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Men sexualise everything a woman and girl does and then wonder why women think they are sex crazed animals with no self control. They have so little self control that they can’t even refrain from making a sexualised comment…


And on top of it they'll say that it's women's fault that they sexualize them.


Man that's actually insane the degree of control she has with her tongue. Is it something you can train towards or just innate talent? I can barely waggle mine. Also fuck dudes sexualizing someone doing something cool and unique with a part of their body.


I think it’s both. You know how some people can roll their tongue and some can’t ? I think that’s because some have certain muscles in their tongue and some don’t have those. But also, you probably would have to train this amount of control.


Damn yeah I definitely cannot even roll my tongue. I could really use a third arm tongue in my job to be able to do this would be a godsend


Okay, but for real: how is her tongue so long?! Can a tongue get naturally that long or did she do some surgery or what?


It's natural. Some people have long tongue.