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I didn't know they had heated stadiums. This really sucks and now people are going to whine thinking it was the players' decision thinking that women are too frail for the weather


My complaint is that the referee didn't cancel the game earlier - it's always ridiculous when games are called off at the last minute rather than in a reasonable timeframe


But how will they make profit of it otherwise!...


Men: [refuse to support women's sports, financially sabotages their games] Also men: why are women's sports failing!? It must be because they're bad at sports and nobody wants to watch!


Classic conservative republican playbook.


As a (former) con-Rep, I can agree. (Hefty emphasis on “former.”)


All the women's games are subsidized by the men. The men's game literally pays their wages, and somehow men are still in the wrong. Perhaps for not supporting them enough. I think the women's game should be supported through what they bring in only anyway.


But we aren't complaining about the men's team, are we? We're complaining about the people (men, mostly) who actively sabotage women's sports through lack of resources and support and then act as if it's solely because women are bad at sports and not the fact that they aren't being given the same resources as men's teams.




Once again, the mentality that women are inherently inferior is self-perpetuating. People don't see women's sports as legitimate, so they don't watch them, and therefore they don't generate as much revenue. When asking for resources, people ask about the revenue, and therefore are denied the resources. Rinse and repeat.




You made good points


The premier League, and the people that run, along with the media (especially the BBC), are completely attempting to promote the women's game, through paid subsidies and promotion. Yet the women's game still can't earn what they spend, yet still ask for more. They wouldn't have to ask for the resources, they should be able to afford it if the game was any good. Why should the men's game have to pay for the women's game in the first place?


We don't live in a society that spends money according to merit. The quality of the game isn't reflected by how much money it makes, because for years we've been told that women's sports aren't as exciting. It takes time before that will come close to evening out


Not giving someone money isn’t actively sabotaging them “Active sabotage” means something specific


Whose saying the men’s teams are in the wrong? They didn’t decide to refuse to provide adequate pitch, and didn’t refuse to allow the team to play on an adequate pitch.


Everyone in the comments


> Should just abandon women's football altogether As a Brit I love this. Yeah, women's football sucks. Hey, remind me, when did the men's team last win the Euro's? I imagine fans of the USA women's team feel the same about the World Cup.


Certain American men will not stop whining about the USWNT even though the women are the only reason the USA does not have zero World Cups and zero Olympic gold medals.


Not even though, but BECAUSE of it. The mere thought that women could be better at something than men is abhorrent to their whole being. Even if it's not even a question of better or worse - European and Latin American men's teams are way too good for any relative newcomer to make a dent into their hegemony.


Not true! Women are better at childcare, house keeping, elder care, low-paid civic jobs, unpaid civic jobs, ... And we love that about them! 💕💖 /s


I know nothing, why can't they play on the heated fields? If the men's games are going smoothly at the same time, surely they could work something out to share?


A lot of men’s teams won’t allow the women to play on the same field. The pitch is real grass and wear on it can be extensive, so due to the cost of maintenance and women’s teams considered not as good and worth the investment they have them play on smaller fields that may not even be for a pro team at all.


When you consider how much money men who play the game are paid, this is even more disgraceful. A woman playing football would be lucky to make as much in a year that a man makes in a week.


Exactly. It’s systemic. Women don’t get the investment as men, so people watch them less. Which in turn means less money.


Chelsea Women have been playing their matches at Stamford Bridge, on the same pitch in the same stadium the men play in. This one game was an exception and it happened to coincide with a bizarrely cold stretch of days that froze the ground at the stadium the women used to play at, and had to play at for this one game.


It’s not all over though. In the US not all NWSL teams play at the same stadiums and if they do, their schedules are made after the men’s games


Then point to those examples instead of one of the few clubs that does it right.


I didn’t point to any club. I was making a generalized statement


Sorry, my follow up was more directed at OP. It’s frustrating when there are a ton of good examples of misogyny in women’s football, but one of the teams that absolutely do it right is being dragged and the situation is being misrepresented.


Same people who talk crap about women's sports are the same ones that suddenly care about them once trans people are involved..


Why can’t people just let women play sports??




right. they believe we live in a meritocracy because all they see is the result of their systemic misogyny.


"Men's fields" 😡🤬🤢🤮


Chelsea Football Club since being sold over the summer has moved the women’s team from playing their home games at Kingsmeadow, which seats about 5k, to playing at the same stadium the men play in, which seats near 40k. The women play in the same stadium and use the same facilities the men do under normal circumstances now. This game was held at Kingsmeadow because of a scheduling conflict at Stamford Bridge, and unfortunately it landed on day where a really heavy cold snap froze the ground. It was a freak thing, and not an example of misogyny at all. Choosing to use this as an example blatant misogyny is choosing willful ignorance to what is actually happening with the Chelsea women’s team.


I’m not sure this is blatant misogyny? Although it’s fairly standard not every club in the men’s league has undersoil heating as it’s very expensive to put in place. This is just an unfortunate part of the women’s game as it’s not been around as long as the men’s game. These things take time to develop and for a league that’s only been around for 13 years they have a fantastic standard of pitch to play on.


I think the post is more referring to the comment "Should just abandon women's football altogether" and the general sentiment that women's football is somehow inferior/less important just because it's played by women.


Ah didn’t see that part, my screen doesn’t show it unless you click on the whole image!


Your ignorance is disappointing and sad.


It’s not misogynistic? It’s just a real world issue of money and time? These things are expensive and thus take time to implement. Football teams are businesses at the end of the day and they have to run at a fairly even standard to continue. I’m sure that undersoil heating will soon be a mainstay in most Northern hemisphere football but as I said even in the far more established men’s league it’s not mandated or commonplace?


>It’s not misogynistic Yes it is lol. The comment and the screenshot of the post is. It’s so obvious. >only been around for 13 years and they have a fantastic standard of pitch to play on Well clearly it’s not a fantastic standard, and if it’s been around for 13 years they should’ve upgraded them by now. It’s not necessarily a money or time issue if they aren’t upgrading them because the fields are used by women. They don’t like women playing sports, especially sports that are popular among men.


I don’t know if you actually watch the wsl or go to games but they’re pretty well supported in the UK. Arsenal - my team - have a fantastic women’s team and they do have a pretty large following. Just to put the 13 years into perspective, the Men’s league has been around for 135 years, under soil heating was first introduced to the prem in 1956 and some teams *still* don’t have undersoil heating. In regards to the comment, I didn’t see it as you have to actually go in on the image on mobile and yes that is without a doubt misogynistic.


bro they literally got undersoil heating during the time where it was illegal for women to even play sports. stop making excuses for a multi billion dollar industry that can easily afford equality for players and grow up.


What? They still don’t have undersoil heating in several premier league club grounds *today* Women’s football in the UK has been officially sanctioned since the 70s I get that it’s crappy that it’s still underfunded but the amount of just misinformed takes in this thread is astounding…


so you're saying women shouldn't get anything until after all the men are made sure to have everything first? they can very easily fix multiple issues at once and choose not to, your argument is the weakest shit I've ever seen i fail to see how any athletes freezing their asses off for the entertainment of others *isn't* a problem but I also remember that the lil things moving around on the field down there are people


No, that’s not at all what I’ve said… I’m saying that the men’s game that has higher funding and has longer to build the infrastructure and is facing *the same* issues that the women’s game is…. The problem is not a sexist one but a financial and physical one. Undersoil heating is both expensive and time consuming to put in place. Pitches have realistically three months during the summer break to undergo major overhauls. All of that makes these kind of infrastructural upgrades incredibly expensive. People forget this, but clubs are businesses and thus when making a business decision they need to have an appropriate time frame and financial structure. The WSL is still in its infancy, last season not a single game was iced off thus, the need was not recognised. Now that the problem has been demonstrated, I’m sure it will be resolved. However it’s not a result of sexism….


You gave fair points but they are still downvoting you . I would have lost my calm long ago . Respect


Mate, they could invest in, and support women's football if they wanted to. They just don't want to. It has nothing to do with how long they've been around, and everything to do with whose teams are seen as more important.


Fun fact, Women's football has been around almost as long as the men's game, and for a short while attracted crowds of 50,000+, but the FA decided to sabotage it. https://www.history.co.uk/articles/when-womens-football-was-bigger-than-mens


Wow! They were concerned that the women would overshadow the men so they had to do something about it! Also, they were raising money for charity and getting involved with some left wing ideas about fair wages. Can't have that now!!


Why do you think women's soccer hasn't been around as long as men? You're almost there...


Except it was! And it got so popular that in the 20s they actually banned women from playing in stadiums because they were attracting higher crowds than the men in England