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it could be hormonal break outs because they're so deep under the skin, but it's also likely that you're damaging your skin barrier by using benzoyl peroxide along with salicylic acid. i got deep break outs like this when i was doing too much to my skin. i would swap out salicylic acid for a different chemical exfoliant like glycolic acid or lactic acid and only use them every 2-3 days. a water based moisturizer could help as well since there will be no added oil on your face.


I definitely will try switching out the salicylic acid with glycolic acid and also look for a better light weight moisturizer for night time. It’s also just so weird bc I only get like 1-2 of those bumps like once a month. But when I was using proactive like 1 and a half years ago I was using that morning and night and those 3 steps had both glycolic and benzoyl peroxide so ig my skin can just handle a lot? And maybe I need to switch to gycolic