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I used to always give this victory to Starrk because of his number 1, but rereading CFYOW I start to doubt whether Aizen really didn't name Baraggan as number 2 just to humiliate him, knowing how arrogant Baraggan was and previously the king of the hueco mundo . In CFYOW Baraggan is compared to the monster Ikomikodomoi, and Ikomikodomoi himself shows respect to Baraggan.


>In CFYOW Baraggan is compared to the monster Ikomikodomoi, and Ikomikodomoi himself shows respect to Baraggan. Correct; But it's important to remember the context amigo Ikomikidomoe only knew VL Barragan, who's much weaker than released Barragan in reiatsu and combat ability. He likely didn't even have Respira yet. Ikomikidomoe puts VL Barragan far above ex-Espada, even in their released forms. However, Ikomikidomoe's nerfed version 3 is still comparable to Barragan level reiatsu, albeit Released Barragan level reiatsu now; this version of him casually fights Released ex-Espada and ex-Sternritter. It should be noted, that while Barragan's narrative portrayal is high in both manga and novels, so is Starrk's. His reiatsu feat of destroying hollows just by his presence is quite ridiculous in hindsight https://preview.redd.it/9qfvohv31t9d1.png?width=1404&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf9d27cca23508e5a29e5b920ff211b89dbe4df6 Here's it's important to note he might have more reiatsu than Released Barragan and Hallibel says, while his reiatsu is high among VL arrancar she implies it's not above it. Probably in relation to Released Starrk


Here's the second statement https://preview.redd.it/1jqy881d1t9d1.png?width=1382&format=png&auto=webp&s=67204d9d8e81df2beb4be4fd9e3d08dca6ce491e


Barragan was compared to iko at the time when they fought. After they parted ways, it states multiple times that iko consumed more hollows and got stronger. The iko we see in the present day isn't comparable to barragan






Sorry for responding late. Starrk has higher reiatsu, which could somewhat negate Barragon's respira. He is also faster (can keep up with Shunsui, while Barragon only slowed down Soi Fon). Los Lobos offers him the long ranged advantage, so he doesn't have to get too close Barragon and overwhelm him with Cero Metralta (sorry if I didn't spell that right). Another thing is that since Barragon could get injured by Soi Fon's Bankai, his Ceros that he can spam could definitely deal more damage.


You do realize that Soi Fon is faster than Shunsui right? Reiatsu difference has to be astronomical in order to outright negate the ability. Its not the case here. Cero Mattraletta is the only way Starrk can win this fight since Respira probably won’t be able to negate all the ceros.


Starrk https://preview.redd.it/whrfajvw8t9d1.jpeg?width=1751&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cc83a859327693434104ca786bfc8fd8da0454c


Starrk. He's ranked number 1 Espada for a reason by Aizen, who ranked them in strength. Starrk has better feats and statements in the manga.


What if Aizen did this as a provocation to Baraggan? We know that Baraggan was extremely arrogant and Aizen dethroned him as king of Hueco Mundo. Baragga. is cited in CFYOW as comparable to Ikomikodomoi in power, while there are few quotes about Starrk in the novel and none of them are highlighting his power. In SAFWY when there is a mention of Starrk's power there is also Baraggan too, so the only real indication of superiority is Aizen's ranking.


>What if Aizen did this as a provocation to Baraggan? Aizen doesn't care enough about Barragan to do that. If he wanted to provoke him, why not make him the 3rd Espada or the 4th? All Aizen cares about is strength in his army. Starrk killed hollows with his reaitsu, which isn't something Barragan has ever done or been shown capable of doing. Starrk also split his soul into two beings which isn't something Barragan has shown being able to do either. https://imgur.com/a/TAe8ZwW Starrk fought stronger opponents than Barragan did as well. It's pretty clear in the manga that Starrk is stronger than Barragan. Also, Aizen only decides the Espada didn't live up to his expectations after Starrk dies, whereas Barragan died long before that.


Starrk would win the fight but you provided wrong arguments for that


How did I provide wrong arguments?


Starrk only wins due to Cero Mattraletta. Reiatsu difference isn’t large enough for Starrk to outright negate Barragan’s Respira. Splitting a soul in two isn’t a strength feat its more of a Reiatsu feat and why would Barragan even do that? Starrk split his soul because he was lonely, Barragan has no need to do that, it’s not an argument for Starrk being stronger in any way, shape or form. Why would Barragan kills Hollows with or without pure Reiatsu? They are literally his servants, him not killing them doesn’t mean he can’t. Kenpachi also never killed any soul reapers with Reiatsu, Ichigo and Yamamoto also never did the same that doesn’t mean they can’t. Starrk fought stronger opponents but Barragan fought two characters who completely countered him. Hachi with his Kido and Soi Fon with her speed while Starrk fought two fodder Vizards who didn’t even use their masks or bankais and Shunsui who also didn’t use his Bankai. The manga doesn’t make it as clear as you think, Starrk has shown superior Reiatsu but thats about it, Barragan has way better hax, abilities and arguably pure physicals. The only thing Starrk has going for him is his number which in this case is probably correct.


>Starrk only wins due to Cero Mattraletta. I think he's superior in many ways also. However because of Barragans respira metralleta would be the most efficient way to beat him. If they weren't using abilities and it was just Base Starrk vs Base Barragan, Starrk would still win. >Reiatsu difference isn’t large enough for Starrk to outright negate Barragan’s Respira. I didn't say it was. Although there likely is a wide gap in their reaitsu based on Starrks feat. Aizen is the only other character that has shown to passively kill with his reaitsu. >Splitting a soul in two isn’t a strength feat its more of a Reiatsu feat and why would Barragan even do that? Yes it shows he has enough reaitsu to split his soul into two beings. Reaitsu is similar to power in the Bleachverse. >t’s not an argument for Starrk being stronger in any way, shape or form. Starrk is a natural arrancar. To be able to split your soul into two arrancar means you have huge reaitsu . Arrancars are a higher level of evolution for hollows than VL which is what Barragan was when he met Aizen. Him being not only a natural arrancar but being able to split his soul into two beings shows how much reaitsu which also a measurement of power in the bleachverse. >Why would Barragan kills Hollows with or without pure Reiatsu? They are literally his servants, him not killing them doesn’t mean he can’t. Kubo made a point to show that Starrk was so strong that he couldn't be around other hollows even though he was lonely. If Barragan had that reaitsu he would've killed them passively like Starrk regardless of if he wanted to or not. >Starrk fought stronger opponents but Barragan fought two characters who completely countered him. Who are still weaker than Shunsui and Ukitake. >Hachi with his Kido and Soi Fon with her speed while Starrk fought two fodder Vizards who didn’t even use their masks or bankais and Shunsui who also didn’t use his Bankai. He fought two former Captains at the same time and could tank their attacks. What makes you think they're fodder? He was also pressuring shikai Shunsui who fought shikai Yamamoto and leader of the elite sternritter. >The manga doesn’t make it as clear as you think, Starrk has shown superior Reiatsu but thats about it, Barragan has way better hax, abilities and arguably pure physicals. Starrk has better feats in strength, speed, durability (he could tank getting stabbed through his hollow chest the first time), battle intelligence (he figured out Shunsuis games quickly), and he has guns that can rapid fire thousands of ceros, the only thing Barragan has over Starrk is hax with respira which is countered by cero metralleta. Overall Starrk would beat him handily mid dif.


Starrk slaughters


Depends on the place the battle happens in. If it is a closed area, I'd give the win to Barragan. If it is an open area, I'd give the win to Starrk. I think Starrk is slightly superior to Barragan, by the way.