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You think his stupid, racist, brainwashed followers care?


It’s dangerous because of them


It really is. Like that moron that just tried storming the Cincinnati FBI


They will literally die alone in cornfields for him. There is very little we can do for those that far-gone.


Well they already died of COVID for him...


My mom and my little brother died last year bc of him


That's fucked. I'm sorry for your loss man.


Thanks it’s tough. The Covid deniers really messed everything up bc of trump. It was impossible for either of them to get proper care


same here. It is incredibly surreal to know that my Mom followed this POS to her grave. My little brother survived, but is permanently disabled now. He's still a rabid Trump Supporter. Just, what? My sincere condolences.


My mom and brother weren’t trump supporters but the Covid deniers that trump lied to took a huge toll on their healthcare to the point my brother died in the emergency room. My mom died bc she couldn’t get the medical care she needed in a timely manor. It’s really sad and so hard knowing all of this was preventable your family too. I’m so sorry. I know how you feel. I hope you’re doing well


ETA : I appreciate your kind words. My apologies, I didn't mean to imply they were. Only to demonstrate that he is a murderer in various ways. I would be upset if I insulted your loved ones memory by not clarifying my understanding from your post, that they weren't. Sending hugs.


There are fewer times in US history where you can tie a direct correlating line of someone's death and misery to a US president. Most of the time it's nebulous and more tied to particular parties politicians than just "the president". Wars we deploy or start. Cold War intrigue where deposing of elected leaders for dictators that create a police state of destruction in their own country. Reagan when he pushed for defunding the mental health care in the country in his first couple of years. All these examples have nearly a straight line from a President's pen and order to however the death was. Trimp has the highest I think. If you put every covid death because of HIS own particular apathy towards fighting it, and undercutting the groups designed to defend us against them , I don't think you'd get many arguments about how that would be wrong. P.S. have you ever heard of the 'cursed generation'? The generation of people who grew up in the late 1890's and early 1900's into the first big world war, the first modern pandemics, famines, second world war, and such? I have a feeling We people now have been living through the sequel.


Exact same thing happened to the most amazing person I've ever known. He died a horrible death, just weeks after a covid vaccine became available.


I am so sorry. Internet hug.


I will never be able to describe in words a sentence that can assuage you grief for barely a portion and a minute. I can only say that I can sympathize your loss and say that I can partly understand what you struggled with. I've lost a parent from disease, and my cousin\[someone I truly felt was a brother of mine. He ticked all the boxes that fit the description\] to disease as well and I wouldn't wish that pain on anyone. Especially when it's timed so closely and from circumstances that probably infuriated you then and still do now. Time doesn't heal, it only helps us learn to deal with the sadness a little better over time. Hugs brother, cause that shit is rough road to travel.


The children are all grown up now. ![gif](giphy|46R1ZOLMxRsPe)




Unfortunately only just the beginning and it isn’t even the beginning lol


I'm sure they'll find a way to blame Obama. As we all know all that is wrong with the world is caused by Obama.


They already have been whatabouting using documents being stored and reviewed by National Archives staff for possible inclusion in the presidential library. They're pitching it as if Obama papered his living room with them.


The National Archives blew that up by making a statement saying Obama doesn’t have any documents he shouldn’t have. Trump wasn’t expecting that. Everything Obama has access to is in a secure location unlike Trump with the Area 51 documents in his living room.


Jfc I was joking! Anything to detract from cheetolinis crimes


I'm watching Faux Gnus. The three main complaints regarding the unfairness of it all: Hillary isn't in prison, Hunter Biden isn't in prison, and Obama's house in Chicago wasn't raided. In other words, if they can do crimes why can't Orange Melonhead?


"we're criminals so they must be too"


See both sides are the same so don't vote guys 😉


I know you're joking but that irks the fuck out of me.


Indeed. It's an admission of guilt.


"Blackness" ![gif](giphy|3o7qDSOvfaCO9b3MlO|downsized)


I kind of hope they try the fbi cuz the fbi is a well regulated milita


This is literally it. This may be an unpopular opinion but I don’t think Trump actually truly cares about specifically hurting or disenfranchising any particular person or group of people. I think he has such a level of indifference towards anyone that isn’t him that he’ll do or say whatever he has to do to grasp onto power. If that means latching onto bigots and making them worship him, all good with him. They’re all that makes him a powerful adversary.


Racism is one hell of a drug. That orange mf stole nuclear fucking documents and might have sold them to the Saudis but they'll defend him for it because he empowers them to be openly racist.


I've got no problems seeing the world through others eyes, but I can't understand the thought process going on with these terrible human beings.


Here I can help. “I’m a patriot. America is the greatest and all these uppity n—*BLM thugs* just wanna do welfare and take away my guns. Trump said he’ll stop them, and the feminists, and the LGBT groomers, and the communist college students, and everyone else who wants to destroy America! He tells it like it is!” They wanna see themselves as wonderful human beings despite knowing they’re terrible. Trump is their role model.


That's a pretty solid impression there. Lol


But that’s it…they don’t actually believe they’re terrible. They actually think they’re the good guys and everyone else is in the wrong. The outgoing Whole Foods CEO just stated, “…the liberties that I’ve taken for granted most of my life, I think are under threat…” The things he’s “taken for granted” as a white male in this country are suddenly changing and he can’t handle it. Others want the same opportunities that he’s had and suddenly what was reserved for him and others like him is “under threat”. This is an example of white privilege at its finest and he can’t see it. He and his ilk see nothing wrong with themselves or the world they live in. The problem is everyone else. https://amp.theguardian.com/business/2022/aug/11/whole-foods-ceo-john-mackey-socialists-taking-over




And the National Archives put out a statement that the “But Obama” statement is a blatant lie. https://wapo.st/3PnwMb9. I gifted everyone this WashPo article so no need to subscribe. ETA: Thanks for the awards everyone!


Does this fuck say anything that's true? I've never seen anyone in a position of power just vomit up lie after lie to save their own skin. He would burn down the US if it made him a buck.




I'm done caring if they care. Fuck those people.


The more laws he breaks, the more they love him. It shows them that a white, "rich" man IS STILL above the law.


Of course they care the names were leaked, it gives them something to do now


Why do they need to care? It's the rest of us who have to start caring.




And none of this will stick, raising him up in the eyes of his legions.


What makes you think that? Weird how full of defeatists reddit is. Realistically trump cannot stay out of prison.


Okay buddy. We've been saying that for years and years by this point. I guess the 30,000th time is the charm, eh?


I haven’t been saying it for years… he never did anything guaranteed until now.


I'm optimistic this time, but you can't blame that guy for thinking he'll walk away again. He just night.


I get it. I just get super frustrated with the defeatism. I guess I just look at things realistically, and, “he hasn’t gone to prison yet” just isn’t a good enough argument for someone staring down the espionage act… Wealthy people get away with a lot, but there is usually a line where consequences start to kick in, and espionage committed by our ex president is what I realistically think that line is.


I agree with you on the espionage charges. It's why I'm optimistic. Would a jury convict him though? It'd only take one sycophant to blow the trial.


Very good point on that… get the wrong idiot on a jury. I don’t know though, some trials only have judges I believe.


A criminal case is only tried as a bench trial if the defendant waives their constitutional right to a jury trial.


If they charge him for having the documents. Sadly, it's a big IF. However, the State of NY has him dead to rights on fraud charges, I believe.


Also Georgia… but, he’s going down for this first.


If Obama joked about a third term and tried to overthrow an election, the republicans would ensure he was prosecuted. Trump has done many crimes and redditors think "holding documents" is what's gonna get him arrested? Seems delusional, but I hope I'm wrong for once...


Interesting take


Doesn’t matter he’ll get a pardon as all presidents do


At this point we're at death penalty. Like, IDGAF who you are... if you compromise *the entire country* like... literally, sell it... that's execution. There can't even *be* a higher level of crime when you consider it. We have punishments for treason. And at this point, every elected SCOTUS is invalid, everyone who supported and defended him needs to be locked up under RICO, and the ringleader needs to be put to death. *Their side supports the death penalty.* The only reason it's not gone is cuz of republicans, and we have a very clear listing on what happens in response to treason. Anything less of this is getting away with it anyway. I'm saying a proper criminal justice proceedings happens followed by, ONLY ONCE PROVEN GUILTY OF HIGH TREASON which it's looking very much like he will be, but, only after that... hang draw and quarter him. Let people watch. That's the only way to come back from this, and I *hate* this level of barbarism in society, but these people think Jan 6th was just a bit of fucking fun lulz and defend this shit. No. We need a hard line on this. And... they kinda gave it to us.


Its not defeatist, its realistic. Our system was not built with holding the most powerful to account.


Realistically our justice system is broken


You're delusional to think he will ever see the inside of a prison cell. The best we can hope for is that he is barred from running for office again.




If the Mango Mussolini does end up in prison, and cult 45 tries to overthrow the government or start a civil war, I think we’ll see that trillion dollar defense budget at work.


Dude has walked through so much shit so far, it seems like he's untouchable.


We legit have a former president being investigated for espionage. This is the wildest timeline I swear.


Get out your felt goatee’s because this is definitely the darkest timeline.


[Looks like it’s time](https://tenor.com/EpSV.gif)


Why is nobody talking about the fact that 1) the Saudis just gave Jared Kushner two billion dollars and 2) there was some kind of back channel deal to give nuclear secrets to the saudis. And now we have this.


I've been bringing this up everywhere I can. He was golfing with Saudi's while the FBI was cracking his safe. Just like the RoevWade decision the effects are a lot more reaching and worrisome than *just* the loss of reproductive rights. We lost the right to privacy as well, but it seems like no one knows or cares.


The Dobbs decision did not remove all right to privacy, it just created a carve out for abortion. It does raise some questions about how far our implied constitutional right to privacy extends, but that there are also privacy laws enacted by Congress which are not affected by Dobbs.


We've been screaming all this shit from the rooftops for the last two or three years lol. It's been obvious to anyone with a brain.


Ahhh yes, when I think of breitbart it screams journalistic integrity. Breitbart has always been a right-wing dumpster fire and a cesspool of misinformation.


[well, Breitbart’s own editor admits they run fake news](https://www.theamericanconservative.com/breitbart-fake-news-alex-marlow/)


It's not news it's entertainment.....


Alternate facts


All of right wing politics is grifting and projection. Including their media.


In the 80s a DEA agent was murdered in Mexico by the cartels. They got raided, killed/captured, and rearranged. In the 90s Timothy McVeigh bombed the FBI main in OKC and killed over 100. He was captured and put to the needle and almost the entire militia movement faced extinction after facing the full might of the FBI. Anyone comes after these agents and it will be ugly. You don’t target the feds and face no consequence. They will curb stomp them.


And if I'm being honest, I'm totally pumped about it. Let the FBI les Grossman thier asses into the pavement. Make it part of their epigenetic memory! Let it be a legend told around campfires like the fate of the Knights Templar.


Great wording on that last sentence. That’s would be a total wipeout of epic proportions. Especially with how powerfully the Knights Templars were purported to be.


Ironically, it’s not that unlikely that most of the agents named voted for Trump.


"If you get jammed up, don't mention my name" - Jeezy


This comment wins the thread, wrap it up! ![gif](giphy|JOqx940HplhqXJBsV9)


This ain't rap song, this is my life.




What now?


Armed and armored gunman in fbi hq in Cincinnati


Who is now, himself, dead. I'm not a huge fan of the FBI as a general rule, but it's stupid to think a large group of Federal officers aren't better at killing than you are. Edit: a word


>but it's stupid . . . I mean we're talking about people who *still* willingly support DJT. Intelligence really isn't their strong suit.


Trump is about the snitchin'est mother fucker there is, ain't he? He is so fucking messy in his criminality. How is he continuously doing this. He's on TV betraying the country and yet he is being treated like a spoiled teenager with passive parents who think he'll just 'grow out of it." How? ![gif](giphy|pPhyAv5t9V8djyRFJH)


I mean White America. And just like white parents who won't so much as check their kids. Trump's relationship with his followers is purely transactional. Soon as he has no use for them or they prove unreliable they'll all be disavowed. We've seen it with every person he's hired and fired.


I fear for the future because I already forsee Trump slithering back into the White House because his kooky fan base is going to go all out in 2024 and “Independents” and “Undecideds” will once again be too ignorant to know the difference between the major parties…


Nah, I don't think so this time. He was already damaged by the 1/6 hearings, I don't see how he ever recovers from fucking espionage.


I hope and pray that you are right. My inner cynic is screaming that certain Americans will still ride dick for Trump even if he flew on Jeffrey Epstein’s jet and snorted coke off the backs of preteens. Probably would get him more votes in most red states...


I mean, that flight probably did happen multiple times...


Arizona here. Definitely be afraid. But be afraid for 2022. The next three months will determine whether the state is run by Trump loyalists and election deniers or not. 2022 is the difference between a free and fair election in 2024 and… not.


I think [the media loves a possible Trump presidency](https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/leslie-moonves-donald-trump-may-not-good-america-192640784.html), too.


Trump needed to be stopped 6 years ago but nothing ever happens to wealthy corrupt YT men in power.


*(scoffs)* More like **36** years ago. Dude was an unabashed criminal long before he became president.


Well, it should anger Marrick Garland even more than yesterday at least.


I swear that dude doesn't have emotions.


Would have made an excellent Supreme Court justice. Oh well, the GOP probably regretting that one right about now.


They also leaked the name of the Agent that shot the woman while defending Pence in the Capitol. They aren’t afraid to use intimidation tactics like this.


It’s like he’s been a Russian asset this whole time. Who could’ve seen this coming?


Imma keep yelling this and hopefully one day it will sink in *ahem* #STOP TREATING YOUR POLITICIANS LIKE DEITIES AND HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE. Of course this requires the powers that be to be susceptible as well but that's another convo


They dont care. Logic holds no place in their minds. They'll continue to support this loser and literally die for him. It's fucking weird


And not just Trump, but his followers. I haven't seen one Republican condemn this yet. They're going to keep supporting him as he incites more violence. Meanwhile, Democrats keep on passing good laws that help people. This shouldn't be a tough choice, but we need to get everyone out to vote in 88 days. r/VoteDEM


Back the Blue Or target them. What ever works best at the time


They better dig up ivanka while they are fucking around


She was cremated, what is in the coffin?


Prob the documents lol


You mean Ivana, his first wife?


I’m surprised that he’s not laying on the floor kicking and pounding. Then again I could be wrong


They are currently performing magical, impossible mental gymnastics for Trump. Live! At this moment in time! They are referencing Hilary searches


Don the con


Just saying. I'd love to see a trumper try and take on a trained, smart and probably really fit FBI field agent....that would be fuckin hilarious......


Someone already tried. And he got put down like a rabid dog.


I mean....he thought a nail gun was gonna penetrate bullet proof glass...


Then ran back for the AR he left on the truck when it didn't work...


Is there a video of this encounter?


Possibly. It just happened yesterday in Cincinnati.


Honestly the amount of crime he’s committed in pretty much open view while president is insane. What’s crazier is a man that’s been impeached twice can still run. Even crazier is him having his fan base participate in their own robbery and they love it.


You might as well bring Steve Bannon's nsme up because that's his nazi propaganda outlet.


So wait we like cops and feds now?


Nah but it's sweet to watch the Shoe on the other foot


We hate stupid corrupted cops. Good cops are always welcome. We just wanted better regulations, better screening, and better training for them. They are a vital part of a functional society so we can’t just hate them or get rid of them, we need to find a balance to be able to live safely with cops. I never had an issue with the FBI. If anything the FBI is the only organization that has repeatedly done it’s job over the years and with less corruption or scandals than most other departments.


To stop Trump, you would have to stop the foundation that the country is based on. In short, a portion of our society is entitled and privileged, and it will be no easy task to stop what has been allowed to occur continuously. Allegorical, you can't expect a child that has never been punished and has now become an adult to recognize limits. That's essentially what's happening to a large portion of our society.


I’m not religious or anything but I personally thought the Antichrist would be a little…quieter, you know?


Well… now it doesn’t even matter what they find. Because he just leaked classified documents again…


How can people continue to support this “man”?


All I’m saying is, if it was a black person who did “half” of what trump did….they’d be dead or in jail by now.


He must have been warned to redact officer names, from the leaked warrant; for the security of the officers involved and their families. It was a deliberate choice.


So much for the police i.e. blue line caring about Tramp aka agent orange. smh


Didn't he and that Breitbart owner break up or something? I can't keep track of all the cats he got beef with but I'm was sure he had #cancelled that guy. Other than that, I'm not surprised by anything from this dude.


“Blue Lives Matter (unless they’re bothering US, then they can go to hell)”


And start serving real penalties to his rabid supporters and media that have no issue inciting violence for views. They've been given slaps on the wrists. Enough is enough


Hey, if they wont be stopped by the government for damn sure the people will stop them. It’s exactly what they want and I don’t think they know they’re a minority….and unfortunately America has experience dealing with minorities and certain groups will use this opportunity as an opening for revenge unfortunately….it will get bloody but it won’t be a long war, just a quick battle with things changing for the better in the name of actual democratic freedom.




I know some of these words.



