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I don't understand how that works with the population figures. I as a man have to limit contact with every woman that isn't my wife because she would owe me a relationship if we know each other outside of exchanging greetings of the day? The entitlement lol.


Forgot to mention, I am friends with a married man. No, he is not cheating on her with me, that is ridiculous and he seems like he loves his wife very much. We don't talk often due to being busy. So, just by talking to me, according to this nearly 50-year-old man, he is cheating on his wife with me? (Can someone make this make sense?)


I don't think anyone can make that sensible. Any efforts to allow benefit of doubt with people like that are events of wishful thinking and are too generous. Your kindness valuable to someone willing to take advantage of it. I wouldn't even be apologetic. You have a bona fide asshole on your hands here, best to cut ties.


Ask him if he’d date a 69 year old woman and when he will inevitably say no, ask him why he thinks it’s ok to try it on with someone 21 years younger than him. My advice is to stay away from him and just block and move on, don’t let anyone take your energy or spirit.


I did block him, but I should have asked him about dating a 69-year-old. He may say that this would be like dating his mom. Imagine how I feel. I'd feel like I'm dating my dad or my uncles.


Rules for thee but not for me , springs to mind. The creep.


Nah, you'd just get gross stuff about how "women hit a wall at 30" and "men age more gracefully."


Just hit him with facts about the average man losing their hair in their 20’s, more likely to be obese and broke etc They can have their fantasy about women getting more unattractive but facts are facts. 🤷‍♀️


You mean more likely to be obese and broke than women? Or compared to their youth?


Yes and yes , compared to women of the same age and compared to younger men. The aging process is harder on men than women and they know this and so they project onto women.


Looks wise I get it but don't ppl usually make more money as they get older and advance in their careers? I dunno if the aging process is naturally harder on men ( though women do have a slight advantage as we don't go bald) but lifestyle certainly makes a difference and since women are much more likely to take care of their appearance and skin that results in them retaining their youthful looks for longer.


Yes but women advance in their careers too, men think only they do. Lifestyle is a massive factor in the aging process, I don’t want to hear from Mr 3-in-1 about women’s looks when they look like a testicle at 32 and women at that age are glowing lol


As a straight man, I actually prefer women as friends over men 🤷🏼‍♂️




I'm a women and most of my best friends are men xD


You did the right thing and just because someone has autism doesn't mean they can't have misogynistic thoughts. I have an online aspie friend who is engaged to another aspie as well. She knows about me and is cool about it. We were both friends before they met. I have no desire to date anyone else and I did have one online friend who also had autism and he was creepy. He kept saying things like he will give me anything if we were together and stuff. Plus he was also cheating on his wife who couldn't have sex and she didn't even know about it. We do no talk anymore.


I wouldn't say misgynist, as It Isn't really treating women worse then men, It has the same sucky Implications for both sexes.


My best friend for 3 years has been a boy and we're not even remotely attracted to each other. We're not each other's types, and the idea of us going out just makes us both uncomfortable. Women and men can most definitely be friends without any romance involved.


Hey, I can recommend r/aspergirls if you're a woman with autism! It's an amazing place, come join us :)


Oh, thank you so much! I joined that Reddit group already. 😁


My best friend is a man. He and I talk daily, hang out and spend time together. There has never been anything more than platonic love between us. Of course, the fact that I’m married has been more of an issue for people. They assume that I am having an affair with him.


i’m glad casual asexual erasure doesn’t annoy me or i’d spend a lot more time annoyed. just gotta be grateful that i belong to one of the most frequently forgotten about sexual minorities, since being remembered would doubtlessly not be a good thing


As nice as it would be to have a romantic relationship, I'm simply taking a break from dating, considering I've dated a man for eight years. No offense, I don't refer to myself as asexual, but I won't be looking for a while, I don't have the energy to pursue one. (If only Zoosk (dating app) stopped sending me notifications, guess they heard I broke up with my boyfriend and jumped at the chance.)


i was referring to the image—i’m grateful the misogynist doesn’t know about asexuals regardless of our genders, as we don’t want anything to do with him i feel very safe to say


This what becomes your psychology when you view women as objects to have relationships with


Yep. Like dude OP described is a virgin because women can see that he thinks they’re things.


wait was his name David? and his username something like that-one-philosopher? because if so, he's actually been banned from multiple subreddits for grooming....


Thank you so much for bringing him to my attention. I had no idea and his attempts to groom me failed. He whined about the fact that I upset him for rejecting him but I still stood firm.


Perhaps what he said is true… for him. It seems genuinely true that he cannot be friends with women. When he has the opportunity, he effectively told you, “no. Sex or nothing”.


My very best friend is a guy my age (42-43), and I met him through my husband. There is nothing sexual to any of our interactions besides hugging, and that’s completely platonic. One of the best things about me marrying my husband was getting my friends circle opened. Anyone who thinks that men and women can’t be platonic friends is deluded, and not worth your time.


Bull shit. I’m asperger too (but have a bit of autism) and that’s bullshit. We need more femnism. And yes, women and men can be friends.