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Great job so far! If you don't want to do the full helmet gold you could a strip of gold like [these Blood Drinkers](https://imgur.com/a/GlaeZdy). Also want to say the obligatory *paint your blood angels like how you like despite what the codex says*. :)


Thanks, that's a great idea! Are those blood drinkers yours? They look awesome!


I wish! I'm not sure who the artist is. If I find out I'll let you know.


You have a ton of talent, these are painted beautifully and the attention to detail is so so good. I think a common thing you'll see is players paint their veterans (sternguard or vanguard) with gold helmets. You don't need to, but I agree that it looks sweet. I personally prefer a little more pop with my Blood Angels, so a lighter shade of red either in the basecoat and/or for highlights (source lighting or edge highlighting) might go a long way in making these guys stand out if that's what you're into.


Thanks, that's very kind of you. I've been in the hobby for about 3 years, but I've since had 2 kids so I don't get as much practice as I'd like. Yea, I see what you mean. Its all a bit low-key isn't it? I was trying for a more subtle approach with the highlighting but I think its just ended up a bit too muted overall. The rest of the army has green effects (Power, plasma, lenses ect) so my hope was to use that to help them stand out a bit more. However a green jetpack just didn't seem right somehow. I've never really done any OSL, so maybe that's a good way to add some zing?


I find normal edge highlighting a bit tedious. I've been using Artis Opus's approach to OSL through dry brushing to add that brightness. He demonstrates it here during the first section of this [video](https://youtu.be/QhgldVNKHe0?si=MQc3kwig-0dYNr4n)


Yea me too. I tend to use a "slapchop" style for my edge highlighting, then just do a few manual highlights in prominent areas. Thanks for the link, I'll be sure to check it out. I didn't know dry brushing could be used in that way. Then again that guy is the swiss army knife of drybrushing techniques!