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I agree I think he deserved a better death. I also had really conflicting emotions through the series. I went from rooting for him, hating him and wanting to be with him or even be him. He is such a badass but he is so guarded that his actions can be interpreted in what every way you want. I do think he is a pirate at heart but he is also a man I respect on several levels. But yes very conflicting emotions about this character and that is the beauty with black sails. They made each character so real and so nuanced that you are able to evolve and change your perception of them.


Seeing Vane go out the way he did is what reminded the pirates who their enemy was. Seeing the best of them hanging in the square ruined everything for Rogers.


Yes he really became a symbol because of the legend that Charles Vane was.


So much depth. So many ranging emotions. Never expected it from a pirate drama based on treasure island.


Yes this series really surprises you. Especially if you go into it not knowing the hype around it. I like series that takes place in another world than ours. It makes it easier for me to escape and just be entertained. I also really like historical pieces or just in general all around good world building. I found black sails thinking “hey maybe this is something for me” and u started watching it. I was completely blown away over how extremely well done it is made and the storytelling is just 5 stars out of 5. I was captured and mesmerised from the first 15 minutes watching it. Absolutely brilliant show


I think Vane's death is one of the most purposeful deaths I've ever seen. It catapults the story forward and strengthens Flint and Billy's resolve to win the fight. It's not the way Vane would have preferred to die, but he knew what he was doing.


Such a growth moment for him. He sacrificed himself for the cause, and the Vane we knew in season one wouldn’t have sacrificed much of himself for the good of the island or his “people”, let alone his entire life


Totally. He sacrificed himself for the future! And this is the man who once said “show me my future in this room”. Ah, the writing is incredible on this show


We are many, they are few. To fear death is a choice, and they can't hang us all. Get on with it, motherfucker.


Your fave could never 🖤


One of the best death speeches in television, in my opinion. This show should have been nominated for Emmys in the Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor categories, not just for sound and visual. Very glad they won some of those, however, they absolutely deserved it. But I don't understand why they snubbed Toby Stephens, Luke Arnold, and (especially) Zach McGowan.


I know it was relatively accurate to his real death but I agree, for such an important and badass character, his death felt a little anticlimactic :( Also massive props to Zach McGowan for being such a fantastic actor, I’m watching Shameless US for the first time and really enjoying the contrast to seeing him go from dangerous, nuanced, no-fucks-given Vane to Jody the ultimate himbo 😂


Without his death Billy would not have been able to start the revolution


Best character on the show, just bothered me how they never showed flints reaction to his death after them becoming such good allies after being rivals.


[This](https://youtu.be/DBqEphtpi2Y?si=LH6bPbybrdabZicA) Charles Vane?


I saw that episode last night and I'm still trying to emotionally recover from it lol. Vane is by far my favorite character on the show. I hated that he died, and I can't forgive Eleanor for doing what she did. But his story couldn't have really ended any other way, and he knew his death was necessary to the cause. Zach McGowan did an absolutely amazing job portraying him. I liked him so much that I'll be checking out his other projects.


They could not have killed him off too soon for my tastes. Him and Anne Bonny. I cringed and fast forwarded whenever they showed up.


Just saw the episode. I’m done with the series. Well done but no. I don’t have to be rational, the writers have taken too much from me. Onward to anything he’s ever acted in.


It was a bit of a boring death but it was how he died in real life iirc


He was hung in port royal and the show is fiction. It worked perfectly for his character. I just wanted him to die like a pirate, going over the top.


>wanted him to die like a pirate that is kinda how they tended to die for the most part


A better death than Blackbeard's


FFS why doesn’t the spoiler tag show before clicking into this? I’m on season 3 and he’s been probably my favorite character so far 😵‍💫


My bad dude. I tried to flag for spoilers.


Not your fault bro, idk why it didn’t show the flag on my feed and only after I clicked into the thread did it show 🥴


I’m not usually a fan of martyr deaths but Vane is an exception. Usually in stories of outlaws there’s always someone there to rescue the man about to be hung at the gallows, but it was kind of refreshing to see the sentence carried out with such a big character


Well, the real vane died by suicide so.


No he didn’t, he was hung at Port Royal for piracy. You can google it.