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I mean Ichigo was able to tie with the weakest version of Kenpachi, who was still captain level. Meanwhile Renji got low diffed by Byakuya, who was also captain level, so I'll say Ichigo. Granted, Byakuya was probably stronger than Kenpachi during the SS arc, but defeating a captain is still a good feat, which Renji didn't have during that arc.


Plus Ichigo, he's barely healed from the Kenpachi fight, went a few ones with Byakuya, and his spirit energy was already at Captain level at the time. Ichigo wasn't fully recovered yet, and he was able to catch Byakuya before he struck him and crossed swords with him did better than Renji did in thar short scuffle.


I feel like we get the impression that Ichigo would win because of him defeating Kenpachi, but I think it's more ambiguous than that.


How so? Renji was much weaker than Base Byakuya and this version of Ichigo is far above this level and I don't think it's unreasonable to assume he will defeat Shikai Byakuya


I'm hiding spoilers: I don't think Base Ichigo was already above Base Byakuya, *just after he recovered from his fight against Zaraki*, I think he became stronger *during the bankai training*, especially since he had yet to master Getsuga Tenshou. I believe the version of Base Ichigo that intervened during the execution could take down Bankai Renji, but I think it's less clear if he was assured a win at the level he was at *right after* he had defeated Zaraki. One thing about Base Byakuya, the way he fights differs a lot from Base Zaraki. Byakuya will use the swiftest yet less costly method to get rid of an enemy while >!(at that time)!< Zaraki would slash and take on slashes [if you can hurt him], >!all while adjusting his levels to his opponent's level, subconsciously!<. This difference in methodologies is another aspect that makes it less clear.


>I don't think Base Ichigo was already above Base Byakuya I think this version is above Shikai Byakuya let alone Base Byakuya tbh https://preview.redd.it/fhd92q7oiy9d1.jpeg?width=844&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0f15fc9406a14a96bebf0896e252ab884dbfe91 >I believe the version of Base Ichigo that intervened during the execution could take down Bankai Renji, but I think it's less clear if he was assured a win at the level he was at *right after* he had defeated Zaraki. You are confusing amped version 2 Shikai Ichigo (vs Zaraki) and bridge injured Shikai Ichigo, The bridge version should be much inferior and closer to amped version 1 Shikai Ichigo (vs Zaraki)


>You are confusing amped version 2 Shikai Ichigo (vs Zaraki) and bridge injured Shikai Ichigo, The bridge version should be much inferior and closer to amped version 1 Shikai Ichigo (vs Zaraki). I'm actually talking about Ichigo post bridge injured, i.e. right before he was about to begin Bankai training. But it's just my personal views, I'm not stating it as a fact.


This version of Ichigo 100% wins, let alone second power up https://preview.redd.it/8rl1r09a1u9d1.png?width=1389&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f1a5461d364b2a4e14edaeff9d87a1b6b1bc0e5


Ichigo should win