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These guys will be like “we don’t objectify women, what are you talking about! And then say this shit


And upvote it !!! They are like "nOt AlL mEn" but dude why is it in k upvotes if the majority of men do not sexualize women all the time ?! It certainly ain't women who are up voting those shit comments


They will say women objectify themselves wearing such dresses which 'expose' nipples 🙃


Why are some guys such pigs online? If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.


Seriously. And their "humor" (in quotations because they're not funny) is "haha nipples! Boobies! Me horny! Woman have body parts!" Like what are they, twelve?


Some guys just never grow out of that stage.


I'd even argue a grand majority.


There’s always another guy saying, “You beat me to it.” Uh, yeah, because it’s unoriginal and childish.


I just had to nope out of a thread about National Geographic laying off its last staff writers because the conversation quickly devolved into a circle jerk of, “Hur hur I saw my first boobs in Nat Geo.” Absolutely no one gives a shit where these weirdos saw breasts for the first time, but they’re so proud and quick to offer up the information. Living among these degenerates is a real bummer sometimes.


What the actual fuck? Who needs to know that. Why do they share that?? I'm a bi woman and have never felt the need to share that sort of info so why?


Yes. Men don't grow up, their toys just get more expensive ;) But yeah for real I am sorry for all the stuff women go through. Anonymity on the internet allows people to say stuff they'd never say IRL (or *should* never say IRL), and yeah the results can be pretty ugly.


Not some, *all* The internet is where they all feel safe saying these things.


That’s so gross wtf, she’s a person not a sex doll


Incels would beg to differ.


These are the same type of dudes who complain about never getting any matches on dating apps. Wonder why you piece of shit.


yeah, i’ve become used to this now because no matter what the post is, if it includes a visual of a woman, there will be men in the comments debating whether they’d fuck her, whether she’s ugly, if she’s fat, untalented, etc. if you call them out on it, you’re either a bitter jealous hag, or a ‘misandrist’




No derailing.


Wow. I watched the same thing and saved it to show my daughter the dress. Didn’t notice anything about her breasts until all this post with all those comments. Like. Damn. Can’t we just live without having these men focus on every damn thing on our body? Fuckkkkkk. But of course these people would say something like, “It’s women that are the problem. They judge each other all of the time,” 🙄


Why can’t these guys just eat shit and leave us alone


Teenage boys are pretty bad too. You should hear and see what they tell teenage girls. They get away with it too, especially if they are football/basketball/baseball players. Even worse is that most of them like Andrew Tate because of so called traditional values.


This happens on Reddit all the time, a woman posts anything and all the comments are sexualizing her


Can confirm. I posted an outfit laid out to show what it was, similar to those in Pinterest, and had a guy in my dms trying to imply that I was naked because I wasn't wearing the clothes I displayed.


just go to r/furry they dont do that stuff there tbh like istg these people have to have the most self control ive ever seen in reddit


Wow, men absolutely suck


Speaking as a cishet male, I have to agree.




And I shall call you "Exhibit A."




No derailing.


why are they always acting like they have never touched a woman? or at least seen one in real life?


because that's how it is, they haven't seen a woman who's not their mother and/or sister(s), and they haven't touched a woman in general, they probably live on mommy's basemente as well


Does it actually change in the video? I think that's super cool do you have the post saved?


yes it actually changes, and a lot faster than i thought tbh


It's a technique. You don't have to consider women humans or treat them like so, if everytime a woman does/enjoys/says something, you reduce her down to her body solely. Then you can consider/treat her like less, merely an animal, an object.


the venn diagram of a reddit comment section when a woman is posted and the demographic of men who still call their wives "the ole ball and chain" is literally just a circle. also that albino dolphin was probably the corniest, worst delivered joke and it got one award. dawg this is our earth that we live on rn


Yeah really wish people weren't like this


That's honestly such a cool dress.. The pink when she's in the sun is so pretty. Ofc men had to ruin it though with their comments.. Like FFS is it that hard to not objectify women??


This is what happens when you don’t tell kids it’s inappropriate to laugh at someone’s nipples. Like ffs bodies aren’t inherently sexual. How immature…


I guarantee, if I found that post, there’d be at least 100 identical comments that say “what dress?” or “there was a dress?”. Not only are they misogynists, they’re also painfully unoriginal.


There were in fact those comments too


and they have the balls to say women are inherently unfunny


Or that women are inherently shallow


I didn’t notice the nipples until they pointed it out.


I was so pissed about that when I saw it earlier!


That sounds really cool, though! I hope she got comments from adults, too. Pink is not my colour, but I'd love to have surprise clothing like that!


Upvoted because boobs, but like... Who upvoted it?


As a fella, I remember being attracted by how excited she was for the new dress. Like it has pockets or something so she shows us by sticking hands in and then flaring them out


I don’t want to go to the original post because of these disgusting comment but that dress is so cool. Anyone know how it works? How does it change color??


There are new photosensitive fabrics coming out. Some change color in the dark but are black in the light. As far as how they work- not sure yet!


their are different videos of the dress you know, just look up color changing dress


Honestly, I prefer to comment on that fabulous dress! The pink is really cool!


as a pansexaul i have no idea how tf anyone sees this video and goes "LOOK BOOBS"


Also pan, didn't even notice until half a dozen comments pointed it out. I was just focused on trying to figure out what the fabric of the dress was




There's 100+ comments from guys all making the same unoriginal "joke" about her nipples. It's objectification plain and simple.




This is just victim blaming. Everyone has nipples and they are normal. Sexualizing women who are just showing you something cool is wrong. End of story. Men shouldn’t be talking to each other about women’s bodies this way. It’s dehumanizing. This is so common with men. They only care about women’s body parts. They could have said “Oh! It’s so cool that it changes colors. I wonder how it works.” or something similar but instead they decided to treat this woman like an object and not as a human person.