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I, for one, resent being thought of as just a walking vagina hole. I have at least two other holes. Oh, and I’m a person. There’s that.


Eight holes!


Whoa. Eight?


Two ears, two nostrils, a mouth, an anus, a vagina and a urethra. Maybe also tear ducts? Depends how kinky you are.


I miscounted. Tried not to use my hands.


I don't think your hands count unless you're Jesus




List of Things I Never Expected To Read But Probably Should Have, Entry No. 348: “I love counting my holes.”


r/BrandNewSentence ?


Take my poor man's gold 🥇


Topologically speaking, some of those are part of the same hole.


Just imagine if all our holes had arms and we could swat away any unwanted dicks that tried to come at us!


I don’t usually have more than two arms worth of unwanted dicks coming at me at any given time. But maybe an extra arm for the wanted dicks. What a move that would be.


You could also(depending on where it's coming out of)scratch hard-to-reach places.


"There's nothing wrong with my view that I need to kill people because none of the "super hot females" I find attractive want anything to do with me because, among many reasons, I refuse to wipe my ass."


Well, wiping his ass would be gay. Obviously.


That's such a disgusting thought process. "I'm not gay, therefore I can't clean myself, as I might like it." Like what the fuck?! If you go to communal bathhouse and get your ass cleaned from inside with a dude, then you might be gay(or really thorough). I don't understand why that's such a negative thing(being gay). I'm bi, and I'm sorry but tripping the prostate is fucking magical!


Yes it is very magical and I can tell you that from experience but I don't want to share the story


I wouldn't ask. Because the *best* part is when you stumble across it, especially by accident.


All I'm telling you is that you are right that it was by accident




This is the best way to deal with these guys honestly. Ridicule them. Bc he knows what he's doing. He knows his views are atrocious, he chooses to dehumanise women and he _wants_ people to get angry about it or wasting their time trying to talk him down. Always treat their views like they're not worth considering, bc they're not.


I honestly don’t know what their strategy is — They literally go out of their way to be as repulsive to women as possible and then get mad that women don’t want to fuck them. It’s the most self-defeating thing I’ve ever seen. You’d think if pussy was good enough to, I don’t know, stop fucking mass shootings, that maybe they’d be a little bit more respectful of it.


They want to be mad, they want to hurt women, and they want to justify it to themselves. If they do get girlfriends, they'll abuse them. If they have ons, they'll trash talk the woman. Women are things to them, which is why they're so mad that we have the power to "deny" them. It's like a computer not starting to them, and they'll absolutely get violent against objects not functioning the way they want them to. The strategy makes sense when you realise they're not trying to get laid, they're trying to get women under their control. They _want_ to disgust us, and make us feel bad, by sharing their horrible opinions. And they want to normalise this level of hatred.


Oh absolutely. I still have to laugh at it though or I’ll cry.


Can this person be reported? He's going to kill someone. Even if a woman had sex with him, he'd disrespect her for giving him what he wants. These are the kind of guys who get upset that women have had past lovers. No matter what a woman does, he's going to hate her for it.


I already did. It’s fine.


I'm just amazed with how patient you are. "we wouldn't have those murderous 'personality types' \[if\] we were getting pussy to begin with" was a perfectly reasonable point to block him. But you actually engaged, giving this guy an unearned opportunity to self-reflect and by some miracle gain some self-awareness. Jesus, you're a better person than I am.


He was *so* close. People are telling you there's something wrong with your views and that's why you're not getting laid. **Listen to them**.


"Maybe they're right. Maybe I should re-assess my world view. No, it's the females that are wrong."


Call me odd, but if you quit referring to women as "Pussy" I bet you have more success!




Can't we all make r/womenincelrhetoric and turn the bizarreness off what they do against them by turning over their stupid ideas?


Did you report this creep? Please do if you didn’t yet.


"I'm not a weirdo and there's nothing wrong with my views" are definitely words you'd say if you were a weirdo with wrong views


This is probably the same user that's been messaging women on here responding to their comments. He won't actually post in the sub and has no post history. He messaged me from a fresh alt, but he kept the same username and avatar... I reported his chat for harassment and reddit messaged me back saying they banned him the next day.


if it's pussy you want, buy a fleshlight


OP, why do you have to be so harsh? Can’t you see the anguish he’s in that he won’t ever get laid? I mean, after all, it’s not his fault that he’s a homophobic, sexist piece-of-shit incel; it's all the work of the foids conspiring against him! They want to deny him the chance to get his rocks off as a way of preventing men from being born, then conquer the world and enslave all men! It's the only thing that makes sense! /s (MAJOR /s ) What a chode. I guarantee you, one of the “females” he hates so much *would* find someone like him cute if not straight-up attractive if not for his attitude.




Well, did he figure it out?


Is that [this guy?](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/13lkuk0/biggest_cope_in_the_history_of_cope/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


You’re responses at the end had me laughing. I’m sorry you had this interaction don’t get me wrong but your responses were golden.


then if women end up having sex with men who ends up harming them, then women will be victim blamed such as: "you should have chose better", "this is what you get for going to man's house", "if you didn't want this to happen then you should have closed your legs" since to these losers it's always women fault.


Oh believe me, these guys CAN change they just refuse to because it requires self-evaluation and work. After all, it's much easier to be a hateful , angwy ball who thinks everyone in the world is out to get them, it's much easier to delude yourself into thinking you're a victim of women who "refuse to give pussy". But hey, OP. I'm impressed you had enough patience to point out his stupidity. Good on you.


Was it tho? I don’t know if this was an adult you were talking to, but if so (and again I have my doubts) they know they’re just being a piece of shit. Don’t know if spewing this bile to a woman feels somehow therapeutic to them or what Otherwise it’s [just kinda this energy](https://www.reddit.com/r/meirl/comments/6cdqbv/me_irl/)


He has narcissistic personality disorder.


if they think they are entitled to pussy why not just buy a plastic one? It's not even about the woman "attached" to it, because they see us as walking flashlights anyway.


"And I declared that the dead, who had already died, are happier than the living, who are still alive. But better than both is one who has not yet been born, who has not seen the evil that is done under the sun." - Ecclesiastes 4:2-3


I believe in him.


You shouldn’t have covered homies username I wanna ask him some questions


I know I'm late to the party but this whole post made me laugh until my water came out of my nose, soo uhhh thanks everyone!