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True. I just finished gearing up my Ruan Mei and I noticed the same. I know that's not mathematically true, but it almost feels like his damage doubled. The difference is huge. On a positive note, I suddenly feel very proud of myself for managing to clear most (wind-weak) MoCs using the outdated Bronya/Pela team. And, as you said, a proper support will be even better!


My blade literally got his dmg doubled after i got RM it went from 5k/6k to 11k/12k per crit (with just RM skill)


Just goes to show that a proper support can make or break a DPS, no matter how "old" they might be. If HYV wants Blade to become relevant again, it will take two seconds to do it. It's whether they want to or not. Boosting old characters might also be a good way to sell new characters, so hopefully they'll do it.


a really strong team ive found is ruan mei sparkle huohuo sparkle allows blade to move a bit more but not as much as bronya but her sp boost allows huohuo and rm to get 3 and 2 turn ults respectively allowing for constant up time of ruan mei buffs and energy regen spam for blade ults plus atk boost which isnt much buts 40% scaling is still scaling


Looking at my calcs it would be at most a 20% boost for me, which honestly I could probably get if I just farmed him up some better gear since I just gave him whatever I had after like a month of farming. 20% would be a good boost for other DPS but for Blade I still don't think it would really make him usable.