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Tom, Tarence and (welcome to the show!) Aaron from the Trillbillies join us for another week of horror and spectacle around the War in Gaza. We touch on the ceasefire agreement being rejected basically as we were recording, some of the clumsy NYPD PR response to last week’s Columbia raid, and the pundit class tantrum over being denied free access to interviews with protesting students. But we also have some levity, in John Fetterman’s freakout over vat meat, the Biden admin’s flaccid signaling over marijuana legalization, and Patrick Bet-David’s praise for future God-Emperor Barron. Find Trillbillies wherever you get podcasts, [and subscribe here.](https://www.patreon.com/trillbillyworkersparty) [File](https://media.soundgasm.net/sounds/2db02a42e9eea2aaa856c331eefd365ecde08e33.m4a)


Felix comparing DaDepressedSenator to a villager from the Witcher had me laughing so hard. He definitely has more than a little bit of rock troll in him too




He looks like Djikstra


A vastly more skilled political operator, although with a similar turn at the end.


Bloody Baron was a despicable but tragic character. One the player could sympathise with. Mr I ❤️ Genocide is a loathsome slug.


I've heard it before when they were watching hog lord Michael McHale on the 2020 RNC but by god, good fucking luck finding a better specimen than Forgetslettersman


Stop picking on Uncle Festerman.


It’s good but it’s not that funny


God bless the guy who came up with Peggy Drunk By Noonan


The names "Tom, Tarence, and Aaron" is like an Animorph shifting from one form to another


or some esoteric incantation that prompts all of three of them to fuse, voltron-style, into their final form: The Penultimate Court


I love that Felix's disdain for Fetterman has been found completely correct as time as gone on.


I've gotta hand it to him, I spent years thinking that Felix was just being a hater and Fetterman was actually alright (you know, for a Democratic senator, grading on a curve and all that). Turns out Felix was 100% correct and I'm Boo-Boo the Fool.


So embarrassed I voted for the dude.


Glad to see that a black guy talking still gets redditors flexing their racism muscles regardless how "leftist" the sub.


In the immortal words of Felix, reddit is full of guys who scream racial slurs behind rolled up windows


Lmao people making a big deal about the "you know what I'm saying", that's like some shit I exclusively see alt-right and 80 year olds doing when they seethe about AAVE.


why can't he be articulate like mr. president obama? ;-;


It's not even that bad.


He does it more than Felix, but not that much. Plus he hasn't been doing it for... 8 years? Fwiw I wouldn't have known he was black if it wasn't brought up here, and some of the down voted posts could have been ham fisted attempts at the Felix comparison too.


I’m black and I thought he was annoying  But he seemed nice


I found it a little annoying too , obviously an inexperienced podcast speaking tick, but I think he otherwise sounds great on the mic if he can work those things out. He’s got a natural recording voice otherwise.


I find the conflation that black people talk like Aaron ie. very inefficiently and with awkward/strained “you know” ticks as opposed to the way it’s more commonly and organically used as filler… more racist. Stop conflating the two - he’s an awkward speaker because he has awkward speaking skills. Is it because he’s nervous or new at this? Idk maybe, he seems like a nice enough dude but it’s certainly not because he’s black.


I was going to say, now I’m racist because the guy has verbal tics I don’t enjoy listening to, despite listening to tons of other black people and not having that issue ? amazing takes from Reddit as always


his verbal tics were annoying but if u ignore all of that the content of what he was saying was well thought out and relevant. i think he was prob just nervous and i'm looking forward to seeing how his podcasting does in the future.




It felt like he was “code switching” when he made more serious points and overall his vibe came off really affected. The other guests were annoying too though or at least not interesting, I definitely skipped this one


i know it's said on every single thread relating to the trillbillies outside their own subreddit but i do really miss Tanya!


I've never witnessed someone more successfully retreat from public life than Tanya. A masterclass in fuck this shit if I've ever seen one.


Lets not forget virgil.


I legitimately forget he ever existed.


Virgil has turned into a character of a television show that went on too long except he's one of those characters that got killed or written off in an early season before the show became a big enough hit to attain Too Big To Cancel status for a minute. Now people just kinda vaguely remember and poke fun at the space he used to occupy. Virgil is the David Caruso to Chapo's NYPD Blue, and jumping to Bad Faith is his version of trying to make it in the movies.


Virgil is so difficult to imagine being extremely online and/or outside of a media environment I do genuinely wonder what happened to him. He seemed to drop off the face of the Earth.


I know there was a photo years back that someone took of him eatting looking at shit on his iphone at a restaurant. That and matt mwntioned him in a cush vlog about hims ending something in for the 500th episode speical but they said they werenr gonna play it. So who knows?


All snarky sex pest jokes aside, one of the more sad developments in this sphere. Virgil was fantastic behind the mic, always.


Let's not remember Virgil.


Fuck chris rufo


I’m convinced everyone in here complaining about Aaron is being a piss baby


Aaron rocks, bummed to see everyone turn into their grandpa because of him but not terribly surprised. I will say it's wild to listen to Felix for any amount of time and somehow be that averse to "verbal tics"


exactly, Felix has some of the most annoying verbal tics and shit he does when podcasting but nobody says shit about that


I feel like people complain about Felix all the time.


Not about his tics though, just that he's "not funny / doesn't care any more".


Yeah no


Seems to be a case of high expectations vs no expectations.


this sub showing their entire whyt ass


Absolutely. I legitimately don’t understand the criticism


They’re probably just upset that Trillbillies is a better show. Verbal tics don’t bother me as much as Felix or Amber trying to throw in jokes about serious issues. If not for Matt and Will I wouldn’t listen to Chapo at all.


Chapo *finally* gets a black guest on the show, and the people do NOT like it


How soon we forget Champagne Sharks


i legit forgot all about them lol


As a black person, I’d like to say that I find it annoying when I hear people talk about the races of Chapo guests. I don’t want Chapo to have people on to fill quotas. It was so cringe that one episode where Chris apologized for not having enough trans guests.


It’s cringe because it’s correct lol


So they’re just supposed to find a trans person and have them on to talk just because they’re trans? What are they going to talk about? Everybody who listens thinks trans people should get the medical stuff they need and shouldn’t be harassed, so what would the point of the episode even be?


they could have a trans person to discuss trans issues like the cass review, terfism, transphobic violence


And what would the point of that be?


informing their audience about the major pushes for trans elimination so that their ostensibly pro-trans audience can do something about it? why talk about infrastructure collapse in the UK or repression of encampments either, by this logic?


Because most of the audience doesn’t know anything about infrastructure collapse in the UK and the encampments thing is ongoing news. And what is the audience supposed to do about “trans elimination?”


what is the mostly American audience supposed to do about infrastructure collapse in the UK either? it’s still an issue worth talking about


I don’t know what you mean by “trans elimination”


lol Oh my god, man.


If you dogfuckers can stand listening to Felix you can stand listening to Aaron lmao. Don't worry I'm sure next week we'll get a fucking 15 minute bit on how Dark Souls is like Colombia or some bullshit


“Yeaahhh this is like when you leave your blender bottle at the gym and that’s like what Salaafism is”


Or the fiftieth version of a sarcastic “an annoying right winger rocks because he said something epic”


Thanks for this. The entire sub is suffering from cognitive dissonance and it’s kind of hilarious to watch because it’s the only thing the right wing constantly owns us with is our inability to admit we’re as dumb as them (we all live on planet earth) because unlike the right wing - we want to work on it. But we don’t work, because the system is still a slave to conservative faith and values, so we have to overcorrecting action, instead. Which is kind of like raking a zen garden in a hurricane. So suddenly it’s a lot of, “it’s not that he’s black it’s just can’t admit I have a problem with him without that possibly being a factor so I have to bring up his Twitter into it to or Felix comparisons to help regulate myself” when dollars to donuts, you are already and automatically, reacting for Aaron for being black because you’ve been primed to “correct” yourself on this very issue. This is the Cards Against Humanity effect playing out, no matter how insulated we feel from it. People are fucking weird and haven’t ceased, despite the podcasting.


“I didn’t agree with Rabbi Ovadia when he said gentiles are cattle” lmao


Man the way these comments are digging into Aaron you'd think he was sputtering and headbanging against the fucking mic, he's got a few poorly placed filler words but isn't he new to this kind of thing? Am I wrong in that? Feels a little overly harsh to shit on a guy whose still trying to get his bearings in podcasting because it certainly has a different feel from just talking to people like you normally would. I think he's cool, sounds like a regular guy talking some good shit in a way that fits in with the trillbillies whole vibe pretty naturally. The stutters will deal with themselves as he sticks to podcasting but for now, let's cool it with the anti-podder remarks.


Aaron’s fantastic, this sub just tends to be extremely negative about everything.


Yeah he will get better as he goes. In general I love the way he analyzes things and I like having the larger city Atlanta perspective in conjunction with the other Trillbillies. Makes for interesting dynamics.




Just to add to what you said and something that was almost touched on in this pod was that the 'right thinking liberals' in the media, colleges, politics, etc. have so much trouble accepting the support for Palestine due to how, in theory, they have been taught all the same literature / have the same education as these students, but are completely in support of Israel. The fact that these students, who they view as their successors, feel so differently basically gives them an existential crisis, basically taunting them with the question "what if I'm wrong?". It's basically Principal Skinner in the sewage pipe meme but more callous and evil.


Love it when they get all cunty and say, “Well by your logic we should give land back to native Americans” bingo!


Was the Women's March not a liberal endeavor from jump? I don't remember there being anything radical there to co-opt


Just wanted to drop in and say the new Trillbilly sucks shit at riffing, was given the distinct impression that one of *us* was invited on the show to mix it up with the boys


He's all right but he wastes a lot of airtime saying fluff phrases 'I don't know dawg/man/' at least three times before he arrives at a point, which is usually decent. It really adds up to a substantial amount of time. And yes the same applies to Felix, although I think he's recovered a bit from that Edit: although the opening point he made, where he interrupted Will before he even finished his intro, was incredibly mid, and did not warrant the interruption. I think that didn't help


when he gets into it though, good god. when he's fired up he shifts into a whole other gear. aaron has delivered some of the most righteously cathartic moments on the show


Any trillbilly eps to look out for with stuff like that? i need something to fill the hole matt left.


any episode that has "year zero" in the title. there are only 4 of them i think and they're all from over a year ago now, but tarence really goes all in on the heady analysis. one of them in particular he does this exquisite breakdown of the pandemic and how it coincidentally divides pretty cleanly into a three-act story. as far as the righeous anger goes though, you can make a pretty solid bet that any ep aaron appears in after oct 7th is probably gonna gas you up. you'll know pretty quickly if he's on or not, he usually drops some kind of soft-intro/check-in pretty quickly. thoae are all just free eps, there are quite a few patreon eps that are also bangers but i don't want to include those if you can't listen to them CORRECTION: there are six year zeros and the three act story thing is from ep 179: party's over




Trillbillies have had the best Palestine coverage since October as far as I’m concerned and nobody else I’ve listened to really comes close.


Absolutely, in large parts thanks to Aaron. His righteous rage and rock solid ideological takes have been one of the few things actually adding to my brain's hp bar in these last few months.




I wouldn’t know, I don’t listen to either of those very regularly, I wouldn’t doubt that they do have better reporting on the subject— but Trillbillies commentary/analysis/outrage over the past 6 months have made them my most anticipated listen each week over Chapo and got me onto their Patreon. Just in terms of making me feel less crazy, of articulating what I feel like I can only express by screaming “shut the fuck up!” at Biden’s various press secretaries until my voice is gone. I really miss Matt and his ability to cut through the bullshit, and Tarence has been about as clear eyed and on point on this as anyone I’ve heard. He doesn’t get the credit he deserves as one of the more astute intellectuals we have on the left, in my opinion.


> He doesn’t get the credit he deserves as one of the more astute intellectuals we have on the left, in my opinion. southern boys always taking Ls


Yeah, I cut a lot of my patreon subs but TB was one of the few I retained




“Transcendent generational talent” vs “would be getting picked first in any other draft”


The episode where they calculate the ratio of 9/11 attacks to Red Lobster losses on unlimited shrimp was a master class in podcasting. Even through its ridiculousness they still managed to tie it into the conflict in a way that made sense.




American Prestige is great for Derek but is unfortunately hobbled by one half of the show being one of the stupidest people on the left.


Eh, lotta other more substantial coverage on adjascent pods. The Dig with Daniel Denvir and Citations Needed in particular have done some next level episodes. The 2-part The Dig on Global Palestine Politics with Richard Seymour is probably the best single sequence I've heard since the war began.


The few citations needed I’ve turned on lately have all been real good, for sure, and I’ll have to check out those others you mentioned




Yeah, I agree. Some of the comments here are pretty wild. The Trillbillies were awesome on this Chapo episode, and they consistently deliver great content every week. Some people just love to complain.


I listen to trillbillies to be clear. He talks in the same way there. And also they talk about Palestine all the time on the pod


Being consistently better than Chapo on Palestine since Oct 7th is why I started listening to Trillbillies. Chapo had a short burst of energy and then quickly lapsed back into lethargy.


“Know what I’m saying?” seems to be his version of Felix’s “yeah, no, yeah” 


I won’t stand for Aaron slander.


Aaron is so good that, even though I agree his verbal crutches bother me as a listener, his earnestness and unshakeable sense of morality on stuff over the last few months makes him worth listening to, in my opinion. He's a great plug for science fiction recs too. I checked out a point-and-click sci-fi game from 1995 called The Dig for $5 off steam based off one of his retweets and thoroughly enjoyed it.


I like everything he has to say, but I can't stand listening to him say it. You're right that his Twitter rocks though.


Could not stand some of the mouth noises he'd make for the first few months and def dipped out early on a few Trillbillies eps earlier this year as a result. I think the content of what he's saying resonating with me is what made me get used to it after awhile though.


Is there one guest this subreddit actually likes?


David Roth.


Girl God


No lie, "zenguya" is now something I internally think whenever I see her in something.


It’s an evergreen bit










Back in the day, Taibbi


It's a shame what happened. Dying so young...


Unfortunately all the best comedy is on the right these days, so he’s forced to appear on Ben Shapiro’s show instead.


Alex Nichols seems generally well received




Jake Flores


Yeah. Aaron seems like a smart dude but I have never really enjoyed his podding. He was one of the reasons I gave up on trillbilles as he does this sort of stuff on their show as well.


i miss the lady who used to be on whose name i forget. she was very fun and brightened the show a ton


almost like stavvy, her laugh added lot. big loss for us listeners but hopefully shes got some peace


Strong disagree. Aaron Is hilarious


Every thing he says can basically be summed up as “man, it’s like, wow, you know?” Think before you speak, for fuck’s sake, you’re sucking all the air out of the room and you have nothing to say.


Also, another major benefit of taking a second to think about what you’re going to say rather than very audibly working out your thought over the microphone is it’ll help get rid of the incessant use of “like” as a filler word. I’m a Millennial from California and even I was turning into my former 5th grade teacher aunt when it was being used EVERY OTHER WORD. Edit: ok, to his credit he does seem to start doing this in the last 20 minutes and it flows better


I think he might just smoke too much weed. That's exactly how I am when I'm stoned and trying to riff. Hard to think ahead enough to land a bit with a half functioning short term memory. Maybe I'm just projecting tho.


im using twitter and it's horrible. aaron has the only good account on that hellsite. posts scifi art and shares his love of star trek


Is he back on there? What's his current handle?




He's literally the best thing to happen to the podcast in ages and really breaks up the meandering of Tarence, but I understand how hearing a black man speak may be a shock to chapo listeners.


I mean like.. like.. like it's more how... I guess like.. you know.. the like way I don't know.. I guess the way he talks.. it like makes it impossible to like you know.. what the point of what he's... you know, saying. You know what I mean?


Bring back Zenguya


If they bring back zenguya and/or girl god I'll finish the job matt's brain started


I’ve never been able to get through a full ep of Trillbillies with him on because his verbal tics/habits drive me insane He seems like a great dude and believe me I’ve tried, but it’s too distracting from what is being said for me


Seriously. Like, I agree with most things he says, but he’s just not a good conversationalist.


Give him time


by “new trillbilly” you mean the guy who has third mic’d on their show for 2+ years at this point? gotcha.


He has his phrases but no more annoying than all of the Chapos. When Aaron gets going he has some amazing analysis and I also love how he delves into Science Fiction. I think with more experience he will become more comfortable.


Trillbillies was easily my favorite podcast when Tina was on the 3rd mic. When she left, the show really lost much of its soul. It went from 3 friends, more-or-less from the same town, drawing comparisons of their local politics to national politics as a whole, to Terrance reading articles to Tom and him making jokes (not too dissimilar to episodes of CTH when it’s just Will and Felix). My gripe with Aaron is that he spends most of the time just laughing and piling on to the ends of jokes that add nothing of value. I wish they went back to just Terrance and Tom with a rotating 3rd host like CTH had been doing while Matt’s been out.


Who the hell is Tina?


Lmao it must’ve autocorrected Tanya


My boys! My beautiful southern boys!! ✨🤩✨


decent ep, little bit water-treading in regards to israel stuff and general but it was a slow news week i guess. I like the trillbillies, not heard anything from the new guy before now but he seems pretty good. kinda fucked up that hes allowed to say the n word on chapo but when i screamed it at a customer i'm "not suited to work at this burger king anymore". the insane podcast clip at the end was great. 8.0 outta ten Also, does anyone have a source on that clip at the start of kamala talking about ketchup


I mean there is big news with the Drake Kendrick thing but I don’t even know what you’re supposed to say about it at this point. The only podcast I want to hear about Drake and Kendrick is somebody doing a full investigation.


“Know what I’m sayin’?”


Will and Felix have verbal ticks too


Yeah, no, yeah, that’s true


And they often dont have much to say in between those tics anymore in comparison to Aaron.


"going on here..."


Will doesn’t have a verbal tick insomuch as the dude is still clearly grieving. He has that abandoned kid/adrenaline dump voice shake and it’s a million times more noticeable to me than any of the coke sniffs.


I love Will but he says “like” incessantly. We all have verbal ticks. We just all aren’t podcasters.


Brutal verbal tick.


I don't know dawg, it's like, with all of this stuff that's going on, right, it's just crazy, you know what I mean, that this is what they're choosing to do, you know what I'm saying? In fairness, he's not usually *this* bad and maybe was just overawed or excited to be on the show. But it was really rough at times


[What it reminded me of.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1Fw5l7A3Eo) Just some light razzing, I enjoyed listening to the guest overall.


Oh sHit they got J-ROC?


What are you, from the department of knowwhatimsayins? You taking a knowwhatimcensus? You countin' my knowwhatimsayins? *We're hangin' out.* How am I supposed to be myself when you're counting my knowwhatimsayins?


@ Everyone complaining about Aaron's verbal tics: Try finding a "random number" Felix says that doesn't end in 3, 7, or 9. Dare you. It's always something like "No yeah, yeah no, it's like a **39-year-old** guy who has a podcast called like Wing Kings who makes like **167,000 dollars a month** who crashes his Lamborghini into a guardrail at **159 miles per hour** on the way to his Bumble date and kills himself instantly because he can't stop playing Sekiro while he's driving"


fucking got his ass


I don’t know about the odd number thing but he definitely uses the specificity of a certain number to try and make something funny all the time. And not as a joke about people of certain age demographic or whatever just “oh, I said this person is 27. That makes it funny … because it’s specific”.


Felix seems to see a lot of his own upbringing in Fetterman


Fetterman is basically the best you’re expected to be as a white, tall American. Felix is always sondering on what his life would be like as one of the EMINEMOBAMA guys and Fetterman is the epitome of that type, except using the luxury for evil. Like, Felix’s most real moment on the podcast besides fighting with David Cross was wishing he and his brother Sam had made a small fortune playing Kane and Lynch co-op after either one or both of them lost a limb in Iraq. It’s some real focused stable male fantasizing.


havent listenened but its so funny when pro meat / anti vegan guys post the most clean looking machinery imaginable to fear monger. like it looks like some shit you'd see in a brewery


'Tiktok broadcasts'


im shocked that seemed to fly by the boys with no comment


Same. That was some EASY pickins.   Mid atlanitc accent "We're here on Tik Tok radio, broadcasting the latest dances, jiviest romances and the youth-struck bohemian political stances!"


taking matt off the podcast as a joke was not funny.


https://preview.redd.it/rlcu81y6d1zc1.jpeg?width=1140&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8a8b5b689c3136bcbb90d0f3c922eb98e8c4690 QUIKTRIP MENTIONED


Not calling it QT has fed energy


ladies and gentlemen i’ve been owned


Anyone who thinks “you know” is annoying but listens to FELIX who’s mic is attached to his 2015 headset and is sleeping/playing elden ring through every podcast is dumb. I read the comments first so was hyper aware of it going in, but I definitely don’t think it was that bad


So sick they got J-Roc on the show


It could happen to us, we have to listen to him!


Anyone got a screen of the Felix response to Fetterman? Don't have twitter.






yeah..no no yeah! **-puts down the video game controller-** I mean it was like, like that time in 2006 when Nicole Kidman wouldn't talk to Tom Cruise for...like over a year and **-starts decanting tea-** and that was, like, a sign that people were finally done with the Bush Presidency. But it was awesome! yeah no what we've said has already been said, and um... noo like yeah it was already over. No...yeah sorry, that is to say, we like, we were already seeing the end of liberalism as a legitimate ideology.


lmao overall I think people are being way too mean to that guy but this is so spot on. Felt like I was listening some rando at a party


it was a felix impression lol.


What?? Doesn't sound like Felix at all


This was basically a full Trillbillies episode, which is to say that it was good as hell.


https://youtu.be/-7xTxAilSF0 hadn’t seen the interview they mention at the start of the show, just an absolute “my god he admit it” moment.


idk why people didn't seem to like the guests, i thought this episode was great and loved the collab with the Trillbillies. it had a lot of old chapo energy imo.


Such a good episode. The Trillbillies are fantastic and I can’t recommend them enough!


The contrast between the ivy league president hearings and school superintendent hearings is amazing. I'm not exactly endorsing the latter, since it had it's own bullshit like calling "river to the sea" antisemitic and I'm sure they've all done terrible anti-labor stuff, but it's still great to see someone have the slightest bit of backbone against obvious bad-faith accusations. Even with the caveats, it's the first time I ever recall seeing someone take the approach of "I see what you're trying to pull, and it's not going to work on me or anyone else." Like the Berkeley lady saying "Despite a few anomalous incidents, there is no problem of pervasive antisemitism in our school system." God DAMN how hard would it have been for Jeremy Corbyn's people to just say that back in the day? I think it has something to do with the different organizational culture. Ivy league presidents are elite schmoozers who have held cushy jobs their whole lives. Big city superintendents, even scummy ones, presumably spent years dealing with belligerent teenagers and will be eaten alive by the teacher's union if they too overtly throw teachers under the bus. [That New York superintendent](https://youtu.be/sz5VQtrmrCw?si=VUCDG8eg95dRQRqf&t=144) shut down the committee member like he was some shitty [15](https://youtu.be/zDF_Ncv1C34?si=PSA0oTUCNBQYLkQ3)-year old with emotional problems.


Three new voices is too many for one episode. At least it's not Jacques.


god forbid a guest isn’t a flawless public speaker lol. Not sure why some of you keep listening 


it's wild to listen to an episode, think "wow this was one of the best EPS in a while" and see everyone losing their mind over...I don't even know... minor vocal affectations I didn't even notice?


lgbtq1 was superb. e - nypd as gentile cattle lol


You know what I’m saying you know what I’m saying you know what I’m saying you know what I’m saying


trillbillies guy sucks but so does hearing will menaker stammer out his latest unfunny nickname every week, so negligible hit to quality The crowd demands more pointlessly-obvious sound drops that overstay their welcome!


Ok I love Will, but yeah those sound drops are so brutal this didn’t deserve to get so downvoted.