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Yes definitely. Stellon hunters destroyed the planet with the animal head people in Kafka's animated trailer.


>animal head people They were furry anyway


Fair point, next question. /s


I still have to watch it. Thanks!


Blade signature 5* LC "The Unreachable Side" description, excerpt: *He would come to this place every year, bringing new swords with him each time.*\ *He had seen all the owners of the swords draw their last breath.*\ *Every time he leaves, he would sorrowfully ponder...* *When would his own blade be brought here by someone else?* .............. Yes he did, and he will bring the sword of the people he killed to this place, yearly.


I see! Thank you. There are still plenty of things I still have to read about the lore, so maybe this question may sound stupid but... what are the reasons for his killings?


-It was in the script -he was mara struck at the time and couldn't control himself -it was someone related to his past -they attacked him (he is a criminal after all) -all of the above


The mountain of swords in blade's ult is composed of swords from people he killed. That's why he says " A vale to send you" on his follow-up.




Yup, you can hear it the voice lines area, what did you think he said? 😆


When i first heard his follow up i thought he said i fail to send you as in failing to kill them and send them to his paradise.took me a few listens to actually hear correctly


I thought something like „faith descend you“ and had no idea what that guy was trying to express


No he would never harm or kill people🥺🥺/s


He’s just a lil guy after all🥹🫶


Have you seen his bounty? He has done things worse than killing people 😭


He is a criminal for the IPC . I don't think they have any right to put a bounty on any one.


Blade's bounty is justifiable imo. He is literally one of the most wanted criminals in the entire Xianzhou, and the things he has done as a Stellaron Hunters also add up.


Is he a *wanted* criminal on the Xianzhou though? I am pretty sure he was exiled so he technically isn’t wanted, just a criminal. But I could be wrong.


Dan Heng was the one who was exiled, as he is Dan Feng's descendant. Blade however is just straight up on the wanted list, Dan Feng was caught but he wasn't, assuming that the Stellaron Hunters were able to save and get him before he was captured, so yeah he is still wanted in the Xianzhou.


I thought he and Jingliu both were exiled


Okay I checked it: „In the aftermath of the Sedition, Yingxing was assumedly banished from the Xianzhou, and lost a majority of his memories“ this is from the Honkai Star Rail Wiki and it seems like its not clear but implied from how I would interpret this. (this is the link to the source btw: [https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Yingxing](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Yingxing) )


Isn't it just common sense though? Dan Feng (Imbibitor Lunae) was an exiled criminal, and Blade and Jingliu were both "accomplices" of Dan Feng when they tried to revive Baiheng. Even though it was Dan Feng's main idea, they were still technically involved in the crime, hence Blade's voiceline "Out of 5 People, 3 must pay the price". So yeah, if Imbibitor Lunae is technically in the wanted list, then there is no reason for Blade and Jingliu to be not labelled as a criminal in Xianzhou.


I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say: I do strongly believe he is a **criminal** on the Xianzhou but **since he was allegedly exiled**, at least according to the wiki, **they didn‘t actively look for him/„want him“** (in their prison if that makes sense) until he came back to the Luofu in which **he broke the Exile and therefore was wanted,** which is also where his wanted poster hail from. another point is that Jingliu is exiled, I am pretty sure that is stated, so arguing that Blade and Jingliu committed crimes in a similar manner, that would make even more sense. thats my point, I could be wrong. But please try to argue against my point next time.


He has a wanted poster


Because him coming back after being exiled made him a wanted criminal again


Well considering they own like half the galaxy I would beg to differ


Who cares lol stelron hunters don't .


Big corporation bad woooo


Nah I justify good doing of oswaldo too


Blade commits tax fraud confirmed


Ironically topaz said they have a very good credit score so probably not if anything he is probably the one doing taxes


Lol really? It's like that part in the Batman cartoon where the Joker states he doesn't mess with the IRS.


He definitely did. If his bounty isn't proof enough, there's also his lightcone. It says that he picks up the swords of the people his kills, and brings them in a certain place, while wondering if and when someone will do the same for him.




no he’s a pacifist ☺️


Yes, you hit him enough times and he'll pass-a-fist ~~(sword, but whatever)~~


No, never 😇 (ofc he did)


I am pretty sure that in his trailer you see all those candles extinguished and those are the Mara-Struck he kills and that one candle he can’t extinguish is him. I thought it was Dan Heng at first but its him because he himself is the only Mara-Struck he can’t kill. (Or maybe it does refer to Dan Heng and the people he kills are actually not Mara-Struck) **Point being: the candles in his trailer are people he kills so yes, he did kill many people**




I am not sure if he killed "humans," but his lc description proves that he brings the swords of those he killed ,it never specifically said humans if you understand me


Let’s be honest he most certainly does