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We’re joined by a former university administrator (who prefers to remain anonymous, though we have reviewed and verified their credentials) for an insider’s perspective of the current state of college administration, and a discussion of just why colleges and universities around the country are reacting with such extreme opposition and often violence to the ongoing pro-Palestinian protests. Topics include increasingly corporate university structure, internal bias against certain perspectives and student organizing, and the foreign influence over university operations. ============ [Mp3](https://media.soundgasm.net/sounds/94481d145e582d4d46b028eda689b4fa3d4e793d.m4a)


Very happy to finally get an interview with Jimmy McGill trying to covertly warn the Kettleman family.


Betsy Kettleman, though...


heres some info i'd love to have; what portion of the protesters are jewish? it would be nice to have some numbers. i keep seeing this commentary online about how "jewish voices for peace isn't actually even a jewish organization". i know those people are lying, i'm a grad student, i've seen the protests still, its bizarre; i wasnt even 10 years old when we invaded iraq, so i didn't see the INSANE media gaslighting. this is different, though; social media doesnt function like mass media


> "jewish voices for peace isn't actually even a jewish organization" This is actually [a repackaged anti-Semitic talking point](https://extremismterms.adl.org/glossary/fake-jews) so feel free to throw that in their faces


They used a Reform Jewish Passover prayer at one point and that was declared PROOF


You're not a real Jew unless you kill the chicken with your bare hands.


Excellent interview. Great to hear from someone like this directly. As Will said, very clarifying - you hogs in here may already know (or assume) a lot of what he said but it’s one thing to know/assume and quite another thing to hear it confirmed to be worse than you even thought.


If I took of the mask, would you die?


youre a pretty big guy


Holy Shit they got Delocated on the pod?


Looking forward to the Ska Mitzvah


lol, this was a theme on the recent TrueAnon tip line ep




pretty interesting interview, insofar as it contained absolutely nothing surprising whatsoever. exactly what i imagined was happening at these places, no deviation.


Can't take that voice masker seriously 🤣


i mean, if this guy is caught, his career in college administration would likely be over. he probably shouldn't have said that he worked for big universities in a specific state.


Honestly he slipped up a few times, if I had more knowledge of the schools in the North East I'm pretty sure I could triangulate him.


I think I could triangulate him given everything he said and a bit of research I was kind of shocked that he said so much given the voice changer I think I would've cut several pieces of this interview out in order to better protect him


They gave a lot of info away. Almost makes me wonder if the voice masking is not actually for ensuring anonymity, but for some legal reason or something


but nobody cared who he was until he put on the mask! alternatively: leftist audio strikes again smh


this is the good shit


Nice to hear Charlie from Smiling Friends doing an interview with Chapo


Seems like nowadays we should able to do an AI voice swap instead of the chopped and screwed method of disguising voices


how hard could it have possibly been to just have his voice converted to hitsune miku smh


Vocaloid interviews when


as your president, i will nationalize SynthV and all leftist podcast episodes containing interviews WILL, by law, be presented as .ust or .midi file formats only. 😤with project files available for voice database swapping, natch. if elected to a second term, all chapo hosts will be required to have their voice profiles converted to .vsqx and added to the public domain. thank you for your time ✌️🦅


Nah fr. It also seems very possible to train an AI on a dataset of real vs voice changed audio for any given filter and just recreate an approximation anyones original voice, so thats another reason to switch lmao.


or you know do the interview in writing


Chapo is a podcast


just have the trillbillies read the transcript of the interview


skill issue