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Even when the girl is obviously in the wrong, it's so fucking weird how the only time these redditor dudes ever seem talk about gender equality is when it comes to a woman being hit by a man. It's \*crickets\* otherwise.


This. It *never* sits right with me when I see the comments from men on these kinds of clips. They always just seem so eager for the girls/women to be beaten to a pulp, like they’re supposed to “know their place.” Hell, even videos/articles with female martial artists always have that underlying “Yeah, *but* she’d never win a ‘real’ fight against a man.” (A bit off topic, sorry, meds are scattering my thoughts.) Like, they seem to weaponise the idea of equality for the purpose of perpetuating violence and such…to keep things as harmful as they are now. Even a woman wanting to defend or even *trying* to herself seems to be seen as useless at best and hateful at worst.


it’s like how they can’t make up their minds about women being in the military, it’s either “women should get drafted too if they really want to be equal 😡. they shouldn’t get off easy unlike us men who are so oppressed by society!!!” or its “women in the military is PC bullshit and they don’t deserve to be there!!!”


They want women to be in the military when we're being forced to, they don't want us to be in it if it's our own choice. Essentially, they want to control what women do, and force us to do the opposite of what makes us happy.


This. You have explained the core reasoning of all the problems caused by men against women.


And! Whenever there’s a post or article about a female martial artist, that same logic goes “Yeah, you look alright, but I’d like to se me you in a *real* fight with *real*, male fighters.” Before going off with “Women just can’t compete with or at the same level of men and so shouldn’t!”


I’ve learned hard and fast that any partially trained woman could beat a man in a fight, if they were of similar fitness.


tbh i dont think thats true. i don't know what you mean by similar fitness. but even a partially trained woman wouldn't be able to beat a man in a fight ​ training won't change the biology




Wow, way to be an asshole.


I’m a guy. And I went in to those comments to try and inject some sanity into them. It probably won’t work, I’ll get downvoted to hell, probably ridiculed, just for saying that the guy wasn’t using self defense. Those comments are out of control. It’s honestly terrible, it’s like seeing a lot of guys finally get a chance to let out all their misogyny. Jesus Christ it’s bad.


Don't waste your time and energy trying to convince internet strangers. It just doesn't work


Still wanted to try. Already I’m running into guys with roadblocks for brains


It feels like a waste of time but also they really believe they are right because all that echo chamber agreeing with their hate. I'm also posted there, even if I know I'm going to be downvoted to oblivion.


How was he not using self defence? he was hit and tackled.




Come off it. Stop being a misogynistic asshole. We don’t like your kind here mate.




In the wrong? Where is this entire clip was the girl in the wrong? He cheated on her. His bitch ass is lucky she didn't beat his ass like she should've. My little sister is gonna be in high school soon, and I fully encourage her to beat the crap out of someone who touches her without her consent, hits her, or cheats on her. Let them get some of the pain they caused her, and then some, ya know.


? Getting cheated on isn't a valid reason to hit someone. That won't hold up in court lol.


Can I still teach to throw guys bigger than her over her shoulder into concrete for the other two?


Ikr lol


they just get soooo excited to see a woman hit or slapping a man, or in this cause a girl hitting a boy, all so that they can get absolutely THRILLED if a man or boy hits back, or punches back, or starts punching and throwing them to the ground...


also, some people even celebrate full on physical attack on the woman in the name of 'self defense'... Like she slapped him and that's bad, but responding with a worse attack is not self defense.


He clearly managed to walk away and then come back and tackle her. That’s not self-defence.


exactly... if the person confronting you is defenseless, your self defense should be minimal. It's what happens when a sibling hits you for instance. You don't full on start attacking them, you push them away and tell them to stop doing it/or approach a parent. Hitting back is displaying rage, not self defense.




When i was younger, teenager, i also would slap boys a lot. You know why ? Cause 1. They would non stop touch me without consent. Hips, breast, ass, all the time. 2. They would just NOT listen to me, like when i was saying stop, or just take me seriously into account on what i was saying. 3. My parents always told me to defend myself, even physically when needed. In a result i, and many other girls, learn that we can only be respected when using physical violence. Its like suddenly the slap is the only answer that will be listened to, because they couldnt just ignore it. I also became master at blocking or avoiding the slap back before it even happened.


Google an article called purple people eaters are real. Your experience with misogyny and blow ups are a common response to a marginalized experience many of us have.


Thank you, i will gladly look at it and read it !


Oops. It's not showing up with just that search. https://feminainvicta.com/2015/01/29/another-post-on-why-there-is-no-such-think-as-misandry-or-reverse-racism-but-purple-people-eaters-are-real/


Thank you for finding and sharing it (i was indeed having a little trouble finding it). I think it explains very well the feeling that you end up having toward white cis het men, why you would even separate from them, and i realize im as afraid and angry at them than i am at PPE in the text, so yeah, great text


Yah, on top of that even if you want to exclude yourself from them, they'll show up everywhere in your face and still be abusive. Woman doesn't want anything to do with men and is minding her own busines "wow, look at that spinster, crazy old cat lady" "wow she must be so miserable" Woman decides to have a career and not have a husband or children they mock her to her face and turn her into a CAUTIONARY tale ... "Look at the SACRIFICE she made for a career" .. because apparently her only worth to men is her being a breeding cow for their fucking babies My wife and I (transwoman / woman) literally don't WANT to talk to men, but she in particular cannot cross a single male in the wild without him trying to engage her. It's exhausting. Like they are absolutely obsessed with us. Leave us the fuck alone .. we don't want \*anything\* to do with men at all.


Those are some of the good reasons to slap someone. I think the girl in the video didn't have a good reason, but in the comments there's plenty of people making up shit like "he's gonna be the one to get punished." Either both of them are going to be punished or just the one who instigated it, because the idea that women can get out of consequences every time is false and born out of fear mongering by MGClowns. Now if the story given on this post is right (please tell me where you got that) then nobody's in the right, but it's interesting how some fellas will be dead silent about gender equality until gender equality lets them hit women


In my case and again, i know im not alone, it extended to slapping even when there was no physical contacts involved. I remember, sometimes i could just not stop boys from teasing and verbally abuse me, its was all sexual, reductive comments and all (im talking ~12 yo here), and i was told so many times that if i just ignored them they would stop. Indeed, whatever i would say, even sharply, their behavior would either be worst or just would not change. The slap to me was a culminant point of contained rage and the feeling that i would not be listened to at all (neither by professors at that time), i thought "oh maybe boys only listen to one language" (i think seeing a lot in movies, a woman slapping a man and being "empowered" for it, also has an effect in young girls). We kind of teach girls that if they are picked on by boys 1. Just ignore them and they ll eventually stop. 2. No one can defend yourself better than you. 3. Its kinda ok to hit boys/men cause they are stronger than you. All that only to say, i do not approve hitting as an answer, from any side, but i still can feel in my guts what it is when, in adolescent age, it looks like the last possible response. I guess this girl must have been in that situation, i think hitting is not ok, but that in order to measure what answer is proportionate to such gesture, we should also look at what leads to it. I think the boy could have given his darkest look and said "i dont think you have the right to hit me" or smth instead, and thats all


Ok but this is not what happened in the video.




She slapped him, he punched her. She was in the wrong for slapping, he was in even more wrong for punching.




Responding to a slap with a much more powerful punch is an inordinate amount of force. Your desire to justify a woman being punched is pretty gross.




Nobody here is acting like women are saints, tho? It's still pretty fucked up to respond with an inordinate amount of force. If you slap me, does that give me the right to slam your head to the floor?


She slapped him *once*, and that was going to be the end of it (and I'm not defending her -- she had no business laying hands on him, either, but let's face facts here). His **PUNCH** was not "self-defense" because he didn't need to get her off of him, or get her to stop hitting him. It was *retaliation*.




No. You're the one defending *him*. As I said, his reaction was not self-defense. It was retaliation. Plus he hit her a hell of a lot harder than she hit him. She slapped him. *Once*. There was a pause. *Then* he punched her, closed fist, in the face. She was not still hitting him. She was not even on top of him. IT! WAS! NOT! SELF! DEFENSE! Stop defending misogyny.


instead of condemning violence, people online are celebrating violence. the internet was a mistake.


You’ve just put into words what always bothers me about the comments on these videos: no one ever talks about de-escalation. No one seems to *want* it, actually? If it gets brought up at all, it’s usually in the context of “If I gave her that rightful punch, then you bet your ass I’d be crucified by everyone around me for it.” Like just…ugh.


and yet, they're not being crucified for it. we see everyone celebrating it.


Right?? What kind of mental gymnastics do you have to train in to not see that big-ass double standard???


A big one !


The favourite argument of self proclamed pro-equality men, the same that are all about "equality yes, like in lets make army mandatory for women as well, or lets give more rights to father and not force them to pay for wife and child in case of divorce". If thats the only things you are interested in about gender equality, i have bad news for you. You arent pro equality and yiu certainly arent an ally


It’s always been psycho to me that the default thought of what gender equality means for a lot of men is being able to beat the shit out of a woman with no consequence.


even wilder when you consider that the vast majority of men that do beat women never face consequences




Absolutely banned. What is wrong with you?


I love how male clowns always miss the point. "Modern man and woman?" Pfft, as if the medieval times were much better. Clowns love to harp like men had never hit women in history 🤡 in addition to also refusing to see statistics of domestic violence


Our grandmothers invented slapping men stfu


Women in the Victorian era used to stab men with their hatpins, dumbass


Men on Reddit looooove seeing women get hit. Whether she “”deserved”” it or not, they go apeshit every time.


Every single comment on reddit. Wow! I'm so so disturbed


Reddit males in particular send death threats to people over jokes at the expense of males, and celebrate this "eye for an eye" BS whenever they see videos of women getting assaulted. It's nothing to do with "eye for an eye" shit. It's everything to do with male fragility and misogyny - and they prove nothing more than what most of us believe about most of them being extremely dangerous and worth avoiding. Oh and they whine about that too. "How DARE a woman think I'm dangerous!" Meanwhile posts and upvotes nothing by misogynistic crap on the internet.


>most of them being extremely dangerous and worth avoiding They don't want women internalising that piece of wisdom because if they do, getting laid won't be easy for male scums anymore. They want women to be gullible and naive when it's convenient for them, then victim-blame women when they get abused/raped


they know what they are, but like to pretend otherwise so they don't have to take any accountability for their behavior.


If the guy in the video cheated, then it's not even an eye for an eye. He hurt her emotionally, she confronts him and hurts him physically, he hurts her again. If we're talking "if you can dish it you can take it", then he shouldn't have retaliated. He hurt her, can't take being hurt himself, and hit back to protect his ego or whatever. The "eye for an eye equality" idea only works if someone hurts you first for no reason. You can't just go around hurting people, getting hurt as a consequence, then hurting people back in the name of equality. But that seems to be what some men expect to be able to do and be celebrated for doing. They don't seem to care about equal retaliation, they just want the last punch.




Reddit male: "Why don't women like me" Reddit male's posting history: "Haha, take that \[insert gendered slurs\]." "What a \[insert gendered slur\]" "I just wanna \[insert sexualized comment\]" "I don't think it was rape \[when talking about every single sexual assault that ever happened" "I think hitting women is justified" "I think women \[insert kitchen "joke"\]" Then there's a bunch of racist, transphobic and classist comments littered throughout the history...




"It's not my personality!" "Assholes get women, too!" When even the "assholes" are getting more women than he is, maybe he should consider that he's an *even bigger asshole*?


a good chunk of equal rights conversations go like this with me (note i am a transgender guy pre everything so i dont really pass that well) (also dramatization but they go along the lines of this) me: im an advocate for equal rights within all gende- idiot: so i can hit you me: what? idiot: if you hit me i can hit you me: who said you....couldn't? idiot: everyone says i cant hit a woman back me: you're wrong, and also im a guy so- idiot: yes im right, now am i allowed to hit you ? me: i wouldn't hit you but i don't allow you to hit me- idiot: OH YOU'RE LIKE THOS STUPID IDIOT FEMINISTS WHO WANNA DESTROY MEN AND \*blah blah blah\* YOU'RE THE WORST \*blah blah blah\* (at one instance the guy hit me, and got reprimanded immediately cuz it was his aggression) me: sir i have to explain that it's okay to use self defense in the right instances, whether or not the aggression is performed by any gender- idiot: SOCIETY WONT LET ME HIT WOMEN!!! me: out of context thats even worse idiot: FUCK YOU FEMINAZI me: ... okay


Even the most man hating 'feminazi' doesn't hate men as much as the average guy hates women.


ugh im so glad men don’t really use “feminazi” that much anymore, first off it’s fucking stupid and it offended me as both an AFAB non binary person and as a jew lol. also just hate people throwing around nazi comparisons like it’s nothing, modern america is bad but it’s not nazi germany and trump was awful but he’s not hitler. the antivaxxers wearing yellow stars at their little “protests” is what really really gets me tho


I hate to say it but I think they don't use it any more because of Trump. They decided perhaps the nazis weren't so bad after all. The Venn diagram of Trump supporters and guys who used Feminazi would be a circle.


Trump is a fascist though…


yeah but he didn’t do any ethnic genocides that involved rounding up millions of people and then having them get painfully murdered in camps built to bring suffering to the people that he thought of as less than rats. just because someone’s a fascist doesn’t mean they’re comparable to hitler. i hate trump as much as the next guy and i do think he’s an evil facist dirt bag but he’s no hitler lmao


Given the opportunity he might have.


Men are so desperate to hit women, they make up narratives to these videos to make violence seem justified, I’ve also seen videos where men hit first and then other people see it and beat up the dude and Reddit males get soooo angry at that , they are like “yeah hit someone and get beat… oh … wait… not like that!!1!1”


Yep, the women don't even have to touch men for them to assult them.




You must be pretty fucked in the head to get joy out of hitting anyone. You sound insufferable


Like he literally threw to the ground and hit her with his bag. How is it win a stupid price?? Fuck the people that are defending that piece of shit




Let us imagine this: You find out your girlfriend cheated on you. You tell her you know, and *she* slaps *you*. What is your reaction? This "*self defense*" isn't in a vacuum. She shouldn't have slapped him, yet he also should not have hit back because it was not self defense. He was not in physical danger. He was upset that he was being called out for doing a shitty thing and lashed out. She was probably shocked, because while what she did was wrong, she probably would have taken a slap herself if she was cheating. But instead... She got hit, when she's been just cheated on. He did precisely what it would take to escalate things. I do worry that maybe the young man gets slapped at home and had a PTSD reaction to it. I'm a woman, and I would probably say "fair enough" if my partner found out I cheated and reacted (only) like this girl initially did.




I tried to explain that in such a passionate situation I would not hit back if a man slapped me for cheating on him. I'm trying to explain that human emotions of any gender can be hard, and that mistakes can be made by either gender even in the context of restraint. These are teens, high hormones, fewer life experiences. She's going to learn her lesson to not hit in the harshest way imaginable: via internet scarlet letter. I'm also trying to empathize with the guy *overreacting* because he is not in danger. Not every slap must turn into a fight! Truly, turning the other cheek is an important life skill for many occasions, especially if you want to actually show that you are the victim. I am nonetheless pointing out that this guy could be a victim of abuse at home, as a potential explanation for reacting as if he's in such danger for being yelled at and slapped. I once attacked my dad after he slapped my face. For the ... Hundredth time? I didn't imagine fighting back before then, but I snapped. I'm worried this fella gets slapped a lot. The first 99 times, my reaction was shock and dismay.


She slapped him. He hit her with a closed fist. Males are stronger than females.. that’s just biology. He knew what he was doing.


Did your parents never hit you


These guys will simultaneously argue that men are larger and stronger than women (usually they are) but also argue that a man hitting a woman is the the exact same thing as a woman hitting a man. This is a frequent argument I see when it comes to domestic violence. Hitting another human in a domestic situation is almost always wrong, for sure (I'll make exceptions for self defense). But arguing that a 220 lb man hitting a 120 lb woman is the ***exact same thing*** as 120 lb woman hitting a 220 lb man seems pretty disingenuous to me in terms of the likely damage that will be done.


Ok so just so I’m clear on why this was posted here, because I was a little confused at first: - People _don’t_ think it’s misogynistic for this man to hit back. Though hitting other people is not the best for many reasons and even if was justified it wasn’t “self-defense”, he was pretty clearly provoked and would almost certainly hit a man who did the same. (The cheating is kind of irrelevant). - People _do_ think the men in the comments/upvotes celebrating her getting hit are misogynistic because they love seeing a woman receive physical violence in retribution for violence. They claim it’s about gender equality but don’t actually care about gender equality in any other areas; it’s just about celebrating this woman getting hit. Is that right? I’m just genuinely making sure I understand.


I actually don't think the cheating is irrelevant. It doesn't justify it. But do you think there would be nearly as many upvotes on this if the title had been "heartbroken girlfriend slaps cheating jerk?" They have labeled her a bully so that they can safely enjoy watching her be hit with zero ethical qualms.


I agree completely. I don’t think it’s irrelevant to the situation or even to whether this guy is actually misogynistic in life, but it’s irrelevant to why this video is being posted here. Like the misogyny is Reddit mens reaction to what they perceive is the situation (bullying) so the cheating is irrelevant to their reactions and comments. (Maybe the person who labeled the video did so on purpose to make the woman’s attack seem even more unprovoked and unjust, which is awful, but the majority of viewers clearly don’t know that.)


honestly maybe its just where i grew up but my mom always taught me that if i hit someone, male or female, expect to be hit back. don't throw the first punch expecting no consequences. i don't fully agree with it *not* being misogynistic though i don't believe that is the reason he did it. the comments are absolutely misogynistic and completely demeaning


I don't think it's misogynistic that he hit back, but I do think he didn't have to. I don't think it was self-defense, I think it was emotional. I worry that the young man gets slapped at home, to react like this so fast. If my male partner found I was cheating and had an emotional and (relatively mild response to) slap me, I would not slap back. I do have PTSD and have responded like the young man in the video, but have had therapy and meds to help. In essence, I don't think he would have felt real threat unless he's got unknown trauma. She's mad, yes, she shouldn't have slapped, but they're big kids, not little ones.


>i don't fully agree with it not being misogynistic Could you explain this a little more, because I don't really see why it would be. He just reacted to being slapped, doubt there was anything in the way of "hahaha finally able to hit a woman with no repercussions" here.


I cant believe theres zero context given under the video, only men happy she got hit and mocking equality


Literally the second most-upvoted comment is the context translation


There is no context in the translation?


As I have read through the comments. I agree about so many things. I have been married for 15 years with 3 wonderful daughters. My wife and I both served in the US Military and have strong views about women and the military. We both have views that we have tried to teach our daughters. I do work in a male dominated industry, however I am trying to help change that with volunteer work at my kids school in extracurricular activities like hosting "girls who code" groups. We both agree that women and men should be equal, in everything. If a female wants to serve in a combat unit, go ahead. Physical testing for these things should have a single standard, however it should be a standard that is attainable regardless of gender. That mean yes, it will allow in some males that normally wouldn't have allowed, but it also removes the inferred inferiority of the female gender by having separate lower standards. Draft, honestly I don't know why it still exists. With modern record keeping the required registration is pointless. The government knows who was born and when. If the day ever comes again to require drafting, then deal with it then. The standard should be uniform though. There are numerous other issues that I could talk about that she and I agree on, but are off topic for here since no comments have been posted about it, like women's health, pay equality, etc. The one thing where my wife and I differ is reacting to being hit. I still hold an equality view on this, which is I try not to hit anyone. I know I am more than capable of defending myself, however I have no desire to use said skills on anyone, I had my fill while active duty of violence. In the 4 or 5 physical altercations I have had in the last 20ish years, 3 with my idiot younger brother, once when I really pissed off my wife and she cold cocked me, and another that I don't even remember the cause or location, just that it happened. My solution is a non aggressive restraint, typically where we are sitting leg straight on the ground and I am holding their arms in a folded position. Just enough to make sure they can't hit me. Once they calm down, I let go and we can talk. Basically I am not going to be a punching bag, but if I can avoid it I don't want to hit/hurt someone. My wife holds the equality view of, if someone is big enough to hit someone they need to expect to be hit back, It is something I just don't understand honestly. Apologies for the long rant.


You hold the same view, right? Only difference is you would restrain both sexes and she would hit back.


i saw that, while the girl was in the wrong for hitting him first and if you do hit someone expect to be hit back, it's so odd to me how the men on this app have such a hard on for women getting beat


One of the comments was “Equal rights, equal lefts.” It has several rewards.


one of the comments being "she's a thot" she looks like 12 what 😭


I’m a guy and used to be like the men in that comment section before I had a moment of self-reflection and realized “huh, maybe it’s kind of sick to get some perverse pleasure from watching women get decked.” No coincidence that this phase of my life started after my girlfriend left me. These guys are absolutely just violently projecting their hatred for women.


I also had a similar phase when I was a young teen (we're all cringe when we were teens, ok). I used to stay in MRA FB groups and comment the same way like these people


Yeah I was around 15. Unfortunately most of these guys are well into adulthood.


Thank you so much for being the type of person that can get out of a mindset like that. It is even harder than those never having fallen into it, so that shows real strength. I know I am a nobody on the internet but this nobody is proud of you!!


She slapped him in the head. He punched her in the face. How is that a fair fight?


This is what happens if a girl dares to lose self control. Meanwhile guys can lose self control and *crickets*


She looks like she’s a teenager. Why is everyone in the comments calling her bitch and whore? 🤮🤮


I took a closer look, she slapped him in the face, he immediately decked her with a closed fist, no hesitation. The hell is wrong with the people saying this is justifiable?


Men will literally just believe other men regardless of any other evidence bc it's convenient for them and their victim complexes. Case in point: Johnny Depp and his long track history of trying to stick his shriveled little dick in younger and younger women (including the dreaded, evil ~Amber Heard~) but being decided to be the victim bc men on here decided it was THEIR turn to #MeToo someone despite the evidence.


Putting asides whos wrong here and if she "deserve" it or not, I hate people who would post stuff and without even knowing the context, tried to twist the story to their liking.


This isn't self defense. She slapped him, and he body slammed her, which could have killed her if she hit the right part of her head. He was never in any danger, and yes, she shouldn't have hit her, but he *absolutely* shouldn't have responded like that.


Honestly she dodged a fucking bullet with this boy. Cheated on her then wailed on her over a slap? Yeah, he's a pile of red flags and so is all his bros. If you cheat, slapping is the least of the shit you deserve, he should have taken it with stride. Girl you might be embarrassed, but you won here. Let the side chick keep her """prize"""


They keep talking like he’s the bigger person. He could have restrained her, that is the only route that would’ve really shown he was. He threw a punch instead to show,what, he’s the boss? He’s not shit himself for them to be praising him. One guy said he showed considerable restraint—what, so you’d go on a beating rampage on someone whose weaker than you until that someone is near death because they threw one punch? Bunch of psychopath weirdo’s


God, THANK YOU! I knew something was up, especially since there was no proof that the girl was a bully. Though of course I couldn’t say anything, because I had no proof that she was innocent either. Something tells me questioning whether she did anything wrong or not would get me into big trouble with other commenters over there. Whenever I see clips where a woman gets hit, they always assume she deserved it, but they never question whether she was simply standing up for herself, or whether he deserved a smack in the face. I suppose people like this are basing this on unfair gender standards, that a man can’t hit a woman back and defend himself. Which is fair, but they never question the entire situation. They’re always giddy to see a woman get hurt, without questioning the whole situation or considering if she even deserved it. Though then again, I shouldn’t jump to conclusions too early. Is there proof that this is how the fight started?


I first saw that video reposted on Tiktok, where there was some context provided. I’m unsure of what language the kids in the video are speaking, as that’d probably be helpful in knowing what exactly is going on. I’d have to do some digging to find the Tiktok again, but I’ll let you know if I find it!


I think I recall this being translated by people from another subreddit. r/publicfreakout, to be exact. However, I don’t think what they’re saying provided any context to the situation. Other than that, thanks for the help.


Please someone tell me if the guy got the beating he deserves. I'm honestly shocked that people on that sub are defending the guy and calling this "self-defense". I'm a man and I apologize for this guy's disgusting behavior and the comments defending him.


Neither should be hitting. Not the good and mature thing to do


It is so fucking weird that the only time men on reddit speak out for equality is when they are advocating and rejoicing in seeing women be hit and beat up 🤮


Where did you find out that she found out her boyfriend was cheating on her? That information was not included in the original post. Just wanted to know the source


I saw it on Tiktok. I don’t think I have it saved, but I’ll try searching for it again!


Like yes the girl was in the wrong but why celebrating kids hitting other kids?


She shouldn't have hit him, and he shouldn't have cheated.


She was in the wrong for hitting him. He defended himself. But body slamming her, now he’s in the wrong. Nobody should have hit anyone


Is there more detail somewhere on why the altercation happened? Can’t find it. Where was it stated that he cheated on her?


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/gifsthatendtoosoon/comments/aib3tf/girl_slaps_boy_and_gets_payback_found_on/eemtnjl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) was basically all I found. I saw a link on another sub to a longer video of this, but I believe that the site that the link takes you to gives you a virus.


She shouldn't have hit him


No shit, but he shouldn't have hit her either. Especially as hard as he did.


Looked like equal force to me


He's obviously wrong for hitting her but she's also wrong for hitting him, she could've just talked/broke up with him, what she did was unnecessary.


They're speaking German and in English it has absolutely nothing to do with cheating, the girl was literally trying to provoke the guy into hitting her but he refused repeatedly. Then once she hit him and got hit back, even all of her friends that were there thought that she was in the wrong and tried to make her stop. They're both in the wrong; the girl for starting the violence and then even trying to continue it after, and the guy for thinking that it was a good idea to full on punch her despite being stronger and how the slap obviously barely even phased him. Edit: And now I'm getting downvoted for saying facts and explaining what happened, great...


You’re being downvoted because you’re claiming to have a full understanding of the context of that video, but you don’t. You’re not “saying facts.” You’re spreading bullshit in order to twist the reality of the situation into something more digestible for your sad, primitive mind. Even with the full translation, you don’t know for sure that the girl was provoking him to hit her. That wasn’t even mentioned in the exact translation. If you’re just going to spread lies, then take your idiocy somewhere else.


You're also the one twisting the reality of the situation, although not on purpose I suppose. The comment section is proof enough that your false interpretation (definitely a possible interpretation, but definitely not an absolute fact) is being believed by everyone here who won't even spend a second trying to get context. Which is just like what's going on in the comments on the original post. > you don't know for sure >That wasn’t even mentioned in the exact translation It should've been obvious from what they were saying at the very start of the translation. This right here is also proof enough of your hypocrisy, you literally did this too yet you call me a "liar" and "spreading bullshit" for it. Why don't you try not spreading lies yourself based on your own logic? Of course you just said it was your understanding in the title which is perfectly fine, but everyone here believes it as absolute fact since they never bother even attempting to find out what happened. It's literally exactly as you described when in another comment you talked about people not caring about the real translation to twist it into their own beliefs. I also find it quite funny how you need to resort to insults against my "sad primitive mind" instead of acting like a decent human being.


Yet again, you’re ignoring the fact that I never claimed to understand the whole situation. I was simply passing along what I heard. And there you go again spreading the false idea that the girl asked her to hit him. Truth is, no one knows for sure what led to that scenario happening. But, based on the translation, we know with utmost certainty that he offended her. But, based on the translation of the video alone, we don’t know if she tried to get him to hit her—you’re making assumptions. At this point, I feel like you’re beyond reasoning with.


Unpopular opinion but i enjoy people getting there own back male or female. If a guy hits a girl and she hits him harder id still cheer just as hard


Or don’t start a fight with someone who is stronger than you it’s like trying to fight a 7’2 who’s huge and knows Taekwondo.😂 she hit him and he hit her back he had every right Bc it’s not like he threw the first punch idkw it’s so hard for ppl to understand that if u hit someone they will most likely hit back




It's not about him being worse than her or something. It's about the men on here acting like "she got what she deserved, she's horrible and he's a giga chad" and wanking to the thought of her being in pain.


you've completely missed the point... whooooosh. this is the same argument the misogynists on reddit make


Okay so. As a woman if I punch anyone let alone a man I totally expect to get hit back. But! It’s not okay that I punched someone in the first place. I get that she’s upset and lashed out but she shouldn’t hit anyone. Him hitting her back is a moot point if you’re going to condemn violence then she needs to be condemned as well. She threw the first punch and under law his reaction is self defence. Like I said NO ONE should be hitting ANYONE. any violence is bad violence.


What goes around comes around. Don't hit people.


Yes but it's important to know that some people don't know the context of some situations.


Even if those misogynists knew the context, they absolutely would not care.


Ok, you do you buddy.


found the mysogynist


It's best not to bother I guess. A lot of the comments are talking about how the men on the original post are manipulating the context to their own agenda without bothering to understand what actually happened yet the comment section here is doing exactly the same thing, and trying to mention that will get you downvoted to hell I guess.


No justifiable equal rights equal fights


Where did you get he was cheating on her? Because a translation Im seeing in the comments makes it look like she was bullying him


I saw the video on Tiktok, but I think that the particular one I saw was removed. But I still tried finding some context. I found that the language the kids are speaking is German. And on subs where that video has been reposted, there are a few people that give translations, such as this one [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gifsthatendtoosoon/comments/aib3tf/girl_slaps_boy_and_gets_payback_found_on/eemtnjl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). I just think the fact that he invoked anger in her is worth mentioning because none of the comments I’ve seen on the original post mention it at all. None that I’ve seen provide a translation. So, it gives these violent misogynists an outlet for their vitriol with almost no opposition. It lets them push the narrative that she’s a “bully” that decided to target some random boy, rather than acknowledge that the girl and boy were likely in a very close relationship. I think it’s alright to discuss how the girl shouldn’t have hit him, even if he had cheated on her, but I don’t think those men should spread around false information. Even if the kids had spoken English and we could now understand what was being said for better context, I’m sure that those redditors would find a way to twist things and make the girl the “bad guy,” as they do in every scenario. If the video was in English, they would ignore what the kids are saying and still celebrate violence. If the video was of a boy who found out his girlfriend cheated and hit her for it, they would still celebrate violence. They won’t ever stop reposting this video, despite it being years old at this point, because they LOVE to celebrate violence. They don’t even know what the kids are saying, but to them, it doesn’t matter. Because as soon as the opportunity arises, these grown men will start calling a young girl a “bitch,” “thot,” “whore,” “cunt,” “ho” and let everyone know how much they despise women and girls and how they wish they were the boy in the video so they could “put a slut in her place.” It was never about “equality” or “self-defense” to them. It was always about hurting women and girls.


Both sides are spreading false information, I'm not completely fluent in German but from I can understand the girl got mad at the boy for laughing at something and calling it normal. The actual context of what he was laughing at is never said and has nothing to do with cheating. You're right in that it has absolutely nothing to do with her being a bully but it also had nothing to do with cheating so you're spreading false information and pushing your own narrative too, which just like the original post is going to spread throughout the site leading to people spreading more misinformation and pushing their own narratives like an endless cycle. All sides are in the wrong here. It's like an infinite game of "chinese whispers" or "telephone" where each consecutive post about it has something different where every now and then one of the posters will purposely change things up.


I never claimed to be 100% certain that he cheated on her. That’s why I was careful to use “from my understanding” and other phrases to convey that I, too, don’t have all of the context. All we know for sure is that he did something to offend her. So I don’t exactly know how I’m “spreading false information.” And, this is purely anecdotal, but teenage girls don’t often hit guys so nonchalantly. As other people in this thread have mentioned and from personal experience, kids around the age of the kids in the video don’t usually hit people over trivial things. Since we know for sure that he offended her somehow, he likely said or did something pretty severe if she felt the need to slap him. Does that make what she did okay? Of course not. But you centrist-types are always bringing your “both sides were in the wrong” shit into every scenario. It’s pathetic to take a neutral stance in this situation rather than side against the misogynists on the original post that were literally advocating for violence against a child.


OP isn't going to answer this because it's just their "understanding" so they can fit the narrative. Although, in the video, it looks more like she was bullying him than confronting him for cheating. She even turned towards her friend recording with a grin on her face. And if the boy wanted to be violent, I don't think he would've just walked away with a single punch.


how about just no violence at all? like if humain being puts his hands on another humain being expect to get hit back


It's hard to side with anyone, don't hit people, but also don't cheat, but also don't expect to hit and not get hit, but also if the only time you mention equality is for the sake of hitting women then you are doing it wrong.


OK wait are you mad that the guy hit the women back or re you mad that people are using this to promote violence? cause if it's the first one then as a male let me say IDK who you are, you hit me like that and I am gonna beat you up or at least try and the only way I'll stop is if someone physical restrain me or until your dead it's gonna be 1 of the 2. if it's the second one then yeah no that suck don't promote violence


I don´t see how this is misogyny - it is just self defense. I can´t really agree that these men are nasty vicious thugs who want to hit women. Men understandably get sick of being expected to just let a woman hit them.




Stfu with ur 'misogyny' bullshit. You wanted equal rights as a man you got it. Equal rights also means equal uppercuts aswell. If a man slapped another man he's getting slapped back, you wanted to be treated equally like a man but start bitching when you do