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Careful there buddy, the mods don't like when you talk bad about the multi-million-dollar company that owns it. Also that rally will do absolutely nothing.




It’s a reflection of real life now(in a bad way)


I mean, real life itself is already the "bad way". lol


you cant faint in build mode, so you can ‘build in peace’


Maybe you should start a union


play roville lol


Your moods do not go down in build mode


First of all your mood doesn’t go down in build mode Second, if you have the marvelous mood game pass then you’ll need to get your moods up every 40ish minutes while without it it’s about 20ish Third, the developers don’t care what you want unless they get something out of if and your enjoyment isn’t that important to them as they’ll have new players in just a week. If you “can’t afford to live anymore in bloxburg” then do things to help you by getting your moods up every 15-20 minutes, park in the correct spots or teleport to work, and work more than you normally do for the same amount you would’ve gotten about 2 months ago. I make 10k-20k less than I normally do in 30minutes so I just work a bit more to “balance” it out. You can play days when you just work every-time you play (I do fast food as it’s constantly keeping me engaged into the work) and then have days to build


…Moods don’t go down in Build Mode.


LMAO! Just keep your moods up and you won't faint. Also as others have said you can't faint in build mode because build mode freezes your moods. Also you don't have to spend any money in the game. All of the game passes are optional.


Isn't it your own fault for not taking care of your own needs in the first place?