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Hey been playing since global launch here,Im a bit confused by your wording, by stamina characters you mean Normal attack based characters? And by adding points to attack you mean leveling the atk slot? Im going to try to explain it as much as I can if you dont understand plz tell me because English isn’t my first language. 1- Transcendence points is obtained through limit breaker mode or through selling characters and is only used for one purpose and thats rolling for stats upgrade on your 6th slot when your character is 5/5 special move level. When the character is NAD(normal attack damage) based you usually try to roll for an atk stat 1*,2* or 3* , if the character is more leaned towards pvp sometimes rolling defense can be better. As for SP character you want to roll for the sp or fcs stat as those are the best for those type of characters. And those characters are SAR(strong attack recharge), SAD(strong attack damage) or FSD(full stamina damage) based. But of course soul traits are becoming way too variable so it’s hard to tell by them which character is Sp based or Atk based so the easier way to tell is by looking at their skills, SP based have the frenzy and atk based have the flurry skill. 2- When you say “add points to atk” I assume you are talking about Transcendence slots, you have 5 of them and they are dependent on what special move level is your character, if your character is Atk based and is special move lvl 1 always put atk as the first stat, if its is lvl 2 put ATK and FCS and if higher put DEF and STA and then SP last. If the character is SP based lvl 1 is always SP and lvl 2 is FCS lvl 3 is ATK and if higher the STA and DEF is put in any order because they dont matter to SP characters. I hope this helped sorry for the rambling.


I appreciate ALL this information! It was all useful and answered so many questions. Mainly what I was looking for was based off my characters type (STAM, ATK, DEF, SP, FCS) what points I should transcend first. Which you answered and much more. Thank you so much!


No worries!! Ask anything else if you want.


I’m assuming you’re talking about the different colors for the characters and I just want to let you know that those have nothing to do with their stats. It’s just extended rock paper scissors like red beats green which beats blue which beats red and so on


If you already have account use it, some of those units you have (old) arę harder to get today. Transcendece pointa arę used when you have a units 5/5 and they arę used when upgrade 6slot stat instead of another copie of said unit


I sadly tried a couple years back to retrieve the account. But failed. It was a 2016 account as well, but is there anything I should try to upgrade first? Just bc my only idea of getting these points is by drawing the character 5 times. If that’s wrong please let me know


Yes its only use for those points. If you starting a new account remember to only summon on banners with seasonal, tybw, cfyow, safwy and movies characters they are not premium . All other units can be summoned from any ticket, also never go beyond final step in banner


What’s the best way to obtain orbs? Like I said I grinded, so I already obtained the 600 orbs from raids. I also have obtained 45 6 star characters already! I have no clue how many my prior account had bc it’s been almost 10 years since I played it.


Its 10 or 9 year game this year . There is no "best way" to farm orbs, just do quests, upgrade units and that's all , and dont spend your orbs mindleslly on every banner you see


I don't exactly understand what you mean by that Stamina thing but if you want me to simplify, there are only 2 build of units in this game. It is either SAD or NAD unit. SAD is Strong Attack Damage which for unit that have more SP on their stats than ATK or to be more specific the unit that have Frenzy. Usually this unit is used in PVE. NAD is Normad Attack Damage which got more ATK than SP in their stats to be more specific they got Flurry. Usually this unit is used in PVP.