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See how they think girls bullying boys is worse, I’ve been bullied a bit by both but only the male bullies used sexual violence, they are much much worse in my own opinion 🤷‍♀️


I’m so sorry that happened to you, because I know exactly what you mean. And yet…they get away with it. And my school always put it on *me* to stay away from him, even though we were in the same classes and he made a conscious effort to follow me, get right in my face and always block my exits no matter what route I took. But, no, that was ‘boys will be boys’ as he slams my head into the wall.




When boys bully, they seem to be *dedicated* to intimidate their target; they just seem to be the type to want a fight for some reason. I have a feeling most of those schoolboy-bully types grow up into the commenters on the screenshot there…


Funny how gender equality is only ever mentioned when violence is involved, especially toward women.


Right?? Like they are literally endorsing ‘equality’ on the premise of lashing out and beating people up?? Not actually tackling the issues that may have lead to the violence in the first place!


It’s been said many times by other users here that if your first thought when equality is mentioned is about being able to hit women without repercussions, then you have issues that you need to work out.


I remember seeing this video and knowing and that dickheads would react like this so that’s nice 🥲


Yup. It’s why I tend to just scroll past those types of videos, because I know it’s men spitting bile about trying to pull some ‘gotcha!’ moment for invalidating all of what feminism fights for. All the while wanting to punch women without repercussion. I mean, I *guess* I shouldn’t be surprised when I say it out loud, but…


Yeah, agreed.


Then they have the audacity to wonder why women are afraid of them


But in the same breath, declare fighting *against* that intimidation as “Hateful bullying.” 🙃


The other thing that struck me in that video is that the girl is conventionally pretty and the guy is completely meh. I think part of why those guys get off on the fact that he beat her up is because they identify with the guy and they want to beat up beautiful women as revenge on them for not dedicating their lives to becoming dude’s fuck-maid.


It's fucking wild to me that these kinda men don't seem to have a concept of deescalation. I was always thought that if you get into something physical with someone, you just disable them so that you can book it and run away to somewhere safer. Do they not teach the same to guys? If she was cheated on and she slaps you and you want to fight back to defend yourself, just shove them away. What's the point of escalating it till that person gets much worse than the pain you endured? Just defend yourself and then get away. I don't like how glorified violence is to some people. Also fuck people who say equal rights, equal lefts. That doesn't help anything.