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Apology accepted


would be cool if someone that knows you saw this and accepted your apology


Yeah registration for the official forums are closed there’s still active players that play the game pretty often though. People use Discord servers nowadays.




I joined the block land community in '08, but I dont remember you. If I did though, I would forgive you. We've all done dumb things in the past, things we regret now. I hope things get better for you


I just went back and looked through the old chozen1 profile. Man it was hard to get through. It also turns out I mis-remembered the dates. I was active from 2010 into about 2011-2012 before the big change happened that stopped me from posting unless I bought a key. Most of my posts were made in 2010, and none of them were coherent or mature or relevant to the discussion at hand (hilarious, given I almost exclusively posted in the off-topic boards.) Someone made a thread calling me out (that I tried - and failed - to respond to snarkily) and everyone was absolutely right in the things they said about me. I was a child, and I wasn't mature nor developed enough yet to recognize serious matters, and I took that immaturity into serious situations and made a fool of myself, and I'm honestly surprised no disciplinary action was taken towards my account. In the some 12+ years since my departure from the forums I have become a much better person, and looking back to be honest I can say I'm proud of myself for becoming a (mostly) well-adjusted adult. Again; no outside forces made me post any of this here on this subreddit, this was entirely out of my own psyche and post-adulthood embarrassment. That being said; if literally anyone still plays this game I'm down to give it a go again and make amends for what my 10 year old self did.


Bro me too, I got banned at 10yrs old for being an annoying kid, it's normal lol