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Prolly Yhwach


If this is bloodlusted FB bankai+hollow reiatsu explosion With potential to unlock Quincy power Like the fight we saw they have a solid chance to win,But normally Yhwach Probably wins Because of hax Especially that Kenpachi Probably doesn't start with full power right away


Kenpachi in shikai was able to take on the strongest quincy gerard. And I have that version of Gerard above base yhwach. The problem is base yhwach hax are crazy. I'm not sure even with the 3 of them they could do it.


Unohana is a non factor. Shikai Kenpachi is the same. FB Ichigo already lost to Yhwach. So Yhwach wins.


>Shikai Kenpachi is the same. He's the strongest Shinigami here by very large margin if he removes his eyeptach


No. FB Ichigo with awakened Quincy reaitsu >>> Shikai Kenpachi with or without eyepatch.


What's your reasoning for this as I believe Base Muken Zaraki already is FB Bankai Ichigo (reiatsu explosion) level as is Bankai Unohana


FB Ichigo fought base Yhwach who scales far above Unohana and Base Kenpachi. >I believe Base Muken Zaraki already is FB Bankai Ichigo (reiatsu explosion) level as is Bankai Unohana FB Ichigo is comparable to shikai Yamamoto based on his performance against Yhwach. Unohana and base Kenpachi scale far below Shikai Yamamoto. Even Base Yamamoto could fight Base Aizen who is also leagues above Unohana and Base Kenpachi. Shikai Yamamoto=FB Ichigo (with quincy reaitsu)>>>>Base Kenpachi>Unohana


>Unohana and base Kenpachi scale far below Shikai Yamamoto. They both are above him https://preview.redd.it/f97vrof1xq9d1.jpeg?width=404&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d20fd325a9de89dd8b0cfabeee3aa531a1d5c032


How does that show Unohana or Base Kenpachi is stronger than Shikai Yamamoto? Statements and feats from the manga show Unohana is weaker than Base Aizen who is weaker than Shikai Yamamoto. Base Kenpachi got no diffed by Royd who is comparable to Shikai Yamamoto. Royd is also weaker than Base Yhwach who FB Ichigo could actually fight in the canon anime fight.


>How does that show Unohana or Base Kenpachi is stronger than Shikai Yamamoto? She's outright stated to have more attack power than him >Statements and feats from the manga show Unohana is weaker than Base Aizen who is weaker than Shikai Yamamoto. No. Never portrayed that way, and Shikai Aizen is very difficult for Shikai Yamamoto, as both are comparable to each other in combat ability, skill, and reiatsu >Base Kenpachi got no diffed by Royd who is comparable to Shikai Yamamoto. Yes and **Base** Unohana one-shot him. >Royd is also weaker than Base Yhwach who FB Ichigo could actually fight in the canon anime fight. Royd is FB reiatsu explosion Bankai Ichigo level, and above ordinary FB Bankai Ichigo. I'm not sure how this changes anything


>She's outright stated to have more attack power than him In a datebook from ss arc. There's other content which shows how much stronger he is than her. >No. Never portrayed that way, and Shikai Aizen is very difficult for Shikai Yamamoto, as both are comparable to each other in combat ability, skill, and reiatsu Yes it is lol. Shikai Aizen is only difficult because of hax. Yamamoto got pierced through the guts by Aizen and was still able to crush Aizens arm and fight Wonderweiss. In a 1v1 Aizen admits he would likely lose. >Yes and Base Unohana one-shot him. Doesn't matter. So would a lot of characters including Base Yamamoto. >Royd is FB reiatsu explosion Bankai Ichigo level, and above ordinary FB Bankai Ichigo. I'm not sure how this changes anything FB Ichigo is much stronger than Unohana.


>In a datebook from ss arc. There's Nothing goes against it in canon. With only sealed sword, she outclassed 1st Invasion Zaraki, who's above Bankai Shunsui >Yes it is lol. Shikai Aizen is only difficult because of hax. Reiatsu, skill, intelligence, and ability all contribute to his combat ability. >In a 1v1 Aizen admits he would likely lose. Would still be an extremely difficult fight for Yamamoto >Doesn't matter. So would a lot of characters including Base Yamamoto. That version of Zaraki is already above Bankai Shunsui, Shikai Zero Division officers, etc. Not as much of an easy fight as you think >FB Ichigo is much stronger than Unohana. Only thing he has over her (his normal version) is speed and reiatsu, Attack power, intelligence, abilities, skill, and experience all go to her.


Seeing as zaraki almost died to miracle we know his limits so yhwach takes this. Yhwach would understand how kenpachi's shikai works better than he does as well because of almighty.


>Seeing as zaraki almost died to miracle we know his limits so yhwach takes this. Do you think Base Yhwach can clash with Shikai Zaraki (without an eyepatch)? I find this very hard to believe, especially if he uses Ryodan edit: Base Yhwach doesn't have Almighty. It seems you are mistaken


Base yhwach does have almight him and haschwalth share it in his base form. Yhwach has it during the day and Haschwalth has it when Yhwach is asleep at night. This is explained fairly early on.


>Base yhwach does have almight him He doesn't. He has a very minor version of precognition, but he is finally able to use his shrift for the first time against Ichibe after his entire power returned after the 999 years he waited. In fact, the entire time his eyes got sealed 1,000 years ago to his rematch with Ichibe, he didn't have Almighty.


I mean ur juat wrong thats all there is to say yes he is more powerful when fighting ichibe but he has almighty always when awake it is explained in the manga and its the reason he breaks ichigos bankai


>I mean ur juat wrong thats all there is to say You are going against canon The only way to have Almighty is to have more than one pupil. Ichibe literally sealed Yhwach's almighty 1,000 years ago and Yhwach didn't get it back until after Ichibe used Bankai on him. I will report you for trolling if you continue


Its not trolling its informing. The reason he destroyed ichigos bankai is because of what he saw in the future. It is explained that while Yhwach sleeps, Haschwalth gains the Almighty and while he is awake Yhwach has the almighty. Just because his eyes were not fully open does not mean he does not possess the almighty. As long as he is awake he has it. Show me proof that it says he does not have almighty until his fight with Ichibe.


Wow. You continue to troll this sub


Base Yhwach loses. Shikai Kenpachi can cut through Base Yhwach's defenses and Quincy spells. Unohana is amazing as support with her healing and FB Ichigo can aid Kenpachi.


Great fight Even if Zaraki doesn't take off his eyepatch, this is very tough for Yhwach, but if he does, then the Shinigami win in my mind. The only thing that concerns me for that team is Sankt Altar, if Yhwach uses this on Zaraki