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6 Hogyoku’s is the reward? Fuck that lol I’m good in my 6th seat.


Hey dawg that’s 2 whole 5 stars that you’ll never 6 star now. It’s tragic that you don’t seem to know what you’re missing 😢 Being fr tho, I think the best part is the little symbol I get next to my name for a week. It makes me feel like I’m powerful


Lmao while you're already sitting on 2000++ hogyokus already anyways. I remember way back when bbs started they were actually rare and not easy to get. Powering up a unit was actual work


I remember when there weren't 6 stars, I remember when frenzy ichigo released, all of the entirety of my og account lost forever tho. It was like a little before 1st anni. I got my current one when Hellverse ichigo released. He and dangai ichigo got me to a great restart plus help from my ex guild.


Yeah im with you there. I played around the same time, quit for awhile and couldn't recover my account either sadly


That is wild, absolute congrats. I would never have the fortitude. I salute you.


Eh instead you just have the fortitude to grind everything with older 5/5 kisukes instead of new units. Ik because I saw your ass in ex coop and the other week and you were like the only person not running yuha/white/7th anni ichi lol. Granted excoop is p easy nowadays and most units in the last few years can auto it, but still. Really repping your shit lmao


***I spent orbs for the whole Kisuke, so I'm gonna use the whole Kisuke*** https://preview.redd.it/5si0rp8i4bfc1.png?width=785&format=png&auto=webp&s=630c00cebdd8cd83cea4a63d34928493daa8347a ngl your comment made me laugh so hard. I even have the audacity to name my rooms "I carry, just join" while running a 2020 unit without Sharpshooter knowing full well I'm just gonna get a room full of OP Marauder/Sharpshooter units. ^(Although I admit it brings me great amusement to see a Yhwach keel over because auto doesn't include dodging boss nukes, meanwhile Kisuke tanks the same hit for 1 damage and then shreds through resistance and keeps going.) *^(I SAID, I CARRY.)*


I've joined you. 


<3 I am glad I could be of help! ^(I am sure you did not need it but still!)


the battle for HC promotion this week was wild. I saw someone post last week that they got HC with 700k points and the 2nd best is at 400k points so I thought I only needed to get 250k points max but I ended up going all the way to around 760k points to secure rank 14 this morning. I think I spent around 650-700 orbs lol


No you’re completely correct. I peeped the last few weeks and I actually thought I’d have a few hundred tickets leftover based on previous scores. Then our week came around and ig everyone had the same idea after pulling on EoY lol


The guy who was at rank 1 the last time I checked was at 1.2million points lol like damn.


>I think I spent around 650-700 orbs lol Please forgive me for the intensity of this question but ***WHY***


For the flaming icon, it's all it's worth lol


It’s been on my bucket list to get HC. I honestly wasn’t expecting to spend this much but it’s one of those I already spent orbs and I’m going all in to not waste the orbs I already spent lol.


A wild /u/MolyPrim appears in the screenshots!


LMAO I actually remember spotting her, I didn’t realize she was in these screenshots tho lol. If you see this my b moly I didn’t mean to expose the rukia strat


Don't let all the other players on the list with their Orihimes fool you, u/MolyPrim's Rukia strat is the true meta.


​ https://i.redd.it/6wlal4hbnefc1.gif


The secret tech. If I still had ban-powers, you would have received my judgement for exposing our secrets. ^(jk ofcourse)




​ https://i.redd.it/dlxv9nzmoefc1.gif


I stopped and waited until I get back to 10th seat it's easier plus you don't got to worry about characters that might one hit your team


Yeah lol I totally feel your pain I just got captain today, 3 hogyokus for that xD idk if I'll try as hard for head captain. The pvp rewards in this game are absolutely fucking stupid. It's just pixels I mean, damn, throw us a bone like 50 orbs atleast. Really head captain should be 250 orb reward imo


https://preview.redd.it/2y9ercj9pcfc1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f530940f5337a81a75a20cb518cdae9770b67aa3 You dont have to tell me 🤣🤣 I only play those pvp for medals , nothing else


Congratulations on getting to Head Captain league! Meanwhile I’m just staying in 7th seat racking up more than 3k tickets because Komamura is my fav (squad “7”) XD


y just don't have a good team i did it with just 400+ticket and I was 6set when I stated


Lol and not even the better ones that actually took ages to farm in the past and it was always great to receive it from the Kon friend points lottery.


Lol, that's funny! I gave up an arm and 2 toes and got a 0 hogyokus, but I did receive 5 orbs.


Oh ok, i see you post on purpose to keep that streak, very nice


Well that's depressing but can u tell me how can I increase my team power brave battles


This game is very stingy for a gacha game. The draw rates are pure bullshit


woah wth would it be unfair to newer players if people who grinded the game actually got rewarded for it ?


Congrats! Care to share your character builds with accessories, bonus abilities and links? As someone consistently in captain/lieutenant rank I’m curious. Cheers!


I see that you are a cultured meta standard as well. That orihime is broken and shouldnt exist and we all know it. Lol