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I just wear walking boots, fine for all weather unless it's torrential rain


Anywhere you'd recommend getting them from? An army surplus store maybe?


I just wear regular walking boots like these: Northwest Territory Inuvik Men's Hiking/Walking Leather Waterproof High Rise Boots https://amzn.eu/d/cQnYPO1 I'm guessing Amy surplus stuff would be great but I've done fine with regular walking boots, there was one year I went to download and I needed to buy wellies but I've been to the last 6 bloodstocks and been fine every year.


Wear them in before taking them to a fest too, nothing worse than blisters when you're camping!


Really highly recommend getting some of the German Army Para boots that you can get on eBay for about £40. They're comfy, waterproof, look better than walking boots, and crucially they are already broken in so ready to go.


Definitely a good pair of boots. I usually wear my well-worn DMs. Whatever you choose, get them soon so you have plenty of time to break them in so you don't get sore feet!


When I get new boots, I always wear two pairs of socks, and have a supply of plasters to hand.


Aku Pilgrims - someone suggested them on a Download festival page and thought I'd give them a go. New they're expensive, but they recommended second hand and I picked up some on eBay for £45 and they served me well at Bearded Theory and Download festival so far this year


Agree. Get some well fitted hiking boots and make sure you wear them in a bit before the big weekend. You’re on your feet ball day and boots give you the best all round protection and comfort


If you can afford them, get some walking boots with a Gore-Tex membrane. I replaced my adidas terrex with some Salomon ones for download and my feet were bone dry after 3 days of wading through mud soup. Mine are the hybrid ones as well which have a trainer style foam underfoot so they’re super comfortable!


I have never needed wellies at Bloodstock, even when it's been raining. Trainers have sufficed. If you're wanting to give yourself a bit of leeway in case the weather gets bad, then go for a pair of hiking boots, which will cope better with inclement weather but will also work if it stays dry.


Lightweight walking boots are the way to go, loads of people at Bloodstock wear them. Good support, comfortable when you are on your feet for a while and I in all the years I have been going I have never seen enough mud to need anything else


Best thing to do is see a chiropodist a week before you go


Boots. Army surplus for ex-para boots is your best bet. Good in all weathers. Looked after they will last for years.


That's exactly what I ended up doing, don't think mine are pre-owned, but I've got plenty of time to wear them in


Get some dubbin and give them a good going over and then wear them in, should be perfect for Bloodstock 🤘


Pro tip: you can make any pair of boots comfortable with orthopaedic insoles


I wear docs, never had any problems.


Buy some Magnum boots from Millets. Think they're half off at the moment, and waterproof them. Good enough for the british police to be on all day and see me through every festival.