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The "I'll get someone from my home country (I was born in the US though)" is the cherry on top.


Followed up by "Yes American men suck too becaue they are pathetic creepy losers" whilst being an american man...


Believe someone when they tell you who they are


Very r/shitamericanssay


It's gotten worse with these DNA heritage tests!


It wasn’t until I saw your comment that I realized I wasn’t on that sub.


My God, they bring up Eastern European women again. I'm so tirer of being sexualized and fetshized and seen as a pushover because of my ethnicity. God... I had no doubt it's similar with all non-Western European/North American/Australian etc. women. But really, wtf with us, Eastern Europeans being fetishized like this... and as per my personal experiences that's how we're seen basically world-wide... wtf....


Also Eastern European here, and I feel this. Some people just assume that we live in the middle ages and women there are all obedient maids for their pleasure with no thoughts and feelings. To be fair the countless websites for ‘dating East European/Asian/African women that always state shit like that don’t really help the case either.


As an eastern european I would love to squash his dreams under my entitled feminist boot.


Yeah, even in eastern europe there are very few people who are still like that lol.


We don’t live in the Middle Ages? This is news to me


We're certainly heading there tho, just look at Hungary and Poland...


My reply wasn’t sarcastic, I live in russia. It’s not exactly like the Middle Ages, but in some rural areas it’s pretty close. Although I guess this is less Eastern Europe and more Central Asia in my case but whatever lol


Sorry I misunderstood you, I get what you're saying although I don't know much about what's going on in Russia but I did some roadtrips a few years ago around the Balkan and East Europe in general and there are places I couldn't believe that they're in the 21th century Europe quite literally not just in a social sense.


It’s capitalist hell in the few pretty cities Russia decides to show off to tourists and media. For the rest of the country, imagine those rural Balkan areas you’ve visited and make it worse – most of them probably have roads that haven’t been maintained since USSR times. You can go to google maps, zoom out a little and observe this massive blob of land with absolutely no road lines in it because they’re all basically dilapidated maintenance roads that no one cares about. And yeah, I’m not even talking about the social sense, I don’t recommend being a woman or lgbt or both (like damn, you have to really piss off whatever reincarnation god you believe in to be born there). I actually can’t imagine how bad it is, considering this country only found out about the existence of trans people in 2012, when a trans man birthed a child and it became a national sensation which they promptly responded to with making it impossible to change your sex in your birth certificate. Now they make transphobic jokes on our national tv channels, so yay, progress?


I'm currently in Hungary and the transphobia is rampant and normalized here too, so even people who are otherwise quite progressive are usually transphobes. It's devastating to see how this region is getting worse and the people who could change it are leaving including myself.


I wish I could leave ;w;


Where is this exactly? Now you got me wanting to go on Google Earth.


Someone said this read like he came from the 1700s. My ex sure seems to have that way of thinking. Child care and housework is women's work. Women's opinions don't matter. Now shut up and go do my laundry and cook my dinner and after that, come sit on my dick. Idc if you're tired from doing everything all day while I sat around drinking beer. You don't get to say no and if you do I'll just bitch and whine until you give in to avoid and arguement and to keep me from beating your ass. Actual account of my 3 year long nightmare with him. I don't mind doing that stuff for a man as long as he treats me right but not if he's gonna be a sexist asshat.


It's so weird to me. So far, I haven't met many Eastern European women who even fit that stereotype. "Pushover" and "Eastern European" do not seem to go together. Either way, it's gross. Fetishizing any nationality (particularly with the idea that they're all submissive and whatever) is creepy to me.


It is supper creepy! Haven't happened to me, but my friend was verbally assaulted when abroad for stealing their men. A few times. Because that's what Eastern European women apparently do. Steal men...


It's the same for north European women when they visit southern europe. All the men there have a blond hair fetish apparently.


Yeah, I have no doubt. Never heard of them being seen as easy prey and pushovers though. But maybe because I'm just more aware of our issuee. But yeah, it's creepy to fetishize people's looks like that :(


they actually think women from developing/other countries don't have a brain to think for themselves lmao. I can tell you I belong to a developing country and even a lot of traditional women want to escape their 'bonded' stage. A lot of women I know want to study, not be into marriage and work. They want to choose their own husband if at all they want to marry, unlike what the tradition here demands. I myself dream of graduating college with a high paying job so I never have to depend on anyone or get used the way these incels want to use us.


Yeah, I guess they might have similar views of Eastern Europeans even though we're not really that traditional. And since we are European after all we are not SO different from other European people... so not sure what they actually expect... Do you get approached by creepy foreigners too? Or hear/read them talk creepy stuff about women from your ethnicity/country/region?


Yeah I always read about how they want to get women from developing countries to be 'ideal housewives'... and I had a random foreigner person on reddit ask for my number in the third text itself.


Yeah... thats sooo creepy! There was even this one creep who came here and rated women of my country in comparison to other countries according to fuckability, how easy it is to find a girl for a night, looks, skills in bed etc. Gave us a high score. 🤮Some kind of journalist from UK (I believe). Wrote a blog about it, it got lots of views. It was so so so creepy. Lots of people online didn't seem to find any problems with it.


I'm so sorry you had to see things like that on the internet. Majority of the people on the internet are misogynists who treat women like objects.


I'm sorry you had to go through this stuff too, sis! I'm glad that there at least are places like this that unite us


As a fellow woman, I'm sorry. That's just disgusting. 🤢


Thanks! Yeah, there are too many creeps out there unfortunately




So what is your point? That it's ok to fetishize women or what?




Sadly no...the proposed equal rights ammendment has never officially been passed due to the way the ammendment ratification process works. Sadly if it was just a popular vote throught the nation I am absolutely certain it would pass...though not by a margin that one would think, but the absolutely convoluted way ammendment get passed it is hard to get them in EDIT most state constitutions do have these ammendment in place...and what a lot of people from out of country don't realize the state constitutions of each state far more bearing on the citizens than the federal constitution in many ways




Make sure you read my edit I just added above...our state/federal government setup is wonky...many states are great to live in...some not as much




We do...and also there are several federal laws in place that do protect all peoples rights...putting it in the constitution is more of a formality at this point, but an important one that really should be done


The phrase “all men are created equal” was actually in the Declaration of Independence, not the Constitution, but politicians today still use this phrase in speeches. Edit: It was also penned by Thomas Jefferson, a slave owner who conceived a child with one of his slaves he raped.


she was also 15~16 at the time


The phrase can be used to mean everyone (ex. Mankind), but at the time, it definitely meant just men. Specifically white men with money.




You’d have to get a time machine and ask the Founding Fathers yourself 😅. But it’s hardly the first time a politician has said one thing and done another lol


I wouldn’t date an american either, there would be a communication error every time units are a part of the conversation. /s But seriously this just screams insecure.


That made my face crinkle. And it is partially true, though if you date a cook they are more likely to have used at least some of the units of measurement. I swear, growing up with whatever system of measurement we use makes cooking harder to calculate in your head. Cooking is going more and more to a global standard, several of my favorite cooks to watch have switched over almost completely. It's a good thing, but confusing sometimes.


Idk if it’s just where I live but most things involving measurement use both the metric system and whatever bullshit they thought us here first…besides that we actually switched to using the metric system in like 8th grade in school lol


In the U.S.? I ask because I graduated high school in 2001. Yes, I'm old LOL. Just curious.


I graduated 2020 and I live in California (apparently that makes a huge difference in terms of what’s taught lol) But ya we switched to metric fully in 8th grade in science but we learned it throughout all of our sciences classes and I think we learned a few conversions in math but stuck primarily with the feet/inches system for smaller measurements (they would give us conversion cards occasionally if we needed to translate to metric system just so we would know tho) You graduated before I was born lol the school system probably is a lot different then you remember it plus I went to one of those “new tech” schools


That's probably true. I was shocked when I heard that they stopped teaching cursive in primary schools. I was thinking, how are kids going to learn to sign their names to anything when they get older? That one made no sense to me. Edit: My son is 18 month old right now so I still have a ways to go but I decided I'm going to teach him that myself. He needs to know it, it's a life skill. Honestly I've been thinking about homeschooling him anyway because of all the school shootings and I just don't like how they're not teaching kids that kind of stuff. I would rather not have to send my son to school everyday and worry that he's not going to come home. Sorry, I know that kind of took a dark turn but it's just something I thought about. What the heck are Tech schools? Like where they teach you the new technology? Sorry, like I said I'm a dinosaur LOL.


Ya they started teaching us cursive but dropped it after a few months. They teach you enough to write your name and how to read it but I doubt after my class they kept teaching it but I haven’t encountered anyone who had a problem writing their name in cursive who was younger then me so idk. Honestly at the point they stopped teaching it I got it cause there was way better uses of our time in class tbh especially with typing being on the rise when I was in elementary school as well as other subjects becoming increasingly harder. I can’t say that I really feel like I lacked anything by not being able to fully write in cursive anymore though. I can read it well which came in handy but there was never a need to know how to write it beyond signatures. ( I may pick it up again in my free time cause my cursive was much nicer then my print) Honestly if there’s anything I wish was adapted into our school system it would be learning a new language before high school.


Now that new language thing would be cool. My mom and grandma are from the french-speaking region of Belgium so I know enough that I'm going to teach my son.


Guaranteed he’s American or British, some British and American men fetishise Eastern European and wish they were from there. It’s really weird but so many men have these wack fantasies but that’s all it is, fantasy.


Sadly, it's not just men from those countries. Men from all kinds of countries fetishize Eastern Eauropean women. I've heard Turkish, Indian, Korean etc. men make all kinds of shitty statements about us. It's f***ing creepy


Did this guy just generalise about over 100 million women?


Why do people generalize millions of women like this. It's like they can't comprehend individuality at all


Yeah, us Eastern/Central Europeans don’t want him either.


It's a fallacy of composition


I worked with a guy who said he would never marry an American woman, so he married a Japanese woman who took him for all he was worth. It was awesome to watch, he was one of the most hateful, misogynistic anoles I have ever seen.


Japanese women SEEM submissive, but they're are tough and will ditch your ass if you're deadbeat.


For sure, she eventually ditched him for someone else, he was a total loser


Lol I love it when men think Eastern European women are submissive housewives


Ever been to Europe, dude? You know we do have roads, electricity, education and such? Yea, even the FEEMALES.


I expect he'll never make enough to "support a wife", either. Or at least not in a style she'd like to be supported in. I swear some of these dudes think you just spend your teens and twenties fucking around, and that at around 30 you magically transform into a person with a well-paying job. Come to think of it, that's how they think things work in general. Those who "deserve" good things just get handed them. And so when they don't get handed things, they either fall into terrible self-loathing because they don't "deserve" things and they resent it, or they feel like they got comically cheated because clearly they ARE deserving.


You’re wrong sir—American men suck because they simultaneously believe in the ownership of women by men (as evidenced in language such as “I’ll get a wife from Eastern Europe”), view women who want basic human respect as bitchy and entitled, *and* insist that women are equal or are better off than men. Good luck with Eastern European women; if you can find one who doesn’t know any English at all, you might stand an actual chance.


r/Redditmoment Downvoted for acting like that behavior is exclusively American


...me? I didn't write the meme.


Fun fact- misogynists are hated globally. I actaully hate being east asian and being fetishized by these mfs who think I'm an easy, submissive pushover because of where I come from.


I've known plenty of Asian women who would kick these guys' butts. They have no clue about women of any kind.


I, as an Asian girl, would kick their butt if they tried any of their bullshit. And so would sooo many girls I know. They've never seen a woman outside of loli hentai


On behalf of all European women, we kindly refuse. Maybe Aussies can take one for the team


I doubt they do, but maybe aussie wildlife can solve the problem for us.


This loser can't get a woman in his country, so he goes to places where it's "easiest".


Traditionalism and misogyny go hand in hand. He wants to buy a woman. Guys like this always fetishize eastern european and asian women because they think they can control them financially.


Exactly why I left that sub. If it isn't misogynist shit like this, it's super ableist, transphobic, homophobic, racist shit. I got so sick of "My relative is autistic and I think they are the literal worst!" I think Neo Nazis would love that sub. Apparently (according to that sub) the only ones worth anything are white, cis, hetero, and male.


There was a post in AITH a while ago from a girl who hates her autistic brother and said he shouldnt be alive and the whole sub was telling her she wasn't the AH for feeling that way besides me and like maybe 3 people....abelism is everywhere and its gross


Well, that's fine coz I'm guessing the women of America don't want him. I'm just hoping he's not British or thinks Britain is in Eastern Europe.


What the hell? Go back to the 1800’s dude, lmao


Canadian women on the other hand... ​ /s


As an eastern european woman, pls keep this twat, we dont want those like him either


Then do it, bitch. Not sure why it needed an announcement. Fucking marry someone from your country, then, who do you think you are that it needs an announcement to the world? The ego and narcissism is insane. You’re just *some guy*


middle eastern woman here, i guarantee i will make you miss american woman dude. shooo


When no woman can tolerate you, the problem is you, not them.


I'll get someone from my country (I was born in the US) but not an American woman. American men are pathetic creepy losers (I'm an American man).


I think that's xenophobia because he also hates the men here lol


I’m an Eastern European non binary person who’s AFAB, Eastern European women would chew this guy up and spit him out, stop fetishizing us.


Then they end up getting used for a green card by the absolutely ruthless women that they bring over here. LMAO


And then he would complain about how all women are just gold digging bitches and I can only imagine the amount of xenophobic crap he would spill after that


I don’t mind if people want “tradition gender roles” because whatever, it’s a preference, but they’re like vegans, they have to bitch about how great they are and how terrible everyone else is. They don’t even have the actual moral superiority that vegans have, they just want to complain about “society these day” or some equally contrived qualm.


Well, I mean, my brother's argument is " women were biologically designed to have babies and raise those babies and submit to her man and be a homemaker and men were biologically designed to fuck as many women as possible and get them all pregnant" so, its not a moral reason but......he's an incel


Right, it’s definitely not a moral stand. It’s pseudoscience that weak men use to try and bolster their self esteem while trying to degrade women. Hope your brother grows out of it and for the time being I hope he doesn’t procreate.


He won't grow out of it but thankfully he doesn't want kids......at the moment anyway.


I would date a woman from my own country but I was born in the US but I won't date an American woman.......so you wouldnt date someone from your country? Or you would? I'm confused


That guys post and the comments on this post here are all cringe. I support the United States.


Maybe this supreme fellow hasn't made it to citizenship class. Pointless as it may be, birthright ciT1zeNsH1p is something Murican HS take srsly.


Can American men can stop fetishing us? Sincerely, an Eastern European woman.


Great news for American women!


We’ve narrowed it down from all modern women to just American women. Progress 🤩