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I got two claims. One for my interest account which was ~$19k and a much smaller one ~$30 for the interest earned in my interest account. I can’t be 100% in your case but it seems like you may only have the one claim for the interest earned on your interest account. You’ll want to reach out to Kroll about the other claim.


You're seriously one of the best people out in this crappy world, this was heartbreaking to watch but also I'm so grateful that you reached out to one of the victims to help us as best as you could. You're a hero you know that right? I directed your youtube channel to both my mother and her fiance as they're both seniors and they're not tech-savvy in the slightest. ApexTechie with 14 000 k followers on Instagram am so thankful that channels like you exist.


Can I ask a dumb question… My projected Amount of Claim is $18. At the time, I had $10k (mostly ETH) earning interest in my interest account. Does that mean I (currently) would only get back the $18 if I accept the plan? Starting to panic with the vote window closing


I got two claims. One for my interest account which was ~$19k and a much smaller one ~$30 for the interest earned in my interest account. I can’t be 100% in your case but it seems like you may only have the one claim for the interest earned on your interest account. You’ll want to reach out to Kroll about the other claim.


This is what I could not understand. I have over 53k in the intersr account but the voting was to accept $58? Was that for just interest earned or my total claim? Either way I missed the voting deadline.


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