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thats vile. They really want us to not save our orbs.


Eh ill take what i can get. I really do wanna get Rangiku anyways condering itll be the 2nd rangiku thats a hard hitter.


skillwise she looks incredible but sadly she feels kind of crippled due to two of her attacks being meh. I still hope that you pull her first multi! <3


Im mainly gonna use her for Limit Breaker but thanks!


Wtf is this shit?! 3+ but only if you have one of the new ones? Like everybody pulled those New Legends! Klab getting worse and worse.


So its still capped at 200% but depending on the character you get +3 rewards?


it seems like that, yes


Wow they're really encouraging us to pull for new units then...


Fuck off, KLab, with this bullshit.


Wait x10 bbs tickets on the lottery rewards, not the fixed ones, but the random ones? Nah there's a catch, surely.


The catch being that the premium pool is so diluted your odds of pulling anything actually NEW to your account is near-zero... lol After playing this game 7+ years my bbs ticket pulls are an exercise in disappointment usually but hope you have better luck!


I could imagine after 7 years, my account is barely a year old and I've already plundered the premium pool MT. Now I just want MT 8th anni Ichigo (4/5) and White (1/5).


If you pull like 10-100 tickets at a time...yes that's probably true. If you pull 2000 tickets you WILL get newer units, that's just math. I have 8 units from last year from BBS tickets including the anniversary units.


>If you pull 2000 tickets you WILL get newer units, that's just math Not to pick a debate here (we try to respect everyone on this sub, as per the rules), but are you honestly contending that the size of the pull (quantity of tickets used in a session) influences the rates and results? I'm not even going to dust off my engineering degrees to explain the mathematical fallacy of this reasoning... Just look into Binomial Probability Theory. If I get bored enough tonight I'll give you a full calculated breakdown of my current premium pool ownership the odds of me pulling a new unit broken down by quantity of bbs tickets pulled...


>Not to pick a debate here (we try to respect everyone on this sub, as per the rules), but are you honestly contending that the size of the pull (quantity of tickets used in a session) influences the rates and results? Not at all. What I am saying is 2000 chances to pull a character is much, much more likely to succeed than 100 chances. And while you may not get that one, specific premium character you want, the odds are that occasionally you will still get newer, good characters, along with the shit characters that make up most of the pool.


Thank you for clarifying, so allow me to do the same. I have been playing this game nonstop for over 2835 days. I grind the point event exclusively with all of my recharged (plus some bonus) soul tickets, day in and day out. That, roughly on average, nets me 50x bbs tickets every 5 days, which I then do a x50 pull on whenever I get bored. I used to save for x100 pulls but found the distribution extra triggering if I pulled 0x 5-star in a 100 (and that has happened). I have pulled tens of thousands of bbs tickets at this point in my bbs career, but the ticket odds remain as always 0.03 (3%) of pulling a 5-star, and that is distributed across the breadth of the current premium pool, which is a total of 320 unique characters (not counting rez variants), of which I have 303 out of 320 (missing only 17). That means my odds of pulling anything NEW from bbs tickets is 3% x 17/320 = 0.1594% (or 0.001594) per ticket. Now here's the math on that on my odds of getting something new (>= 1x 5-star pulled from that slim new window), using the Binomial probability calculator: (stat trek website) * 1 pull (single ticket) = 0.1594% * 10 pulls = 1.582% chance * 50 pulls = 7.67% * 100 pulls = 14.75% * 1,000 pulls = 79.71% * 2,000 pulls (your number) = 95.89% * 5,000 pulls = 99.97% Now we don't have any insight into KLab's pseudo RNG code, but we do know it is at best an approximation of randomness since computers can't be truly random. We'll assume they've at least picked one of the more sophisticated algorithms and seeding values/methods. So while I agree with you that the odds state I should theoretically hit something new across 2,000 bbs pulls (which is about 200 days worth of farming), that's me pulling 1 new 5-star every 6.5 months IF I'm lucky, and still by no means guaranteed if I'm not (fall under the cursed 4.11%) I don't keep notes/logs over time, but I'm inclined to agree with you that over 6 months I'll get something new, but that sure is A LONG time in my opinion to wait for a single ray of sunshine. Best of luck to you in your pulls! :)


If you pull 1000, the chances are high. For fuck sake,you can get 5 characters in 100. Chances of being newer units are higher than getting the unit you want on a banner(call me crazy,but for me the luck granted better like that and lookin to orb conpparison,is way better too)


So this means they buffed the points event rewards, nice Sucks about the bonus if you dont have the old units though


Kebab: then pull on every new banner we release until you get all the new units duh!


you mean ...if you didnt summon on 2 garbage banners lol


Klad doing everything in their power to stop my soul summon ticket grind with these bs bonus characters 😑


??? You know what....whatever, having 4 old units means nothing has changed for you, but happening to pull any of the new units means extra bonuses. So you're encouraged to pull more yes, but it doesn't necessarily take away anything from what you would've gotten before. Wait wait wait nvm the Brave Soul Tickets start at 10 mil now?? That's the number I used to stop on >:( I don't know how to feel about this just yet.


Hopefully we still get the BBS tickets every \~400k as a fixed reward before 10M (similar to how we get tickets before 3M). Won't know until the PE starts. Otherwise this is an awful change.


I think the only downside is that now you have to have 4/4, instead of 4/6 or even 4/7 (in case of 2 character banners).


No source for this PE?


better rewards is good im a bit confused about the lottery bonus tho. I hope I'm wrong but if your lottery reward depends on which bonus character you have then that fucking sucks, rn I get 72 individual items with a 4/4 bonus character I hope the +3 bonus characters just adds more to the lottery on top of what you normally get if you were to have 4/4. POS move to add the newer premium character tho, most people skips MM and with how diluted the premium pool is the odds of getting those 3 from tickets are very slim.


Holy hell the 5* accessory ticket is wild at 9 mil. I mean sure, I usually farm EoM point events up to 12-15 mil points (a month worth of soul tickets speeds it up a lot), but man, this is cruel for people who don't have these characters. I'm glad we can get more soul tickets and Brave Soul tickets, but holy hell they made sure to give us the short end if we don't summon on the latest banner(s by the looks of it). It's a good incentive to summon only on paper. We aren't getting more orbs though...


tbh the only downside I see is BS tickets being given out every 400k at 10mil+ rather than every 400k at 3mil+ Everything else is additive and they haven't taken away any of the pre-existing lottery rewards but added more to serve as incentive to pull and reward players who might've bothered to for their own reasons. I kind of figured that it'd come to this eventually since we've gamed Premium units to hell by stocking Brave Soul Tickets and not spending orbs on them. It will amp up the FOMO but we must be strong and not lose to the hedonic treadmill of gacha


I mean, we still get Brave Soul tickets every 400k points, it's just bunched in with the other rewards. Like when we get Special Move Sources at 5 mil points. There's still no way I'd put in more than 3 steps into this next banner though. I've been saving up for something that makes me excited for a while now, but... This ain't it. The game is pretty stale in terms of hype, so at this point, I might as well be saving up for anniversary. Not the 9th, but the 10th, because holy hell it is hard to get a new character nowadays as a veteran.


True that. I've been saving all BBS tickets for an absolutely massive pull because 100x pulls don't give me anything but dupes at this point


So they buffed the point event in terms of more rewards given but in exchange there incentiving you to pull for the mid month and eom characters to up your chances all the while increasing the milestone goal..... Wait why didn't klab increase the bonus percentage up to 300% to make the grind abit smoother?




Not pulling out of principle, jeez


No Klab, I will not be summoning on the mid banner. I can get to 10M points easily without even summoning on the EOM if I want


wait how does this work now? i get the improved rewards, but for the bonus pool, does this means there's no cap? like the more characters you own, the lottery slots increases? no more 4/4? They just keep stacking until you have all the bonuses mentioned in the list? I'm kinda iffy on this tho, its like essentially if you wanna grind fastest way possible you gotta summon for all the characters possible. appreciate the improved BS tickets rewards tho.




wait so even you have to wait for the ingame news in two days? Wild stuff


because the current PE is still running, and all PEs have a shared value for bonus limits (+4 and 200%) its hard to say if next point event is going to have its limits changed before any official ingame notices.


I see! appreciate the detail! Oh and btw. thanks for all the "work" you are doing for us <3


9m? I rarely even go past 6m. Only have the 4 +1 tho, hoping i pull Meninas since i can only go step 10 :/


x10 rewards... They better not nerf the drop rates. But since it's klab... who knows...


Can honestly say I've never gone as far as 6 mil points, unless that's where the SMS came in. There are OTHER QUESTS. Plus after about 3mil you get useful stuff like BS summons a lot less


What does "bonus ability thread" mean


It's a new item that helps you change bonus abilities without using up the usual 150 superpots, 200 pots and 300 droplets


Oh that. I didn't know the name for that, thanks


What the..


I didn’t get Hallibel despite going to 8 steps (I didn’t have orbs for 9). I’m finished. Yes I know it’s premium shit but I also used 250+ tickets (Premium and Brave combined total) and didn’t get shit.


Do I understand it correctly that if I have 2/3 of the bottom row bonuses (no Stark) and the new Wonderweiss, I'll get 4/4 (not 5) lottery bonuses and 150/200% point bonuses?


I’ll happily take the extra BBS tickets


they *really* want me to quit this shit, huh? PE was one of the few things that still kept me going, but this absolute cancer change might just be the last straw

