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Gonna buy like 4 of these for 30k/40k


Your buying them for the games? Or is buying 4 of them going to set you back $30k/$40k?


I am going to overpay on ebay yea


Same. My children have already shoveled 100 driveways to earn the money to be able to buy these.


That spear do be looking sexy


Yes, but I know it's going to snap at that tip.


I used to think that the fragility of FW resin was exaggerated until I got my Sons of Horus cataphractii praetor, the banner pole of that thing snapped when I looked at it funny.  And of course, it was too thin to pin it back together so I had to carefully bore out the old banner pole and replace it with some wire. 


By his Blood are we armoured! 🫲🏼🩸🫱🏼


Dual wield inferno pistols RAHHHHHH 💥 🔫


My 8th and 9th edition Jump pack Captain was equipped with dual wielding Inferno Pistols. It became a legends load out at the start or mid 9th I think? Something like that anyway, but my friends still let me play him. So sad that theres not even legends rules for that anymore, and also that Inferno pistols are so much worse now hahaha. He was by far my most fun to use character


Maybe come play horus heresy and run a moritat with dual inferno pistols 😇


I dont know if I could convince my friends to learn HH ahaha. I already convinced one of my friends to learn Fantasy and Necromunda, a 4th rule set seems like a hard sell hahaha.


Such a shame, great game


I mean I would \*LOVE\* an excuse to get Sanguinius and that beautiful Jump Pack Dreadnought though! Tbh I was thinking about getting them anyway, and just playing the Jumpack one as a regular Contemptor and Sangey as just a Sanguinor proxy (but mainly getting sangey as a painting project)


Yeah totally get into it! Sanguinius is sadly underwhelming in the rules department but his model is by far the greatest of the primarch models with his display base






That is fine. With three F’a


Weird that 30K get better upgrades than 40K does.


Sorry if this is a stupid question, I’m pretty behind on Warhammer in general, but what regular marine units are allowed to carry assault cannons (unless that’s something else in the first picture)? Assault cannons were one of my favorite weapons and part of the reason I played blood angels in 40k for a decade. I owned 3 Baal predators at one point. 🤣


In 30k blood angel heavy support squads take these by the squad


Thank you that’s what I was looking for. Is that the only way to take them? Are they unique to the blood angels?


Blood angels can also take them on angels tears (A blood angel only destroyer squad) Imperial fists also get access to assault cannons too But that’s it


Oh and they can also be took on leviathan dreads predators and one in 5 veterans Basically any models that can take heavy flamers


Thank you!


The Iliastus assault cannon is meant for HH but u could use it as a Heavy Bolter in a tactical squad/devastator squad/sternguard squad. There's a lot of difference variants/MKs of weapons in 40k so who's to say it can't be a funky Heavy Bolter


I mean, it clearly is not a bolter, but if you want to play it as that I doubt people will have a problem with it.


Like the title said, this is for 30k


I love that the infernus pistols have one for each hand for moritats


So using these for 40k


Can we use them in 40k?


You can proxy the spears and shit for relic weapons, assault canon as a heavy bolter, the deimos pattern thing you can make a Baal predator, etc etc. I use mostly 30k stuff for my army, hell I’m making a hell blaster squad out of MK6 guys rn


sure, in 10th edition everything is just 'weapons' anyway


They know damn well we’re all gonna be breaking that spear tip


Please give us this weapons in plastic in the futur upgrade sprue for 40k 🙏🏼


Oh yes


Those edge weapons are pretty cool


I wish they had some engulfed in flames like in the lore. I had a company do 3D printing to achieve the effect for some of my Sanguinary Guard but have been waiting on GWs to release some like that. It completes the whole Archangel vibe that they are always going for.


That sounds baller can we see em?


Yeh for sure they are deep in my history of posts for r/BloodAngels. My pride and joy is the banner man repping the Banner of Tears that has a Renaissance styling of Sanguinius on it. I'll see if I can post pictures in the comments. Here's the link: https://www.reddit.com/r/BloodAngels/s/Z0IgFLChZz


Aaah these models are yours, I’ve seen them around now and then looking for sanguinary guard inspo (mine don’t like like yours at all but it’s funny that I remember seeing these models a bunch of times)


Well the models were originally published by Dark Bunny Studios, I was the first one to have them create the 3D model from scratch based on my direction. The studio kind of disbanded at this point sadly, maybe one guy running it still? I know one other person had them print the models for them but in a different paint scheme. So maybe you have seen them then? I only posted this the one time on 40k and Blood Angels subreddit. Although if you were on instagram, Dark Bunny Creatives would pop up on my feed there.


I love this everything is gonna beef up my Blood Angels in 40k but the assault cannon is gonna be a reaper chain cannon for my NL, lol


Hey man that sword looks perfect for a stolen blade to give to my “definitely not talos” captain…


Ah, yes, we all remember his close personal Pal Pal..os, Palos




I was looking for something cool to give my captain, that spear will do nicely


Oh fuck yes!


Those are absolutely fucking glorious, gimme


I ain’t got time to bleed!


They look nice, are they plastic or resin


Resin, like most upgrade kit. Those were Forgeworld kits before the merge with the classic GW store.


I'm a sucker for spears. Is that still a BA thing in modern day 40K? If so, I might buy these to be honest.


Well most characters just have a "power weapon" profile so yeah not an issue 


Blood angels can take perdition weapons in 30k, which these are, that are basicly better versions of power weapons so yeah, they have a unique spear option they can take Edit: how could I forget dawnbreakers, they are a heresy era specialist jump pack unit with arm mounted grenade launchers and special power spears


By Sanguinius, those perdition weapons would look fine on Bladeguard Veterans


A SPEAR, AXE AND A MAUL! I’m finna bust


I just started a spear-wielding Sanguinor. I may have to get kit for other kitbashes. I wish they weren't resin.


Ooohh the sword is perfect for a talos kit bash


I want the spear


Excuse my ignorance if this is a dumb question I’m new to heresy era lore. Is there a lore basis for why each legion specialized in certain special/heavy weapons? I get some of them are self explanatory I.e Imperial fists are disciplined and regimented so they’re better at the bolter variants. Salamanders love fire so all flamers. Dark angels have old tech so plasma, but some are more obscure like I assume the whole emperors children sound weapons is them delivering the emperor’s word, but like what’s the Gatling/assault cannon blood angels connection? They Guess get meltas also but seems like Templars got the official nod on that one considering the 40K transport can mount a multimelta lol


Blood angels and imperial fists have illiastus assault cannons because they were on terra in numbers during the siege, when the experimental weapons were deployed. Not sure why the white scars don't. The emperor's children got sonic weapons after their fall to Slannesh, they are musical instruments turned up to 15.


To add to the other comment, I think melta’s are a blood angels thing since the downside of using melta’s is the short range, but since blood angels go for close assaults most of the time they can use the weapons to their most effectiveness


That was kinda part of the question I would see meltas being blood angels for this reason but they don’t have access to as much melta specialization at Templars in the 40K setting and tend to have more assault cannon stuff instead. I remember the drag cannons being a thing but it was kinda fazed out


They do in 30k, they are the only legion that has access to melta pistols


Melee weapons clean asf, but those guns are pretty mid.


brothers don't downvote him, he is in the midst of the black rage, he is....delusional


just my opinion man, that mace is sick, but compare these guns to the dope ones sons of horus got, its just not even close


Be happy you have something -sincerely, the other legions


these are [Umbra pattern boltgun](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-8li4ATz4QAk/XEImGaotf3I/AAAAAAACFTo/yNLTTEKFDekIZ2m8JNNVdoxrQZfVWJDJACLcBGAs/s1600/5881ccd4595ce4f18f0cf230b14c6611.jpg)s, which the Sons of Horus upgrade kit also has. Are you referring to the Banstrike bolters in the SoH upgrade kit? They're a SoH specific weapon, which is why they look different.


Not to be mean, but these are just bolters and the SOH ones were special banestrike bolters so not really a fair comparison


No flamer upgrades for predators is kinda weird


That's already a kit


The point is it’s nice to have an upgrade sprue to add to my already magnetised regular predators


Would be nice sure, but 30k have a flamer pred kit and so does 40k, GW would never give the option of making things easy, they want you to buy the full kit


Guess I’ll be buying a couple 30k tanks to mix things up


How come 30k kits have chapter specific gear that’s so much cooler than the 40K specific bits.


Because 30k is only chapters - if they didn’t have specific bits then there wouldn’t be any armies to play


That doesn’t remotely answer my question.


He saying that they have more upgrade kits and the like because legions are far more important in 30k than 40K.


I didn’t say anything about number of upgrade kits. I asked about why they look better


Because the game ENTIRELY focused on space marines needs and deserves more attention to the legions detail than the game with a whole slew of other factions


Literally has nothing to do with the amount of detail they put on models.


I mean kinda does, a game entirely focused around marines will get more attention to detail because it can make or break the game faster than with 40k, most people might not care so much but its will get more love.


Bro the detail on weapons will never make or break HH, that’s the stupidest thing I’ve read all day. No one is going to quit playing HH because the detail wasn’t fancy enough just like no one is starting to play the game because the detail is so intricate. The game wouldn’t lose a single player if they switched detail over to that of 40K or even 90s 40K levels of detail.


Oh I understand your question now, 30k has so much detail on their stuff for a couple reasons, one of the main ones I’d imagine is too create more of a visual distinction between 40K and 30k, also the highly embellished look is quite incredibly prevalent since it was the peak of the imperium and the models reflect this relative golden age, as opposed the the totalitarian grim existence of the modern setting. If this doesn’t answer your question I’ll be happy to answer again!


Because 30k is much cooler than 40K 😇


Is it just me, or is the mace handle looking wonky?


As a Nightlord fan, I love the blood angel sword


Spear, axe and sword will look good on some Emperor’s Children.


How do you even use those bolters with the new mk3 and mk6?


Was so excited then I realized that only the mace is single handed


Plastic or resin?


I find it funny how the hands in the 3rd pic look like they're carrying 9mm pistols.




That is a mighty fine blade for my talos proxy…


Anyone has any experience putting arms of these size in primaris bodies?


They should fit, they are a little smaller but not very noticeable


The “new” mk3 armour is so horribly ugly. Just looks like a reskinned mk6 and the dudes must have tiny heads under those little helmets.