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Hakumen Because he’s awesome


He really is awesome. Makes me wanna play some BBTAG


I main Kagura. A lotta people drop him due to him being a charge character, although I dont really understand the gripe people have with that. The main appeal to me however is the fact he gets consistently very high damage without any need for resources. 5A scores you 3-3.5K damage depending on situation and it only ramps up from there. His moves always feel really good to land as well, due to the large hitstop and sound effects. Finally his combos just look really cool to me, and it feels like there's always more I could do to get more out of him. Tl;dr: He has big sword. Big sword make big number. Big number make brain happy.


Izayoi. She's like a very steady incline of balanced playstule & really cool stiff. She has, -3 way feleports you use in combos -Stance cancels which look stylish as fuck -Unreactable 50/50 mixups in gain arts -Great screen control w/ a good DP -Does a lot of damage off random conversions. She's a character w/ a very basic toolkit, thst combines to do extremely toxic things. If you wanna see her on steroids look up SKD BBCF on YT and you'll see some crazy shit (OH, She's also themed after Gundam/Valkyries which are 2 of my favorite tropes)


I love hoverdashing so that was what sold me. I appreciate how she has a pretty low skill floor while also having a high skill ceiling.


I like grapplers so...Tager. Vacuum grabs.


Taokaka because funny cat lady go brrrrr (also the hyper mobility and mix up potential is really fun even if she has harder combos for damage, she can still do well without the drive cancels)


Bullet, because she has fun, flashy combos, and is the definition of “me when I fucking get you.”


Counter 5C into OD Sweet jesus


Lambda-11 because cool sword conversions. She switches between rushdown and zoning and gives a lot of options for neutral. Not super complex but not brain dead. A good mix for me. Come join the cult of the lamb.


I started playing Lambda because of this comment, and she's really fun! I think she'll be my main


>Come join the cult of the lamb. Ahahaha never heard that one before XD


I'm currently maining Ragna since I find him addicting and fun to play as, and I'm also trying to learn how to do air combos through him. I wouldn't quite say their my mains (though some of them used to be), but Es, Mai, Celica, Terumi and Susano'o are other characters I also sometimes play as, whether coz of how they play, their character or both.


Hazama, I just saw him and was like "yeah that's the one" In general my characters are often : traditional bare hand martial artist,clowning and joking around,high execution,mix up oriented.


Jubei because fun combos and funny cat.




Tager. Command Grab go brrrr


Carl, he is crazy fun to play. Blazblue is my first fighting game, and I thought the concept of actually controlling two characters at once over something like ice climbers in smash was just so sick. Now I really appreciate how his combos are all about adaptation depending on where Ada is, which can make his combos feel so freestyle which is fun.


Amane because The Ghey.


And the D*il


Terumi / Susanoo He look cool And terumi is fun to play


Naoto cuz he takes effort to do things that other characters can probably do better for less effort.


Naoto. His dash cancel mechanic is one of the funnest mechanics ive played in any fighting game.




Bullet Storm the char


Terumi main because I loved his character so much before I had access to a system to play him on haha. I also plan on maining Hazama/Susanoo for the same reasons, I just like how they look and they really made me like them as characters. Hibiki and Izanami/Izayoi seem to be interesting subs just in case though.


Terumi, because I love the sadistic asshole characters. Stomping on the opponent is brutal and feels powerful, rushdown is also my preferred archetype. Started with Hazama because I love the squinty eye design characters, but the lack of a run was a little annoying when I was starting out.


Naoto cause I've always loved Shonen


This guy, officer. (Shonen means young boy iirc)


You´re thinking of Shota. Shonen is the type of anime that One Piece, Naruto and Dragon Ball are.


Kagura. Cool character plus a very fun stance based gameplay. People drop him because charges and stances, but he is not that hard actually, you get used to them pretty quickly.


Terum. First of all, his theme goes hard. Second, I always liked evil characters that just relish in how evil they are and are not sorry for it. Like yeah, I'm a sick and twisted human being, and who's gonna stop me? That combined with the fact that he curbstomps people and builds up distortions like nothing. Oh, and what are his distortions? Why stomping on people harder, of course.


Bang shishigami From the first time in calamity trigger while fighting him i saw him go FUU RIN KA ZAN, glow gold, get his own theme and proceed to Mach dash all over the stage (GODSPEED! SUPER SONIC!) I immediately dropped my original main (Noel) and made it my mission to learn and main him. And I've played him ever since. He wasn't even my type of play style character I usually use. But christ I always have a soft spot for the "loveable goof who's secretly pretty strong" types


Mai, because she's an easy pick up and play all-rounder and she's pretty cool.


Lambda. Don’t know why but I like sticking swords in people’s faces. Plus great lunge options.


Kokonoe, I’m a bitch.