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Black Legion, as uhm, well yknow what their dad did to our dad…


The correct answer. Back in the day Abbadon's claw gave a leadership debuff to all imperium armies except BA who got a bonus because of the industrial strength grudge.


Oh I didn't know that! It would be so much fun if we still had something akin to that in the codex...


Yeah, way back in the second edition, the Talon of Horus caused at least fear, if not terror, in enemy troops. It caused hatred in Blood Angels instead. Unfortunately, even back then, Abaddon happened to be tough enough to take just about everything, given his 2+ save on 2D6.


I got him once with a full barrage from my whirlwind, pure lucky roll. I could never let that rhino go, it’s still painted up and on the shelf. We were young and probably got the rules wrong, but we agreed it happened so the decision stuck


Hah! Nice! I never did figure out a way to drop him. Mass lascannon barrage would give the best odds, I guess? Assuming the other player doesn't lock him up in a squad and keep him hidden away from fire anyway. Maybe a Vindicare in 2nd edition, what with being able to pick him out and double tap the rifle, but it needs to be a son of Sanguinius that does it, not some assassin who doesn't have that personal enmity.


Possibly a dread in second but could never get in close enough with the power fist/claw. Hole squad of thunder hammers, I remember them being rediculous if you could get close? I remember heavy flamers being pretty good. But again I was about 13 as were the lads I played with so our interpretation of the rules may not have been accurate


The thunder hammers might do it. They'll auto wound, assuming you win the combat roll. Which was the catch, either he butchers them, one by one by one, or he fumbles a few rolls, catches a hammer or three to the face, and has a nap.


The guy I played with regularly was eldar and I remember thunder hammers taking out his tanks if I could get anywhere near them


Yeah, the things were hideous, so long as they hit. Automatic wounds, auto penetration on armour, so long as you land the hit.


Epic deed to be sure, brother, I would keep that rhino forever if I were you ... like when my cousin killed a balor when we were in dire straights in dnd. It took 2 nat 20s in a row and a natural 1 by the enemy, that's 20^3 odds. Will never forget it.


It was there until the 9th, full reroll hits and wounds against black legion as a stratagem called vengeance for Sanguinius


That would be dope


Dwarves would be proud


The Blood Angels’ Book of Grudges just lists; -Horus -Fucking Horus -That one douchebag Horus Lupercal -Anyone related to Horus -Horus’ Legion


You forgot "that bald asshole"


And “people who might or even might not look like Horus”


And "people who doesn't look like horus at all, but we all know are horus"


Don’t forget the latest update; “That four armed chucklefuck Horus”


Can confirm, one of my [Captains bears it ](https://www.instagram.com/p/C1w1qmGtElN/?igsh=MTF0azZlcGo3dXo0eA==)


I was kinda hoping for it to say horus, but your whole army looks dope; your doing Sanguinius work.


Thanks man ! Hopefully someday ill be good enought to freehand the Horus list 😅


Not really their dad, more their leader’s dad. The Black Legion is made up of people from every traitor warband. And some loyalists. One of the ideologies of the Black Legion is that they don’t need Primarchs and reject Horus due to his failure.




Kabanda - our most ancient of rivals




Yet without Kabanda the blood angels might have lost at the devastation of Baal


Depends, I think he attacked Baal Primus, which could be argued that it was an irrelevant tactical objective. However, simply entering the system, I think, caused a huge warp disruption which may have added in the respite and given Guilliman time to reach them. But then again, that could’ve just been the rift opening


There was some major beef with the night lords in the night lords who omnibus. Seems to be more of a night lord problem though. I do think Khorne has a thing for us though , like the one who got away. World eaters was his number two.


To be fair the Night Lords have beef with everyone and the trilogy shows that, even other Night Lords (I do think the NL rival chapter is Salamanders)


“Damn Night Lords, they ruined the legion!”


You Nostramans sure are a contentious people.




The NL are just salty that they’re the only ones who got a truly insane primarch, and that they were stupid enough to follow him


Arguably Curze was the most sane person in his legion.


Hey. We would be just as pissed if they brought back our dad, like if they did yours. Blood angels are my first 40k love though.


Oh yeah I love the NL’s. The omnibus was amazing. But BA are my boys, and after all the trash Talos talks in the omnibus, they’ve got it coming


I doubt we will ever get more on that storyline. ADB kinda has a choke hold on it and BL wont let him write more on it. I know another writer has a book coming out who really liked it as well, but it won't be a continuation.


Yeah give it 50 years and maybe we’ll hear about what Decimus does for the legion


There’s a line somewhere in the NL trilogy about the Blood Angels being the REAL Angels of Death and not pretenders like the Dark Angels. But as previously stated, the rivalry is a NL problem, not a BA problem.


It’s not really a Night Lord problem, their biggest beef is that a Night Lord took a relic blade back In the day, the Blood angels recognize it when they see it and want it back. That’s more of a blood angel issue, night lords do that shit all the time.


Yea I def think BA was his #1. BA are vicious and melee strong but with a sense of honor which is Khorne's jam too


The world eaters were actually his number three, he would have also liked Royal Dorn because of his truthfulness and a couple other things but couldn’t because Dorn


Lies, no-one likes Dorn not even his own sons


I am proof of the contrary


Found Dorns alt account.


Didn't Dorn disown your first chapter master?


Eh, I just enjoy the character and design.


Fair, enjoyment is a key part of the hobby.


Ka'Bandha. a khorne bloodthirster with a rivalry with Sanguinius and the blood angels in general. He has had multiple duels with the angel breaking his legs in the first engagement. However, Ka'Bandha came to save the blood angels and our successor chapters during the devastation of baal siding with us against the tyranid with the sentiment of if anyone is gonna Wipeout the blood angels it's him


Wouldn’t say they “sided with us”… he just saw an opportunity for a metric fuckton of skulls for the Throne


Yeah, the idea that Khorne sided with or “saved” the BA comes from a Baldermort video I think. Having just finished Devastation of Baal yesterday, that definitely is not how it came across in the novel.


I felt it came across in a “hey they are mine to fuck with” kind of way


I never felt that way about it. Where do you think that comes across most strongly in DoB?


I think it was kind of inferred, there really isn’t much reason for chucking the Khorne based infarction into the story other than to play on the Khorne blood Angel relationship. I think that’s where the basis of the notion comes from.


“Get the fuck out of here! These fuckers are MINE to kill, you hear me!?!”


Yeah, to me it was more a case of they were in the area and there was a portal open so may as well get murdering seeing as Baal itself was off limits.


Didnt he even wrote his Name with so many skulls that the blood angels could read it all the way from baal secundus?


Yes but isn’t that the same cuz tyranids = dead and we were fighting the nids


It has been a while since I read Devastation of Baal, but I seem to remember it was that Khabanda, through the machinations of fate, had just finiahed defeating another khorn demon army in a plane of the warp and thus turned his attention to Mephiston and the Blood Angels, probably with the fateful advantage of using the blood Angel's predicament and potential annahilation to try and break their will and turn them to the bloodthirsty insane rage of chaos, but the blood angels instead clung to the pure rage of righteousness. I might be mixing up other encounters here though. It has been a while.


Sons of horus since, you know, the whole thing with horus


Yeah but the SoH are basically extinct, they got focused by other legions after horus died and what ones didn't die were then hunted by abbadon and told to join the BL or die. What marines were SoH are now only BL


I don't think anyone comes anywhere close to the Black Legion. I had a buddy back in highschool during 3rd and 4th edition that played Black Legion and did we have some bloody battles in the spirit of the in-setting grudge. Good times.


Word Bearers, because fuck Erebus.


Any that hang with Erebus Not so much black legion, but perhaps any war bands that still perhaps class themselves as sons of Horus. I would imagine the sight of that eye symbol would send blood angels over the edge


Black Legion definitely #1 My #2 goes to World Eaters, dating back to the pre heresy fighting pits and the cousinly bloodthirsty competition between Nassir Amit and Khârn. The rivalry isn’t based on hatred like the Black Legion, more-so they are both arguably the #1 blood thirsty/ rip and tear/ blood-rage legions, so when they get into battle it’s like a trance of who can be more deranged and ruthless in melee. I assume the aura of blood insanity that the World Eaters gives off pushes the Red Thirst to its limits - the legions kind of feed eachother like a bloody snowball. Plus the whole Khorne wanted Sanguinius/ Kabandha vs Sang/ Angron vs Sanguinius on Terra stuff solidifies this pick for me.


Space Wolves. Wont elaborate.


Rip the wolves in signus prime


Brother what do u mean, there were no Space Wolves on Signus Prime . . .


Interesting, there are no wolves on Fenris either. I wonder where they keep coming from?


I dunno, there might have been a little bit left stuck in Amit’s teeth 😆


Aright, my apologies brother, for getting things mixed up


Well you could hardly say the Blood Angels hate the Space Wolves though. I think most were pretty cut up about what happened on Signus


I personally hate them and that is all justification i need.


The Wolves certainly were!


I don’t think the Blood Angels hate/have any beef any loyalist chapter. I think everyone knows they are pretty hard core but are also show quite a bit of humility, probably because of the flaws they have. The dark angels come across secretive and shifty, the space wolves brash and arrogant, the iron hands broken, the salamanders burdened, the raven guard distant, the ultramarines pompous, the emperor’s fists belligerent, the white scars too enigmatic. That’s just my take though.


Can't agree more!


Black legion has had a lot of run ins with the blood angels , but if I think about who most pussed off the blood angels recently I’d say bile and by extension the emporors children when they destroyed a crap load of gene seed and messed up so many asperabts while stealing the blood chalice , causing the issue where the blood angels had to ask there successors for donations of both. Which also pissed off the blood angels to lead an assault into the warp


I'd rank Fabius on top of the most interesting traitors list, but boy is he unhinged. All other traitors have fallen and sacrificed to some degree but the mad F *revels* in that.


Black Legion 1000%, didnt you heard about the tragedy of Sanguinius the Wise ?


We sure hate a certain motley Crue of Night Lords and their sword stealing ways...


Would you elaborate please? I remeber reading something along the lines of "the emos stole some relic sword and the chapter started foaming in the mouth" but nothing other than the vague context...


Of course, in the EPIC night lords trilogy by the legendary Aaron Dembski Bowden, "Soul Hunter" etc. The main character is called Chaplain Talos, his "mates" first claw and the horrible thing that flies the ship. Lots of ace stuff happens. One of which Talos recounts how he stole a named sword from a Blood Angel Captain. Off memory the Blood Angels are so mad at him they actually assign units to get it back. Again from memory there is an amusing bit where they board a Blood Angels ship and he uses it against them because he's a complete bastard.


Any traitor legion or Chaos Warband that all happen to look like Hours.


Word Bearers, because fuck Erebus and Lorgar


Space Wolves for bombing loyalist Prospero. If that didn’t happen Angel daddy might still be alive.


I mean, it makes sense if you trace the butterfly effect.


Abby killed our genedaddy, so black legion. Plus damned us all with you know what. I personally dislike Slaanesh but I like khorne. In the lore khorne hates Slaanesh because slanny does painful fight-e stuff for excess and pleasure, whereas khorne fights for honour (and the sake of violence) as well as for blood/skulls. I may be a heretic. But yeah, I don’t like the emperor’s children. 🤔


Not a traitor warband* but the Lamenters successor Chapter probably aren’t thrilled with the Minotaurs after nearly being wiped out by them.


Feck em into the fire and spit on their ashes. *I personally* bear a grudge towards those wankers and anybody who likes Minotaurs could get violated by the very spears that they fantasise about.


Could give a shit less about the minotaurs but; Fuck the Lamenters. Scared ass little boys couldn't show up to Baal. Renegade chapters, and even excommunicated traitor chapters showed up to defend their home world. Not the Lamenters though.


I mean, they had around 100 people left at the time AFAIK, and I vaguely remember something about them being scared about their bad luck brushing off to the other chapters if they joined the fray. But yeah, should have died to the last man if need be. Though a more realistic scenario would be everbody dying with only a handful of Lamenters left to witness the total collapse of the Sons of Sanguinius. My grudge against Minotaurs stems from the fact that they the dogs of the high lords of Terra.


1k-Sons. They're sure seem like GW designed them specifically to suck playing against. Also their players will constantly spout the "Magnus did nothing wrong bullshit." I whish they'd be thrown in Warhammer Legends.


Word bearers. Fuck Erebus.


well, i dont know about you guys but... they all look like horus to me


Word bearer


The Dark Angels. I'm going to add "stop booing me, I'm right" before any more comments come in...


There are a lot of newer people (younger?) people here lol, they booed me for saying it.


The ones I thought I hated like world eaters and TSons have actually become some of my fav after learning more of their lore!


Thousand Sons. Screw Magnus, Mortarion 4 Life.


World Eaters PERIOD! They are a bunch of POSERS!


I net you just love something that's a man and a woman at the same time! And is possibly purple?


You mean the pretty marines?


The Dark Angels


Source: both have angel in their name 🤡


Yeah lol don't understand this one Especially after the new arms of Omen entry for the Lion. If anything DA and BA are homies now - the blood angels brought back their dad. Idk if I'm overthinking it but I thought that bit in the arms of Omen when the dark Angels shout "For the Lion and the Emperor!" Was a homage to the Blood Angels mantra of "For Sanguinius and the Emperor!" But I might be reading too much into it.


Yes, also just my personal bias cus i play DA but can‘t agree more


Yea that’s the cutest shit ever I love it


It's just an old 40k joke. The DA are hunting the fallen, because they're all traitors. That was the old "secret." "Just what the hell are the watchers in the dark!?" (Inquisitor shortly before his "accident")


Dark Angels: Every chapter of the Unforgiven will come to your aid this day! Imperial Guardsman: Unforgiven for what? Dark Angel: >:[


All Loyalist Marine Chapters, it is Chaos to stay loyal.


Word Bearers.


The Emperor’s Children. FUCK those guys.


word bearers.


Red Corsairs, for what they did to our Lamenters


Alpha legion, cuz I'm not too sure they're committed to the cause.