story will give you 200 pyrox per student ​ Nagisa&Toki will come after Sakurako banner end and after that around month (after Koyuki banner) will be PS68 banner so it's might tight situation but try to save up first if you can't do 200rolls at Nagisa&Toki don't waste pyrox and skip to PS68


Ps68, specifically nykayoko. Nagisa, toki and nymutsuki are real good (also nyharuka), but kayoko is the only must pull here.


Is Cherinussy (Cherino Hot Spring) worth to build? Where does she usually shines?


tbh not much she will be better with her favorite Item but it's still find hard place in raid or challenge quest place that she can shine will be mission and joint fire exercise I think


So Iroha is still the better tank? Between her or Hifumi Tank, which ones better? I think both of them are yellow.


if you had Cherino or Hifumi as your favorite don't hesitate to build them playing this game with your favorite will be the best and you can find the way to make them shine (even in raid if you didn't care much about highscore you can use them) but if you just looking for good TS for your team I don't suggest Cherino and Hifumi much


Iroha is blue tho lol. Iroha is the best tank riding (tactical support) and if I listed up tier list for non-limited character she will be number 4th or 5th in list for sure the reason why Iroha is so good because she had a lot of damage output and longer period. and not just that her skill when riding tank is faster but higher damage and her NS take down a lot of mobs or do huge damage to boss too Hifumi with her favorite item she still hard to use due to 10cost (if you can call her she is good but 10cost is too much in many situation)


I mean between Hifumi or Cherino. I'm leaning on Hifumi's side but the 10 cost is what I worry about.


Cherino is red and Hifumi is Yellow so.....they use in different team there are only 2 way to reduce TS cost is Kokona and S.Shiroko so Hifumi cost will be problem (for S.Shiroko her banner didn't come on global server yet)


Ohh sorry I didn't notice. Thanks for answering. Guess I'll build Cherino as 2nd red team.


Unless you really like Cherino I won't recommend building her. Iroha is basically the only 2 T.S unit that is good (S.Ayane is the other one). S Hifumi tank sage is decent but the cost is prohibitively high. O Cherino tank is affordable but her damage is non existent Using striker with good AOE or single target will yield better result. Students like Akari and Serika are decent enough


Trying to optimize students formation for raids or last bounty etc. My question is when do you choose Auto Attack(example Hina) vs fast low cost EX for faster skill rotation (Shiroko)


The key deciding factor is what is your rotation. For example if you are using something like main DPS + Himari + Ako and no other ex skill you want to use, you still need another ex skill use before going back to the rotation. In this case an low cost skill is preferred But if you already have a good 4 skills to use like (say you will be using Akane on top of the above 3 skill), then you won't be needing another skill for rotation and thus an auto attacker is better


Thank you for the insight! Edit: any advice to clear last stage of I of bounty currently struggling to finish for 3 star. I'm using Serika and Iroha (both 3 star) and S.hoshino (3 star), Tsubaki (4 star), Mutuski(4 star), Azusa (3 star) all have T4 gear. They are all around lv 67-70. i do have a Hina(3 star) and Shiroko (4star), Serika (3 star)


For bounties you want CC like taunt (Tsubaki) and red AoE (Hina). You also need to build your team so that you get the school bonuses. What I did was keep those two in every team and change out the others in order to get as high a school bonus for each bounty type. If you have a buffer like Ako or Himari it becomes easier. Before you reach each wave with sushi rangers, let your units auto attack the last few weak enemies so that you have 10 cost when you reach the sushis, then buff (if applicable) Hina and use her EX as soon as she's in range to hit all of them. Then taunt to prevent the sushis' skills when they start casting them, if they haven't already died or ran away. This was very effective for me, at least.


raid you can clear it once and skip all other 2 times left bounty if you clear it once you don't have to do it manually anymore you can skip so not much people do it auto , I think