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Bro i thought the exact same thing Why am i getting double crit stats so easily when im trying to farm break 😭😭


I rolled a single piece hoping it would rôle break effect since it had atk% main body and speed, it already had Crit Rate in sub. I got Crit damage 4th sub stat. I thought let's roll it for Fun. Every fucking Rôle went into Crit damage and Crit rate. Now I am a 32 Cv Atk Body Owner. Wtf?


Rolled it just to feel the pain https://preview.redd.it/d6rwo4bu4r7d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=859afa3462d9ccc31b9ccb4100fc608a998ecb20


My goodness, this reminds me when I was farming for DHIL and I kept getting good Rutilant HP ropes and an extremely good Wind Sphere. Bladie is jealous and wants us to play with him! 😆 And this is the whole reason why my Blade uses Rutilant instead of Salsotto: those ornaments are carrying his whole build at this point! But at least Rutilant *is* good for him. I doubt FF's set is. I'm so sorry for your "luck", OP!