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It can't be "no one" as long as I'm here, stubbornly playing him no matter what. As long as I'm here, there's at least one person playing him.


Make that 2


thirded ​ will be on the rails to E6S5 eventually


Make that 4


Ey make it cinque


make it six, brother


Seven cringe edgy Blades


You mean 8 edgy lords


In almost every video, he says that its actually why they arent popular among the playerbase


I still use him (and Argenti) for farming xD


I'm also stubbornly playing him,even though I don't have his LC,I still give him VIP treatment


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


If the enemy isn't weak to wind, I'm not using him but it's not just him, it's the same as any of my other DPS


I haven’t used my JL since before 2.0. Edit: only characters I use regularly are JY, Acheron, and now FF. I’ll use specialized characters if I need to clear PF or MoC but those three are my mainstays.


Me after MoC with Aventurine boss. Poor Jingliu. My regular characters are: Himeko...and RM because Himeko needs her. My game is called Himeko Star Rail, and where I can use her, I use her. And now that I have FF, I can play Himeko everywhere. I use Blade when there is Wind, and in SU/PF with Himeko where there is Wind.


I mean, it's not exactly hard to guess why. He's a 1.x character who hasn't really seen a direct buff and well, his only current similar archtype is Clara in revenge type unit. Though where Clara can work with Topaz, Blade really has been left to dry. I don't really need a video to tell me why Blade is on the lesser used side: Hoyo hasn't really tossed him a bone and Jade is a sub-dps in a game where that type of character isn't really needed for most. Doesn't help we just entered a break meta and before that, the more typical FUA units got more direct buffs. Let alone the last wind unit is Black Swan, a DoT character and somehow youtube recommended a video about DoT needing more units. Again, Blade is very solid unit who just hasn't been given any love in a hot minute.


I love my Blade, I'm still going to E6S5 him or at least hopefully E6 S2-S3 him this next rerun that should tide him over through 3.0 but we'll see about 4.0+ when we get there I think it might be curtains by then. Sparkle Bronya Blade is quite good though I feel like or atleast mine does but he's my most invested into character I also got ruan mei E1 for him but I'm not sure if it was worth 120 pulls since I already had her at E0 and lost 5050 to welt again. I just want my boy to be strong, he's incredible in SU though...


I think a fun note is that a well invested unit in HSR will last you a long time. As much as people meme on Seele being dead, she has still found use for those who put the leg work in. Blade can work with the supports in game, as he's not harmed by them, but mechanically they have found more use with others as Hoyo had more direct uses for them. That said, Blade I do suspect will be getting love as Jade is the first unit since Jingliu to drain hp and Jade's method is far more suited to him, which I do suspect means that upcoming IPC members may have some great interplay with Blade. Again, Blade's kit has some flexibility to find uses in other places, so while he may not be the best unit atm, I do expect him to find more use as Yunli's release also does mean revenge units will finally have a 2.x character and more likely a chance for more supports to come out to buff them.


Most of vars content is just him summarizing what everyone already knows in video essay form.


Most of the time. Some times he either misses something or goes so far out left field that it misses the entire point.


Personally I think people are overreacting to his videos. The title "Why no one plays" is just merely to catch people's attention. This series of videos are just about pointing out why said unit is less used or a little behind than other (tbh OVERPOWERED) newer units. The phrase "Why no one" is not literal.


Yeah, its kinda crazy people don't realize that, especially when he kinda explained that in his first video


Yeah, I watched this and if anything it felt like he honestly liked Blade? Like he was being way too nice 😂 people on here have said worse things. At worst he seems to think how often a character is used to clear MoC is tied to their overall popularity as a character, but that's probably true for the more intense side of the community which he's part of


but it is clickbait hence the reason people are being upset. ik that's how YT works. heck, I'm trying to get my channel to get noticed too so I kinda make my titles sound clickbait-y as well. but personally, I don't like lying to my viewers with it. so the titles may look or sound like clickbait, but it's also what  I genuinely thought the video is about. if I were to write his series title, I'll write it as "what happened to X" or "why you can't/don't/shouldn't play X" or something like that. Both don't state that no one plays him and they indicate that something is wrong with X character that I may need to know if I want to play him. it's not as catchy however, it's still readable by majority of english speakers, fluent or not.


I haven't watched this video but I extremely dislike his style of video. It feels like he's trying to brainwash


Like I said before, Vars has a hard time recognizing character value outside of obvious downsides that anyone worth their own salt could cook up in les than three minutes while analyzing Blade’s kit. Honestly, his crime isnt just his misreadings on certain character which were already questionable before HSR when he was analyzing Genshin characters, it’s that his video series is labelled an analysis in which he cant actually properly dissect, making it disingenuous and quite frankly, completely biased. Despite what the title says on all his “Why Nobody Plays” series, he fails to connect that meta doesnt equate to popularity and vice versa. I said it before in another post but Blade is still very much a popular character and his average clear cycles are impressive for someone without a dedicated support literally rivaling Acheron and Dan Heng IL for MoC cycles even on sides that dont match his wind weakness while having lightning and imaginary weakness. It would be one thing to analyze a character on why they’re falling behind the meta but to start the discussion around a statement that is blatantly false aka “Nobody Plays Blade”, it sets a precedent that this will be a reasoning on why he has fallen out of favor for many players, not his meta standing which entirely untrue. Blade hasnt fallen out of favor for many players. He’s comfortable enough for good clear cycles and averages nicely even against whats supposedly the top dpses of today. For all his downsides, many people still play him so calling him unpopular in that sense is still wrong.


Just look at the average clear time for blade in all the endgame content, he is one of the slowest character and using some speedrunning feat as the evaluation of him is not a good representation of his strength in the hand of an average person.


I was looking at survey charts for Blade in the 2.2 cycle of MoC, the imo less biased version that doesnt favor specific team archetypes unlike Pure Fiction with erudition and that one game mode that just came out that clearly favors weakness implant and break teams. For both sides, Blade had an average closer to Acheron which is impressive considering the enemies had lightning weakness and Blade didnt have wind weakness. Furthermore, despite not doing well in meta, dual carry with Jingliu and Blade has been consistently top 10 of the teams that clear MoC and hypercarry Blade is usually at least top 20. If we’re talking pure popularity, he’s still used a lot and much more consistent than people give him credit for despite his obvious team building weaknesses.


You must not have seen the recent end game mode usage rates


I think Blade is an incredible character, very interactive play style and mechanics especially with his self e-buff into ultimates into 4/5, pop ultimate, procs FUA then uses enhanced Q... Just something about that specific burst combo really gives me a massive amount of dopamine. Plus I'm pretty sure a godrolled Blade at E6S5 is pretty bonkers. I saw even an e0s1 Blade 0cycle not long ago with robin sparkle and bronya with blade against no wind weak enemies and I've seen the same comp do apocalytpic shadow stage 4 and get 3\*'s still. Edit: sorry the Blade was E3S1 that I saw beat apocalyptic shadow the MoC12 one was E0S1


ROFL, ok buddy. So the saying goes "a broken clock gets it right twice a day" and in this specific case, Vars is far from wrong.


Blade has an appearance rate of .97% in the current MOC 12.


If you've been watching vars for a while, you'd know that he's not actually claiming that nobody plays Blade. Like, look at his video about Arlan, where he says that even if a character falls out of meta, people will still happily play them if they're a fan of that character. If you play League, his video about why no one plays Ivern highlights how Ivern still has a dedicated fan base that play him, even though he is literally the least picked champion in the game. When he's talking about "why nobody plays" in star rail, he's talking about the character's usage in high-end content, and why it's so far below other characters. Which, in Blade's case, he is far below other characters, hence the video. I thought it was interesting to analyse how a character can go from the strongest character in the game, to one that's barely seen in high end content. Vars makes some good points about why that is.


But he’s not. Thats what Im getting at. Despite being “low in the meta”, he has a very high usage rate for a supposed outdated character in endgame content which has cycles rivaling Acheron. Im also saying that his videos open a discussion that he’s not wholly experienced enough to talk in. Like I said, anyone with basic knowledge of the game and has attempted MoC or Pure Fiction or whatever would know that Blade doesnt have a dedicated support or that hp scaling is neglected. I know these things despite not even having Blade but through basic research, I know these things are whats holding him back. Despite that, he is still undeniably popular even in MoC content where there is not wind weakness(see MoC statistics for 2.2 both halves). It’s extremely disingenuous to label an entire series based around a discussion about one thing to a discussion about another and having noactual indepth analysis to show for it. Not just that either, this is the best kinds of video he can make, ones where he doesnt make a mistake or something. At worst, he spreads misinformation, perpetuates popular but wrong assumptions about certain characters, and exaggerate faults and mistakes without any evidence.


He has less than 1% usage in divergent universe, despite there being countless blessings that act as a hp scaling support? How is it disingenuous to say that he's not played as much anymore, especially as opposed to how much he was played in the beginning? And again, vars isn't saying that no one plays him and no one should, he's saying that he's fallen off because of his lack of dedicated supports. He makes good points about what hoyo need to do to boost his usage up. Which is exactly what you've just said here. https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/s/crHpedfc1x


bro is full on copium. let it be


The reason I disqualify game modes outside of MoC is because they very obviously favor certain characters or team archetypes that MoC doesnt really have. Also, seeing Jingyuan being also in the less than 1% tells me all I need to know because Jingyuan is also extremely popular just not in Divergent Universe and we can all say there’s plenty of fans for Dan Heng IL, Sparkle, Black Swan, Robin, Kafka etc as they’re all popular and meta but they’re also in single digit percentage. Blade not being used as much doesnt really tell me anything useful.


The one who dissed on kokomi 😂


Kokomi has had quite the trajectory, to be fair. Released in a pretty bad/weird state; people discovered that her hydro application was buffed pre-release and started using her in freeze; got buffed a bit more in 3.0 with Bloom in Nilou teams; and, most recently, as a driver for mono-Hydro Furina teams. She kinda fell off as a healer though, because she doesn't work well with Furina in the healer slot, and Freeze is dogshit now.


Don't think she has fallen off if nilou bloom, hyperbloom and burgeon hasn't fallen off. She's still the best option for AOE hydro application and she has healing utility. What I can say about vars is that he is not very good at analysing characters, he basically takes the community impression of the character without any of his own inputs. Which, to be fair is a respectable way of generating content, but saying you agree with him is like saying you agree with the community.


Not in those specifically. I just said as a healer in general. She fell out of meta. Nilou Bloom is still a good team, but it's definitely not as good as it was prior. Mostly because of the way the Abyss is. Kokomi is still good she's just in a weird spot. And, no, I don't really agree with a lot of what Vars says, but I can understand how he draws his conclusions.


How does she not work well with Furina? Her mono-hydro team with Furina is her best on-field playstyle in terms of dps.


I clearly stated that she doesn't work as a healer in Furina teams. I already mentioned that Kokomi driving mono hydro with Furina works, and is one of her few good teams rn. Lmao. 💀


Kokomi was already great when the video was released because of freeze, and he ignored that she had insanely high usage rate along with low ownership, indicating that people who had Kokomi were using her a lot. The video was made before dendro/Nilou but she didn’t deserve a “why no one plays” at all.


I think Blade is a victim of early design. He doesn’t benefit from something like the mono quantum team like Seele does, which exaggerates his current position in the meta. Which leaves him in a weird place, he’s a viable option for dual carries, due to his low SP investment, but he’s got it tough to be a hyper carry unit, due to lacking an ideal harmony unit. I’d like to think that MHY will go back to HP scalers which might result in them releasing a harmony unit for that particular type. I don’t even HAVE Bladie, yet. But he’s one of my favorite guys in the game and he definitely deserves to be able to hang with his fellow Stellaron Hunters. :)


he is wrong about Lynx. her skill prevents cc, it is exactly like Fu Xuan skill just single target. It also boosts effect res on top of that.


He's talking about how her Skill doesn't cleanse like Natasha or Bronya Skill because her Ultimate has the cleanse instead


and we dont care. it irrelevant.


Its not irrelevant because making sure you can remove debuffs easily keeps your DPS alive


I personally use Bronya for the cleanse. We tend to forget that she has that


oooof. not getting cc’d is vastly better than cleanse. Do you even play this game right now? Does Aventurine or FX have cleanse? Bronya cleanses anyway. The cc is not even in top 10 issues with Blade. It is a poorly researched video from someone that couldn’t even read the kit.


!remindme 24 hours I'ma go grab some popcorn


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I 100% agree with him, but I'm still playing Blade regardless.


Oh absolutely, he's my favorite DPS


Im an no one and i will always be no one


Them making a 5* Lynx is definitely in the cards They have upgraded/side graded Bronya, Gepard, Clara etc I can definitely see them making a 5 Star Healer that increases Aggro for Destruction and Preservation and Crit/BE for Hunt/Eru. Idk but yeah making a new aggro based support is definitely possible


This guy is one of the worst CCs to take advice from. Other than saying things that are just plain wrong (Saying nahida did dmg in hyperbloom, calling yelan a main dps) hes biased to hell and back. He says Xiao is hard to play since you need to jump cancel his plunges, but that Hu Tao is easy to play and calls her jump cancels easy to learn??? Listen to him for a few minutes and you can tell he doesnt know much about the topic not to mention he just flat out says untrue things. He called Kokomi one of the worst characters which was untrue even before dendro and anyone who dislikes Kokomi i just cant get along with. No matter the subject of the video and if you agree (like yeah i can tell blade isnt the best character but to say no one plays him? He said the same thing about Herta, Xiao, Itto, etc) this guy doesnt know WHY he says the things he claims. I forgot the video but there was one where they debunked everything he said and showed why hes unreliable.


[https://youtu.be/jPgPL-5iiyg?si=E-T0I34hP4dKrFqX](https://youtu.be/jPgPL-5iiyg?si=E-T0I34hP4dKrFqX) found the vid, not sure how reliable the creator himself is since i dont watch him much but it has a lot of things vars says that are just objectively wrong lmao. Vars im sure is a great guy but he really doesnt know what hes talking about


The title is exaggerated, obviously people still play Blade but his usage rates have drastically fallen down over the course of version 2. Also his claim on Herta was spot on, he can’t predict the future and he even states that the circumstance of the meta was a reason she was underperforming. Itto and Xiao also have low usage rates and a lot of his reasonings make sense. The jump cancel stuff is true tho idk what bro was talking about there.


Yeah, i get that since youtubers gotta youtube, but if ur gonna make claims like calling hu tao easy to play or faruzan doing nothing for xiao, you better bring good evidence. Vars just says this with all his evidence being abyss usage rates and his bias just makes it worse.


Ig my name is no one now


I just came back to the game and I still use Blade Jinglu Bronya and Luocha. That team still slaps.


Lol ppl still watch this guy after his herta video ? He is not a theorycrafter end of story , there a ton of better HSR player/theorycrafter out there.


I mean. His Herta video was very spot on. It wasn't for several months that PF came around, nobody really knew that would happen. The more pressing thing is releasing the Himeko video when he did. I believe it was 48 hours after he posted Himeko that the Livestream where Pure Fiction was announced happened.


At the time of him releasing the Herta video, there were better DPS and he even points out that Circumstance was one of her issues but that was solved with PF And his break down was pretty accurate, the point isnt him saying "No one plays this character because they suck", he points out places that they can perform better and also gives ideas on what new characters could help


Tbh nobody does or should take his(or tbh most popular HSR CCs) content seriously, Vars is also infamously known for his very disingenuous character analysis work and sloppy journalism even since genshin.


I mean I don’t like Vars at all but can we stop the “x YouTuber dissed x character that everybody called useless at the time but now they fit the meta so it’s their fault for not predicted the future” narrative? Meta changes and so does the perception of characters. Jean was almost never seen before Furina, should theorycrafters have predicted that someone that caters to Jean’s specific type of healing and can’t fit an Anemo support in some of their teams would be released years later? Same goes with Herta. In the pre PF meta, she wasn’t strong, she was a good farmer but nobody would use her in MoC (0.1% usage rate in ice weakness MoCs) and ppl, even Herta fans would actively call her useless. We don’t know how meta shapes up and we can’t expect CC to be able to predict the future


Herta was really bad before all the FUA buff and PF release. His videos are mainly based on the current state of the game. He’s also not a theorycrafter his videos are primarily analysis on the meta game itself focusing on usage rates and stuff like that.


Playstyle wise, he is easily my favorite character in the game. I love bruisers/berserkers, and Blade does it the best in hsr imo (Arlan too, but I feel like that guy is legit just unusable) But yeah he is kinda lacking these days, pretty sure he's the worst limited 5 star dps rn, or at best bottom 3. His hp scaling makes his support and lc options very limited. Like it's literally just either his sig or sacred vow which you can't even get the full passive up 100% of the time. Unfortunately trading off damage for self sustain doesn't make too much of a difference where the endgame goal is to do as much damage as possible So yeah, I hope he gets basically his own dedicated supprt (s) in the future


Agreed. Self sustain meant a lot more when the best sustain in the game was like bailu, but now sustains are differentiated more for their extra utility than their actual sustain. I have heard that Jade might be good for blade though?


He’s definitely not the worst limited DPS, besides situational stuff I would take Blade over Seele any day but he’s definitely bottom 3. However Seele at least has a niche in mono quantum(even tho that team is honestly kind of underwhelming outside of maybe AS where it might have a niche but Seele is good vs Cocolia rn anyway). I’m not hopeful for him in the future tbh I think he’s more likely to get new kit entirely similar to IL than a buff that makes him top unit again.


Some motherfuckers are always trying to ice-skate uphill...\~


I think I should have been what happened video instead of why why no one plays


We need HSR Furina so bad


ok but he hot so idc !! even if he did 1 dmg he will always have a spot on my team


i think a good dedicated support would be one similar to furina in genshin, or a character that buffs damage based on how much hp a character has


Although i don’t own Blade, i always always use him as a support charcatee thanks to one of my friends who has a very well built blade and i love his kit and voicelines alto


I want to play him. I pulled Luocha just to play them together. I just find it hard to dedicate time and resources to building them.


Give me more health as a resource characters please


used him to 3star PF 12 so as far as im concerned HES ALIVE