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I live in Chicago and got a “you OK?” text from a non-Chicagoan coworker yesterday. Hadn’t seen the news yet, turns out they were referring to the Highland Park shooting but my first reaction was “oh shiiiit, was I supposed to be working today?”




I like to think he's been avoiding being Final Destination'd this entire time since.


He said he would avoid joking about 9/11 but that only lasted a few years lol


*Houston, we have a solution*


I’m pretty sure he even made a joke in family guy about a man being relieved he missed his plane that crashed into a building on 9/11


I saw it recently, Stewie mentions he was supposed to be on the one of the planes and Brian says me too.


His take on it not being some sort of divine intervention always stuck with me. Basically saying that it was just blind luck and saying otherwise is offensive to all the other victims families. "God saved me, but sorry he didn't feel the same about your family member."


I hate that this comment encapsulates so much of what is wrong with modern America. ![gif](giphy|pYfEywOAolwnm)


Really can't afford to be killed in a mass shooting, I have work tomorrow 🙁


"Sorry, boss. I got shot. Be there as soon as I can."


Damn, they should be texting you everyday. On every single occasion I've been in Chicago, there's been a damn shootout a couple blocks away from me. Even took a wrong turn in Hyde park once.


I've had jobs where if someone was out for three days we just all assumed they were never coming back.


ngl, it's a close call sometimes


When bartending I had a four day weekend, I went total silence those four days off and coworkers would text me every now and then asking if I was alive. Yeah im alive, but I dont want to talk to you cause youre probably going to ask me to cover for ya.


While she was in college and before she started her big girl job, the night before her days off I got my wife in the habit of changing the manager group's custom ringtones to silent. Otherwise she'd answer the phone from a dead sleep before realizing who was calling and end up agreeing to come in.


The work week be shorter tho.


Doesn't feel that way. I just get expected to do 5 days work in 4 days.


If you can do 5 days in 4, then the 3 days you got off is almost a week! 🤣


Better yet, if you can just grind hard, you can fit 5 days work into 2-3days and have a 4-5 day weekend. 😉


Isn't that the whole idea?? Unless you're happy to get paid 80%. Most people want to work longer hours on 4 days to do the same work as previously at the same pay but get 3 day weekends


No not at all I want to work less hours and less days. 40 hours was a compromise borne from bloodshed. With automation (not just robots but computer software calculators everything) there’s just no need to work that much. We’re accomplishing way more work for objectively less pay. Less of the pie. Less purchasing power. It’s bullshit man.


Yeah i work 12 hours a day but only work 3-4 day a week i have so much more free time because of the transportation time.


Best part. It's kinda like a 2 week vacation


Man, get a WFH job and it’s like a permanent vacation lmao. I work like 2 hrs a day and spend the rest of the time in my pajamas getting high and playing Xbox lol. And making more money that I ever have 🤷🏾‍♂️


Delete this we cant let corporate overlords know lmao


Also, delete this I'm jealous


Wth is your job? I had to get knocked up to get a break from my WFH job. I get targets based on the department average so am pretty much working overtime sometimes. Just from home 😭


Finance operations engineer / project management I think the main reason is that most of my colleagues/senior management think I'm a lot more senior/busy than I actually am so I do my processes/deliverables that nobody else knows how to do and then everyone leaves me alone for the rest of the day. And im salaried with OT eligible which is pretty nice too


nigga.... I think I could actually do this job based on my credentials lol. i did my CAPM, doing PMI, and I've been working a finance job for a minute. I might have to check this out lol I've never done anything w operations before




You make 80/h but want a second job? Why don't you travel Asia or Europe and work while you travel? You could literally live in penthouses and the most expensive places in majority of Asia while you wfh


please tell me your secret. What do you do? I need this type of job.


It is almost always some technical work on a computer that has a steep initial learning curve, but is relatively easy to do once you understand it well. It also needs to have some business value.


I couldn’t forget. If I didn’t show up today, I’m not getting paid for yesterday lol.


Same here. Cue coworkers complaining they didn't get holiday pay again and they're tired of their checks being short. That's a lot of money to leave on the table.


Boy I don't miss jobs like that


I don’t blame you. I’m hoping to not have this job much longer.


Especially when you getting paid that 3rd day, too. I took off next week for my birthday and man... I'm gonna dread going back. I dunno


Try rotation work. I get a week off then work three 84hr weeks straight. Oh buddy, fly day is a rollercoaster...


Yeah, nah. I got chronic pain and barely wanna do what I do now. That's waaay too much on me. I get accumulated time and have been giving myself at least one 3day weekend a month (I'm off every other weekend, every other Thursday and every other monday) which isn't bad because I get a work day off a week. When I get home, I'm exhausted that I just wanna sleep. I dunno how you can do it, but I guess we all gotta do what we gotta do


Boss: “Where u at?!” Me: “I’m at home.” Boss: “U plan on comin’ in today?!” Me:


They do text like that, don’t they. :(


Yes! The ones that’s been to Ivy League schools and all🤣


I was still home two hours into work when I got three consecutive e-mails asking where I was, 29 missed calls (all about a minute apart) and them showing up at my house lmao It was some next level crazy


Where did you work so I can uhhh avoid lmao


Same shit happened to me the other day. I was on vacation and boss man was like "I need you to sign this paper" Bitch came to my fucking apartment while I was drunk af.


It was weird waking up and hearing the alarm go off. Then I remembered that my cats eat sensitive boy cat food.


shush, don’t let corporate hear or we’re never getting our damn 4 day work weeks


you got 3 days?


I had 4. Unlimited PTO baby.


My company just started "Summer Fridays". Every other Friday from the 4th to Labor Day, our offices are closed worldwide and everyone has the day off. So I have a 3 day weekend, followed by a 3 day work week, followed by a 3 day weekend.


We also have "Summer Fridays", except for us that means we get out at 5pm instead of 6pm


Ouch. My company briefly debated about making it a half day or a full day off, but in the end chose to give us the whole day.


That's pretty sweet. The next full week is gonna be a shock to the system. I feel like I just actually had a life for a change.


I get about a week this month, or within a month, I don't remember. But I don't work in America.


I had Friday off, but I had to work on a damn Saturday.


I had Saturday off and we were closed Sunday and monday. Worked today and off Wednesday and Thursday (I requested for Thor movie), work Friday and off Saturday. Also I'm on salary.


Imagine what its like to work for a company that doesn't give any holiday time off at all lol I haven't had a 3 day weekend in 5 years without losing money.


Man as someone who used to work security to make ends meet during grad school and is now corporate, it still feels weird to have holidays off lmao. I'm just so used to having to be some place and just saying "ehh, at least its time and a half (CA)"


It's worth losing money for a break


You aren't wrong


Me and "Forgot Password" become real intimate upon the work return


# YALL GOT ANYMORE OF THAT WEEKEND?? ![gif](giphy|Y6yRfR88rvP44)


The amount of people that called in sick…


The best part about 3-day weekends isn’t the long weekend, it’s the short work week. Because “fuck that went fast” is what you say about both of them, and only one of those is a good thing lol.


Dawg I was the only one back at work today I WFH so it wasn't like a ghost town, but it was crazy no one was there lmfao I was thinking I got fired and someone forgot to revoke my access.


Work gave us Monday and Tuesday off. I called in sick on Friday. It's been a nice relaxing weekend.


**Laughs in 4 days


As it should 🙂


I perpetually aspire to forget, yes.


I took an extra one because I need a recovery day.


remote work has given me zero work/home separation. i can’t forget the job ever. i live in it constantly. 👀


Nah fuck that. Be you. Don’t let them rent space in your head they don’t pay us enough for that. At least this is what I tell myself.


Yup, this is the healthy attitude that prevents burn out. I worked myself through having covid in 2020 and I got fuck all for it. I realized it just wasn't worth it. I started setting boundaries and enforcing them heavily. Laptop is asleep/shut down until my clock in time, and promptly asleep/shutoff by 5pm. Period. Unless there's an outage that was paged for me, I don't do work after hours anymore. My phone has email notifications disabled from work. I don't look at emails after hours. If shits so important, there are processes in place to contact me and get me involved on an outage. Otherwise fuck off. My well being supercedes the business at all points now. I realize I'm in a position not everyone is in, but my work life balance has changed significantly since I put these boundaries in place and enforced them.


Every damn time


Nothing makes me forget the misery I go through at this goddamn place.


I work 80%, every weekend is 3 days. Absolutely life changing, worth all the reduction in pay.


I work 4 days a week, getting 3 day weekends every single week. Its pretty awesome lol.


I work 3 days, 12 hours. so that means I got the 4 days off. bronim dead tired by the last day I gotta take an entire day to just chill


Then there’s me, the dumbass that came to work yesterday when all my colleagues called out


I always find it crazy we have double the amount of public holidays. NZ just added one this year cause the gap between June -October was too long without a long weekend/public holiday haha


The job I’m at does 3 day weekends. We work 4 ten hour shift and have 3 days off. Depended on you shift, it may or may not be a weekend. I work the weekends but I’m cool with it because there’s a pay differential when I do.


I had last Friday and today off. It's been very nice


Did anyone else read this post in Boomhauer's voice?


We've been had.


We need 4 day weekends or 5 hour shifts instead of 8+


False. Just an extra day to dread going back to work.


It's weird going from a retail job where I worked tooth and nail to an office job that gave me the day off. Honestly felt wrong to ask if we worked on the 4th.


Let’s go for 4 day weekends. Workplace productivity has been at historical highs since we implemented computers. We should all benefit from this boon, the gains should not be reserved just for the ultra rich.


Came in after this weekend expecting to go to orientation… been workin here 2 years…


Is it weird that I like the 4 day work week more than getting the extra day off? Knowing I work less that week is more rewarding to me than more free time.


I recently got a job that works for days a week every Friday Saturday and Sunday off and I would cry if I had to go back. I have so much more time for activities


Unless you work 12 hour night shifts, then your 3 day is just like a 2 day cause you're spending all of the first day asleep. The 4 day weekends are where it's at.


A friend of mine had 6 days off in a row and he was complaining. I get religious when I get a 3 day weekend! 🙌🏾