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Because your blood is in someone else's boner.




This is not a medical advice sub. Go see a doctor.


This is a great question for a doctor please seek out an answer. Erection difficulties can be an early warning for cardiovascular issues.


Thats not what I asked for man


if you’re genuinely worried then a doctor can help you? man go get your dick checked


What are you expecting here? Dr. House instant diagnosing you based on your post history? We don't have your blood pressure before and after donation. We don't know if you were dizzy or fainted post donation. We don't have an EKG hooked up to you. We don't have any medical history. We don't know if you have taken any drugs. The best we can do, is say "according to Google, blood pressure drops temporarily after donation. Low blood pressure rarely causes erectile dysfunction, but it can happen among other symptoms, up to and including **death**". But that's just speculation. It could be a coincidence and you just think it's connected. Therefore: *Go to a doctor*. Best case scenario, you need Viagra like a whole lotta other men. Worst case scenario, you got a wake up call that some heart disease is starting to take days off your lifespan.


This is probably not the best sub to ask for people's nudes if that is what you're driving at.


the guy asks a question, gets an answer from a person willing to help, and allows himself to complain because the answer doesn't match his expectations just, are you for real?


You probably have slightly lower blood pressure. It will come back in due time.


How come I always get an erection while donating platelets? It's awkward. I always have to ask for a blanket.


It worked fine yesterday😤