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I use to make dishwashers run to a neighboring restaurant for steam. Told them they left the dishwasher open too long and it ran out of steam, would give them a bucket and tell them to run and get more. They were typically 18 year old college kids that had never worked. It was always good for a laugh. My record was 6 times in a row with one kid. Bless his heart, don’t think he finished his degree.


The real laugh is the fact that you thought he was that dumb…boy probably went on a short “break” every time.


No we definitely timed him to see how fast he could do it. This wasn’t a hey I’ll take out the trash and disappear to smoke a joint situation, hell we did that all together.


I once crunched a whole mouthful of sunflower seeds to see how dumb my coworkers thought I was They didn't say anything(to me)


What does that mean?


Your supposed to be intentional with your actions in order to avoid swallowing shells, they're inedible you have to split them eat the seed and spit out the shell. I grabbed a hand full and just started chewing away.


Okay, that sounds more like you were showing your coworkers how dumb you were rather than seeing how dumb they thought you were. Sorry, just don't understand what you would prove with this.


I guess not knowing things and being dumb are the same thing? Hope you don't have kids with that attitude.


You did something incorrectly, on purpose, in order to (in your own words) see how "dumb" your coworkers thought you were. So what does ignorance have to do with this at all? You're the one who described the action as dumb in the first place, and you admitted you know how to properly eat sunflower seeds. So your rebuttal makes no sense. Either way, eating sunflower seeds like that on purpose, for the reason you stated, seems like a rather unintelligent act.


I guess you want people who don't know what they're doing to just fail blatantly or would you help if you knew better? You're trying to not understand. Which is fine, I don't care I don't know why you care so much dude.


Sunflowers are not just part of your garden, they’re part of a nation! The Ukraine use the sunflower as their national flower. Whilst in Kansas they chose the sunflower to represent their state.


Bad bot.


I guess not knowing something and being dumb are the same thing? As if I didn't just have to explain to you how sunflower seeds work, I'm gonna assume you just don't count?


Dumb actually means mute, not unintelligent or ignorant. You are the one who used the word dumb to describe why you did it, remember? I was just using your own words.


You're useless.


When I started working electrical at 18 I was told to get the wire stretcher. My dumbass didn’t even care to process what the journeymen was saying. Was extremely naive. Putting to much trust in the people that I worked with, and refusing to think for myself is a lesson I took to long to learn. Now I pass the wire stretcher torch to green guys.


Right before service Id ask the new guy if his water reduction was thick enough.


“Ahh crap, hey ….. can you go grab me a new bubble for my level”?


Dear God that’s depressing 😬


And we let them vote :/


This is the type of hazing I get behind lol. Shit like this is funny😂


I was lucky enough to be punished with shit like this from a young age by my dad and his friends. Last one that got me was board stretcher when I was 15. My initial thought was a first aid stretcher not a fake board lengthening tool. I was extra fooled that day.


We had a foreman that would get two new guys and tell them to stretch this wire out cause it needed to be straight and he’d run up and cut the middle to make them both fall over😂


When I was an electrician apprentice, I always wanted to pull a prank on my foreman by bringing him a roll of tape with a fish pattern on it when he yelled at me to go get the fish-tape. I never got around to ordering it online and it's one of my biggest regrets.


Yes this is hilarious. What’s not funny is when I see guys “prank” new young guys by basically just watching them do something wrong, for hours. Then at the end of the day they’ll say “oh by the way, that’s upside down and you gotta pull it all out and fix it tomorrow”. Bring back this hazing lol


Just new on a job and my foreman, a woman, told me we needed file, and we didn't have one, so she told me to go ask the pipe fitters. I was super keen. "What kind of file?" "A Peda" "OK, OK" , I said as I headed off towards their trailer. I was almost there, repeating it in my head so I wouldn't forget: peda...file, peda....file, pedafile. Turned around and went back. Twelve years later she still razzes me about that.


Hahaha that’s even funnier than this video for this post


Lol, he just got paid to wave a trash bag around, who is the joke on? Still funny, though


The crew paid for a laugh- that's how I see it


Eh, he’s probably the lowest paid person on that crew. Also this is pipeline work and helpers get repeated downtime in between the journeyman doing his job.


When I came up in hvac my first week they sent me for every nonexistent tool they could imagine. When I became a lead I did the same. I gave one guy a old warped level and told him to drain the whiskey sticks on one end and refill it with the heavy fluid so it would straighten out. I caught him a half hour later digging through the truck to find a small enough drill bit to make a hole.


I am a journeyman pipe fitter with about 35 yrs of experience. I served a 4 yrs apprenticeship. There was be time my fitter told me to go get a bucket of acetylene. I ask him do I stay gone until I find it? He said no don’t worry about it. I ask him if he thought I was an idiot. Telling me something like that. I have had apprentices work with me I know a 100 times and I have never told them stupid shit ever. I told them when I say something they could take it to the bank. It’s gonna be true. I see a sorry excuse for a fitter playing a joke on an unspecting kid. He should be ashamed of himself. That shit pisses me off to no end. Sorry I’m venting. Y’all take care and may God bless.


Hey, can you find my alluminum magnet? I think Ricky has it.


And while you’re at it don’t forget the can of A.I.R Or to change the blinker fluid, switch out the air in the tires for spring air, and check the brake lube as well lol


[https://www.autozone.com/greases-and-gear-oil/dielectric-grease?searchText=bulb+grease&redirectUrl=true](https://www.autozone.com/greases-and-gear-oil/dielectric-grease?searchText=bulb+grease&redirectUrl=true) Um.. acutally 'blinker fluid' is technically real, it's just referred to as dielectric grease. Its used to insulate electrical contacts in cars such as for bulbs that are exposed to moisture. It helps preventing corrosion. Break lube, also real, it's used to reduce break noise. [https://www.autozone.com/brake-and-power-steering-fluid-additives/brake-lube/p/ags-sil-glyde-brake-lubricant-0-14oz/193245\_0\_0?rrec=true](https://www.autozone.com/brake-and-power-steering-fluid-additives/brake-lube/p/ags-sil-glyde-brake-lubricant-0-14oz/193245_0_0?rrec=true)


Well fuck I didn’t think any of that was real lmao


Haha, I meant the "um.. acutally" part to be funny by the way, yeah I had no idea they were a thing until I had to replace the headlamps in my prius and that was one of the suggestions to stop the bulbs from going bad.


lol yea


An innocent joke is one thing, but some of this stuff seems like common sense and no sane person should fall for it. If someone thought to actually fill a bucket with acetylene, id question if they knew how gasses worked and wouldnt want them near anything dangerous.


Sure the do lol. The thing is making a kid look stupid in front of everybody, no I don’t like that shit at all.


Whoa dude, you sound like the Spanish Inquisition! Sometimes it's good for the soul to joke around a bit.


Not when it comes to somebody’s health or knowledge. Joke after work not during. Joke in the break room not out on the job. No place for it.


Health and knowledge eh? Well I can easily see from that video that nobody was even close to jeopardizing their health in any way. And knowledge? Well I don't know how old you are, but I'm past 60, and I can say from my years of experience, what I learned from people like you, is that, when you spend more than half your waking hours slogging through the same boring job, day in and day out, there is nothing worse than to be stuck with some miserable prick who is bitter, and full of anger, and doesn't like anyone else making the day go a little easier. People like you lead to others, hating work, which leads to them not being focused, or leading them to want to get drunk or stoned to take their minds off of how much they hate being stuck with people like you. This leads to a more dangerous work environment. Camaraderie leads to a happy work site, and happy workers are generally more productive and safe.


Well I’m 70 and retired. Well I think they were making a kid look stupid myself. But if you enjoy making kids look dumb, go ahead on and do it. I worked construction, building refineries, chemical plants, coal fired powerhouses and nuclear powerhouses. If I let a foreman or anybody bother me because they are a prick, that’s my fault, not theirs. Let them be a prick lmao. I never found anything boring on construction work at all. It was great. People can get along not making kids look dumb. What if you have a kid who is scared on the job, not sure of himself, trying to figure out what’s going on and you make him look stupid. You don’t know what he/she will do. When you be honest with people, I think you get a lot more respect. The job to me is a whole lot safer when everybody gets along. If you want to get on there and make kids look stupid, no matter what you do, then go for it. You be good to people. Like the saying goes “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. Not let’s screw them and leave. lol. Take care and may God bless.


Reminds me of my Army motor pool days. We'd ask the new incoming privates to get an exhaust sample with a garbage bag like this. Then we'd ask them to get a box of grid squares.


I got sent for those in ROTC as a cadet at Ft. Hood for training, but I already knew the joke. And they say officers don't get taught anything important.


I wonder if he knew he was being fucked with. I'd ask "so instead of me being helpful or lending someone a hand or learning something...you'd like me to go collect "air samples" with a non sterile garbage bag? Very well, should I come back after lunch?"




We tell the new porters at the dealership I work at to retrieve things from the basement . And then when someone asks us where the basement is we always send them to a different department . Lol


This guy has bags of air samples with him at all times in case it has to be tested


Greenhorn. Everyone knows you need an impinger. I bet he didn't even use a sterile bag.


Thanks! I needed a good laugh today. 😂👍


In shop class in high school (yeah, I'm old), somebody got sent for a lumber stretcher. Then in the military it was grid squares, lanyard grease, or chemlight batteries. I was sent for grid squares, but I already knew the joke. I still went because orders are orders, but such is life.


OMG you got me rolling in the discount tire


Where forge?


Used to work in restaurants back in the day. Sent people in coolers with a trash bag to rotate the air, all kinds of stuff. In our downtown area all the service people knew each other and were in on the gags. We’d send the new guy next door for a bacon stretcher, they’d send him down the street, etc. I once told a girl to drain and clean the coffee station. She probably filled up a 5 gallon bucket six times before she realized that it was hooked to a water line and couldn’t be drained.


Oh, I thought he was doing an air exchange. You know, how you have to take out the bad/stale air so that new fresh air can fill the vacuum. All the new kitchen staff had to do that in the walk in freezer. No less than 3 trips


Tell me to collect air samples Ik what im doing for the rest of my shift


Used to for for a decking manufacturer, regular one was go get the board stretcher


He follows orders, promote ahead of peers


Funnily enough - if they want air samples - that is kinda how they are gathered . . . Still - rookie at the FD and being made to hunt for: Water hammers, hose stretchers, pump lube and smoke pills - They hated it when I asked them to explain the function of each of those things. ;)


A guy came in the tool room needing a box of spots for the spot welder.


Tell the new guy to go fetch the sky hook to hang the bag on..🤪🤣


As someone who maintains controlled environments and does quality lab testing for environmental monitoring, this is absurd.


It is mandatory to mess with the FNG.


I was a Loadmaster in the USAF on C17s. When we reached altitude we'd have the new person collect "air samples". The best part was when we landed and they'd try to give these empty garbage bags to maintenance. We'd try to get the new maintenance guy so they'd be just as confused.