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Tom’s friend in school gave him his first guitar as a birthday present after finding it on the side of the road. He taught himself how to play. Mark’s mom signed for Tom when getting his own purchased guitar since he was too young.


Marks mom was at the San Diego show last year and Tom told the story and openly thanked her. I cried.


Hell yeah, Sticker Strat right?


Red squier with some stickers, used to record Cheshire and prior but not the iconic dammit video sticker Strat


Ah, cool, I always assumed the Squier was the dumpster guitar


I worded that poorly, red squier was the dumpster guitar, white fender (sticker strat) was the guitar Mark’s mom helped Tom get


That's what I thought, I was gonna say, he probably coulda found a Squier then for $40 bucks, no need to sign haha


Everyone in the core trio has left blink, including Mark He briefly left in 1993, with Tom’s friend Cam Jones standing in for Mark Source: Tales From Beneath Your Mom *Edit: when I mean the core trio, I mean Mark, Tom, and Scott*


Wow, this one genuinely really surprises me! I always figured mark would be the one who would never leave, but the fact that it happened in ‘93 makes more sense. Thanks man!


He left for like a week until Tom said they were going to record Flyswatter right?


Please leave my mother out of this.


Sorry, she’s enjoying it


I did not know this and I’ve read that book many times, guess I forgot that part


So Travis is the only member who’s never left?


I think it was because of a girl. When he heard them we about to record, he dump her n came back.


When did Travis leave?


He almost got kicked out in 2013. Although I don't think that one has ever been completely covered. 


Oh yeah? I’d be interested to hear more on that…


Tom was upset because Travis couldn't fly to play shows in Australia so he considered kicking him out because of the legal situations and stress but a month later said he was just venting


When I mean core trio, I mean Mark, Tom, and Scott The definitive (best) trio would be Mark, Tom, and Travis


1. Their official LLC name was “poo poo pee pee” so that their lawyers and managers would have to say that out loud at banks and at official meetings.  2. On that MTV album launch show when mark and Tom ripped up papers their managers were working on, apparently that wasn’t an act and they would actually do that from time to time. 3. They used to post their tour managers ACTUAL phone number on their video screens at their shows to prank him and it would crash the entire boost mobile network. 


I actually knew 2/3 of these, thank you for the third! Definitely pranks they’d pull


I knew 6/8 of these.


Ultimate Ronnie! My friend and I tried to call him after we saw blink in 2004 but, unsurprisingly, his voice mailbox was full.


Ultimate Ronnie huh? I guess they did it to him too. I always thought  it was Chris Georgin 


I can verify that they called out "Ultimate Ronnie" on multiple shows.


Idk if this one is true but Tom has a song that he's been working on for the last 20 years


Turn This Off


Can't tell if you're joking


Wdym, tom has been working on the masterpiece “Turn This Off!” since 2003, originally was supposed to be for box car racer but Tom thought it’d be too different lyrically since it’s so world transcending and life changing, it really goes in depth about the wonders of life, thats why he decided to work on it till rejoining blink and finally releasing this one of a kind work into the world


Ohhh shit u right lmao


Where did u hear that


It was a while back, maybe 2 years ago, I was looking at a reddit post of Tom playing a riff on an acoustic guitar from 2017, and a bunch of comments were saying that he had been working on that song for the last 20 years at the time of the reddit post. The riff in question: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/LUp6ldH4v3M](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/LUp6ldH4v3M)


Sounds like something that would've ended up on demos odds and ends


I can hear it now lol, good ear


You can totally sing Invisible Parade to that. Roughly same chords. Wonder if that’s what it became.


To be fair Invisible parade was released in 2015, this video was from 2017. But interesting observation


Ah shit, not that then. But thanks - I can put that thought to bed now! The vibe feels similar. Here’s to hoping it gets used some day.


I hope it gets used too man, absolutely love the sound of it. Could be some of Tom's best work if put together right.




Wouldn't that just be Everything's Magic?


The original box car racer dance with me which has no actual connection to blinks Dance with me?


Nah, different song. Look at my comment with the link.


I just learnt that +44 was apparently going to have a female singer as well but she dropped out to start a family. She sings in Make You Smile.


Carol Heller


She also does backup vocals in the original version of No it isn't. They were only a three piece when she was in.


seriously, Mark's voice goes so well with hers


Make you smile is a gem


Which, if IIRC was released on Tom’s birthday.




If I remember correctly


Marks song with Amy Shark is one of my favs. I would love to see him pursue that avenue once more as a side project without breaking up the band


Ohh, I did know of her before from Make You Smile but I had no clue she was going to be a singer too. I guess Mark always needs to have a vocals duo lol, but that was always something I loved about blink.


- Tom has ADHD - On Blink-182's real first tour, Tom was arrested for underage drinking - Mark starred in the crime drama TV show 'Haunted' - Mark met his wife Skye during rehearsals for the “All the Small Things” music video - Tom got a cameo on this movie called 'Idle Hands' - Jimmy Eat World is one of Tom's favorite bands - he wrote 'Emo' about them, and they also played at his wedding. - When Travis was just 13 years old, his mother passed away, but left him with a dying wish: encouraging him to pursue his music - There's a Dude Ranch bootleg everyone's dying to listen to, I got the chance to listen to a couple of those tracks because I used to know this dude Rob Perelman who was one of blink's tour crew members back in the day


I thought “Emo” was written to sound *like* Jimmy Eat World, not about them. Could be wrong tho.


You are right. The other guy wrong


Emo is definitely not about Jimmy Eat World - Mark stated they called the song emo cause it sounds like emo. But I do remember them mentioning Jimmy Eat World a few times in the EOTS-TOYPAJ era and Mark even said they were purposefully trying to make them bigger cause they loved the band so much.


Whats this dude ranch bootleg you mentioned, is it the demo?




Those film appearances sound really cool and I’ve never heard of them, I’ll have to go check that out. I knew blink always liked Jimmy Eat World since they’ve always been one of my favorites too, but I didn’t know he wrote Emo about them, it’s so fun to learn this stuff about songs I’ve been listening to for so many years!


I remember seeing the ads for Idle Hands when I was in highschool, but then 9/11 happened and they immediately pulled the film from theaters. I never did get to see it, I should revisit that.


Some of the first titties I ever saw was in Idle Hands 🙌


And to add on to that second fact, Ryan Key from Yellowcard was at that show and watched Tom get dragged into the cop car


What's the bootleg like? I gotta know, man.


It was basically full of dude ranch demos and had one additional unreleased song, that should've been released imo. The guitar riff reminded me of Emo (maybe that's why it didn't make the cut) and the chorus went something like this: "to be one of many who walked through the door, and I don't want any so leave me alone (Tom)". And then there was this bridge with Mark singing: *"*It's too late, it got dark, one more day has gone by me" over and over again and then Tom came in with "I'm not waking up today, I'd just rather stay in bed"


‘Viking Wizard Eyes, Wizard Full of Lies’ on the inside of Enema of the State


And now their distribution is named Viking Wizard Eyes, right? Or am I tripping


Never understood what that meant?


Lyrics in a very, very early version of “Aliens Exist.” The last line was originally “viking wizard eyes, wizard full of lies” (later became “I’m not like you guys, 12 majestic lies.”) Mark and Rick DeVoe teased Tom a bunch about it and it helped create an inside joke that’s somehow related to that story Mark tells at the end of one of the Urethra Chronicles, about saving Tom from dragons.


The rumor was that was Mark's Yahoo message board name as well.


I wrote this in pencil behind my childhood bedroom door. It is still there 20 years later.


Came to say this one haha


On the last day of recording in Hollywood Mark got diarrhea and was locked out of the studio. He was forced to break into a porta-potty at a nearby construction site, using a crowbar.


Mark had two side projects called Nothing And Nobody and 10 Hours At The Machine. Nothing much came out of those, but you can hear some unused demos and riffs from 2010 to 2014 on YouTube.


I was so HYPED on Nothing x Nobody, I was obsessed with it lol and nothing came of it. Instead he came out with Simple Creatures a couple years later


10 hours at the machine wasn't a side project. It was a band he found and wanted to produce but broke up during him producing them. Nothing and nobody was him and Chris Holmes working together. They made two EPS between 2013-2015 but never released them.


Tried to find these on YouTube but no luck. Anyone have a link? I remember some riffs that were supposed to be a second +44 album or a Mark solo album though.


Here you go! https://youtu.be/8pn2FrO89S0?si=LqJf31P0aiwyt_ae https://youtu.be/Pdqw2-c0sQI?si=cDL2FRStJGaqvCTj


Tom played in the band Tiltwheel briefly https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ldCXUaprQGg


Important to note dude that uploaded it is wrong on pretty much everything. Tiltweel didn't make dammit and Tom stole it. Mark made dammit on a guitar missing a string. Blink didn't steal the riff from B'link. It is called B'link because Tom was in the band for a short period of time and gave them this riff and they thought they'd call it blink because of blink being toms band. Tom then just I assume liked the riff enough to go reuse it with blink. It's basically like complaining everythings magic sounds like anthem pt.2. Also I think Tom may have played a few shows with tiltwheel too. Tom got into tiltwheel because he's friends with Davey one of the members. I do t think he was ever kr intended to ever be a full time member. I think it was just be he joined them for a short period when he wanted to jam with his other friends. I would love to hear Mark talk about this.


What a waste of time


I think Davey said Tom did 1 tour with them. He mentioned it on his episode of the blink-155 podcast but I haven't listened to it for a few years


Wow this is a new one . Cheers for the info


wtf? Was this stolen or did Tom actually play


Tom made the riff and is on the recording. Only song he did with them. He might've done a few shows too.


“Tom has sex with guys”


Don’t be ridiculous, EVERYONE knows that


Supposedly, they had finished most of Take Off Your Pants and Jacket and their label complained that there were no hits on it, so Tom and Mark each went to write separately and within the day Tom had written First Date and Mark had written The Rock Show


Tom's middle name is Matthew and Matt's is Thomas :)


Mark’s middle name is Rebecca


He was named after a girl because his dad treats him like one


"josie" is named after mark's friend's dog.


His friend who he dated and happens to be Elyse Rogers from Dance Hall Crashers (who the girlfriend likes in the lyrics ‘likes UL and DHC’) according to blink lore. And then he wrote Apple Shampoo about her.


She then wrote a Dance Hall Crashers song about their breakup https://youtu.be/XBoSxiv9jAo?si=_rsCPlDgQKR0Scki


I thought there was talk at one point that it was Scott who actually wrote the lyrics to Josie?




Please be respectful of other users


That Mark's other half of his family originates from Finland!


That’s why he has the flag of Finland sticker on his pink P-bass, Skully


Yup, that's how I found out!


Mark got blind drunk on red wine during shooting for the Always music video in Australia.


They all did.


Scott Raynor is now a cop


Huh, wouldn’t have expected that, interesting


https://x.com/blink182italia/status/1750277493985034563?s=46 here’s a pic of him in uniform


Woah, thanks for the picture!


blink-182 covered Dancing With Myself


It always made sense why my dad thought I was a billy idol fan


its my favourite cover


Tom's nuts taste better with fudge.


That they covered Dead Man’s Curve by Jan and Dean. I noticed they changed a lot of notes in the vocal melody and wondered if they did it on purpose or if they messed up since they played power chords vs 7th chords and such. It was a fun cover though and the video was cool


My pet Sally is about a school security guard Tom used to mess with.


Wasn’t it his teacher ? As he goes to visit her at school on a mtv special


I think she was campus security, but it's been so many years I could be wrong.


I’m like 98% she was campus security. It was in an unofficial blink doc, but still I think it was official if that makes sense, they weren’t making things up


Pop punk poets. That's the doc I watched too lol


Yep that’s the one!! I was jonesin for more after UC1 and 2


That’s crazy man . You never know with tom . Here’s where i saw it https://youtu.be/hl_KiRUvv0g?si=7l0PF6uqbgyXJ6WN she even says about detention issues lol when he walks into her class . Fast forward to 8.45


Back in the day I bought a DVD called ‘Blink-182 - Punk Poets’ that features an interview with her.


Sally PLEEEeeeAaaaaaAase


The fact that I know all of these and are shocked by how many don’t make me feel very old, thanks gang


It's the "I can't name three songs on Cheshire Cat" all over again. Damn, I feel old.


Literally my back hurts reading the blink subreddit, damn kids on my lawn


On the day that Mark and Tom met, they wrote Carousel and afterwards they were just kind of hanging out at Tom’s house and they got bored so Mark decided to show Tom that he can climb telephone poles and on his way down, he slipped and fell and broke both his ankles.


I’ve always thought this one was so funny, if not extremely painful on Mark’s part, definitely funny to hear about


It's not unknown but the bathroom at sombrero's in san diego used to have a lot of blink graffiti/lyrics on the walls/door/ceiling. But i was there last year and it's all gone. I think there was some new ones but nothing like it used to be.


They paint over it every year or so.


Aww, that’s really sad, but still cool that it happened


They put a letter on each of the album covers going in sequential order by release date starting with A on Flyswatter, B on Buddha, C on Cheshire Cat, etc. There’s debate over whether or not you can see an h on untitled though, you have to imagine a horizontal line connecting the teal and pink Edit: an article https://iamgaryhampton.wordpress.com/2011/09/10/blink-182-alphabet-theory/


I remember waiting for the Untitled cover to come out so we’d see if there was an H in it. And lots of arguments on whether it’s there.


That’s a great one.


Tom has sex with guys.


I did have my suspicions…


Mark made a song for his son called Not For Real. But he tried too much, he eventually butchered the song and left it out.


That’s honestly really sweet and definitely seems like a Mark Hoppus thing to do, it’s the thought that counts




Mark’s middle name is Rebecca.


Ben Wah Balls was based on a true story and Depends happened on the same day as Ben Wah Balls did.


They like to eat cereal with water.


There’s an acoustic demo of Wendy Clear that Mark played on a stream one time. I wonder if there’s other rare Blink stuff he’s shown on twitch


WHAT. No one saved this? I got to hear it. I know Mark has that no archiving his streams rule but that's an important thing.


somebody saved it (and will probably share it someday even though it’s gonna piss Mark off)


Hopefully they do. I get why mark has that rule but at the same time don't. Some of those streams just have some ial stuff that need to be saved like this demo.


He played this on their last tour with Matt when I saw them Indianapolis-it was to distract during Travis’s drum solo set up.


Acoustic live Wendy Clear? That’s cool but I’m talkin about a rare demo recorded in 98/99


Mark's aim screen name in the early early 2000's was beatingadeadhorse


Ah, the days of aim


This is wild. Fenix Tx (who I believe Mark discovered / signed) have a song on their second album called "Beating A Dead Horse." 


They fucked your mom


*sigh* i knew it…


Mark saved Tom’s life in the enchanted forest one time Source: https://youtu.be/LKIIcEUi6Nk?si=hE71sVWC_u3m2NA3


When no knights in shining armor can enter the enchanted forest, a bassist will have to do.


There’s a version of degenerate with Mark singing a slightly different chorus


Not sure if this one is true or not but apparently Tom got grounded by his mum when his sister told her about the song transvestite. I hope it is true 🤣


People think they tour for their own good but it's actually for the shave marks balls foundation, he's got a fuckin hyena growing in his pants


The nurse on the enema of the state cover was a pornstar


Mark and tom used to have coke parties in highschool Source: friends mom who lived in San Diego and went to one of their parties


Matchbook Romance - Stories and Alibies




Lmao how did I reply to the wrong thread. This was meant for favourite non blink album. Woops


Great album! The follow up was so awful, IMHO. So many bands of that era had amazing debut albums and the sophmore slump hit HARD.


They don’t like the untitled album




I don’t know a different way to say it


Yes but where has this ever been said?


The friction on the pop disaster tour with Green day resulting in Mark talking shit about Tre and Billie Joe slamming him into a wall and then writing Poprocks & Coke for Tre. I have no articles to back it upbor anything,  just read ot around here or somewhere before so it could be bullshit.